A Halloween GoPro Hero5 Giveaway!


It’s that time of year again.  Ahh yes, Halloween you’re thinking.  But nope – that’s not what I’m talking about.  Rather, it’s fall.  And historically, fall has meant the arrival of new GoPro editions.  So for this month’s giveaway (ok, it’s been a few months), I’m giving away a new GoPro Hero5!  Yup, the one just released a few weeks ago.

Which version you ask?  If you want the Hero5 Black, it’s all yours.  Or if you prefer things of cube-like shape.  Then go forth on the Hero5 Session.  Either way, the winner selects their preference.  See – I’m all about giving you choice.  Unless it involves a Karma drone, then you’ve got no choice (or chance) there.  Nobody does.  Maybe next month, there’s always a next month, right?


Don’t worry, entry is easy as always.  Just answer the below question in the comments section and you’re off to the races.  Simple!

To Enter: What’s on the docket this weekend from an athletic/training standpoint?

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Guadalupe, Ghana, or Georgia – all are OK by me!

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products with the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through October 31st, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on whether your answer is cooler than another. Unless your answer truly is cool.


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  1. Chris Wright

    Cycle until my legs hurt. Then cycle some more.

  2. Adam Wenborn

    I’m going for a run around Central Park on a trip to NYC! It would be better having a GoPro to film the sights! :)

  3. Jurgen

    If it does not start snowing I will try to do an outdoor ride!

    Take care

  4. Easy 5k today, 7k on saturday and 10 in friday

  5. Befembeker

    Cycle….Cycle….Cycle ……Cycle !!!!!!

  6. Koen Creusen

    I’ve decided to go for the classic 5k/10k/HM series this winter – The first of which will be coming up in 2 weeks! So I’ll be doing some 1k repeats and a long run this weekend. Might got to the bouldering gym too!

  7. Chris

    Bike and Running.

  8. Brent M

    TrainerRoad, on the KICKR!

  9. Anders Skarin

    I will do trainersessions sat & sunday, enjoying pain and sweat ;)

  10. Mark D

    Got a 10k race next weekend, so this weekend is my last minute tuneup. Hill session tonight, Saturday is 9k easy, Sunday is fast 11k race+ simulation.

  11. Marcus

    Kettlebells as usual!

  12. Stefan Lepinoy

    This weekend is start of the preparation season 2017.
    After 1,5 months of relative rest the trainingen start again, Friday swimming, Saterday bicycle and running and Sunday a long running session

  13. Stanislav

    2 long runs, 12km + 21km.

  14. Yuriy Sushko

    Marathons: Marseille-Cassis 20km, Frankfurt Marathon, Shanghai International Marathon

  15. Andre Andrade Costa

    Do a “longão”. :-)

  16. Felix

    After breaking my fifth metatarsal bone five weeks ago (painful) I will start “training” again on an indoor crosstrainer – with my foot still stuck in an oversized medical equivalent of a cement shoe though. :o
    I guess this this deserves at least one GoPro – am I right?

  17. Nir

    A simple turbo interval session.

  18. Anton

    Out of training, visit parents.

  19. Dan Merry

    Easy 5k on Saturday and legs up on Sunday :-)

  20. I will run Prague Park Race tomorrow – 15km trail

  21. Phil

    A little bit of indoor cycling before a short trip to Basel (Switzerland)!

  22. Jesper Linnet

    Some body weight exercises

  23. Tovi

    50+mile bike ride on Saturday and an 18 mile run on Sunday.

  24. rpjwhite

    My weekend will be filled with exercising my dogs. so I get cardio from walking and strength from lifting them out of the car.
    Dear Randon God let it be me.

  25. favad ahmed

    cycling on the trainer and some core work

  26. Andy Ho

    2.5 hour TrainerRoad session on Saturday followed by a 1.5 hour TrainerRoad session and 30 minute brick run on Sunday! Good luck everyone!

  27. Keith Shuker

    A spooky Hallowe’en night ride!

  28. Hans Zwickler

    Recovery running and swimming

  29. Just another longrun and maybe some first rounds on my Tacx.

  30. Daniel Welch

    Zwiftin’ it up in my basement…

  31. Joshua

    Short run, long run

  32. Andrew D

    Racing a half marathon in Gatineau Park, Quebec.

  33. Rich

    Fri: 35min Bike workout, Weights, 35min Bike workout
    Sat: 35Bike workout, Work on making workout space better
    Sun: Weights & 60min bike workout

    Be safe

  34. Luis Javier

    An easy mountain bike ride on Saturday and a 25 km. run on Sunday.

  35. Iain Young

    11 mile run Saturday. Easy bike Sunday on the KICKR while watching football

  36. Michael

    I’m doing my last cycle before long bike trip through Finland.

  37. Luke P

    Long run on Saturday, with a pool swim and hill runs on Sunday!

  38. Mike Smart

    The local parkrun on Saturday and a few hours on the bike on Sunday

  39. chris ehlers

    I do happen to live in Georgia and here in Georgia we have a little Half Marathon on Saturday morning followed by a Halloween Party. Sunday will probably involve sleeping.

  40. Steffff

    A long run…. and some Sufferfest on the trainer !

  41. Drewe

    Base miles with a couple of little hills, just to warm the legs up!

  42. Daniel

    I’ve got a fartlek on Saturday! These new GoPros look great!

  43. Gustavo Meira

    15k run before next week Marathon!

  44. Pedro Gomes

    I’m going for a MTB race, 35km, 1000D+ it’s not much, but it’s something…

  45. Simon

    Work as official pacemaker for half marathon

  46. JJ

    Another hour of pain CX racing, elated its not muddy yet, but secretly willing the arrival of slop on.

  47. Joonas

    Probably not much this weekend, trying to recover from the flu to be back in full strength next week.

  48. Greg Ro

    Running, rest, repeat.

  49. Flight from Barcelona back to the States this weekend. Tho, I did wrap up the week with a long run.

  50. Jonathan

    Half marathon trail race tomorrow, bike ride on Sunday

  51. Vincent Karsten

    Maybe going for a ride if the weather allows it else it will be a run with lots of intervals.

    Please let the weather be good i hate intervals!

  52. Leon Booyens

    Normal +- 70km MTB club ride tom morning.

  53. Daniel

    Trying to find my cycling legs again with some rides in the hills.

  54. Dave C

    Weight training session Saturday = moving into new apartment :D

  55. CrazyGoat

    I have a swimming competition on Saturday and on Sunday I’m going to disconnect running thru the forest a couple of hours.

  56. Eric Nordmeyer

    Relax until my legs stop hurting. Then have a walk with my wife. All to get ready for another week of training rides to work. Good life!
    Did I mention ice cream?

  57. rodrigo link

    Training with my sister who is visiting

  58. Edwin

    I will try this Sunday to run a 10EM race in less than 1 hour and 5 minutes, so that I qualify for the fastest starting area of the Midwinter Marathon on February 5th 2017…

  59. Renee

    I’ll be visiting relatives by bike which makes for a great 100km ride through the Chilterns (UK)!

  60. Kenni Lund

    Intervals friday and a long run sunday :o)

  61. Paulo Menezes

    25k trail run on sunday. Thanks Ray!

  62. Mats B.

    Hopefully I’ll do some cyclocross riding.

  63. runningbezz

    TrainerRoad on my Tacx Neo interspersed with some runnign

  64. Sergey

    Weather is still fine, so ~60 km cycling and 14 km running.

  65. Todd Weeks

    A long ride.

  66. Henk

    A 75km mountain bike race on Saturday, and a 105km road race on Sunday.

  67. oli

    Hi Ray,

    Planning a run in DC (along the Potomac then the Mall).

    All the best

  68. Zim

    An hour on the trainer, a 100 km ride to enjoy the nice weather they predict and a stroll through the zoo. Quite an athletic weekend I’d say!

  69. Dieter

    MTB in Ardennes highlands

  70. Bart

    Running on the beach!

  71. Andrey Nikanorov

    Long run in the forest.

  72. Scott Turvey

    More distance!

  73. Peter Den Heijer

    Skating, swimming, running and relaxing

  74. Pedro Lobo

    Some trail run through the mountain!

  75. Paco Anton

    Last long run before tapering for my upcoming 50k in two weeks

  76. will newbery

    Watch my son play rugby and enjoy the last weekend of my rest

  77. Doron leibovitz

    Cycling near jerusalem

    Nice weekend

  78. David

    I might just be able to ride my bike this weekend after 3 months off injured! So, it’ll be a pretty easy roll around (assuming I get the go-ahead) but it’s a start in terms of getting some fitness back (and some weight off).

  79. Tom O

    Tulsa Run 15K Saturday, short ride Sunday, maybe a round of golf.

  80. Ricardas

    Run 10k friday and 15k sunday

  81. Miguel R.

    CrossFit and 180 km ride

  82. Rich

    A long bike ride… One can only hope. I will most likely be stuck on the trainer due to kids and other timing.


    Easy jog to recovery from lesion!

  84. Tyler

    Racing a Spartan Beast for the 2016 Trifecta.

  85. John G

    a turbo trainer ride tonight on zwift and then a 5k run on the treadmill, making sure im close at hand in case my good lady goes into labour!

    have a good weekend!

  86. Michael Raz

    Rest Saturday. Sunday 5K race followed immediately by about 10 k orienteering event.

  87. Toby Collis

    The Hertfordshire woods are calling!

  88. SebastianR

    Some enduro mountainbiking :)

  89. albert J

    Hills session on saturday and some XC bike ride on sunday!

  90. Andrii

    The last hard traning weekend before my half marathon in this year.

  91. Richard N

    running, lots of running.

  92. friday – helping someone move then a 5k run
    saturday – 8k run
    sunday – rest day

  93. Mikko

    atshuu, kroh, sniis, atshuu – looks like e-Sport weekend(week) for me.

  94. Pete Ashcroft

    Running with my daughter on Sunday, so will probably be run ragged!

  95. João Cravo

    Small running and bike session. Lot longer couch session with Netflix :)

  96. Kristofor

    One hour run on Saturday. 2 Hour run on Sunday.

  97. Paul Langelaan

    Running in the Dutch dunes :)

  98. Ed B

    Start my MDS training, which means running far with backpack full of weights.

  99. Yonadav

    Medium ride probably to the Cotswolds and medium run maybe around the river weather permitting.