A Halloween GoPro Hero5 Giveaway!


It’s that time of year again.  Ahh yes, Halloween you’re thinking.  But nope – that’s not what I’m talking about.  Rather, it’s fall.  And historically, fall has meant the arrival of new GoPro editions.  So for this month’s giveaway (ok, it’s been a few months), I’m giving away a new GoPro Hero5!  Yup, the one just released a few weeks ago.

Which version you ask?  If you want the Hero5 Black, it’s all yours.  Or if you prefer things of cube-like shape.  Then go forth on the Hero5 Session.  Either way, the winner selects their preference.  See – I’m all about giving you choice.  Unless it involves a Karma drone, then you’ve got no choice (or chance) there.  Nobody does.  Maybe next month, there’s always a next month, right?


Don’t worry, entry is easy as always.  Just answer the below question in the comments section and you’re off to the races.  Simple!

To Enter: What’s on the docket this weekend from an athletic/training standpoint?

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Guadalupe, Ghana, or Georgia – all are OK by me!

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products with the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through October 31st, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on whether your answer is cooler than another. Unless your answer truly is cool.


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  1. Erik Arnewing

    The Pain Cave ?

  2. yucko

    I took the weekend off to finish decorating the house for the Trick-or-Treaters. (The Mrs. is working the “early voting” sites, and therefore is unable to participate in her favorite celebration. So that makes it impossible to work on the fitness…next workout will be Tuesday.

  3. Scott

    Turbo trainer most likely

  4. Michael Black

    Recovery ride after the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday!

  5. Patrick Leask

    Path of Condie Half Marathon, a local race with lots of hills :-)

  6. David Santino

    Cycle Saturday and run Sunday.

  7. Jairo Ammirati

    2 hours pedaling and 1 hour running

  8. Steve J

    Setting up my new Tacx Neo ….. Zwift here I come ….

  9. John Foerster

    Run on the lakeshore trail in Chicago.

  10. Gary Spanedda

    Last minute outdoor cycling in New York State before the cold & winter of 2016/2017 set-in.

  11. Robert Nehez

    Weekend plan is to get my motivation back…

  12. Ivan LALEOUSE

    Easy running in this last summer time

  13. steve saltzman

    mountain biking at Pisgah Saturday including the Black Mountain descent and then Sunday mountain biking warrior creek on a single speed hardtail.

  14. running in kauai!

  15. André

    On Sunday I took pictures of the competitors of the Frankfurt Marathon and supported some friends.
    Cause there was no time to run yesterday, I have done a 26K Trailrun in the taunus today with round about 800m elevation gain.

  16. Martyn Thorpe

    Banging out another dns, injuries suck

  17. Wilco Blom

    15 km trail run!

  18. Yu Zheng

    Ran 9 miles on Sunday.

  19. Harry

    On Saturday, a light spin of the legs on the Kikr SNAP . Sunday I am doing the 103km Carnival City Macsteel Cycle Race in Johannesburg, South Africa. Woohoo!

  20. David

    I will start training dogs to be ready for a winter season of sleddog racing. Would love to have a camera on my sled!

  21. brian T

    on the turbo trainer this weekend

  22. Francisco

    I have to do a long run on saturday and easy cycling on sunday just to burn the bag of halloween candies I am going to eat :)

  23. Keijo


  24. Brad Borgald

    Final CX race of the season.

  25. Mike

    Long run in the rain

  26. Dana L

    Long run along the bike trail. Enjoying the sights !

  27. jk

    Half on Saturday! Then rest… sleep… pizza…

  28. Lee Gilbert

    Hi Ray, still loving the site – keep up the good work! I will be mostly running (currently nearing the end of a 366 day streak), maybe a little cycling too. :-)

  29. Adam Baxter

    Night MTB ride and some road time

  30. Conor Dolan

    Its Parkrun on Sat morning, and hopefully a season’s best time. Are there Parkruns in Paris?! anyway, a long run on Sunday as well,
    Thanks, Conor

  31. david ware

    Long ride in the desert.

  32. Andreas

    If the feaver leaves me it’s a trailrace on the agenda called Kullamannen – zone of death.

  33. Kevin Tierney

    This weekend was a 16 mile long run

  34. Olivier

    I’ll ride in th Aravis. Colors at this season deserve capturing on the Gpro Hero 5.

  35. Jacco Hospers

    Some running and CF.

  36. Rodrigo Valle Teixeira

    Bike till my legs hurt

  37. By a Fatbike (decision narrowed to Rocky Mountain Blizzard -50, Cube NuTrail, and Scott Big Ed – help me decide!); then continue to live the bike life!

  38. Dan Baxter

    I got a double weekend of CX racing this weekend!

  39. Dan G

    Continuing to recover my mojo after a nasty crash 6 weeks ago.

  40. Fred

    Easy ride with the Tri Shop crew.

  41. Mark Pearce

    On the docket this weekend is/was the Frankfurt marathon. Finished 100th place exactly. Surely an omen. For something.

  42. Michał

    Just running

  43. Travis Schlafke

    Off season maintenance long run and ride!

  44. Mark

    Going out for some Fall long runs!

  45. DS

    A half-marathon, not hard, just a training run with some friends.

  46. Stu Rawlinson

    Saturday: Golf in the morning and then a trail run through Johannesburg. Exploring an old favorite on the MTB on Sunday

  47. Matthew Shannon

    Marathon training; 16 miles Saturday, 20 miles Sunday

  48. This weekend is all about coastal runs in Santa Cruz, CA. 6 Miles on Saturday, and 10+ on Sunday.

  49. Roy Atkinson

    100k cycle Saturday morning and a leg loosener run on Sunday

  50. M

    Digging deep into the winter cycling cave.

  51. Ken Chiu

    Structured training for the winter starts this week, for 3 days a week, plus core training in the off days.

  52. Rich Roberts

    Work demands mean that my best hope is a turbo session, followed by being dragged around trails with the hounds. Although Saturday’s work might look vaguely like the ugly stepson of HIIT!

  53. I am just trying to get back out there running and cycling after a period of negative motivation! Gonna take some doing but hopefully I’ll catch the bug again!

  54. A loooong week of holidays and recovery

  55. Sam Rutschilling

    Swim meet on Saturday

  56. Elie Silver

    Currently on vacation in New Zealand, so planning a few hikes and a mountain bike

  57. Neil Hornstein

    Trail run

  58. Kevin Burkey

    Bike/run brick on saturday am and a trail run on sunday. Then some golf. With a cart. And beer.

  59. Nick

    20km hike

  60. Steven

    Biking and Running — 3 weeks til IM!

  61. miguel

    Complete the training plan for climb one of the Portuguese iconic climbs!

  62. Joe Radench

    Treadmill run, bike on the trainer, and strength/stretching workouts.

  63. Dan

    Cycle on Saturday and 10k on Sunday!

  64. Justin

    Bike ride Saturday. recover from Halloween party sunday

  65. Billy Pappas

    10k mountain race!

  66. Herbert

    Since I have my highest ever measured weight now, I’m starting with easy MTB-rides.

  67. John Kirst

    Ran a 10k here in Houston on Sunday

  68. stan D

    treadmill half marathon this weekend!

  69. NW

    Swimming, swimming, and more swimming…….

  70. I’m strongly leaning toward a 10K, the Veteran’s Day 10K in Buffalo, NY. I’ve had a solid training month after my recent Fall marathon and I’d like to focus on knocking my short distance times down.

  71. Jon Bell

    Speedwork on the TM, couple of Sealfit workouts, and a ride.

  72. Justin

    A 5 mile run on Saturday and a 6 mile hike on Sunday with the wife. It was a nice weekend!

  73. Brian

    Quick ride Sunday…the weather held!

  74. James

    Just a 5k this weekend.

  75. Matt Parker

    Bike trip to Brevard, NC

  76. Mike McVey

    Running in the Lakeland fells!

  77. Russ Aaronson

    “Lumiere’s Challenge” in Disney – 10K Saturday and 13.1 Sunday. Silly and fun!

  78. Mike

    Setup indoor trainer then rode for 1h45min. Love the rollers!

  79. Florian

    Weather was fantastic on Sunday, so I went for a 13 miler with some M-pace sections thrown in.

  80. Peter

    Tapering this week, Hamilton Road to Hope Marathon Sunday

  81. Vanessa McDonnell

    I’m going to scare me up some candy by riding around with a large scary spider attached to my bike :-)

  82. Carlos Segura

    Just 1200m swim, no time to more.

  83. David Clark

    Trail Running for me, giving it a bash for the first time, plenty of walking with the dog and bairn as well!

  84. Krishna D

    a 10 miler long run in prep for the NYC marathon..

  85. Sandra

    Two easy 6 mile runs (long run day is Monday).

  86. Simon A.

    A bit of Zwifting

  87. Still some nice days in Minnesota to be out on the bike.

  88. Dom J

    Hello, thé last cycling week-end…too cold on France

  89. Miguel Fernandez

    Back to training again after a knee injury. Just a short indoor cycling session

  90. Steve Gratz

    Fifty-mile tandem ride with my beautiful wife.

  91. Ian

    My very first FTP Test(s).

  92. Freddy Mondale

    taper for a 50k on sunday and dial in the PAIN CAVE for a long winter of turbo

  93. Hiking in the Superior Trail.

  94. Martin-Y G.

    Ski Training

  95. Adam

    20 k run on both Saturday and Sunday

  96. Randy Miller

    Over the weekend, 47mi bike ride and a half marathon training run… This weekend, Ragnar Trails

  97. Kara Robinson

    Chasing my kids around their practices and activities and sweating my butt off capturing memories for 4 families! :)

  98. Michal M

    Gonna run after some witches, then hop on my bike and chase some ghosts and finally end the night drinking with some ghouls.

  99. Valerie

    Fall is all about mountain biking for me. I’ve wanted a Go Pro for awhile now to catch images of surprised wildlife out on the trails.

  100. Marius Podaru

    CXTO Cookie CX race – Cyclocross returns to the city in Toronto.