A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Stanislav

    Waterpollo and basketball

  2. jack allen

    cycling, swimming, beach volleyball, tennis

  3. Ze Pedro

    All the cycling I can watch! Looking forward for Sagan on a mountain bike!

  4. Benjamin alto

    currently beach volleyball

  5. Daniel

    Watching waterpolo right now!

  6. Duncan

    Been watching the cycling!!! Aren’t The Brits doing well? ;-)

  7. Alex

    i’ve big Olympic fan, been watching a lot of Swimming and Judo,too bad we have this only every 4 years :-(

  8. a_ro

    Swimming, Tower jump, Cycling, Track Cycling, Gymnastics, Tennis, Hockey, Golf, Rowing

  9. Jon D

    Anything they place on prime time in the US, basically lots of diving, swimming, and gymnastics at first.

  10. Louis alexander

    All of it! Go team USA!!!

  11. Ivan De Paepe

    Men”s road cycling with Greg Van Avermaet his victory!

  12. Eberhard


  13. Arran Jacobs

    Been watching the road race, and lots of velo cycling! Go team gb!

  14. Jeff Stenquist

    I’ve mostly been watching swimming, cycling, and gymnastics.


  15. Checho

    Wrestling and gymnastics!

  16. Brent Roberts

    Watching some track and field. 800 meters…

  17. Matt Bennett

    Cycling, swimming, soccer…anything I can!

  18. Peter Felix

    All of it has been fantastic but the sprint track cycling is really exciting.

  19. Rui Silva

    I m going to watch the 100 meters Mens final.

    And, i just watched the usa basketball team, winning another game.

    Best regards

  20. peber

    Some of the swimming, which has been awesome. Tennis, W final, fantastic. A heavyweight weightlifters standing backflip, wow. Athletics up next, and the triathlon, exciting.

  21. Craig Lubbe

    I’ve been enjoying track and field and weightlifting!

  22. Sean Peyton

    Have loved watching the Olympics – including the road racing, time trial, track events and of course the gymnastics, track and have even been enjoying the horsey events!

  23. William sacarelos

    I wanted to watch the men’s road race but could not find it anywhere so I went on a ride instead

  24. pete w

    Track cycling-sprint race skill and power great to watch

  25. Nick G

    Far too much track cycling…

  26. Jae

    Watching swimming, basketball, and track & field. Love the competition.

  27. Duc Phan


  28. BartW

    Athletics and cycling

  29. Ermanno

    Sto tifando la Cagnotto e i suoi tuffi da medaglia d’oro forza Stefania

  30. Ermanno

    Viva il ciclismo su strada e su pista!!!!!!!!

  31. Luca

    Swimming…Paltrinieri rules!!!!!!

  32. Giles Rowland

    swimming and cycling!

  33. Martin

    I love to watch the swimming.:-)

    Best regards Martin

  34. Albert

    So far I was just able to catch few small news on radio being offline training and racing. I am really looking forward to watch MTB XC race.

  35. Jim

    All the running, biking and swimming I can. Plus some track and field and Kayaking.

  36. K Mark

    cycling, of course!

  37. Damien

    While I was in France on hols, Handball and Fencing
    Now that I am back in the UK, Track Cycling…

  38. Axel

    Hockey is my favourite

  39. Robert House

    Swimming, Diving, Swimming, swimming?

  40. Debbie M

    swimming and gymnastics

  41. Andy

    I have watched the cycling, gymnastics, swimming

  42. Brandon

    Have ended up watching about everything. Had never watched Fencing before these olympics, got that done. Swimming, gymnastics, volleyball, the cycling races and now track have been the most, I’d say.

  43. Chris jones

    I’m loving the diving, gymnastics and of course the track!!

  44. Anthony LoSasso

    Count me in!!

  45. Jim S.

    Saw marathon this morning

  46. Åsmund S.

    Cycling, swimming, tennis and handball

  47. Conor Robinson

    Road and track cycling, swimming, track and field, gymnastics and diving!

  48. Norman Kwong

    all the swimming events!

  49. E.Joris

    Cycling :)

  50. David Faria

    Everything that is on outside of work hours ;)

  51. Alejandro

    All I can, specially cycling, tennis and basketball

  52. Gabriel

    Mostly beachvolleyball, m and w 10000m and the final golf round.

  53. Adam Baxter

    Women’s cycling

  54. I saw the swimming, one of my workmates used to train together with the gold medalist Anthony Ervin, we were so pumped!

  55. Martina


  56. Tiffany

    Gymnastics, Swimming, Track & Field (Steeplechase), Volleyball (Women’s Beach ;))

  57. Nick

    track & field

  58. Dustin

    Beach Volleyball!

  59. Greg Shotts

    track cycling

  60. Gerald

    50m Rifle 3 Positions

  61. Swimming, track & field, velo cycling and beach volleyball.

  62. Swimming, Cycling, Triathlon, and the Athletics (1,500m and 5,000m!)

  63. Jennifer Craig

    I’ve loved every minute of watching the games be it hockey, cycling, swimming, athletics it’s all been fantastic!

  64. Joe Weeks

    This would fill out my winter cave nicely…

  65. mroek

    Handball, rowing, and more

  66. Richard Cockerill

    Track cycling

  67. Corey Higham

    Fencing, gymnastics, heptathlon, swimming, beach volleyball, and cycling:)

  68. Roger Cowan

    Cycling of course (plus some trampolining)

  69. Fernando

    Swimming, tennis and waiting for Triathlon! Go Mario Mola!

  70. Jwarkins

    Cycling, track & field, swimming

  71. Jwarkins

    Swimming, cycling

  72. Tom

    All of it….!

  73. Mike


  74. Cycling in the velodrome, and anything/everything else

  75. Richard Lemley

    Swimming! Now track and not so much field. Looking forward to the Tri’s

  76. Tomc


  77. Bill Shepard

    Volley Ball

  78. Michael

    Rugby Sevens, Rowing, Kayaking, and Cycling

  79. moshe

    Phelps, Kristin Armtrong, froomey, cycling
    waiting for the olympic tri

  80. Gabor Kmetyko

    Track cycling

  81. Derrick Yap

    Swimming!! Sad that event is almost over.

  82. BC

    As a recovering swimmer, it would be swimming. Always sad when the first week is over.

  83. Veronica

    I’m the odd ball, watching archery and water polo!

  84. Max B

    Lots of swimming and now track and field…. And some badminton as well.

  85. Daniel Powell

    Cycling and track and field

  86. Larry

    The only thing better than owning one KICIR is to have two. Everyone needs a his and her matching set of trainers.

  87. Chris Jacobi

    Watched the Aussies falter in the pool, the soccer pitch, and the velodrome, but watched them win in the single skulls

  88. Dan S.

    Mens and Womens Marathon!

  89. Michael

    Fencing, Swimming, Athletics, Vollyball

  90. TimG

    Swimming! Not that Australia is doing that well…

  91. Megan Rummelhoff

    Gymnastics and swimming.

  92. Jhonathan Montoya

    Womens Beach Volley!!! and also saw the TT road and road bike competitions.

  93. KL

    I’ve been watching swimming, road racing and indoor track racing. GO USA!

  94. Norm Thomson

    We watched the Women’s Cycling Road Race. Scary, edge of the seat competition!

  95. SHawn mckenna

    Swimming, cycling

  96. John Craft

    Swimming, hoops and volleyball

  97. Chuck Morgan

    Whatever is on between commercials…

  98. Paul Smedman

    Cycling, Track, Golf and Women’s Soccer – Go CANADA!!!

  99. Greg J

    All of them! But mostly swimming and track cycling