A DCR August Wahoo KICKR Giveaway!


Now that everyone has recovered from the Giveaway Extravaganza, it’s time to get this DCR Giveaway Show back on the road again.  And there’s no better time to do so than mid-way through the 2016 Summer Olympics. Think of this as a bit of a training-pep talk, aimed at pulling you away from 8 hours of water kayaking prelims, and back out to the great outdoors.  And no better way to get prepared for that than a new trainer.

So I’ve decided to giveaway said new trainer.  Well, actually, technically my friends at Clever Training will be giving away said new Wahoo KICKR trainer.  See, they’ve just re-inked their deal with Wahoo Fitness, and now they’re all Wahoo’d up.  Or something like that.  Either way, you get a trainer. You’ll have to carry it from the front door to your pain cave though. Neither I nor the UPS man is going to do that for you.

To enter: Simply leave a comment below with what Olympic events you’ve been watching. Easy as that!

Yup, it’s that easy!  And yes, you can enter no matter where you live.  Brazil, Boise, or Bulgaria – all are OK!  Perhaps being all Rio’d up, someone from Brazil will win.

Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of DCR10BTF, or for some products the VIP points program.


The giveaway entry period will run through August 15th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of the Olympic sport you selected. Selecting ping-pong may have unknown results on your odds.

P.S. – If you’re also a European reader, you can double-down on giveaways with Clever Training Europe’s massive summer monthly giveaway.  Double-boom!


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  1. Bobbi

    Watching it all.. can’t get enough!!

    • Andrea

      I’m watching about anything I can (I’ve even found myself watching golf today, which I’d say doesn’t belong to the Olympics, but whatever…)

  2. Keith Forshew

    The men’s and women’s cycling – so great to see so many huge wins, so sad to see the crashes and disappointments.

  3. Mathias H.

    Was watching male cycling. And cheering on my fellow country man, Jakob Fuglsang for sencend plads.
    Now i am just watching what ever sport looks interesting.

  4. Federico

    Cycling and swimming

  5. steve

    swimming and track mostly but beach volleyball is my favorite

  6. David

    Swimming and track and field

  7. Scott

    So far, mostly swimming. But … really looking forward to triathlon!!

  8. Ryan Menze

    Swimming! Go Phelps go!

  9. Benoit

    Lots of swimming, cycling (time trial), rowing, track and field, boxing, beach volleyball, regular volleyball, rugby sevens, etc… After listing all the events, I’m starting to realize that I have been watching too many events and should probably try to get some work done at some point.

  10. Dustin

    Swimming and Beach volleyball! Phelps is amazing…22 gold medals.

  11. Brian Matthews

    just started to watch athletics and got interested in archery for some reason!

  12. Steve Martn

    Mostly swimming, some gymnastics also.

  13. Chris D

    Steeple chase and ping pong

  14. Arm Falcon

    Cicling and mountain bike

  15. Ben Anderson

    I’m going for Badminton, such pace is awesome to watch. Also looking forward to seeing what Peter Sagan can do in Mountain Bike and Cavendish on the Track!

  16. I have mostly been watching Swimming and Gymnastics!

  17. Jim Fiorato

    I love speed walking! (BTW, you should add paging to the comments)

  18. Phil

    Swimming, cycling, track cycling.

  19. Marc Dietenmaier

    As much as possible. Love the exotic Stuff that even Eurosport won’t show

  20. Ezra Gutschow

    I’ve been watching soccer and gymnastics and looking forward to track cycling.

  21. dsquared

    800 m and water polo today

  22. Chris

    Soccer, volleyball.

  23. Rob Pineau

    Started off with Rugby 7’s, awesome sport. But swimming has my attention now.
    GO PENNY!!!

  24. James

    beach volleyball!

  25. Michael Fiola

    The wife likes to watch the gymnastics, so that’s what’s been on.

  26. John Fox

    Loving the swimming

  27. Matt oliver

    All of it!

  28. Mark S

    Definitely the cycling – sure has been exciting and traumatic so far. Looking forward to the track events this weekend!

  29. Nathan Tressler

    Cycling, swimming, volleyball, gymnastics

  30. Cameron Taylor

    TT, trap shooting and the Michael Phelps Show.

  31. Young. C

    Swimming and Cycyling

  32. Mac Brown

    All of them!!!

  33. John L

    Watching the swimming as a former swimmer and marveling at the current times and skills.

  34. Darlindo Baeta

    until now, just Cycling and football.

  35. Paul Holmgren

    Swimming gold medal and WR women butterfly stroke.

  36. Susan

    Not as much as I’d like, but I’ve watched the women’s gymnastics.

  37. Andy C S

    Swimming, Cycling, Judo, Gymnastics, Table Tennis, Track and field and some Rowing as well!

  38. Dale

    Swimming and gymnastics

  39. Michael Frazier

    Cycling, Soccer, Volleyball, and Table Tennis.

  40. Scott Simmons

    Swimming and cycling!

  41. Adam

    swimming. Water polo. Men’s gymnastic.

  42. Track & Field, 10k :)

  43. Stephen M.

    All about that épée…Fencing!

  44. Roland Bakos

    I love watching kayaking and of course road racing!

  45. Oana

    Swimming, cycling, rowing

  46. Andrew Dyson

    Currently on holiday in Belgium watching hockey, can’t understand a word of what’s going on, buy good fun nonetheless!

  47. Tim U

    Swimming, swimming and more swimming!

  48. Gho Seng Wee

    Cycling! All of the events!

  49. Mircea G

    The cycling events. Looking forward to triathlon.

  50. Luuk

    I’ve seen every sport, mostly where my fellow countrymen participated. But very, very, very happy athletics starts today.
    Happy Rio viewing all!

  51. Gabriel E.

    Swimming, Soccer, track, pretty much anything that’s on TV :P

  52. Matt Speak

    Watching swimming and cycling

  53. dan shepard

    Swimming, Archery, Judo, Gymnastics, Air Rifle, Soccer. Basically anything except beach volleyball.

  54. Peter Salmon

    Cycling, swimming, soccer.

  55. Allan

    Mostly swimming, cycling, and kayaking.

  56. FredW

    Rugby 7´s & Field Hockey

  57. Colin

    So much swimming!

  58. Matthew

    Cycling and swimming have been great! Very proud of the US.

  59. Barrett

    Cycling! And maybe ping-pong? :)

  60. Ross Clements

    Which events? Almost literally all that have a British athlete in! Wouldn’t miss the track cycling if my life depended on it though! Team GB boys and girls are breaking records left right and centre :D

  61. Jeffrey


  62. Amy

    Gymnastics! The US women are amazing!

  63. Emma

    Swimming! And Athletics now that that has started.

  64. G

    Swimming and rowing

  65. Melissa

    Cycling and swimming! Go USA swimming

  66. Jeff

    Cycling both road and track

  67. MartinF

    I have been watching gymnastics, swimming, cycling, and soon track and field.

  68. Aedu

    Whatever’s on when i have some time to watch. Looking forward to the marathon.

  69. Peter Rushbrook

    Swimming and nothing but the swimming

  70. casey novotny

    swimming – all of it!

  71. Mel

    Gymnastics and soon TRIATHLON

  72. Nik w

    Gymnastics, swimming, cycling

  73. Kristin Pinyan

    Swimming, cycling, and gymnastics are must see for me. Also watching a little beach volleyball, diving, tennis, and track.

  74. Ritchie Champion

    Love watching the Swimming. Multiple stars in this years games!

  75. Tanel

    Track and Field

  76. Paul

    Anything and everything I can!!

  77. Matt

    Soccer and so much fencing.

  78. Cleaveran Law

    All cycling, some swimming, gymnastics, fencing, shooting, rowing, track and field, etc.

  79. Jake VanDewater


  80. Jason

    Handball. Thank you!

  81. Tridotexe

    Anything and everything swimming! Even watched some field hockey.

  82. Daniel Knight

    Rugby Sevens. Who knew it could be so much better than Rugby!

  83. matthew hill

    As many of ’em as I can :)

  84. Nick E.


  85. Jeffrey Eckhaus


  86. David Ehrlich

    Cycling and swimming

  87. Peter Andersson

    Swimming and cycling

  88. Kent Cowgill

    Swimming and gymnastics so far.

  89. Brett Stuckey

    Swimming, Rugby, Cycling and upcoming Tris.

  90. Graham Rose

    Team canada winning at swimming!!!

  91. Matthew Burkey

    Rugby 7s

  92. kris h

    Swimming and gymnastics.

  93. Grant

    Soccer, swimming, judo

  94. Annette

    Women’s rugby 7s! Was very epic.

  95. Christopher Conn

    Swimming while waiting for track and field to start

  96. I need more handball!

  97. Sean Ostermann

    Swimming Swimming Swimming GO CANADA GO!!

  98. Scott Scarrow

    Cycling of course, all types… road, mtn & track

  99. Philipp

    Cycling & Swimming ;)

  100. Ventcislav Naidenov

    Swimming, Boxing, Cycling, Athletics