A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Ec


  2. Dan

    Road cycling, track!

  3. Stephanie

    Watched the road cycling last week. Now Equestrian, when they show 30 seconds of it. US earned the Bronze in the Team Dressage! And swimming. That’s about it.

  4. Mike VanVleet


  5. Chris Kuchin

    Swimming, cycling, gymnastics, rugby

  6. Nathan

    Been watching swimming, track, and cycling.

  7. David M

    Swimming, swimming, and swimming. And some gymnastics when my wife steals control of the dvr.

  8. Jeff Shore

    Watching men’s and women’s cycling – road races and time trial. Also watching lots of swimming and track and field. Oh, and beach volleyball!

  9. giorgitd

    Cycling, for sure. How can you not watch some of the swimming? Looking forward to the track and field events. Swim, bike, run, right?

  10. Jared Raynes

    Volleyball, cycling, swimming

  11. Rob

    I’ve watched some rowing, cycling and swimming.

  12. Shaun B

    Cycling, Triathlon, Swimming & Athletics.

  13. Maxim

    Cycling. Sagan & XCO – that’s something weird!

  14. Joe Marino


  15. Anders Skandsen

    Swimming, gymnastics and cycling.

  16. Triathlon, Swimming, Cycling.

  17. Virginia Riches

    Cycling! All the cycling!

  18. dan m

    swimming…lots of swimming!

  19. Geo S

    Cycling, swimming and T&F!

  20. Scott

    Swimming swimming swimming

  21. adam


  22. Eddie yap

    100m, 200m sprint

  23. Leonardo

    I’ll definitely be watching all the track and field events

  24. Eric Gross

    Cycling, of course! And I guess that Phelps guy is pretty good at swimming too…

  25. Ann

    Swimming, cycling, gymnastics, and beach volleyball!!!!

  26. michael petrilak


  27. Jon borscheid

    Been watching lots of swimming. Looking forward to track!

  28. Brian Greaney

    Everything! Yes, even ping pong!

  29. marex


  30. Chris

    Waiting for mountain biking!

  31. Nightingale Justin

    Beach volleyball, naturally!

  32. Melissa d

    Swimming for the win.

  33. Jeremy

    Swimming. And gymnastics.

  34. Jon

    Cycling, rowing

  35. Felipe Araya

    100% cycling!

  36. DawieO

    Road cycling, track cycling, rowing, kayak, rugby sevens

  37. James K

    I’ve been watching a lot of the track & field coverage – not my thing, but there is variety it’s interesting to have on in the background and glance at from time to time! Of course, a lot of the road and track cycling as well.

  38. Anthony

    Gymnastics and swimming. Seems like all NBC shows over the air……

  39. Ryan Uchida

    Cycling, swimming and diving.

  40. Aaron Clark

    Shot Put, Rowing, Cycling

  41. Pembroke Kenner

    Been watching most of the swimming events, missed Michael Phelps win the Gold, but caught Simone Manuel’s historic Gold win. Also caught most of the women gymnastics, and the Gold winning rounds. Can’t wait for the track and field events to start.

  42. George Vander Weit

    Swimming, running, gymnastics, cycling

  43. Matt D

    Gymnastics, swimming, tennis & cycling!

  44. Michael Murphy

    Rugby, handball, swimming, waterpolo….and cycling!

  45. Steve Hall

    Swimming, gymnastics, track cycling, basketball, and soccer.

  46. Eddie C

    I want a kickr desperately

  47. Adam Mullins

    Swimming and cycling of course!

  48. Paul schumacher

    Swimming and water polo

  49. German

    Track & Field, Swimming, soccer, boxing, cycling, beach volleyball!

  50. Eric Bruce


  51. sean

    800 free, go Katie!

  52. xophe33

    Cycling and triathlon

  53. Dave

    Track Cycling, Swimming, Gymnastics, table tennis…..

  54. Shane

    Basketball, beach volleyball, swimming, and the start of the T&F events

  55. Dora Chan

    Good trainer!!

  56. Brandon Borget

    I’ve watched basketball and some swimming. It’s the track and marathon I’m really excited for though!

  57. Ryan Birnel

    Swimming, track & feild, cycling, volleyball. Go USA!

  58. Jason

    Mainly cycling and swimming. Looking forward to seeing Sagan race mtb

  59. Ray Jasicki

    Just about all of them in prime time. Enjoying the US swimming and gymnastics!

  60. Laura McKean


  61. Jess Pons

    I watched gymnastics, swimming, Beach volleyball. My new future sport archery. Started watching track and field

  62. Joe

    Olympic track cycling!!!

  63. Sebastian vela

    Cycling, swimming, kayak, judo

  64. Guillaume Aubé

    Penny Oleksiak’s terrific come-back for gold at the 100m freestyle swim. A tie and OR on top of it!

  65. Sam

    I’ve mostly been watching the cycling events, but a few of the swims as well.

  66. Unkle Sam

    I lucked into being able to keep the Guardian’s live blog open in the background during a few of the cycling events, but otherwise haven’t been able to get in front of a device.

  67. Diving, women’s rugby 7s and all track & field.

  68. George Murphy

    All the soccer!

  69. David

    Cycling and swimming

  70. Phil

    OMG, i’ve been watching all those swimming events!! Go PHELPS!

  71. Bruce Pisarek

    Lots of swimming and beach volleyball

  72. sschott


  73. Colleen s

    Swimming, golf

  74. Kyle

    Watching swimming events of course!

  75. Michael

    I’ve been watching mostly swimming, but what an astonishing women’s 10K this morning!

  76. Annelise

    I’ve been glued to the TV for swimming, gymnastics, and cycling! Also addicted to the women’s rugby 7s.

  77. WDH

    Road Cycling and Swimming

  78. tim

    Watched a bit of cycling, some of the swimming and a bit of the gymnastics. Just whatever I can get a hold of during my free time.

  79. Sebastian Anthony Birch

    Fencing, swimming

  80. Nicholas Connan

    Track Cycling

  81. Eric

    Swimming, volleyball, mountain biking, road race

  82. Mike

    Fiji securing their first ever Olympic medal… And a gold to boot!

  83. Chris

    Road racing, hoping to find coverage of the velodrome action later!

  84. David Bonnett

    A bit of the track is all I have been able to catch so far :(

  85. Brian Kennelly

    Women’s swimming. Go Canada!

  86. Bruce


  87. Ben Nelson

    Best road races of the year.

  88. Warren Chen

    Swimming, volleyball, gymnastics.

  89. Gerardo

    Been watching swimming and cycling!!!

  90. Paul in Kirkland

    Haven’t watched any yet – I’m on vacation!

  91. Ahmed

    Well, as much as I can but cycling and swimming !

  92. Darren

    Day one the cycling event and I am looking forward to watching the Tri on the 18th

  93. Michael

    Michael phelps dominate

  94. BK

    Cycling, swimming, beach volleyball

  95. Daniel Vela

    Been watching Phelps the shark eating as many gold medals as possible!

  96. Wal

    The women’s road cycling is the only thing I’ve really watched. The time difference is a shocker!

  97. Sheri D.

    Swimming, cycling road race, gymnastics, soccer, and field hockey. Go USA!

  98. Vadim S

    Swimming, cycling, gymnastics. Looking forward to the triathlon events

  99. Michael

    Team pursuit

  100. Colin c

    Swimming and cycling events so far. Soon track and field