A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Michael

    Run throught the rain

  2. Sébastien Gagné

    Medium 70km ride and working around the house to get it ready for more renovations.

  3. Mika

    My plans were to ride up Highwood Pass, the highest paved road in Canada.

  4. Tony

    I was hoping to bike the Kettle Valley Railroad.

  5. Rob Campbell

    Long fat-burning ride!

  6. Adrian Cuciurean

    10k interval running

  7. Camping with the kids but will have a babysitter for 3 hours to go run in the mountains :)

  8. smithabr

    We went to the hospital Saturday afternoon and had a baby daughter born Sunday morning, so my weekend training is focused on improving my swaddling technique.

    I hope your project with the Girl goes as smoothly as ours did!

  9. michael khamsot

    122 miles loop to bridge of gods on monday!
    no training, just having a good time with friends!!

  10. Hammer

    Sadly injured out with an infection. Cursed luck.

  11. iain smith

    Thursday consists of a hill session with a steady upslope of approx 1/2 mile as part of a 2.25 mile loop, 10 circuits. friday and saturday resting ready for a 115 mile charity ride on sunday morning.

  12. Sorin

    Well, I was supposed to have my last recovery run from a half-marathon plan (race was 2 weeks ago), but I just got lazy and went for beer-recovery :)

  13. Jason

    Trying not to get fat

  14. CSPeluches

    Long run on Saturday morning. Fast swim on Subway and my hopes for a bike tour today diluted in the heavy rain.

  15. Ryan

    Coming back from NYC today, hopefully can get a quick ride in on Zwift when I get home.

  16. Christian

    Off to find me some hills in the South Downs, as I don’t think some lousy speed bump count as hill climbing training

  17. JonO

    Run, BBQ, drink, sleep, repeat :)

  18. Jonas S.

    After 700km in 5 days last week (grand tour through Germany, France and Switzerland) it will be a slow re-start with 1 or 2 shorter rides just to check my recovery.

  19. Jon Henry

    First open swim of the season in our central Minnesota lake.

  20. Steffen

    Did a sprint triathlon – next weekend will be reserved for longer bike rides…

  21. Jorge Godoy

    I will enjoy it even more training for my first half marathon. Have a FR630 or Fenix3 in my mind as well as wish list ;-)

  22. Robbie Larson

    Cycling 45 mile road course on my CDale. Memorial Day with the family.

  23. Renee

    Triathlon transition practice, 20 minutes on the vasa, Brick (Bike + Run) & 20 minutes open water swim.

  24. Jens Rasmussen

    No training since I’ll be doing the half marathon in Torshavn saturday, and traveling home on sunday.

  25. Thomas Brockmann

    I am going to run a 5K every day, so I can enjoy eating hot dogs on Memorial Day!

  26. Tautvydas

    One long run and one longer ride. Long and boring fat burning sessions

  27. szyMarek

    60k mountain orientering

  28. zom

    ride my bike

  29. Mike Nash

    Running in the Mnweni area of the Drakensberg

  30. James

    I’ll be doing a quick ride out to the coast to get away from the heat.

  31. ron

    hiking half dome

  32. Tommy Haywood

    My arm came out of its cast on Thursay after a bike crash a few weeks back caused a broken elbow. Surgery to fix it. This weekend my training consists of basic physio!

  33. Rachel K

    2500 yd. open water swim, 50 mile bike, 30 min run. Then eat BBQ!

  34. Ramon Souza

    5k preparing for a race on 5 june.

  35. Anne

    Running a 10K post INDY 500. Then yoga.

  36. Piotr

    run, bike and swim separately :)

  37. sune bikeman kjær

    Train and read articles on dc rainmaker

  38. Ceren

    Will be running and workin on my strenght

  39. Juan

    a light, hilly run in the middle of Bulgaria while followed by eating cookies my mom sent me.

  40. Hakan

    Resting weekend sooo jog

  41. Josh

    Will try to limit my food intake, get some solid running and maybe even a hike

  42. Alberto

    Running and sight seeing in Morelia all weekend…

  43. edwin

    continuing training for sprint and olympic triathlons: 3650yd swim, 20mi bike, 6.5mi and 3.2mi runs done over the weekend.

  44. Mihai Tintea

    Indoor sessions with Wahoo Kickr and Garmin Vector 2S

  45. Kristin

    just had a few walks and a rather intensive unit at the gym

  46. Ann B

    Lifting and spreading mulch in the garden
    Bike ride if the rain subsides

  47. Bryan Alsdorf

    Most of my weekend will be spent remodeling the bathroom, but I hope to get a short training ride in as well.

  48. Yoav Magid

    I got to borrow my friend’s new Garmin Fenix 3 with HRM-Run, and 9 Miles around the national mall in DC. I learned that my vertical oscillation is WAY too high… Right afterwards I figured I might as well get the most out of my time with his watch, so I went for a Mile swim as well ? !!

  49. Alex

    We did two long training loops, well long for us (75k+)… on the second one, we were a little optimistic about the weather and ended up riding in the rain for 3h. At least it was warm rain.

  50. Daniel Todd

    Ride 30 miles in Pocahontas County, West Virginia with two cycling friends.

  51. Fabio Campos

    The Rio de Janeiro Marathon

  52. Dils

    A short race (7.1k) on Friday and maybe a recovery hike on Sunday if the weather allows it.

  53. Vitali Nazaranka

    2 orienteering events

  54. Meredith Yox

    Does taking my kids to the water slides count? There was lots of stair climbing involved :)

  55. pnoel

    S triathlon preparation : Saturday biking, Sunday running and wednesday swimming

  56. Ericka Rios

    It is recovery weekend, so my hardest workout will be dancing!

  57. Steve

    Enjoying the weekend and a fast 5k. Oh and some beers!

  58. iker

    Not specific plans but a very long bike ride for sure!

  59. Kyle Shaw

    This past weekend’s workout was a short brick followed by lots and lots of memorial day weekend relaxation on the beach.

  60. Andrew

    Playing in the pool with the kids.

  61. Boyd Park

    Edinburgh Marathon this weekend, we’ll call that training for the cycle sportive next weekend.

  62. Verónica Vargas

    This past weekend, I ran a really short distance for my marathon preparation

  63. vladimir

    1.Friday: Lane swimming – 2000m
    2.Saturday Run in the neighborhood ~8K
    3.Sunday: Hike in Banff National Park ~7k, 800m elevation gain.
    4. Monday: Run during lunch ~7.5K

  64. Francois

    I did a 200km ride on Friday that took more out of me than expected, so instead of biking back 200km on Sunday I took the bus.

  65. Alex

    Race rehearsals for Vineman in July. Pick me!

  66. David

    Just easy miles with my dog.

  67. David

    Two long rides and hiking with the baby in her new awesome baby carrier. And probably a hot dog or three.

  68. Annie

    Volunteered for the medical team at my local half and full marathon! Then a shorter bike ride than expected due to the heat, to train for an upcoming century ride weekend. With beer in between ;)

  69. Steven

    10k run and some weight training

  70. Chris Boyer

    Just got back from a beautiful and rainy run along the beach of the Outer Banks, far geographically and attidunally from my mid-west home.

  71. Chris K

    Short rehab rides for injured knee, hip and back following a fall… We’ll be back to longer and harder sessions in a few weeks.

  72. Matthew Gifford

    Walking around Washington D.C. probably 10 miles each day I am there around 3 days.

  73. Michael

    Rainy day in New York. Taking it inside.
    Cycleops bike trainer with my Trek.
    The plan is interval training.

  74. John

    Back to training land! I need to be back in shape ASAP for the summer running season!
    Winter was way too long up here in Canada!

  75. Eli

    Main bike has a cracked frame, backup bike has a different mechanical issue. Pool party for me

  76. Kyle Engelhardt

    My training plan for the long weekend – sleep in, drink coffee, ride daily in the mornings by myself and then ride for fun in the afternoons with the family. Saturday was a good 40 miles, and 5 with the kids. Sunday was the same. Today is just an easy spin out for me in the morning, and a “tour-de-parks” with the kids this afternoon.

  77. DaveG

    I’ve gotten a couple runs in this weekend, hoping to get a bike ride in today (if the weather holds).

  78. victor

    20k city run

  79. Joao Vicente Goncalves Rocha

    Just did some indoor bike sessions and a 10k run!

  80. David Balla

    2.5 hour morning workout, just finished!!!

  81. Runnerchom

    I am coming back from injury so the plan is to do an easy couple of miles.

  82. Jan

    A loooong run was waiting…

  83. Jeff Baley

    10 mile trail run and a swim.

  84. CraigM

    Easy 5k run to collect a new cycling helmet on Saturday. Edinburgh Half Marathon on Sunday. Thanks for the Giveaway Ray.

  85. Jeff Loiselle

    I went for a long run on sunday morning but got caugh by a tunder storm midway. Didn’t need to take (another) shower afterwards…

  86. Ovi

    Aprox 100 km group ride for saturday, and
    A nice hiking day for sunday :)
    Summer like weather

  87. Hitesh

    Went away for the weekend, so a 10K run exploring a beach town.

  88. evert

    Went to ride M.T Ventoux from Malaucene and bedoin in 1 day :)

  89. Chris K

    I am a bit late for the weekend just gone! It’s been a long weekend in England, Saturday I got down to some threshold intervals on the trainer, then Sunday I went for a long ride around the Surrey Hills. All in all the weather was dryer than expected so a good weekend on the bike. This week I’m building a new wheel and dreaming of winning this competition and buying either the varia vision (which I’d certainly never justify otherwise) and/or the BSX Insight.

  90. Jeffrey Shore

    I’ve got a short “training race” crit on Tuesday night, one shorter group ride with intervals mid-week and, hopefully, a long group ride this coming weekend.

  91. Susan

    Trail running and skiing (I live in Colorado).

  92. Erol Bayram

    20 Miles long run.

  93. Steve Lyons

    Long, slow distance run and then grilling if the rain holds off.

  94. Michal

    I will be training for my newly started 5k training program.

  95. John Connolly

    More boring flat rides seeking overpasses to get my climbing in.
    And the not so boring Greek Food Festival.

  96. Santiago

    A few trainer ride and swim workouts. BBQ’s of course in between.

  97. Sergey

    10km run at the fitness club competitions on Saturday.

  98. Jack

    I already did a nice bike and longer run. Maybe an open water swim :)

  99. Giles Levy

    No BBQ (I’m vegan) so I have no excuse not to run tonight! (Some half mile intervals.)

  100. Craig Schaepe

    I am doing the 125k mont remblant gran fondo in Canada