A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Cody Riley

    Cycling, basketball, swimming

  2. Gary O'Brien

    Irish rowing dominance!

  3. Julius Griskevicius

    basketball! sometimes.. :)

  4. Tim Storr

    Road cycling, gymnastics and Rugby 7’s

  5. Kurt Beaudoin

    Beach volleyball

  6. Alan Geddes

    Of course the cycling has been exciting with the time trailing being a favourite but I want to hear more about the Mexican synchronised divers who were given permission to repeat their dive after stadium lights on a timer went on as they were half way through their routine then denied the repeat dive.

  7. Whitney M


  8. SimonP

    Both the men and women’s road races were awesome

  9. meshosk

    Woman beach volley ;)

  10. Prestone Chackleback


  11. Srinath Swaminathan

    swimming all the way

  12. Brianne

    Track cycling

  13. Stefan lepinoy

    Enjoying holidays in south of France. So not a lot of sport has been Deen. But i was lucky to have steen th belgian win in the cycling
    Still Some time to spend now in south of France doing my own training and in preparation of my next competition

  14. Stephen vallance

    Just swimming.

  15. Matias Casiva


  16. Tiina Luning

    I’ve been loving swimming and gymnastics. Can’t wait for running events to start!

  17. Will

    Been enjoying all of it, particularly the road race and now the athletics

  18. Rory O'Connor

    I’ve been watching swimming, gymnastics, judo, and of course cycling!

  19. Michael S.

    US women’s soccer

  20. chris skinner

    tons of swimming!

  21. Kendra

    Swimming, gymnastics, beach volleyball, cycling, weightlifting, synchronized diving, soccer. So far, anyway!

  22. Pearse Carberry

    I’ve been watching pretty much everything! Diving, swimming, cycling of all description, track and field today, rowing (go Team Ireland, first medal today!!!)

  23. Paul Lasher

    cycling events/swimming and soccer!!

  24. Felix Hagemann

    Horsies and rowing

  25. Santosh

    Haven’t had a chance yet

  26. Jarrett Conway

    The hypnotic thighs of the track riders in the velodrome.

  27. Keenan

    All swimming. Some cycling. A little gymnastics.

    Liked the men’s 4 x 100 relay and woman’s 100 free.

  28. John Hostetter III

    Track Cycling, swimming and Gymnastics!

  29. Elnur

    I know that olimpics are happening, and that there are at least a dozen channels showing something, but I’m not watching (I have my beef with the IOC). I’m watching Duck Tales!

  30. foot

    Fencing all the way!

  31. Stephen

    Road cycling, track cycling and swimming

  32. alainquimarche

    Judo for Teddy Riner, the alien :)

  33. Nick G

    Cycling and swimming

  34. Shane Russell

    Cycling, Rowing & Athletics

  35. Brian

    Road race – the condensed bike race season!

  36. Tibor

    Judo, hockey, rowing and everything else!

  37. Tim R


  38. Michael Hahn


  39. Josh


  40. Eden Walker

    Road cycling. Track cycling.

  41. Ed Swakon

    need a new trainer for the summer!

  42. Piet

    Just about anything I can catch due to the time difference…

  43. Gfrerrer Ralf

    Cycling, kayaking, swimming

  44. Brandan K.

    Swimming and Cycling!

  45. Heiko

    Track cycling races — yeah!

  46. Wyatt

    Lots of swimming events since there are so many events and our Canadian women have been doing awesome!

  47. Caroline Guest

    Track cycling obviously! Plus a bit of table tennis and badminton

  48. Keith Whitson

    Cycling (road & track) rowing, hockey, rugby 7’s, badminton, tennis, fencing, boxing & track.

  49. Steve

    Only caught glimpses of swimming so far. I’m holding out for the marathon!

  50. Jason

    Track cycling. I missed most of the road cycling events because I had to work. :(

  51. Warner

    Swimming and Gymnastics!

  52. Mike

    Swimming gymnastics and rowing

  53. Kenneth

    Of course cycling (RR and ITT), handball, rowing, swimming and more!

  54. Dennis Nielsen

    Cycling, swimming, gymnastics mostly

  55. Christopher Harris

    I’ve been watching the road cycling, time trials, and indoor track cycling, but I biased, as its my favourite sport. I have also watched some gymnastics, diving and rowing in between the cycling. I’ll be watching the track and field events when they start.

  56. Tue Jørgensen

    800m, swimming and Rowing

  57. Hank Lin

    Indoor and beach volleyball

  58. Kelly Hutton

    Dressage!! Especially Freestyle!

  59. Olav


  60. gage

    cycling of course

  61. Swimming,Cycling,Track and Field

  62. Mikey S

    Cycling, swimming, gymnastics

  63. Blair Cabot

    Rugby 7

  64. Neil T.


  65. Shawn

    Going for the gold!!

  66. Andy McCrea


  67. Roger

    Of course, as a Dutch, I watched the insanely tense women’s road race!

  68. Ben Burns


  69. jen

    swimming and basketball

  70. Milt MacFarlane

    The swimming but hoping I don’t miss the synchronised those smiles are to die for

  71. Mike

    Cycling, swimming

  72. Christi

    Swimming and Cycling! And anxiously waiting to watch Triathlon.

  73. Rink

    I have been watching track and road cycling!

  74. Sean

    Beach Volleyball

  75. Tetsuji

    Road cycling, gymnastics, soccer.

  76. Ron

    Cycling so far looking forward to see how P. Sagan does in the MTB.

  77. Nick

    women’s 10K: as my daughter would say, “That was DOPE!”

  78. Marcos Paulo de Jesus

    I did not expected I would be so keen to follow swimming!

  79. Lars


  80. Harry Roberts


  81. O-train

    Track&Field and Waterpolo

  82. Dan


  83. Nathan Troia

    Beach volleyball

  84. Jussi

    All the cycling so far…

  85. Ryan

    Swimming spectacular

  86. Alex A.

    Been watching all the swimming events. Gotta dream what could have been.

  87. Pete

    Never watched it before, but finding the fencing surprisingly interesting!

  88. Edorta

    F 10.000 m record 3 hours ago

  89. Susan B.

    Swimming, of course! And a bit of rugby … although I still don’t “get” it.

  90. KPVa

    All swimming!

  91. jason evans

    Cycling and swimming

  92. Christopher S

    Mostly swimming and road cycling so far. Wahoooooo

  93. Lars

    Cycling and archery

  94. Joseph David Wells

    Table Tennis

  95. Rob


  96. Bob


  97. Jon Blair

    Swimming, Judo, and looking forward to Women’s Marathon on Sunday…

  98. Jim

    Men’s cycling
    Women’s gymnastics

  99. Lindsay McCrae

    Cycling :o)

  100. Rebecca R.

    Women’s Football (soccer!)