Giveaway Extravaganza: Withings Body Cardio Scale & Activité Pop


You can never weigh yourself too many times, or with too many devices.  After all, that’s how I somehow got more than a dozen scales right now.  However, none of those scales have Pulse Wave Velocity like the Withings Body Cardio does, which is like the most Space Balls thing you can name something (continuing our Star Wars theme today).  Obviously, people sat around a conference table and deliberated names for such a feature at length (except, they did it in French, because Withings is French).  I can’t imagine the number of names that were rejected for not being geeky enough.

Moreover, I wanna see the list of names that were ‘too geeky’.  Because that’s what I want to name my next pet.  Speaking of names, if you need a bit more pop in your step (because you’re not stepping enough), I give you the Withings Activité Pop as well.  It’s like the cooler kid version of the swankier Swiss Watch Withings Activité.

Oh – and finally, I need to bring your attention to the white love lock to the left of the watch below.  The one that says ‘5 Ever’ on the bottom of it.  You may now submit your caption contests for that lock.  Good luck!


Giveaway Opens: 6:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 8:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: Withings Body Cardio WiFi Scale & Withings Activité Pop

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible! Oh, and Clever Training Europe is running their own crazy giveaway right now too!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.  If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Neil Glessner

    Fatherhood… Fat-herhood. I could put this to good use

  2. Chris Skinner


  3. Tarmo

    Thank you

  4. tomaek

    yes please

  5. mart

    I lack of a scale at home, I could definitely use this one !

  6. SuperUser

    In for the giveaway!

  7. Kmays


  8. Steve

    Scale!! Fun!

  9. Mircea

    Pop that weight!

  10. Aaron k


  11. RcMaps

    Wow smart scales cool, may I have one please.

  12. Niels

    An scale is always welcome…

  13. Marco Miranda

    whats my weigh I don’t know but I will find out with this prize ;)

  14. Tynan Scope

    Yes please!

  15. Ryan Guisewite

    I can get on board with this one

  16. Marcel

    Bring it on !

  17. Richard

    I’ve been weighting for these to come up!

  18. Chris

    Pretty please with a withings on top!

  19. Brent S

    This is not a clever comment.

  20. Jason

    Activite Pop it is.

  21. Andrei Dumitru

    Check out my fat percentage :)

  22. Simon J

    5 ever and ever

  23. Alex

    Time for bed

  24. Pawel

    Want it!

  25. runbabyrun

    That scale is broken!

  26. Andrej M

    Me likey!

  27. Volker Poddey

    The geekiest Name was 42…

  28. Jessica

    wow what they come out with is amazing to me..

  29. Kate Notman

    I’m weighing in! (I hope)

  30. Hamish Hargest

    Yes please

  31. Andriy K

    Love Space Balls

  32. Nathan Girdner

    Yeah, I got nothing on that lock. All I can think of is 5Alive. Maybe if I win something I’ll be more inspired, though.

  33. Eirik Torneng

    You can never weigh yourself to much.

  34. tim

    I’d be rude not to!

  35. Torstein

    My Withings is getting old…

  36. Peter Van Susteren

    Dude I want these

  37. Scott


  38. Amy

    Thank You!

  39. Mark

    I’m in!

  40. Blake Taverna

    Come on random number generator please pick me ?

  41. Ger

    Yes, please pick me,..

  42. Wendy ditterline

    Over here! Pick me!

  43. Mikkel_p

    Last one before bedtime. Fingers crossed

  44. Mikao

    Count me in!

  45. Pat


  46. Michel

    4ever and a day is 5ever?

  47. Bora

    Must. get. this. one.

  48. Alex

    I want this!

  49. Kamil Zawadzki

    need a good body scale…

  50. Brett

    I’ll take one please.

  51. Dennis

    Looks good

  52. David


  53. JASON

    Definitely need one of these.

  54. Dmitry S

    I’m in!

  55. Rico

    Looks like a great scale

  56. Ryan

    Keep up all the great work!

  57. Fernandez

    Hope i will win

  58. Gary A.

    They look nice.

  59. Jérôme

    Let’s play

  60. Kamil W

    Maybe me…

  61. Mike

    Count me in

  62. Hugo

    Looks good

  63. Markus Ferk

    Not sure if my comment on the former extravaganza worked…trying again now on this scale.. :)

  64. Luca


  65. mcsaun

    But they took all the love locks down…….

  66. Trent Bauserman


  67. Ken


  68. Joshua


  69. Zeynep

    how about a scale?

  70. Bruce Burkhalter

    Thanks, Ray and Clever Training!

  71. Conor Duffy

    In it to win it

  72. Bill murray

    Something very fishy about theses scales. I’ll have a weighAl of a time on them though.

  73. Matt Randall

    Good looking watch.

  74. Daniel Aspinall

    I’d love me each of these bad boys.

  75. Jose


  76. michal .s

    gimme gimme

  77. Carlos

    How nice!

  78. Emmanuel Millan

    I want this!

  79. J

    I am fat

  80. Tareance James

    scales that connect to devices.. #winning

  81. John

    Awesome prize!

  82. Jeroen Vandoorne

    oude slagmanstraat

  83. Tim Smith

    Yes, Please

  84. Allison Standard

    Because 4ever isn’t long enough!

  85. dave

    become a climber

  86. Jessica

    Yes please!

  87. Dan

    Def could use a new scale!

  88. jm1


  89. Silvia Capelli

    want it

  90. David

    Me, me!

  91. Ken MacInnis

    Weighing in!

  92. Carlton

    Nice upgrade to my current scale!

  93. Benjamin Winter

    watch your weight

  94. Jocelyne

    Sign me up!