A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Albert

    As I’m training for Spartathlon – I’m going to do triple marathon training runs for sa-su-mo )

  2. Sven

    Mmmh, let’s see. The upcoming weekend actually includes a 10k race, so I’ll guess, I’ll step down on training.
    Take care everyone!

  3. Daniel Condon

    Am i too late…..
    Kinda like my training…. Trying to get there but please once i complete it.
    Fri Cycle and Sat Soccer followed by Sunday afternoon recovery !

  4. Jonathan

    I went on a 15 km trail run.

  5. Ignas

    Run 10k & BBQ

  6. Lauri Selänne

    Planning of getting back to running. Been cycling only for the past month or so. No more pain in my achilles tender so time to start my trail running season

  7. dh

    Two long rides and some rest!

  8. Ben Simes

    Long run – 2:30 on Saturday followed by a short recovery run and a game of hockey on Sunday!

  9. David Askenteg

    I’ll enjoy the final LSD training before a half marathon competition in roughly a week.

  10. Hack Kampbjørn

    I had planned to do an one hour run with a HR at MAF or below

  11. Robert

    Just finished a 8 mile run along a windmill laden section of the Pacific Crest Trail (near Tehachapi) and finishing up with a post BBQ grill hour on the elliptical.

  12. Kunal Patel

    10k on Saturday and long bike on Sunday

  13. ibrahim

    long ride and long run

  14. Thomas D

    Long Ride in the Mountains between Marbella and Malaga.
    100k ~ 62 Mi

  15. David

    Friday – Swimming comp. :)
    Saturday – 50-60km group ride, 2h swim training
    Sunday – 2h swim training

  16. Carl Lyda

    I’ll be doing one long road ride and 90 minutes of Sweet Spot another day. In between I’ll be attending my talented daughter’s senior cello recital at DePaul University. Cheers!

  17. TIm V

    A hard 10km trail run on Saturday then a hilly 70km bike ride on Sunday, followed by a day of tree planting

  18. Jonas Serrebo

    Dinner and movie with my wife on Saturday and short intervals on Sunday.

  19. Aditya

    Traveling on Saturday
    10km easy run on Sunday Morning

  20. Ryan M

    Getting ramped up for summer triathlon season. Completed a decent group ride (40 miles) on Saturday. Indoor swim training Sunday (1000 meters). Plan nice stroller jog on Monday (5 miles). My son loves the ride!

  21. Mark G.

    Just a few easy runs this weekend. . .

  22. Alexander Metzger

    Next Weekend will be preparation for the Radsporttage Gippingen and a friends wedding will take place.

  23. Stu

    Ok vacation, so primarily hiking and seeing who can eat the most.

  24. Wardom

    Cycling for about 100k for the whole weekend

  25. Frosty

    Long ride thinking about how much Dark Mark really loves Ben.

  26. Job

    Enjoying the nice weather with a simple 10K run.

  27. Nicola

    Time for a century ride !

  28. JOchen

    simple 5 hour ride

  29. ken

    5K run recovery, had crazy week at work

  30. Wolfgang

    Upper body strength training, maybe some additional rowing

  31. Jan

    Besides one of the last games of fieldhockey of the season, I will be doing a run with intervals to get my speed up a bit, preparing for a 10k in the summer.

  32. Tomasz Kochmanski

    I’m getting married this weekend, so a completely different kind of exercise for me :)

  33. Hubert

    Stuck with flue, 1 week before my first triathlon.
    Guess biking with the kids to go to a park counts as training in this case :-)

  34. Anneli

    Running race 6,6 km on Saturday, bike 40 km Sunday and a swim 1,9 km on Monday! Easy, breezy :D

  35. Daryl R Jump

    One long ride is all I’ve got. And some walking with the wife…

  36. Stefan

    2x Long endurance cycle, 1x all out 5km running and atheltics

  37. Calle

    Bikeride with some friends and a couple of easy runs

  38. Stefan

    Short 40km ride on Saturday.

  39. Martins M

    150km long bike ride on Sunday

  40. Ber

    Some hard climbing intervalls as prebaration for http://www.glocknerkoenig.com

  41. Lindsay

    Bike ride Saturday and Sunday. Long run Monday and hopefully swimming outside.

  42. Mart Nael

    Saturday: 1,5h run
    Sunday 3h bike + core training

  43. Steven Camilleri

    Running half a marathon. The wife is running the second half. Great way to run a marathon without the doms!

  44. Fred

    First time ever using the Ambit 2S as a multi-sport watch. Indoor swim, cycle to the forest, run training with the club.

  45. Cameron

    Rest weekend. Every now and then it is needed

  46. Nik

    this weekend i am running at the North Olympus Trail 20k a new race at the wild area of the mountain of the Gods

  47. Mat Luebbers

    A little bit of everything; swim, bike, run, walk, and eat

  48. Gonna do my 50th parkrun this Saturday and then a standard one hour upper body workout on Sunday at the Gym :)

  49. Hannes

    Biking and swimming near Vienna, Austria. Due to the long weekend here, roads and the pool were both quite empty. Perfect conditions. Thanks for organising the giveaway.

  50. Jeremy

    Next week-end training plan: quite easy running session (or HT, as the weather is quite in France), because I’m recovering from a race!

  51. Johank

    Saturday: 150 km bike with 2000 m climbing: hill attack exercise
    Sunday: 90 km biking with local Club

  52. michelangelo perin

    After some hard uphill cycling on the Giro’s mountains last weekend, some cyclotouring to Corsica

  53. Thelina

    Ride my bike in the swiss alps

  54. Seah Eu Hen

    Open Water Swim/Kayak at Perhentian Island, Malaysia
    A couple of 50km bike rides
    A couple of 5km runs

  55. Damian

    This weekend I go for another 5km running, trying to avoid my latest running issue – shin splints

  56. Karl

    Gonne keep up running for my first tri this year. Probably 10…15k each day and a little biking on top. Depends on the weather.
    Goal is to explore some new running tracks around my living place.

  57. jo

    Planning to ride some 120km over some of The Ardennes hills.

  58. Nathan Byren

    The plans for the weekend involved hours of beautiful trail running on Table Mountain…unfortunately the reality of flu-ish-ness set in and so the weekend turned into bed and movies…a CleverTraining voucher would go a long way to making me feel better about not training :D

  59. Sophie

    Bad virus this week-end… All training plans were replaced by tea, blankets and rest :-(

  60. Zbyszek

    Start in Sierakow

  61. Jordi

    Felt a little bit tired this week, so just an easy 30km long run.

  62. rinke

    Travelling to Toscany for a wedding but of course also rent a bike to ride and do some hill running :)

  63. Michael s

    70 min run as part of a 10km training plan

  64. Thomas Teglund

    Hi DC, the upcoming weekend is focused on SwimRun as the forthcoming race is getting closer. Race-day is 11/6 and is 21km running and 4km swimming in beautiful Stockholm. So the weekend will have a good mix of trail running, open water and some technical swimming in pool as well, together with my teammate. Check it at link to stockholmswimrun.com

    And it would be greet to upgrade my Garmin 910xt to the new 735xt :-)

  65. Ranko

    Cycling 6+ hours in Zone 1 an Zone 2 on flat itinerary.

  66. Zbynek

    Two bike trips and one cake eating at my daughter’s third birthday.

  67. Runnermax

    Week-end at the beach, so i’ll enjoy some open-water swimming and a rides to start preparing for the X-terra!

    Have a nice week all


  68. Oleg

    Long running (30 Km) as usual Sunday morning.

  69. Sascha

    Depends on what my small sons plan to screw up… but my intention is to start friday with a 2h base workout, saturday 2h 4×15′ threshhold and long endurance on sunday.

  70. Povilas

    All weekend training plans had to be cancelled and instead I was doing a lawn planting cross training in the garden. On the plus side I’ve got my running tan improved with sunburns on the back and chest.

  71. JB B

    So not sure about the details before digging into the weekend. It was a good one: 60 km mtb cross-country, and a golf round on saturday. While padling on sunday!


  72. Pedro

    Intervals – 8x 400m + Mid-distance run (ca 15k)

  73. J Huse

    It’s been one of those weekends where grandiose plans to have epic rides turned into long sessions of bike maintenance. Oh well, got some runs in, and hope to swim at the beach tomorrow.

  74. Chris

    short regeneration run and 2x 2h MTB with a lot of single trails.

  75. Antonio

    Ready for the race…next Sunday will be fun

  76. Robin S

    Go for a walk with my husband in the beautiful neighborhood where we just bought a home!

  77. Erik

    Two interval sessions, one running and one on the bike.

  78. Aaron Cowan

    It’s the end of the weekend here so I’ll list what I managed….8km run on Saturday and a 43km bike ride on Sunday.

  79. Easy 60′ run on Saturday, easy 45′ run with strides on Sunday, Monday rest day, Tuesday shakeout and Wednesday 3k on the track (a.k.a. 7.5 laps of dying).

  80. Lieven

    Depending on the weather it’ll be a 100k race bike tour, a 50k mtb tour or just playing around with the kids…

  81. jd67

    A couple of sessions on TranerRoad for me this weekend.

  82. John Lutwyche

    Revising for my final university exams – just three days until I’m finished and can ride my bike all day every day!

  83. Roos

    Getting back in the game after pregnancy with short intervals.

  84. Damon

    I did nothing, but walk the dog (in the rain) and study. Perhaps a new new fitness device will help motivate me to pick things up again once my exams end?

  85. Jesus Campos

    No specific plans… Small tours of BTT. :)

  86. Vincent

    Trainingride on the race bike!

  87. Nico74

    Just planning the Cylco race, still wondering if I’ll do longer or shorter roadmap!

  88. Sebastien Spieser

    Still open?
    BBQ sunday, after a 42km / 2500m D+ trail race!

  89. Andrea Bollito

    18k trail on Saturday morning and short interval on Sunday evening!

  90. JeSmith

    4km pool swim and 2.5 hr easy bike for me. Off season fun.

  91. Daniel

    tried to come back to longer runs with a 17km run on this weekend… not very succesfull though :-) …

  92. Robert

    50K on mountain bike

  93. Lennart

    2 consecutive long runs and some recovery time with the family

  94. rademenes44

    I will have an Easy 14 km run on Friday early in the morning about 6 A.M and on Saturday afternoon Interval training – 5 x 1 km. Sunday is free this time.

  95. Dennis

    Some training session before the Veluwezoom Trail.

  96. Ráksi Ádám

    I’m planning a 30k hike and some run. :)

  97. Dora

    I was racing the European Masters Swimming champs.

  98. Jorge LC

    Open water swimminng!!

  99. Roberto

    I will do a 60k+ of Mountain Bike, hopefully the weather is good so I wont be all muddy on the weekend.

  100. Phillip Lindsay

    As winter descends it looks like a few hours on the stationary trainer.