A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Sarah

    Swimming and gymnastics!

  2. Matthew

    SPARTACUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! And some swimming….

  3. Nolito Teruel

    I’ve been watching the road races. What a brutal downhill. Can’t wait for the track and MTB races. C’mon Canada!!!

  4. Melissa

    Swimming, Gymnastics, and looking forward to the Track and Field events!

  5. Mr.GM

    swimming, ladies gymnastics

  6. Mattia

    Cycling: road & track
    And looking forward to mtb

  7. Darren richards

    Gymnastics and cycling. Oh, and I quite enjoyed the kayaking.

  8. Bevan

    Cycling and Swimming but really anything that is on works for me.

  9. Jerome Feuiltault

    I’m an Olympic junkie….but swimming and triathlon will top my attention.

  10. Nigel Rowlands

    Track cycling, Diving and Gymnastics.

  11. Dylan

    Olympic Team Pursuit!

  12. Patrick

    Gymnastics. Holy mackerel are those intense!

    I will never understand why there are soooo many swimming events. Swim, swim backwards, swim longer, swim with friends, swim longer with friends, do lots of different swims, different swims with friends….we get the idea!

  13. Ryan S.

    Swimming and gymnastics. And the cycling TT.

  14. Sariane Condon

    I’m watching at much as possible. I like the shooting sports. The bike racing has been brutal. I’m hoping to see the triathlon and weight lifting

  15. Orestas

    athletics, box, cycling, basketball, swimming. waiting for marathon :)

  16. Jerome

    I watched the road race cycling for men and the time trial

  17. teodor cosmin


  18. Kenneth Lim

    Swimming this far.

  19. MIchael

    The Road Races, Men and Women. Both amazing. Triathlon. Rowing. Swimming. Gymnastics….. and what ever else I can fit in!

    -Thanks Ray and Clever Training

  20. Christoph Langerweger

    Swimming, Beach Volleyball and Road Cycling

  21. Cchin

    Judo, swimming and gymnastics

  22. Jason

    Swimming – aka the Maryland Medal Show. Cycling – aka the ageless wonder show.

  23. Mika Övermark

    Foorball and cycling!

  24. Sebastian Busch

    I like it ! DCR RUUULEEEZZZ ;-)

  25. Aaron

    Swimming, soccer, gymnastics, beach volleyball!

  26. bart.g

    trying to watch everything. fortunately I have easygoing employer ;)

  27. James


  28. jeffrey schmidt

    table tennis, archery, lots of track, water polo, hand ball, rugby, etc.

  29. Adam

    Been watching so much swimming. Just sick. I’m going to go through withdrawal when it’s over.

  30. Mike G

    Swimming and biking!

  31. Robin

    Cycling, swimming, and some gymnastics.

  32. Trevor

    Just watched a friend compete in the Women’s 10,000m!

  33. James Higgins

    Track cycling! Don’t get enough of the outside of the olympics!

  34. Jeff

    Swimming, women’s gymnastics, soccer, water polo

  35. Todd B.

    I’ve been watching cycling and swimming so far this year.

  36. Myron

    I’ve been watching swimming , cycling and waiting now on triathlon and running

  37. Andreas Burger

    Cycling and can’t wait for triathlon and mountain biking

  38. Fred Mull

    Road Cycling

  39. Bob


  40. Martin

    beach volleyball and swimming! :)


  42. Samantha Glasd

    Swimming, cycling, and soccer so far!

  43. Allison

    Swimming, rowing, cycling

  44. Ryan Trucke

    Mens and Womens cycling of course along with the swimming events.

  45. Sean M.

    Just a few swimming finals, enough to see the USA back up the talk ;)

  46. Dennis

    Just swimming

  47. David T

    Basketball, Tennis, Swimming and Athletics are coming…

  48. Johannes


  49. Fernando

    So far, I’ve been mostly following swimming (track and field is only beginning…)

  50. Shelby trucke

    Swimming and gymnastics!!

  51. Lukej

    Track cycling, MTB, athletics – running short, mid, long distance

  52. Noam Ben-Ami

    Judo! And archery of course

  53. jarvis

    Cycling !

  54. Mary Owen

    I love watching the Olympics, swimming, men’s and women’s road race, women’s time trials , gymnastics of course, water polo, volleyball traditional and beach, looking forward to track and field and synchronized swimming next week!

  55. Robert Koritnik

    Cycling of course, table tennis, handball and judo. Can’t seem to catch badminton though…

  56. Jasmin Ten Have

    Track Cycling!

  57. Torben Bakgaard

    Cycling, swimming, sailing… almost everything :-)

  58. Ross

    Track cycling!

  59. John Fuhrman


  60. Joep

    Cycling :-)

  61. Stuart

    Cycling, of course. (albeit a bit second hand at times.)

  62. Lars Riegman

    Indoor cycling

  63. Tony

    All of them, at least when I can….

  64. Michael Valcenat

    I watched pretty munch anything I could get my eyes on!

  65. Robin

    Rowing and Swimming. GO CANADA!

  66. Jim Dyck

    Gymnastics, golf and rowing.

  67. Michael Valcenat

    I watch Everything!

  68. leonn

    Oh, boy. Come here, come to papa!

  69. soren sebelin

    Women’s 10k running.

  70. Jeff Spencer

    Swimming and beach volleyball. Looking forward to triathlon.

  71. Cheenz

    Swimming and ping pong!

  72. Tobi

    all Swimming

  73. Paul


  74. JimD

    Road & Track Cycling

  75. Glenn williams

    Swimming and gymnastics!

  76. Maarten

    Waterpolo als my first and old love

  77. Milo

    Double canoe and we went home with gold – go Slovakia

  78. Michael Valcenat

    Swimming, Weight lifting, Cycling!

  79. Chris Cheek

    Swimming, Cycling, Gymnastics, Volleyball, Basketball, Running, Field Hockey,

  80. Chris Savage

    The track cycling! Come on GB!

  81. Jason Banaag

    Watching swimming events every evening. Go USA!

  82. Zacharias


  83. Michael Valcenat

    Pretty much anything. And I discovered Rugby!

  84. Heino Skovbjerg

    Men’s track cycling goooo Denmark :D

  85. RDouglas

    I haven’t caught any, though I would like to see the track cycling

  86. Mats Olsberg

    Swimming, cycling, handball, rugby, football and more!

  87. Raphael

    Swimming, cycling, gymnastics…

  88. ken dice

    Cycling and swimming!

  89. Flemming Vind

    Badminton and Handball
    Go Denmark

  90. Kalman Szaraz

    Swimming, with Katinka Hosszú !!! Hajrá Magyarország!

  91. Morten

    Road race men wit Jacob Fuglsang silver winning :-)

  92. Sandeep Kamath

    Swimming and Gymnastics

  93. Conor murphy

    I’ve been glued to the sevens rugby. Such a fantastic win for Fiji!

  94. Ryan


  95. Leon

    track cycling

  96. Mark Hopkins

    Track cycling!!!

  97. Kevin

    Loving the swimming, shows me how slow I actually swim.

  98. George Schley

    Hoping its me!

  99. Tobi

    Handball, mountain biking

  100. Jef
