A Halloween GoPro Hero5 Giveaway!


It’s that time of year again.  Ahh yes, Halloween you’re thinking.  But nope – that’s not what I’m talking about.  Rather, it’s fall.  And historically, fall has meant the arrival of new GoPro editions.  So for this month’s giveaway (ok, it’s been a few months), I’m giving away a new GoPro Hero5!  Yup, the one just released a few weeks ago.

Which version you ask?  If you want the Hero5 Black, it’s all yours.  Or if you prefer things of cube-like shape.  Then go forth on the Hero5 Session.  Either way, the winner selects their preference.  See – I’m all about giving you choice.  Unless it involves a Karma drone, then you’ve got no choice (or chance) there.  Nobody does.  Maybe next month, there’s always a next month, right?


Don’t worry, entry is easy as always.  Just answer the below question in the comments section and you’re off to the races.  Simple!

To Enter: What’s on the docket this weekend from an athletic/training standpoint?

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Guadalupe, Ghana, or Georgia – all are OK by me!

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products with the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through October 31st, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on whether your answer is cooler than another. Unless your answer truly is cool.


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  1. gerard

    Went out for a 12k run, managed to squeeze in some hot yoga for the aching muscles on sunday.

  2. Jon Goulding

    A gentle session on the turbo… not very exciting or cool, but much needed.

  3. José Carlos Rodríguez

    Start training for my first 70.3 for next year

  4. Dylan

    Long trail running for me . BTW nice work on the Halloween party/costumes looked good

  5. Si Birch

    Trainer Road workouts… and High intensity pumpkin carving

  6. Paul

    Thanks for the great blog. This weekend my girl and I will be going on a long hike (weather permitting).

  7. Ren Stinson

    Cyclocross races

  8. Wes

    thru hike in the Sierra Nevadas :)

  9. Tom Kannemann

    It’s running on the treadmill while watching The Martian on the projector screen!

  10. Justin Stevenson

    Just a ride with my mates, no timing, no racing, no rush just a nice old fashioned ride out

  11. vect0r

    Bike and sun … And run !

  12. Hayman

    The plan for the weekend is riding and hiking to enjoy the last bit of the fall colours before they are gone for the year. Plus some pumpkin spice overdose.

  13. Jason Larocque

    I will go for a nice easy run (10k) with a new GoPro on my head!! I will then share the video and show Montreal to the world ☺

  14. Steven Camilleri

    Not sure, but probably some swimming, some cycling and some running!

  15. It’s all about the bike – Rebuilding a coupe of free hub bodies and then hammering out 3.5 hours of Sufferfest and an iddle play with Zwift

  16. Stephen Vallance

    Austin 70.3

  17. GMWalker

    A couples workout session of weight lifting, cross training, jump rope and kick boxing to prepare for a snorkeling trip to Mexico.

  18. CSPeluches

    Well. Not much. Just a short run after an injury…

  19. Felix Alcock

    Trying to stay ahead of my kids at Parkrun!

  20. Cody Elder

    Getting back into running after 3 months of plantar fascitis frustration!

  21. Jones

    Just swimming (3 km)

  22. MiaW

    Jumping rope full body fat blast

  23. yyaguar

    6km easy recovery run on saturday for me.

  24. Mark Simkins

    A nice long run

  25. Brian Lasiter

    Run 10 miles in the dirt Saturday. Roll a pumpkin at the Knights Ferry Pumpkin Roll on Sunday.

  26. Brian

    Just walking for me. Trying to rehab a hip injury.

  27. David nighorn

    20-minute FTP test. Ugh!

  28. Steve

    Stacking a cord of firewood and Sunday morning Bball.

  29. Gary

    1.5 hour swim and 112 mile bike on sat followed by brick run as a race rehearsal for IMAZ.

  30. Jeff Gillen

    Following Joe Friel’s recovery workouts after IM Az. Saturday 45 min swim, 1:15 min run. Sunday is a brick 2 hr bike followed by a 10 min. run. Next week back to the base, build…

  31. Wayne Fisher

    Afternoon long run…

  32. John H

    Doing some low mileage, low effort 3 milers, trying to get back into it . . .

  33. Randy Reddell

    65 mile ride.

  34. Marco

    Unfortunately recovering from a flu.

  35. Joao Fialho

    Just the usual 16km…

  36. Sandy

    Spending some quality time with the family

  37. Matt

    Marine Corps Marathon!

  38. Andre

    Just some easy biking

  39. Martin Johansen

    Swimming about 1k on saturday. (If time/kids/girlfriend permits…) Running about 10 k on sunday morning.

  40. Tim

    A 5 hour bike ride

  41. Tatiana

    Running 1mile

  42. Dennis

    Agility training to prepare for skiing!

  43. Gabi Connor

    Biking 90 miles from Philadelphia to the beach to visit my favorite cafe, eating a quick meal, then biking 90 miles home! Just your average Sunday..

  44. John Kensek

    Five mile run and enjoying the fall weather with family.

  45. Heather Kensek

    Spending time with my sexy husband (the one that enters me for contests without me knowing it)

  46. Jeff johnson

    Simple, lots and lots of road miles Friday and Saturday followed Mtb on Sunday

  47. Mitch

    Long run Saturday followed. Y an easy bike on Sunday. Still hot here!

  48. Nick Fidler

    90 mins of trainerroad sweet spot base

  49. Ed

    Rained most of the weekend. Rode the trainer for a couple of hours.

  50. Paul Tomblin

    Hope I recover enough from wrist surgery to paddle again before it gets too cold and I’m stuck using my kayak erg until the ice breaks up. Ride my bike as a substitute.See if I can get out of last place on my local hill climb Garmin Connect segment.

  51. Rafael

    Recovery (aka being lazy)

  52. Casey Gourley

    Last sprint tri of the season!!

  53. Thounee

    Excessive amount of Halloween trick or treatin’ :)

  54. Steve Benbow

    In New England,USA getting a few more outdoor rides in before winter weather arrives is on my weekend agenda : )

  55. Daniel Pollard

    Run, run, run. Focusing on my 5K pacing.

  56. Ian

    I did a 120-mile ride on Zwift. This weekend will be some Zwift racing and a run.

  57. Jessica Miller

    I plan on doing a training run to be ready for the Shiner Beer Half Marathon in Shiner, Texas.

  58. Warwick Overton

    Group ride south of sydney to the shire

  59. Jason L

    Run with the old dog and attempt to train the new dog.

  60. Terence

    Easy 5k run.

  61. To Nhu

    Just a 10k recovery run

  62. Michael Thayer

    Killed my feet running a race last weekend so I’ll be riding only this weekend.

  63. Kevin

    Spend some more time on the bike, on the skinny tires, before ol’ man winter shows his face

  64. Mark

    Rnr. Post surgery. Maybe a long walk

  65. ventura

    Injury recovering exercises….thanks!

  66. Deanna

    loving these unusually nice temps…plan to enjoy a nice long hike, yoga and a run. Pure bliss

  67. Giles Rowland

    Gym and pool – an indoors weekend!

  68. Going out with the club on some crazy steep hills before the Austin Tour Das Hugel!

  69. Kelvis

    get out on the dirt trails and start pedaling!

  70. Borja

    27 kilometer long run on Sunday! Preparing for a marathon at the end of november :-)

  71. Mike Gagnier

    Ride a century

  72. Steph

    Marathon on tap for this weekend (with 0 training to boot!)

  73. GavinJ

    A whole lot of fork put downs and a 100km cycle.

  74. zach miller

    Double race weekend, Saturday 5k and Sunday 70.3

  75. Jay M

    PSU vs Iowa Football

  76. Edward Allen

    Finishing up my 5k training hopefully I’ll run sub 19min in my race. And preparing for my second CX race.

  77. Whelan

    I’m gonna cycle around sunny Singapore!

  78. K Chang

    Zwifting on a KK Rock and Roll
    (& quietly cursing the pricing and proprietary wireless protocol of the Smart Control Unit upgrade).

  79. Corey Nygaard

    Got the Firest sessions out of the season done today. SO I’m trying a longer run this weekend!

  80. Chris Houghton

    Weekend away with the family. Rest, recovery, recharge!

  81. 40 to 50 road bike ride on Saturday and about 10 mile mountain bike on Sunday.

  82. Josie

    a long run for 2hours and a long warm bath too relax as usual.

  83. David Chang

    I have a 5K that I’ve been training for and that’s this weekend!

  84. Connor

    4 mile run in the morning, maybe anot hour at the gym, 8 mile bike ride, surfing and paddle boarding

  85. JB

    going to buy new tyres for my bicycle. =D

  86. Francia

    Walk and take care of the kids

  87. Linc

    Going for a short hike in Banff

  88. Stan

    Round the island (RTI) bike ride in Singapore!

  89. Josef Jocson

    Off season group rides. No training until next year.

  90. Matt M.

    Nice early Sunday morning ride.

  91. jason carter

    No training this weekend. This weekend I ran the 41rst Marine Corps Marathon!

  92. Kevin Conboy

    Zwift, Zwift, and more Zwift!

  93. Eugen

    A 10k!

  94. Julian

    A trail run & getting my new smart trainer set up on Zwift

  95. Jim Smith

    First post injury run

  96. Fan Zhang

    Medium hills ride to get the legs working again!

  97. Mike Bouwmeester

    Going to be 23 in November in Calgary. Getting the new bike built for my wife so we can ride together.

  98. CK Ow

    Sat – Easy cycle 50km followed by 30min HIIT training
    Sun – 45min Indoor Cycling followed by 60min Weights Training followed by another 60min Indoor Cycling

  99. Chris

    Turkey run prep. Some easy 5k runs to get some legs under me.

  100. Matthew C

    A walk along the beach with my wife Friday night, a flat ride with a bunch on Saturday and a solo cruise through the hills on Sunday.