A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. JB

    I’ve been watching almost all the cycling disciplines and having fun so far!

  2. Kevin

    I have been watching them all but not sure anything beats swimming and middle distance running.

  3. Job

    Men & women road race + everything else that comes by.

  4. Carlos

    Synchronized Swimming!

  5. Beth

    Swimming and track & field (as well as whatever else I can catch in the evenings)

  6. Nico

    All cycling events both men and women!

  7. Norman Bungay

    The only events I’ve been able to see so far are men’s and women’s swimming relay, women’s 100m track, men’s 10k track, and a little of the women’s gymnastics.

  8. Kreis09

    TT, MTB XC, Basketball

  9. Obsessed with Track & Field, and some shooting, handball, and fencing.

  10. Andrew Dickinson

    Swimming and Athletics

  11. Jeremy

    Watching everything I can! Especially enjoy swimming and cycling.

  12. stefang


  13. Alex Greenbank

    Swimming, track cycling and athletics mostly.

  14. Asis Pardo

    On holidays, completely disconnected with the family… so nothing!

  15. andrew82


  16. RobinL

    Cycling, cycling, cycling.

  17. Pat B.

    Anything cycling of course!

  18. Matthew Harris

    Weight lifting and water polo

  19. Track cycling, gymnastics…

  20. Mike Hayes

    All the cycling – road races, TT and the velodrome. I’m hooked!

  21. Chimera

    Nothing this year, not happy with the cost of the event for the people of Brazil.

  22. Sofia

    Swimming and diving

  23. Josh

    Resting in a freshly broken foot *sad panda*

  24. Rich O'Kelly

    Track cycling, gymnastics and track and field, but pretty much anything I can!

  25. bas seelen


  26. Juris

    Cycling, track and field

  27. Baksteen

    I will be watching the Cycling both indoor and outdoor. Also handball and fieldhockey

  28. Tanner Daniels

    Love watching the biking races. I’ve sadly only been able to watch highlights because I don’t have much time to watch television but I try to squeeze it in!

  29. Nate

    Cycling, Swimming, and Beach Volleyball are my favorites. Show me the Wahoo!

  30. Chris


  31. Andrew

    Volleyball, cycling, and track & field

  32. Jamie

    Track cycling, well done team GB

  33. Timo

    Only road cycling!

  34. Bruno

    Swimming and running

  35. Ken hillier

    Cycling and swimming

  36. Ken Sala

    cycling , swimming,soccer

  37. Sergio V.

    Besides road cycling events, I’ve been watching swimming. Cheers!

  38. AaronB

    Have been loving the cycling coverage as well as swimming.
    Thanks for the blog

  39. Will R

    Road races and time trial events.

  40. Scott B

    Swimming, cycling (road course and TT), volleyball and gymnastics.

  41. Tauno

    I was watching Olympic disc trow

  42. Cycling, cycling, cycling. Wether it’s mountain biking, road racing or on the track, if there riding bikes I’ll watch it.

  43. Johank

    Cycling, hockey, athletics

  44. Matt Miller

    Swimming, volleyball, cycling.

  45. Matt Routledge

    Watching mostly Cycling & Rowing. Thanks.

  46. Victoria Di Savino

    Congratulations to Juan Martin del Potro and his silver medal at tennis! Vamos Argentina!

  47. Darren

    Cycling, Athletics, Gymnastics and Swiming!

  48. Nick F

    Only cycling.

  49. Sean O'Connor

    Handball and Archery!

  50. fili

    Long distance swim

  51. Peter Davies

    Cycling (all) Gymnastics (all), swimming, diving, Boxing, Running (all), athletics, ping pong – I’m loving the games!!

  52. bd

    Track Cycling

  53. Ulrika Nordling

    Golf! finally back in the Olympics :)

  54. Matt Granger


  55. Eddy76tm

    I love Handball, cicling and athletics.

  56. Stephen Lawson

    Swimming, track and field, and gymnastics

  57. simeoni

    Swimming, cycling and athletics

  58. Steven Bass

    Watching all the swimming, road cycling, track cycling and track and field!!


  59. Jimm

    Cycling, swimming, soccer, track & field

  60. Phil Clark

    Come on, winner winner kickr dinner.

  61. Will

    Track cycling, fascinating and terrifying!

  62. Eric Lachance-Tremblay

    10k swimming!

  63. Lance L

    Swimming and track & field

  64. Brandon Mullen

    I watch whatever is on. All of them are great.

  65. Peter Poulsen

    Swimming, cycling, athletics and sailing

  66. Jeffrey Stevens

    Mostly been watching a big, black screen… Stupid DirectTV…

    But did get to watch the men’s 100m and 400m last night.

  67. jensF

    Beach volley, sync jump, track biking, what ever is on between 10ish and 11ish pm CET

  68. Dylan

    Initially Archery but also the cycling and athletics. Oh and it seems we can now watch gymnastics too (GB)!

  69. Craw

    Track and Field

  70. Steven


  71. BC

    gymnastics, soccer, swimming

  72. Jeff

    As much as possible, but cycling is a favorite!

  73. Nick Toth

    Everything! Been taking all the events in.

  74. Jman

    Been watching lots of swimming and cycling (road, time trial, track).=)

  75. Mark

    Swimming has to be my favorite so far. Just amazing to see the pure speed in the water.

  76. Carl Belanger


  77. MattS

    Caught the sprint race where someone is eliminated every other lap. That was pretty neat to watch.

  78. Bryce

    I have been watching pretty much everything I can. I key into the cycling and swimming events mostly. Pretty awesome!

  79. Ihsan

    Well of course, time trial!

  80. Kaz

    Swimming of course!

  81. Jacob Bugno

    Lots of swimming. Little bit of beach volleyball ;)

  82. Michael Barlow

    All the cycling, of course. Plus hockey swimming rowing and a few other bits and pieces.

  83. Sean

    Track (velodrome)

  84. Leon

    Mostly swimming and cycling

  85. William

    Watching Track and Field. Waiting for BMX!

  86. Adam

    Swimming, cycling, running!

  87. Rob

    I watch whatever event they show on tv… GO USA!!

  88. Andrew L

    Haven’t managed to watch this time, but caught the men’s and women’s RR.

  89. Ast

    Mostly the Brits mopping up at the velodrome, and weirdly some ping pong, which was great!

  90. James Browning

    This year I got really into archery (probably because of the awesome hats)

  91. Sean

    Track and Field.

  92. Travis Clark

    Swimming, volleyball, track

  93. Klara Ennafa

    Watching everything even sports even fencing !

  94. David Smith

    100% ping pong! A true sport of warriors

  95. bikeman

    Cycling, gymtastics, T & F

  96. Justin

    Just finished watching the women’s 10k OWS!!!

  97. Lisle Adams

    All of them! Swimming and Track are my favorites.

  98. M

    Gymnastics, judo and swimming!

  99. Nicholas Rayman

    Cycling, go Cav go!

  100. Gareth Mills

    What haven’t I been watching.
    Cycling, Athletics, and even swimming have been on my Olympic watch this time round.
    Pretty much anything except the horse dancing……