A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Tony Emmeborn

    Been watching the swimming so far.

  2. Steve

    Mostly swimming and gymnastics so far cause it’s always on. But have seen some Volleyball and Road Racing as well. Excited to watch the tri soon!

  3. Tung Phung

    Swimming and Biking of course! USA!

  4. Eirik

    Handball, tennis and Volleyball so far!

  5. Chris

    Cycling. Men’s and women’s road race. And men’s TT.
    Shooting. Watched a few events last night and it was interesting.
    Swimming. Women’s IM. Wow. She kicked butt!

  6. Claus Kaastrup

    Cycling and Swimming

  7. Ben Delhaye

    Road bike race !

  8. Chris Grove

    Rugby, cycling

  9. Jo G

    I’m in Beijing, skyping my Dad in NZ as we both watch the NZ men’s Cycling Sprint team take the silver medal!
    We’re both cyclists, I ride near the Great Wall every weekend, Dad’s going to the World Master’s Games next year, so we could both use a trainer!

  10. Kevin Burns


  11. Witalli


  12. Stephen zappardo

    cycling, Swimming, gymnastics,

  13. Ivan Lorenzo

    Tennis , soccer and weights


    Table Tennis has been AMAZING ???

  15. David


  16. As many of the sports on two-wheels as I can!

  17. Chris Davies

    Women’s Beach Volleyball and something else I think…oh yeah, the cycling!! :-)

  18. Simon K

    Men’s team sprint

  19. Fredrik

    All of the cycling events, and of course the ladies’ swimming event where the fantastic Swedish swimmer Sara Sjostrom is dominating on the shorter distances!

  20. Colin

    Cycling, swimming and womens soccer

  21. Mikkel Andersen

    Cycling primarily.

  22. Louis Matherne

    Swimming, gymnastics, and of course cycling.

  23. Kevin Tierney

    Been watching lots of swimming

  24. Atesz


  25. Jerry C

    Pulled the plug and can’t get nbc over the air, so basically none

  26. Stephen collins

    Cycling, rowing, gymnastics, swimming

  27. Libby Jackson

    Cycling, rowing, swimming, athletics, gymnastics…

  28. Bill


  29. Liam FitzGerald

    Diving, track and gymnastics

  30. Miguel Machado

    Track and Field and Swimming.

  31. Ben

    Women’s 10k

  32. Grauser

    Track : Team GB poursuit team in the way for a new World Record…

  33. Indoor cycling

  34. Been watching the greatest olympian Phelps win, watching USA Purdue Grads medalling in Diving, and of course KA kickin butt and taking names at the AGE OF 43??? USA USA USA!

  35. Alek

    Cycling, judo, rugby, voleyball

  36. John Sadler

    Swimming, cycling, rowing, volleyball & beach volleyball, track, soccer, rugby, badminton, gymnastics. Now I want to play them all! Think i’m going to have to quit my day job…

  37. Jon M

    Cycling of course! (and swimming)

  38. Biking, swimming and kayaking!

  39. Tom Earls

    Women’s 10000m & ⚽

  40. Mark Harris

    All of it, loving the judo, swimming and waiting for the athletics and triathlon!

  41. TIm K

    Swimming, Cycling

  42. Scott Fraser

    Every event I can!!! Swimming, cycling road and track, canoeing, judo, bit of the 7s! Triathlon when it’s on! Go team GB!!

  43. David Faraday

    Watched all the cycling events so far…. and watched some fencing…bizarrely.

  44. Bill H

    Whatever is on during primetime, hence mostly swimming, gymnastics, beach volleyball, and the occasional game of ping pong … you know, all the typical ancient Greek events.

  45. Michael Janssen


  46. John

    Haven’t had the chance to watch much yet but looking forward to watching the next week of T&F events

  47. Jason

    Of course cycling but also swimming, diving, rugby 7’s, judo, fencing, gymnastics, well everything more or less

  48. Johnald

    Cycling and swimming, excited for track and field

  49. Ryan

    Swimming, everything cycling, gymnastics, badminton, diving (ugh)

  50. MClev

    Women’s 10k believable?

  51. Gildo


  52. Simon

    Cycling, gymnastics, tennis, swimming, athletics. So much!

  53. Neil

    All of the cycling!

  54. Miquel Barberà

    I’ve been watching Spain’s basketball team and some swimming races. The time difference between Brazil and Spain doesn’t help :(

  55. Gary Fogelman

    Cycling, swimming, rugby

  56. Max

    Swimming, cycling!

  57. Jayme Halas

    Swimming. GO CANADA!!!

  58. Nick

    Womens 10k WR!

  59. Gilbert

    cycling and of course the time trials, swimming and running (Go Dafne ! )

  60. Marcus

    Swimming and athletic

  61. Alexandra Stirling

    Everything and anything! Always keep track of Kerri Walsh, swimming and cycling. Discovered women’s rugby these Olympics:-). Looking forward to all the

  62. James S

    Following all of it, but swimming and cycling are great motivators!

  63. Csaba

    Swimming, water polo..

  64. Kevin

    Gymnasticsamd cycling

  65. Dustin


  66. Lee Gilbert

    Have been loving Rio so far, my favourites are yet to come though – the heptathlon and track cycling!

  67. Rune

    Just the mens cycling.

  68. Jonathan

    I’ve mainly been watching hockey! I’m going to take it up and be a goalie.

  69. Etienne

    Swimming, volleyball

  70. Lukasz


  71. Jonathan

    Track Cycling and Road Cycling

  72. Terrance Ramirez


  73. Cycling, volleyball, swimming, and equestrian. Can’t wait for track!!!

  74. Kyle

    Cycling of course

  75. Paul

    Loving the 7’s rugby and cycling

  76. Stu Walker

    Everything but mainly the cycling, looking forward to seeing GB smash the team pursuit tonight!

  77. AndrewE

    Water Polo

  78. William dawes

    Ive been watching the British team Smash it in the track cycling and today ive been watching the womens heptathlon. Also seen a bit of judo, boxing and canoeing. Am watching anything thats on when I get a chance tbh. Olympics is great, love it :-D

  79. NeilB

    Rowing, sailing and a bit of the athletics.

  80. Robert M

    I’ve been paying close at entire to women’s volleyball and cycling

  81. hilary

    Fencing and judo and cycling. And now the athletics have started…

  82. Curtis Godlevsky

    Beach Volleyball

  83. Ian Purcell

    Hey I’ve been watching the Irish boys nearly win the rowing!

  84. Luis R De Freitas

    cycling TT

  85. Mark Haggart

    Cycling diving fencing and rugby.

  86. Jeffrey Watts

    Just been watching the men’s road race and TT

  87. James mcnsbb

    Swimming and cycling.

  88. david sabata salles


  89. Damian

    Watching lots of swimming, looking forward to the Marathons.

  90. James

    Canadian womens swimming, go Penny. Also some rowing and general highlights.

  91. Tyler


  92. MitchD

    As a swim challenged triathlete I have been enjoying feeling slower than ever watching the swimming.

  93. Doug Curtis


  94. Jason P.

    Swimming, Soccer and Cycling.

  95. Andrew


  96. Jean-Pascal Lavoie

    Swimming, TT, Rugby!

  97. George Stan

    I’m watching all sports, the olympics are great.

  98. Stephen Linden

    Cycling (road, TT and track), diving, rowing, canoeing, gymnastics – so far

  99. Kristian Klitgaard

    Synchronised Swimming!

  100. Mark

    It’s been mostly swimming so far.