Giveaway Extravaganza: 360Fly 4K 360° Action cam


Do you always miss the shot – looking in the wrong direction when the shark jumps up and grabs that seal?  Well, I’ve got the action cam for you: The 360Fly 4K 360° action cam.

See, this cam sees everything.  Well, almost everything anyways.  You can plop it on your bike and it’ll catch you racing towards the tree, hitting the tree, and then capture your endo over the handlebars and into the creek.  And best of all, it’s guaranteed to capture every last angle of that in beautifully stunning 360° 4K.  It’s like having your personal paparazzi for when things go hideously wrong.  Alternatively, you can use it as a pool table 8-ball in case the whole mountain biking thing doesn’t work out.  It rolls along quite nicely.

Giveaway Opens: 2:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 4:00AM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: 360Fly 360° Action Cam (non-4K review, 4K review coming soon!)

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.  If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Stupidboy

    Ooohhhh shiny

  2. Dylan Greene

    Cool! 360 is definitely the future of video!

  3. KY

    Yes please!

  4. Thomas


  5. niiiice, waaaant!

  6. Daniel

    Yes please, keep em comming :-).

  7. Matiss

    Wow! Nice!

  8. Stijn

    Nice camera for family use

  9. Lucik

    Why not this one ;)

  10. Kostas Christidis

    Here we go again!

  11. Andrew M

    So I could watch all my endos in 4K? Awesome!

  12. Smita

    Extravaganza time,

  13. giraffes

    Hope I win

  14. Antonio Grimaldi

    I want it!!!!

  15. Javel Silveira


  16. Sendvo

    Let ne in!

  17. Spencer Oswald

    Whooo hope I win! Good luck al

  18. Jacek


  19. Melvin

    Me please!!

  20. Roelof

    Count me in!

  21. Pieter

    360 rules!

  22. Falko

    Very nice.

  23. Zaphs

    Wooh really 360•

  24. Kenni Lund

    Wauv. This looks like it’s out of space :o)

  25. Maksim

    Wow! 360 degrees!

  26. Jet


  27. Jan Søgaard

    Yes, this is one for me!

  28. Mike

    Oh yes please

  29. Kári

    Ja takk

  30. Tim V


  31. Awesome way to never miss the shot

  32. Rachael

    Well this looks fun, I want one! :)

  33. David Higginson

    Maui in 360?

  34. Ondrej Vanis

    I would like to take part in this giveaway, please.

  35. Miko Santos

    Awesome giveaways, Ray! :D

  36. Luca

    I want it!

  37. Miriam Core


  38. da_fox

    Gimne gimme gimme! I have to win something eventually, right?

  39. Kistoney

    Looks like an evil all seeing eye!

  40. Brad Clements

    Yes, please!!

  41. giraffe


  42. Neal Welland

    No hiding…..

  43. Chris Grainge

    Hmm, this camera or a spinny head??

  44. Jérémy

    Yes PLEASE

  45. Nathan

    awesome cam

  46. John

    That would be awesome!!!

  47. David Horn

    Been impressed by your 360 videos, can think of some cool applications.

  48. charles le gall

    I’m in for this !

  49. Kris


  50. Bertrand Dupraz

    4K everywhere!

  51. Marcin

    My dog would love this action cam.

  52. Mafalda Rodrigues

    Here I am!

  53. Mika Anderson

    Good luck everyone!

  54. Joost

    Too funny not to react…..

  55. Tonny Madsen

    I would so mush love this!

  56. Alex

    You da man!

  57. Flemming Vind

    Round and shint
    Could be fun

  58. Arne

    Would take it :)

  59. geoffrey

    Do doo head

  60. Casebase

    Crash? What crash?

  61. Ian Grant

    Oh, go on then, I’d love an action cam!

  62. Rpjwhite

    Yes please.

  63. James Caracoussis

    Let’s try this one!

  64. Rob

    Yes please!

  65. Tautvydas

    would be great

  66. Duaine

    4k Video – 360 Degrees – Yes Please

  67. andrejs

    yes please!

  68. Alex C

    Great giveaway!

  69. Charl Jameson Beukes

    Mine, Mine, Mine

  70. Joffey

    Great site Ray, hope you pick me!!!

  71. Emily Senior

    Husband making me enter more competitions… sigh.

  72. Ohad Kless

    I’m in!

  73. Lars Viborg

    Nice thing to have

  74. Niv Magen

    Pick me

  75. Martijn

    Oh yes!

  76. Mitchell Mond

    Should be interesting if I win

  77. Davide Tarsi

    Thanks, great blogger

  78. MarkPF

    Would be great !

  79. Mike


  80. migo flores

    Winner winner chicken dinner!!

  81. Joshua Rutkowski

    Guten tag!

  82. Well, I guess it’s worth a try! Count me in for this one.

  83. Alan Taylor Farnes


  84. stephen gerber


  85. Ramon

    Wow, cool thing!

  86. Lester Walters

    I’m in.

  87. Eric

    Looks cool.

  88. Lee Weikert

    Pick me!

  89. Andrew Todd


  90. Jim

    I need an action cam!!

  91. Shaun Moran

    It does look like an magic eight ball :-)

  92. Gouke

    I would love to use this camera on a sailing boat, towing and snowboarding.

  93. Lars

    One for Demark please ?

  94. Kevin Collings


  95. Ammon

    Very cool

  96. robert


  97. Ian Mc

    This dad will be a hero for one day!

  98. Matt O'Brien

    I’m not sure I want one of these but if it’s free why not!

  99. Daniel N

    I could enjoy something like this.