A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Kevin Tan

    A 20min shakeup up run on Sat before Christchurch Marathon on Sun.

  2. Roger Dennis

    Free stuff is needed

  3. Hamish Barker

    Training plans are/were to take a quick blast down the hill to the office and maximum effort back up.

  4. E

    long run on saturday and stretching the rest of the weekend with bbq thrown in there

  5. Colin

    A few runs with my son in the stroller.

  6. Robert Finke

    Stand up paddle board, bike and run this weekend.

  7. Pat Cooper

    My girlfriend’s sister got married. Not much time for training!

  8. Jason Fears

    6 mile run on Saturday and a 25 mile bike on Sunday.

  9. Trisha

    Plan on riding 50 miles with friends.

  10. Bruce M

    Planned a short 42.2km “training” run at the Edinburgh marathon and nailed it!

  11. Travis Stratton

    4 mile run, ribs and whiskey.

  12. Peber

    Will be working, being on call. Hopefully time for a longish bike ride and a short run

  13. KJ

    Planned on biking around Lake Washington but my rear derailleur still hasn’t arrived :(

  14. Adam Pavlak

    5.5 mile half marathon training run on Monday.

  15. Iain

    Beer & bbq. Couple of short runs to work off the beer.

    Sorry if this is a duplicate

  16. Shawn Warner

    I’m planning a 3 day solo tour, camping along the way :-)

  17. Ivan Clavijos

    Just an easy weekend after completing previous one my first triathlon of the season.

    A short run on Saturday and some 40-50k on bike on Sunday

  18. Tom Lawton

    Racing the Outlaw Half. And recovering. BBQ may be involved in the second!

  19. Stephen

    Long run on Sat, recovery run on Sun., walk in the park on Mon.

  20. Armin

    Planned for the weekend was:
    1.) ~60km ride to my parents and back (check)
    2.) a ~20km run (got pushed to tomorrow because I unexpectedly had to work yesterday :/)

  21. Saturday: Easy 11K
    Sunday: Long Run (16K)
    Monday: Barbecue Day!

  22. David Gardiner

    3 trainer road rides on the kickr

  23. Gijs

    Wow nice!

  24. Andreas

    a short 5 mile run in Saturday, BBQ with family and friends on Sunday, on the bike on Monday

  25. Stefan K

    Sturday – organising a trail running competition with my sport club
    Sunday running in off trail/orienteering 90 minutes
    Monday – watt based intervals in Zwift

  26. Mike

    Beers at the pool. Back at it on Tues

  27. Steve G

    Planning for a TR workout, an outdoor ride and a short run.

  28. Alan Mohr

    I’ll be putting in a long ride on my bike this weekend. Hopefully the weather cooperates.

  29. Jonathan Hjertström

    Swiming in the sea for the first time this year.
    Greetings from Sweden

  30. Ryan M

    Open water swimming in the gulf and beach runs!

  31. Andrew

    10mi run + hot power yoga

  32. Jeff Kramer

    I rode Bike The Drive in Chicago, ran 9 miles on Sat morning and rode 27 miles on my bike this morning.

  33. Ryan

    Ditto what someone else said… Looked for a good marathon at the Bayshore Marathon in Traverse City, MI. Ended up with a poor split in heat and humidity. Enjoying the recovery on the couch now.

  34. Michael Patti

    Did my training run on Saturday, did some insane core work Sunday (yard work), and today after it cools off after dinner I hope to get in 2.5 miles with my 7yo who has been training to run his first 5k in 2 weeks. He’ll be faster than me before I know it.

  35. Lee Ragsdale

    Saturday long run, Sunday rest. Monday run and boot camp. And, chasing around the kiddos at the pool.

  36. Wojciech G

    I went on a couple of easy runs over the weekend, and today am partaking in some burgers and hot dogs with the family!

  37. Katrina

    Raced Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon. My goal half for spring training!

  38. Morgan baynham

    I’ll be alternately zwifting and running. 11 month old baby means any training gets squeezed in and around meal/bath/nap time.

  39. Mike Johnston

    4.5 hour bike Saturday followed by 45 min run. 2 hour run on Sunday followed by an hour bike. Monday rest and eat BBQ.

  40. Jake

    Fri – Quick 15 mile ride. Catch up with friends I haven’t seen in months and the new X-Men.
    Sat – Replace window assembly in car, clean garage and get KTM ready for Sunday ride.
    Sun – Hit the trails on Orange. BBQ after cleaning up.
    Mon – Breakfast with friends, taking advantage of Memorial Day sales, get ready for the week and give the body a needed day of rest.

  41. Roy Atkinson

    Long cycle around the beautiful mountains of Kerry in Ireland. Doesn’t get any better. ?

  42. Mat

    Trying out a wetsuit before my first open water swim!

  43. Marisa

    I ran the Med City Marathon on Sunday, as a training run for Grandma’s in 3 weeks.

  44. Peggy oin

    My training plan is to pace fellow runner in a half marathon in 2:13 time frame follow by a 15km trail back to the nature as recovery run.

  45. Des Lynch

    Signed up for Dublin marathon race series so got myslef out running and also trying daily 4 minute very intense hiit sessions

  46. Fred Garderes

    Back to back runs (12 and 15 milers) in preparation for July 100miles run in Tahoe!

  47. Carla Brown

    My plans include a couple of long runs and some strength training so I can have that slice of apple pie guilt free!

  48. Kevin R

    I ran 2 marathons this months so I’m taking it easy 6 miles run Sat, Sunday and Monday off.

  49. Alberto A

    Signed for the Captextri but bad weather a lot of rain

  50. Jeff moran

    BBQ and pool parties after morning HIIT workouts

  51. Cristina

    Training hard for my first marathon !!!

  52. Gareth Loggenberg

    Running between 4 barbeques telling myself gluttony is an acceptable part of training.

  53. JeffB

    Much riding, running, and grilling!

  54. frenchpattern

    Managed 5k while it wasn’t raining. Success!

  55. Joe

    Doing my first marathon at Notre Dame in South Bend.

  56. Japiooo

    First ever 20 min FTP test with my new Stages. Thx for the reviews!

  57. Joseph

    4mi run with the wife tomorrow morning. Mamma needs an new HR Garmin.

  58. David

    I was pretty sure to do a long run and a long ride. But in fact, almost nothing unfortunately… next time !

  59. Sergio De La Garza

    The past weekend just won an MTB competition here in Mexico City, a 22km in total, 5 laps of 4.4 km with a time of 1 hour 21 mins.

  60. Tony Reeves

    I will be continuing training for the Trek 100 charity ride at Trek headquarters in Waterloo Wisconsin USA want to get at least 40 miles in

  61. Desmond Loh

    I wll be doing a Duathlon race this weekend. But on usual weekends when I’m not racing, I’ll be doing tempo runs over a hilly course with my running group of around 10k & above in the morning, 20 laps in the pool during noon and finished it off a 20k easy ride in the evening for Saturdays. Sundays are reserve for long haul rides on bike or LSD in the morning, follower by 20 laps in the pool during noon and finished it with cross-training in the gym in the evening.

  62. karen

    Long training ride with friends if the rain holds off.

  63. Colin

    Made some artisanal bread and I plan on sitting down with it, some butter, some honey, and some cheese.

  64. Darren Lavey

    I kept it pretty lazy for the long weekend, just 3K in the pool on Sunday.

  65. E L

    It was a little bit of everything, getting back into training. Two km swimming, a quick bike ride and a short run!

  66. B-rian

    Riding in the Alabama heat, swimming in the Tennessee and running the Shoals

  67. Shannon P

    I took Friday off for a 4-day weekend & walked 3 times (15 miles total) between Thursday night and today. Sucks coming back from an injury!

  68. Victor Ng

    I will be taking part in the The Great Relay, Singapore with 3 of my good friends running a total of 100km this weekend.

  69. UVA tri

    Yard work followed by a swim – run brick

  70. Jenny

    Spent the weekend outside. Swam a little too.

  71. Gerard

    Run, rest, and eat. A great weekend!

  72. James

    My training plans involve trying to bump up my PD curve in WKO4.

  73. Jun Zhao

    race half marathon on Saturday and 10K on Sunday back to back.

  74. Reman Chim

    I will be participating in a 100km relay race with my buddies on Saturday in The Great Singapore Relay. Following that, I will do a Recovery Run on Sunday morning to complete a Back2Back weekend programme :)

  75. Giles Rowland

    Nice ride out to the country Sunday, gym Monday

  76. Charles Lee

    I ran the Virginia 10 miler course to get a feel for the route again.

  77. John Nadolski

    Hard Saturday am group ride, then saddle sore recovery for the remainder of the weekend.

  78. Neil Fishman

    Spent the weekend at a soccer tournament with my 16 year old son in Maryland. I found a park with trails on Saturday and had more of an adventure than planned, including one fall. Sunday was a travel day and I did my long run on Monday (training for half marathon on June 12).

  79. Stephen Sands

    To have my first summer bike ride be a 42.5 mile ride on Long Beach Island, NJ followed by a Cohiba robusto!

  80. Robinson Milani

    just a nice long run a a bike ride with friends

  81. Kp tan

    Long run with srrides

  82. Kevin Collings

    My training plans wound up being a bust due to real life, so… it’s back to commuting as training this week!

  83. Jay

    Two short rides, one towing a Burley. A spot of open water, a bit in the pool and as little running as I could get away with :)

  84. Steve

    Went outside he box with prime rib today. Will need extra training time this week as a result.

  85. Wil

    Taking 10-15 minute walks with my dog. I strained my back a few weeks ago to the point where I couldn’t even bend down to ut shoes on. Pain is less now so I can go slowly go back to running 4-6 miles week. I will start again next week.

  86. Michael savelli

    Reno-Tahoe Odyssey 178 mile relay race, as an ultra team.

  87. Steve

    Working on climbing endurance. There’s two really big hills near my house and I’m working on conquering both before the summer’s out.

  88. Mark

    Relaxing post-honeymoon cruise along the beach with my wife. Then bbq!

  89. Ian

    I plan to take an extended bike ride Saturday and have a swim workout on Sunday. Back to work Monday.

  90. Paul

    Group trail run and then some cross and strength training.

  91. Adam myers

    I am racing, but hey, racing is training and training is racing!!

  92. Cesar Roman

    I’m currently recovering from shin splints, only strength training.

  93. Tim

    Final training runs for a half marathon and continuing to build towards my 70.3 in July…and a little dirt biking if the weather is nice!

  94. Andrew

    Saturday: 100 km base building ride down Beach Rd
    Sunday: 8 km run

  95. Helen Burton

    Steady State intervals and wash my bike.

  96. Adolfo

    Ribs! And biking up tunnel road

  97. Mike

    Lots of food and running with a swim and a ride sprinkled in there.

  98. John L

    Several 30 mile rides in hot weather and dodging rain storms.

  99. frankis

    Not a holiday here in Canada. Our holiday was last week. Did 12 miles on Sunday in the humid heat. Felt sorry for those racing.

  100. Michael Thayer

    Riding, running and watching racing all day Sunday.