A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Javier


  2. Stephen Gee

    Swimming. Kyle Chalmers Go Aussies

  3. Carl C

    Road/Track cycling, swimming and can’t wait for the triathlon next week.

  4. Jeffrey Baker

    Cycling, Rugby, Swimming

  5. Brian Feinberg

    Bicycling, of course!

  6. Lee Springett

    Gymnastic Trampoline!!!!!!

  7. Carlos

    Swimming, gymnastics, cycling, and very little else. Track and field coming up next though.

  8. Graeme

    Been watching the track cycling, looking forward to the athletics

  9. Igor


  10. Kenneth Almås

    Womens and mens road race

  11. Neil Hoffman

    A bit of everything

  12. Sam

    Swimming and Gymnastics and the golf by mistake :/

  13. seboricor

    This one is for me. No, impossible. Why not ?

  14. Frank

    Road and mountainbiking

  15. Catherine

    Walker kayaking prelims. No, shooting and cycling instead.

  16. Tom Broomfield

    The incredible track cycling!

  17. Keegan S

    Cycling, Whitewater, and Running. The Women’s 10,000 was a great race today.

  18. Dan Reed

    I’ve been watching cycling, gymnastics, judo, and swimming. Thank you!!

  19. Rich

    10m Air Rifle. I had no idea it was a discipline!

  20. Phil

    Trampolining and now track cycling today

  21. Bradley holmes

    Track cycling

  22. Lee Hoyle

    Swimming and Beach VB.

  23. Nick

    Whatever’s on.

  24. Andreas

    Swimming and cycling and handball

  25. Chris Parkes

    Cycling, swimming, athletics, rugby, diving, gymnastics, bit of everything love the Olympics!

  26. John Shelton

    Cycling, Track & Field, Swimming, Volleyball

  27. Edwin


  28. Mandy

    Synchronized diving and volleyball!

  29. Manning Thomson

    Watching the cycling of course, but also love to catch the canoe slalom!

  30. LanceR

    Track Cycling & Roeing

  31. Edson Costa

    Cycling and football

  32. John Kachurick

    Beach volleyball, swimming, soccer … And of course cycling …

  33. Martin Björgvik

    cycling :)

  34. Alan Davies

    Swimming, rugby 7’s, road race, velo, diving and now for the track.

  35. S2

    Judo, Swimming, Kayak, Basket, Foot, Rugby, Boxing, Archery, everything i can see !

  36. Andrew

    swimming, cycling, a bunch of rowing, a little gymnastics…and a few minutes of handball the other day just to see what that was all about.



  38. Bartek

    I haven’t had the time but would’ve loved to have seen some pool action.

  39. Alexander

    All cycling! Women’s road race was the most exciting but with an awful crash.

  40. Matt Owen

    Swimming, beach volleyball, rugby and gymnastics.

  41. Anthony

    Cycling. Swimming. Rugby. Track.

  42. Jon P.

    Looking forward to Audiating 18 & 20 for triathlon, but otherwise enjoying the show each day with what could news on!

  43. Rowan

    Have been watching a bit of everything but glad the track cycling has started

  44. Guillermo

    Been watching the cycling and some swimming, but super excited about track finally starting.


  45. Coco

    French rugby girls !

  46. Brian Carroll

    Swimming, biking, and gymnastics so far. Looking forward to the track and field.

  47. David Keith

    Swimming, gymnastics. I do not understand rugby or dressage!

  48. Gus

    All the cycling! Now watching the track cycling… great stuff. Also caught some boxing, hockey, rugby 7’s (amazing Fiji!) and looking forward to the triathlon – organised a work event around the men’s tri as many clients and potential clients are in my tri club – great way to spend the afternoon!

  49. Jeremiah Stewart

    Swimming, Rowing, Biking, pretty much anything I can watch when i’m not chasing three boys around the house

  50. Eric Gonzalez

    I’ve been watching swimming!

  51. Lars

    Men’s time trial, bike

  52. Bernard Loke


  53. Oriane17

    Teddy Riner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Sabino

    Cycling (road and track), swimming and football

  55. Bogdan


  56. Peng Quen

    Track cycling

  57. Gary Plaisance

    Go Phelps, greatest!!!

  58. James

    Rugby, cycling road & TT, rugby

  59. Keith Filer

    The women’s and men’s road race was incredibly exciting and of course more history in the pool.

  60. Harald

    swimming, judo.

  61. Mart

    Swimming, cycling, gymnastics, windsurf, basketball, rowing and some more

  62. Eric

    Only cycling, of course :-)

  63. Basketball and swimming; waiting for Triathlon

  64. Bob Beale

    Watching the amazing Canadian swimmers, especially Penny Oleksiak, 4 medals so far.

  65. Chappo

    Men’s 1500m freestyle swimming and the marathon!

  66. Bartek

    Cycling and swimming! Love it!

  67. Fatih K

    Swimming !!

  68. Brian Jones

    Enjoying the rugby matches.

  69. Tim

    Rugby now that Sevens is in the olympics for the first time in 90 years!

  70. Joe Horn

    Swimming and Volleyball

  71. Jo

    Track cycling – go New Zealand!!

  72. Brad Burt

    cycling, ads, cycling, ads and more cycling.

  73. Anthony Yuri

    All of them, specially swimming and track & field.

  74. Thomas P

    Road race, TT, diving

  75. Miguel Goyanes

    Swimming, athletics and gymnastics

  76. Wayne Dill

    Swimming & cycling

  77. Matt


  78. Swimming and archery

  79. Les

    Just now some track cycling

  80. Russ Cork

    Lots of swimming (go Penny Oleksiak!), beach volleyball, men’s road race, woman’s road race (heartbreaking), a little gymnastics, some archery, some fencing, and a bit of the gold medal match for table tennis! ;-)

  81. Eric

    Women’s cycling, rugby and swimming. B

  82. Darren

    Swimming and Track Cycling

  83. Nick

    Whatever is on when I have free time. Swimming, Gymnastics, Water Polo, Judo, Table Tennis. #OlympicJunkie

  84. MidTNBrad

    Swimming and track cycling.

  85. Fernando josé torres pinheiro

    I saw the olimpic road bike time trial

  86. Tom lang


  87. Chris Driver

    Swimming, cycling, golf, track and field

  88. Paolo

    Swimming and basketball!

  89. Nick R


  90. Bart Girdwood

    Swimming, gymnastics, rowing, cycling.

  91. Francisco Moreira

    swimming and gymnastics!

  92. Michael Reiler

    I’m watching the bike events. Go Denmark!

  93. Larissa

    Track, gymnastics, rowing, swimming, trampoline…

  94. Colin

    Honestly, I haven’t watched a single event this year because I think the whole thing is a travesty and the IPC are a bunch of corrupt criminals. Also, because I don’t have a cable subscription and am too lazy to find other methods of watching.

  95. Matthew Mckenzie

    Basketball. Go Boomers!

  96. Carol tower

    I’ve been watching track cycling!!

  97. Robin Vantorre

    Rugby 7’s, surprised by the tempo of this new sport. And Phelps, sorry, swimming.

  98. Drew

    So, I’ve been watching all the sports Kiwis do well at….. Coz that’s all I get on free TV :-P so the sevens, a bit of swimming, track cycling and the rowing! Go the Kiwis!

  99. BT

    The Road Race and ITT both men’s and women’s events