A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. wally

    FTP intervals on trainer followed by easy 6 mile brick + EMS work.

  2. Damian Steele

    I’ll go for a 10km run and an 80km mountain bike ride, if the weather is dry.

  3. David Morgan

    65 miles on the bike followed by birthday cake for my little man. Enjoying the warm weather in New England.

  4. Bob Erwin

    I plan on weight lifting and running 6 miles later in the evening. Also, work aroun the condo .

  5. Op E

    Indoor trainer session and 5k run

  6. ricou

    My plans for next weekend is to make a nice hilly bicycle ride on Saturday with some friends. And then on Sunday I’ll test my left ankle on a short run.

    I would love to have the next Garmin Vivoactive HR for my wife and I.

  7. Fabio Pires

    I need to burn some real fat!!! So let´s ride everyday!

  8. Xander Schelfhout

    2 hours of brick training for my first Ironman 70.3 mid June

  9. Sampo Peltola

    Quality time with girlfriend with the odd run thrown in the mix

  10. Kai

    Just running by how I feel while recovering from injury.

  11. Radut

    Long run on Saturday, smoking a whole chicken on Sunday.

  12. George C.

    Bike rides on both days of the weekend :)

  13. Katri Kerem

    Definitely some longer biking and probably a yoga class. As my regular club trainings end in May I will be free to make my own plans. I have not yet had time to think about the weekend as I want to get a tough week at work done.

  14. John Phoebus

    This weekend, our tri club rode a local metric century that unexpectedly had three sections of gravel. Sunday, my training partner and I ran 12 miles on the Algonquin trail.

  15. Wendy Burgess

    Hiking with my husband and then a BBQ in the sun :-P

  16. Patrick

    A verrrrry hot run in St. Michael’s, MD followed by more casual kayaking and biking in the afternoon.

  17. Torgeir Nes

    Mountain half marathon

  18. Mike

    100km of cycling it’s good for me :)

  19. Molly

    I’ll be getting in a hard tempo run in preparation of my upcoming marathon.

  20. Steve

    general fitness, rode 55 miles Sat, Racquetball today. On a rest period after Ragnar Cape Cod 2 weeks ago

  21. Julian

    Last training ride before this year’s road trip : Cycling up the Mont Ventoux, the Telegraphe/Galibier and finally the Trois Ballons. Gonna be a fun weekend!

  22. Arno

    I plan a ~100km ride to Montebello, QC. Grain fed Alberta beef will be my post ride BBQ meal!

  23. david

    climb mt baldy saturday… run the SaMo mtns Sunday… eat my face off monday.

  24. eyal

    planned a 4 hours bike ride, did 1.5 :(

  25. Ayse

    This weekend I had my next to last long run of half marathon training. Now I’m hydrating up for a short rest day jog before a long slow bike ride, then I’m going to (exciting) wash a carpet. No picnics or barbecues, though we did eat pizza in a friend’s driveway last night.

  26. Mark

    Did som OCR training and went out on a hike.

  27. Mike S

    Fitting in some interval riding in the neighborhood between the raindrops.

  28. Michael

    30 minutes on ski machine
    And working on distance and speed on my bike. Looking to increase speed and endurance. Intervals is my method.

  29. Diego

    Hi Ray.

    My plan is simple. 40km on a bike, some hills included and 15k running at easy pace


  30. James Barnes

    Raising my glass for the fallen and running a half marathon trail run

  31. FrBr

    101km Time Trial

  32. dieter Neirinck

    I did a 15k run and a 110k ride this weekend, prepping for olympic tri in three weeks.

  33. David Warren

    50 mile group rides on saturday and Sunday jamming the hills. Then family time and BBQ ribs on monday. It’s been a great long weekend!

  34. Tom Knoblauch

    I’ve had to work the entire weekend, 12 hours on Memorial Day. Thanks for your blog.

  35. Steven

    Getting on the trainer. Here in FL, the summer season is the best time to ride the trainer if you you can only ride during the hottest part of the day!

  36. Jennifer Jackson

    Getting back in the swing of things with an easy run on Sunday.

  37. Arthur

    a short 2 hours with Vo2max intervals, and then a long 6hours endurance with a fair bit of climbing

  38. Craig Mackenzie

    A couple of mountain bike rides

  39. Justin Hahn

    10 mile trail run getting ready to pace my wife in her 100.

  40. Santiag

    yoga-run-swim done ready for siesta

  41. Shawn Benbow

    I took my two year old son cycling (he in the Chariot) throughout the Edmonton, AB river valley.

  42. Fernando S.

    Start with my open water training for this season. Probably 1,5 to 2km swim in the mediterranean sea. And a short run of around 6-7km. And enjoy the spring!

  43. Enes Mahmuljin

    Just strenght training for me this weekend. Unfortunately still recovering from my ITBS.

  44. Paul

    Swim endurance session and some runs. Fast all out and then IM70 pace on tired legs. Booooom.

  45. Joshua

    3:30/:40 ride/run Saturday; wife & I cycling intervals Sunday; and some mile repeats and nap on the beach Monday. Also, homemade deer jerky making.

  46. Filip

    half ironman race

  47. Marek F

    Light run with some freeletics

  48. Denis Schapira Wajman

    Long transition training on saturday, and a slow bike on sunday.

  49. Matt

    44 mi/5 mi brick plus OWS practice in the Delaware Bay/Lewes Beach.

  50. Nangariel

    A long run in the forest on Sat

  51. Brunoille

    Cycling, running and more cycling if it’s sunny!

  52. Ofer Yehuda

    I plan to ride 50Km MTB, with about 650 meter climbing.

  53. Roman

    Not so much training this weekend, some short intervalls on friday, hillclimb race on saturday and on sunday…

  54. Ken Platteau

    That ‘ll be a 2k pool swim, with fenix3 and HR swim!

  55. Andrey Nikanorov

    Will go for long run

  56. Silas Olsen

    This weekend will be all about preparing for states!!! The Class S State Track and Field Meet is this coming Thurs, and I qualified in the 3200 meter (2 miles) race with a 10:34 as well as in the 4×800 meter race. I have already done a slow 6 mile run and plan to do another one before the day is over. After that, it’s on to XC, which is obviously way better.

  57. Jonathan

    My weekend included a bike ride with the wife. Some swimming and some Memorial Day Fun! Thanks to all the US Soldiers and families for their service!

  58. Michael Harris

    Had an awesome training run with my beautiful wife.

  59. Jeff Fettint

    A relaxing 45 miles ride along Chicago’s lake front followed by BBQ ribs.

  60. I’ve just started running again after a year off due to illness. I’ve done a 3.5km run already, and two short-ish cycles. I’m also about to sign up for a motivational race!

  61. Stefan Peeman

    Did a great time trial this weekend, happy with the result!

  62. Pablo Ortega

    GO back to running after 1 months of resting from my frist full.

  63. Peter Weir

    Participating in Giro d’Italia Gran Fondo Northern Ireland – Mourne Route 175km . My biggest cycling challenge to date.

  64. I’m training for Bike MS ride next week, 150 miles total, 75 from Richmond to Williamsburg and then 75 back the next day. I went 100 miles Saturday, and 17 hilly miles on Monday morning. Feel free to donate!

  65. remco

    saterday 5km intervals and sunday running 10km without any pain hopefully

  66. David

    Swimming session!

  67. Alex

    Many laps running around town lake in Austin

  68. Beñat

    100 kms ride with on saturday and rest on sunday

  69. Eric

    50 mile bike > t-run Saturday, long run Sunday

  70. Fijigabe

    I’m planning on riding 6 hours next weekend, plus 2 hours in the gym. Getting ready for CX season!

  71. Andrew Kenyon

    A long weekend with the family in the sunshine for me, with a couple of 5k runs in the middle.

  72. Brian

    Ribs on the smoker and an hour on the trails today

  73. Chaz

    No training for me. Instead a weekend with friends at the lake.

  74. kim colpaert

    I do a 1/4 triathlon race on Saturday and a recup ride on Sunday.

  75. Erik

    I will race a nice crit

  76. Liam

    Cycle to work little off the bike run before work, start work then ride home. Swim set in the evening bed :)

  77. Rick Swagler

    A 50-mile ride with some friends.

  78. Otacilio Duarte

    Like Gene Kelly, running in the rain in Curitiba, Brazil.

  79. J Well

    Trail run, go to work, clean the garage, run, play with kids, picnic, repeat.

  80. S. Wall

    Grilling, beers, and rest in preparation for a busy week ahead.

  81. Marius Popovici

    raced a local sprint tri!

  82. Mark

    Climbing through the Wicklow mountains on my bike :)

  83. Ari F

    Thanks to the comeback of my arch nemesis, a Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome, my training plans for the next week are limited to gym, stretching and yoga. Sigh.

  84. Rachel

    I am moving into slow start for training for Steamtown. I ran 10+ miles on Sunday and 5 miles today. Undoing it all with a bbq.

  85. Jitendra

    3rd week into marathon training for Sydney Marathon in September.
    Plan is to do a 10 miler at race pace +30 secs per mile.

  86. Scott Mason

    Weights, yardwork, a good solo bike, and birthday cake for my 3 year old neice :)

  87. David Graham

    Sprint triathlon followed by a recovery swim/bike the next day to freshen up. Then a bbq maybe ;)

  88. Kristaps

    On sunday will be racing

  89. Michael Brown

    One long ride of 90-100K
    One long run of 15-18k
    One long swim of 3-4k

  90. Rosan

    I go out for à walk with the dog and when the sun is shine i go biking.
    Further i take rest and enjoy the days!

  91. Riccardo Canola

    I will do half marathon and probably 60km with my bike! Then back to studying.

  92. Just a long run with a few colleagues after work

  93. Lauren

    Ramping up my base mileage in anticipation of fall marathon training. And trying to adjust to the heat in DC.

  94. Andi Z

    60k bike with 1000m climbing and an easy 15k running.

  95. John Nelson

    I had a nice ocean swim. Loads of fish and a few sharks (dusky whalers). Other than that, enjoying recovery mode after Ultraman Australia, and taper mode ahead of Ironmna Cairns…

  96. This week rather I’ll be doing some crit training in a group tomorrow or Thursday depending on how I feel. Definitely doing some interval strength trainings on a local bridge and some sprint training.

  97. Daniel Cox

    ~115km social bike ride on Saturday out west of Calgary. Rest day Sunday.

  98. It’s a long weekend here in New Zealand so some long hilly rides in prep for next months Far North Flash. Race from the northern most point of NZ

  99. Tomas

    Will do 55 km MTB ride near my summer house :)

  100. Tyler Ross

    Got a decent 30 mile ride in Saturday during the sunshine! Spent Monday at the pool….not swimming.