A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Kay

    When the heat hits, hit the water.

  2. Stefan

    Last soccer match of the season!

  3. Ken

    As much riding as I can make time for!

  4. MoGreen

    5 mile run , grill meat, wash , rinse, repeat every 24 hours

  5. Stephen Addison

    Had some long runs planned, but a friends wedding and the resulting hangover meant a far more relaxed time heading to the local county fair!

  6. Maggs

    Whatever I need to do to track down the hot swimmer. Do probably swimming a lot.

  7. Lee

    Three BBQs!!! No time to train ;-)

  8. Mark Croonen

    Just the usual
    Solo on Saturday up the local Mountain
    Sunday is a long ride at tempo with the evil twins killing me on the hills.

  9. Rosan

    I go out For walking with the dog and chilling when the sun is shine .
    Also i enjoy the free days ?

  10. Steven Chase

    Trying to sneak in a few runs between family time…

  11. Cody Cox

    For the long weekend workout plan.
    Endurance trail run Saturday = 15miles
    Up and back stair run Sunday = 428stairs X3
    Fast weight training early morning Monday = 1.75hrs
    That was my long weekend workouts!!

  12. Mark Smith

    2 10 mile trail hikes with the dogs and 2 Peloton spin classes!

  13. Will Sparrow

    In between soccer matches, I’ll be squeezing in some trail time on my mountain bike and hopefully a swim.

  14. Marcello

    Actually restarting after a half marathon… So .. just some easy 10k

  15. Simon Saunders

    Solo 100k ride, just keep building…..

  16. kay

    Actually BBQ’ing and open water swimming, easy running on sunday.

  17. André Hornæs

    Enjoying my vaction with my family in mallorca, and i hope to squeeze in some quality runs.

  18. Ronan Kearns

    250km 5000m grand fondo at the weekend (or would you call it an audax) so training for the next couple of days will involve tapering my effort.

  19. Cliff C.

    Long weekend going to be cycling with co-worker for a longer distance, continue with 15min high intensity (at least for me) training climbing hills etc. Eating more greens for a all rounder training plan on memorial weekend!

  20. G Switch

    I plan for a 3 mile interval run on Monday (already done!). I am re-starting the bodyweight series from Reddit on Tuesday (looking forward to it!)


  21. Tole

    Long, long trail run on Sunday

  22. Dan

    Recovering from injury. Out 6 weeks! Slow cooked ribs and chilli to pass the time. Remembering those that gave all!

  23. steph

    Christmas in May.
    Thanks Ray.

    Last week-end in Paris was pretty rainy, my motivation was not on top: only one run w/ 17K. But I’ll take my revenge on next week-end—hopefully.
    Keep goin’

  24. Gareth Speechley

    Riding with a guest at my cycling/triathlon hotel in Girona, Spain.

  25. Don Shin

    Training (or should I say rehabbing) for the Santa Rosa Marathon in a few months!

  26. Jake Saunders

    Long bike ride followed by a run on Satudrday, easy 1:45 bike on Sunday with an open water swim in the ocean later (so cold!)

  27. Uri

    A 8k run and 1k pool swim

  28. Keith

    I ran a 10k and also plan on doing some other light running and some lifting. Happy Holiday?

  29. Ro Ka

    Club 5k handicap run on Friday, crack of dawn ride on Saturday morning, lido swim on Saturday evening. Sunday is for passive recovery.

  30. J Winchester

    Got some miles in along the coast…nice weekend for it!

  31. Jacob Borrett

    Run run run. That half marathon ain’t gunna run itself! Probably 14-15 miles over the weekend at 8 min pace.

  32. Troy Adams

    3 mile run and some heavy lifting.

  33. John Alvaro Figueroa

    I was training with zwift, with easy recovery routine, after a bad sick thursday and friday. Thanks Ray for your giveaways!!!

  34. Orel

    I’ve done my first bike and run training 20k + 5k. I really enjoy !

  35. Julien

    On Saturday: 100km brick IM pace, run at HIM pace. Sunday, brick again! 1hour ride + 1 h30 run intervals. Want to improve for my third full distance at Mont-Tremblant on August 21st!!

  36. Drew

    Marinated chicken and some indoor cardio (long *rainy* weekend)

  37. Dave

    Making ribs today and enjoying an off day with my family.

  38. Michael

    Mowing the lawn. Then a bike ride to relax.

  39. Spud

    Ironman Austria training..
    Sat 6hr zone 2 bike with a 15 min z4 effort + 1hr z2 run.

    Sunday 1:30 bike + 3:00 z2 run.

    Wish me luck, I cannot wait ?

  40. Marco G

    Getting some base training in with a new baby. Not easy.

  41. Sebastiaan

    Thanks for the Twitter reminder :) I’ll hopefully be out on the trail on the mtb!

  42. Peter

    I plan two 3 hour bike excercises.

  43. Jill

    My “training” consisted of 45 minutes at the gym followed by beer, burgers and hot dogs! Post-pregnancy at its finest!

  44. Mathieu Cagnard

    Saturday, spinning class / Sunday, swim ans short run / Monday, long run and few beers and grads parties in between ?

  45. Jesse

    Mostly rest with some swimming this weekend… Foot is still a little sore from latest half marathon.

  46. Matic

    cycle as many kms as I can

  47. Priz

    Carolina BBQ Sunday
    Burgers with Cheddar Monday

  48. grestri

    Still sick loosing best moments if this season, so unfortunatelly I’m going to train only my core strength and do a little loop around my city.

  49. Ryan

    Friday – 8 at marathon pace, then pork tenderloin
    Saturday – 6 easy with the pup, then pool, ribs, Kolsch and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup S’more nightcap
    Sunday – 14 at 7:20 pace in the heat, then Sazeracs and Game of Thrones
    Monday – 5 easy with the pup in a downpour, then pizza and chocolate chip cookies

  50. James Kenningham

    Climbing Ventoux via all three road routes back to back! (Approx 4,500m of vertical in 88 miles).

  51. Brendan

    I’ll be playing soccer on Friday night, recovery at the beach in Saturday then shoot some hoops on Sunday

  52. DOB

    4km swim Saturday and 7-hr spin Sunday ahead of IM in 4 weeks, excited mixed with pain face!

  53. Marty

    Having friends over for burgers and dogs!

  54. Eedee Stephens

    My husband and I went on a windy and hot bike ride, amd I plan to take it easy before beginning to work with a new coach!

  55. Danny Painter

    Intervals on turbo – get to hill if possible

  56. Craig Watson

    long run of 18 on saturday, 60 mile bike on Sunday, and 14 mile run on monday

  57. David Maume

    I plan swimming, biking and running. I would appreciate a 920XT to train better. ;-)
    Txs for the great job you did here.

  58. Ulf

    Starting up the base training program for Göteborgsvarvet 2017, with a slow distance run.

  59. Daniel

    Rugby and a run ideally. Capped off with the good news of a competition win!

  60. Vanessa

    5K with my new Garmin forerunner 235 :-)

  61. Clas

    Planning a distance tour on saturday on my bike at least 200 km, looking forward to that.

  62. Michele

    Long run on Saturday if I can survive the abnormal heat/humidity, easy run Sunday, hike with dog Monday

  63. Federica

    signed up for the half marathon of the Chianti Classic Marathon in Tuscany Italy! On the 5th of June

  64. Simon

    I went out for 3 rides with each 1000 vertical meters uphill and about 3000 – 3500 vertical meters downhill

  65. Oscar

    My weekend training plans will probably be a 60km out and bike ride. Or a trail ride on the mountain bike (which definitely sounds more fun!)

  66. Jeff Ryder

    New family addition; so run, diaper change, sleep, not sleep, maybe a little on the trainer….after a nap.

  67. Patrick

    I’ll be taking care of all the people who indulge and eat too much. Hospital tss points.

  68. JF

    Century on Saturday, brick on Sunday and Memorial Day BBQ on Monday (ok, and a swim). :)

  69. Jonathan

    Riding around New Forest on a rental mountain bike.

  70. MikeB

    Trans-Pacific travel and recovery. Not even a BBQ. :-(

  71. Tom

    Bike, bike, bike, repeat :)

  72. Patrick

    hey DCR this weekend I’m doing a sprint triathalon at Eastern Washington University

  73. Flemming Lundager

    Running x 2… We have the weather for it now.

  74. Travis Tucker

    I plan on going on a long run with my dogs.

  75. Scott T.

    Couple of long rides, cookouts, and the pool.

  76. Bob Mako

    Staying close to nurse my wife after surgery. My training is a Firefly/Serenity marathon. Back yo running hopefully next week.

  77. Eirik Torneng

    I started the weekend of doing hill repeats and then continued with a weekend long bachelor party, which might go as alternative training.

  78. David Barron

    Going to finally turn around my downward slide. Plan to get back on the trainer at least once, and also a Memorial Day run.

  79. I’ll start back biking after more than 2 weeks off! (Cold, then dentist surgery)

  80. Mircea G

    No training this weekend. Racing the TotalTriMallorca Olympic distance triathlon. Should be fun!

  81. MatevzH

    Weekend is already in the past. Still.. 60k cycling on saturday, and 22k mountain trail run on sunday..

  82. Daniel

    50 mile ride.

  83. Tim K

    I’ll be going for a run with the Mrs. She just finished her first ever 10km, and I’m enjoying the time we can now spend jogging together (without the exhaustion!).

  84. Aaron Lee

    Raced the first Tri of the year on Sunday, Monday I’m relaxing and cleaning all the mud and dirt off the bike!

  85. Matt

    Little trail run on Saturday, bike on Sunday, little tempo run on Monday…a little rest next weekend I guess. Coach is mean.

  86. Alicia Chase

    Rode 39 mi on Friday, 33 miles today. Yesterday was 9 mi run and 2400m swim.

  87. Robert A.

    On saturday I’ll do short pre race workouts of appr. 15 – 30 min. each in swimming , biking and running. Sunday is my big race for this season the 70.3 IM Kraichgau.

  88. Josh leahy

    Training plans: bike ride with my 5 y.o.

  89. Jerrod

    As always, just ride!

  90. Mark Dwight

    suffering from jet lag — just a little slow running

  91. Chris K

    Ran the Run to Remember during Boston vacation this weekend to honor all first responders. Another half-marathon on deck for this Saturday means a 2000 yard swim tonight and a gentle taper shakeout run!

  92. wb

    I’ll be racing bikes on the road and riding with friends and family.

  93. Craig D

    Heading to Europe (St. Moritz) next week for a training camp with Brett Sutton, so just getting in some final sets on the turbo, in the pool, and out on the track to prepare!

  94. Oscar g

    To prepare my wedding for next weekend

  95. Mikkel

    Easy brick session… 30k cycle, 2h bbq, 30k cycle

  96. Casey Mungall

    Morning runs as part of my half- marathon training!

  97. Sandy Milton

    Speed reps or pyramid hill reps on Friday and a short trail run on Sunday

  98. Andy Hill

    I’m planning on getting some miles behind me in prep for an upcoming half marathon! Can’t wait!

  99. Val

    Did a zipline/obstacle course. My quads hurt!

  100. Ismail Randeree

    5km run on Saturday and 20km mountain bike ride on Sunday.