A Halloween GoPro Hero5 Giveaway!


It’s that time of year again.  Ahh yes, Halloween you’re thinking.  But nope – that’s not what I’m talking about.  Rather, it’s fall.  And historically, fall has meant the arrival of new GoPro editions.  So for this month’s giveaway (ok, it’s been a few months), I’m giving away a new GoPro Hero5!  Yup, the one just released a few weeks ago.

Which version you ask?  If you want the Hero5 Black, it’s all yours.  Or if you prefer things of cube-like shape.  Then go forth on the Hero5 Session.  Either way, the winner selects their preference.  See – I’m all about giving you choice.  Unless it involves a Karma drone, then you’ve got no choice (or chance) there.  Nobody does.  Maybe next month, there’s always a next month, right?


Don’t worry, entry is easy as always.  Just answer the below question in the comments section and you’re off to the races.  Simple!

To Enter: What’s on the docket this weekend from an athletic/training standpoint?

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Guadalupe, Ghana, or Georgia – all are OK by me!

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products with the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through October 31st, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on whether your answer is cooler than another. Unless your answer truly is cool.


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  1. William

    Meetings and travel consumed my weekend training time. Back at it this morning. Scary!

  2. Juha K.

    MTB on the local trails!

  3. Patrick

    Long distance run with some speed for an upcoming race.

  4. Paul S.

    Easy ride to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage.

  5. Jon

    Ride as much gravel as I can find!

  6. JD

    Bike, Bike, Bike, play with the dog!

  7. qbaqba

    Finally we have some windy days in forecasts, so windsurfing is on my list. In case forecasts fail I have bike as the second option – here weather doesn’t metter :)

  8. Kelley

    I ran a half marathon yesterday!

  9. Ryan F

    Backpacking through the North Cascades!

  10. Tomas Hektor

    Vo2max intervals on my trainer and a short run trying to get my body used to running again.

  11. Marije

    We enjoyed an evening out while our toddler enjoyed a sleepover party with his grandparents. On Sunday I went for a recovery-ride on my bike.

  12. Mark L

    Hitting the weight room, and doing some single leg work on the trainer.

  13. Lauras

    Cycle until gopro battery runs out…. Unless I get a GoPro Hero5, where battery can be swapped, than I am in real trouble!

  14. David Cagle

    Run Run and Run a little more.

  15. Minh

    First long ride on the trainer.

  16. Dr. Peter L Fine

    Maybe a dawn patrol ride Saturday. Otherwise, I’m working the whole 46 hours starting 9am Saturday!

  17. charlie

    An autumnal run through the forest but only during the day! Too spooky when it gets dark!!

  18. Dolan Halbrook

    Getting my cyclocross bike functional again after a muddy day at Alpenrose prematurely killed it.

  19. Ryan Uchida

    50k training. 24 and 10 mIles Sat. & Sun. respectively to wrap up a 56 mile week.

  20. Martin

    Hopefully some Trainerroad workouts on the Kickr!

  21. Mike james

    Run, bike, trx, yoga….rest….repeat

  22. Lee Walinchus

    Long rides in the mountains and end a brewery.

  23. Jordi

    Bike and Running

  24. Jake Reynolds

    I think I’m going to stick to whatever physical therapists have on the docket this weekend, though we do have a long hike at around 10,000 feet planned for Saturday!

  25. Brian

    Run through Wrigleyville!

  26. Sam

    Brick workout around Disney

  27. Osvaldo

    I’ll go for a 70 km ride by the Swedish countryside!

  28. Tom k.

    Swim, bike, run if the weather will allow it

  29. Rosalind Smothers

    Volunteering at Ironman FL as a draft marshall on the bike and race pointer on the run

  30. Robert Hanley

    Bike maintenance!

  31. Daniel Amire

    My girlfriend would love to not have to buy a GoPro for me for Christmas

  32. Den

    Recovering after 114K ultra-trail that I ran last Saturday. Need GoPro for my next adventure :)

  33. james azevedo

    A candy corn eating race…..Should be awful

  34. Adam

    Being sick :-)

  35. Diego

    5km swim in two sessions

    Thanks Ray (Y)

  36. James

    Introduced my daughter to her first ever junior parkrun.

  37. Koly

    Recovering from an elbow trauma.. :(

  38. Lance VB

    I will be huddled in a corner, biting my nails, waiting to see if I win the GoPro. Thanks.

  39. Julian Chua

    Swim at the pool

  40. Eric Fernhout

    only 2 swims this week because of injury.

  41. Federico

    Tomorrow a trail running in Baone near Padova, Italy

  42. Fabian

    Working all weekend and I won’t be getting a workout in but will be running back and forth at work and hitting my step goals.

  43. Ed Mason

    Silverbell Century in Tucson, AZ

  44. Miguel Badillo

    Went for a 5 mile trail run along Rathbun Lake.

  45. Ali I

    25M bike ride

  46. Wez

    Running and some climbing!

  47. Adam Schultz

    long run with interval. Ring workout

  48. Mark Williams

    A tidy 6mile run on the greenway next to my neighborhood.

  49. Lucas Pardew

    Go for a nice ride and run!!

  50. Steve Levin

    Run, Bike and Weight Training!

  51. Colin Lacy

    Possibly mountain biking if its not too cold.

  52. wb

    Recover from a recovery week by ramping back up with some intensity and volume on the bike.

  53. Stephane

    Cheese fondue, beers & oignon soup, as currently on my Winter break, stocking what Summer rides will burn.

  54. 10K run and a trainer session

  55. Michael Rasmussen

    This weekend was the Run of The Dead Elimination Run

  56. Kate Pape

    Enjoy the warm fall weather we have been having and get on the bikes with my husband!

  57. JaapW

    20km MTB trail through the woods in my back yard. Let’s film it next time :-)

  58. Brendan Friesen

    Swim instruction with a new coach, followed by time on both the trainer and indoor track. Would much rather be outside, but Canadian winters come early!

  59. Miguel

    Run run and run

  60. Ajay Lamb

    Bootcamp on Saturday morning at 6:30am then Trail Run 10K in afternoon. Sunday Trail Run 7 miles finally beer and rest:)

  61. Lasse Rousi

    Interval runs after 1 and 3 year old children.

  62. Will R

    Raced Ironman 70.3 Austin.

  63. Bret Bartness

    Running Saturday & Sunday.

  64. Daniel

    Not a huge amount! Need to change that though!

  65. Michael Fechtig

    Some zwift cycling

  66. Lars

    Ran a half marathon this weekend: started at 2am, finished at 2:37. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? :-D

  67. Ian

    Doing my first FTP test(s)…

  68. Phil A

    Have one more week of time off after my Half Iron, then it will be time to get back into it.

  69. Dylan

    Friday is a rest day
    Sat some light cycling and, some archery and Resistance/Weights work
    Sunday – day of field archery, maybe more resistance work if time/energy permits

    No room for a run though.

  70. Roelof

    After calf insure first 6km run.

  71. Carlos

    120km bike ride with a short brick. Typical off season training!

  72. John Ng

    6 days to NY marathon!

  73. Wendy Burgess

    Just doing a gentle jog this weekend.

  74. Martin

    Get up in the hills for some fall running amoungst the colourful trees ?

  75. Daniel

    Dont get injured! PD: LIKE ME :(

  76. Bryan

    Going for a run, and then off to lift some plywood for some home improvement work.

  77. Paul Anatone

    2 weeks until first marathon so 6-7 mile run.

  78. Jorge Gonzalez

    Doing brick training to get fit for the Houston marathon in Jan 15/2017

  79. Mack Huntress

    I’ll be walking ask over Disney world

  80. Go for a nice training ride in the hills of Scotland.

  81. Brad

    Took dog for run on some local single-track and watched the World Series.

  82. shailendra bhide

    Rest on Saturday and a long 21k run on Sunday morning

  83. Ronan

    Last leg of the Quebec CX season!

  84. Dan Betts

    Swim, swam, swum!

  85. David Faria

    5k parkrun Saturday, run or cycle for as long as I can get away with to avoid DIY Sunday

  86. Chris

    Lift weights & bike on Saturday. Run on Sunday.

  87. Santos

    Two 2hr bike rides followed by 30 minute recovery runs

  88. Joseph Bruntz

    Hey Ray, it will be at least a 15km run for me & Tennis in Paris for Djoko and Murray!

  89. chris pif

    running in the mountains

  90. pablo

    Run and run a bit more

  91. Erin

    Recovering after a hot Marine Corps Marathon by sherpa’ing for a friend running NYC marathon.

  92. Mark

    I’m working so it will be hope the weather on Friday is ok for a good ride, and then some easy run home commutes.

  93. Kevinm

    Back on the trainer again.

  94. Mike Hyman

    A blessed rest block because my legs and mind are trashed, and my motorcycle misses me!

  95. Alicia Jones

    Did some great trail running and looking at the awesome fall leaves!!

  96. Thomas ENGEL

    MTB and trail… what else ?!?

  97. Felix

    An easy run on Saturday and a longer, faster run on Sunday

  98. Matthew

    Out on the road bike (careful not to slip on the autumn leaves) + a bit of C2 indoor rowing

  99. Felix Gomez

    mountain bike training :)