A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. JR

    Light cross training with the wife. Otherwise just a nice family weekend.

  2. Alex

    Around 40km of hills tomorrow morning then some Memorial Day steaks.

  3. William Gray

    No specific plans…just enjoying the holiday and keeping up with the kids.

  4. Travis Warner

    Scheduled an easy weekend to hang with the family and enjoy some beers!!
    Great website!

  5. Alex treiger

    Just did the Alcatraz challenge – swim from Alcatraz then 7 miles over the Golden Gate Bridge and back. Tomorrow is a recovery day to prepare for a bit weekend of racing.

  6. Tom K

    Ripping up carpet and moving the shed for our new house

  7. Rich

    Rehab from irritating knee injuries is the order of the weekend. Stretching and foam rollering… Joy :P

  8. jean

    i wanted to do a 10k but i’ve run out of time…

  9. Adam W

    Well its getting cooler in Sydney, but weather still clear. Planning (and now done) a ride through the gorges around Sydney.

  10. Mark Yeo

    The plan was to do a 2.5h bike and a 1h20min run over the weekend, but couldn’t do so cause I was overseas on holiday and didn’t have the time to train.

  11. Joe

    Just bought a new road bike so the plan is to get that ready to ride and put together some decent miles on it over the weekend and summer. Probably start with the hill sprints. Just cause.

  12. Rb

    Annual foolishness at the Cabot trail relay race

  13. Bay

    I did a strength training session then got some technique training for deadlifts and squats. Hopefully I’ll be able to implement the advice this week!

  14. Robin Yates

    Nice and easy weekend. It’s all about the recovery after a 50km trail race 2 weeks ago.

  15. Brent Robinson

    My training plan consists of running up, then down, then a spa, then yoga, then beer

  16. Matthew

    Long run this weekend is up to 18km followed by bbq

  17. Damian

    A short 5k run should do the trick

  18. Steve

    Plan on riding/climbing and BBQ-ing…cheers

  19. Dan

    5 mile race on Saturday, easy bike ride Sunday, Monday is up in the air.

  20. T Lyle

    I planned to do hill repeats until I achieved 1000 vertical metres and run 2km

  21. will

    Im probably going to do a short ride on monday morning and then reward myself with a beer

  22. Peter Tomlinson

    This weekend I did a short ride to mount Fuji in japan

  23. Amie

    A half marathon on Sunday!

  24. Greg K.

    65 mi bike, 13 mi run, and 1.5 hrs of Bocce ball

  25. Larry

    Trying to rid myself of this terrible cold so I can have the energy to ride again (soon). Winning this giveaway will make me feel much better.

  26. Pauline

    16mi Sat, 4mi recovery sun, 10Mi Freedom Memorial run

  27. Mike O

    I will be coaching 10-12 year old distance runners at a summer track meet. With extra practice on Monday!

  28. Luke Falk

    First long ride in a long time.

  29. Jeffrey D Foldenauer

    Hit the treadmill and rower!

  30. Evan Traylor

    Protect the city of Houston from fire and ems emergencies Saturday, Sunday nice easy 5 mile run, Monday 1 hour steady row on Concept 2. Family, sun, fun and gratitude and thanks for our current and past soldiers.

  31. gerard

    Plans for the weekend: a saturday long ride (85km), sunday long run, and lots of leisurely city biking as temps should hit near-record highs over the next few days..

  32. Mark Skattum

    20 miles bike Sat; 5 mile run Sun; 3 mile run Mon before cooking out!

  33. Lance L

    Moving from the US to Spain. Try to squeeze an hour run in on Monday

  34. Alison

    This weekend I will swim 1.2 miles , bike 72 and run 13.1

  35. Brandon

    Taking the weekend off.

  36. Lehman

    Trying to get some 50k training in for the June 11 Mutt run in Michigan!

  37. Steve Fitz

    10k run, river duck race with grandchild Morgan, 25 mile bike ride, and plenty of liquid refreshments. Honoring our veterans being foremost.

  38. Mariano Fernando Folledo

    Taking care of my 18 months baby is enough training for the weekend. Actually even more than I can beare…

  39. David Myers

    Weekend of doing nothing as I ran Sun Mountain 50mile last weekend.

  40. Sean H.

    Run! Swim! Run!

  41. Estefania Minoldo

    On duty in my Hospital ICU. Couldn’t say I’ll do much exercising really.

  42. Keith Stepp

    My plans have been moving a family member a couple hours which was not fun in 90 degree weather. Also to push mow my yard. It’s been a fun weekend and plan on enjoying the day tomorrow.

  43. Frank Adam

    I did a group ride on Saturday, and went to Boca and rode A1A on Sunday. BBQ on Monday.

  44. Os

    2x 12km speed training in the tropical heat to prepare for the Ultra Trail Yilan 50 next weekend :D

  45. Benjamin Pettett

    I had a cold unfortunately, but I did clean 4 bikes!

  46. Dinesh George

    Bunch rides galore this week. Trying to see how I cope with solid line up of hills and flat rides with intensity by the end of the week.

  47. BMart

    BBQ and bike and BBQ and maaaybe a run

  48. Jeff

    Need to fix a broken spoke and replace a rear tire on my MTB this weekend!

  49. Jim Shepherd

    Runs on Saturday and Monday and a ride on Sunday.

  50. Ventura

    100km on saturday, 40k easy on Sunday

  51. Sara Miller

    Cycling then family fun

  52. Kelly Shepherd

    40 m bike and 4 m run

  53. Sanm

    Mon: Spin, Tues: Run intervals, Wed: Bike intervals, Thurs: Threshold Run, Fri: Swim set, Sat: 2hr bike, Sun: 21km run.

  54. KiwiDotPom

    Supposed to be a trail run in the dark in preparation for ultradistance events later in the year but with the rain that’s forecast may end up being an outdoor swim!

  55. Ben Seyfarth

    long run today, long bike tomorrow. BBQ tomorrow afternoon with friends.

  56. pt414

    Time track workouts!

  57. Francisco Migoya

    I will be taking this weekend off and will start training propertly on monday

  58. Peter Chapman

    Rocking the Spring Lake 5

  59. Acatri st

    Swift and trail running each othe day :)

  60. Kris

    Hoping to get a ride in on Monday.

  61. Tom

    A cheeky 5km race then a bit of a relaxing weekend really

  62. Josh Oliver

    Planning on a short 5km run and 40km bike brick in the lovely winter weather in Melbourne, Aus.

  63. Michal Marciszko

    My plan is to bike, run and swim on Sat, Sun and Mon respectively: 90mins, 60mins and 50mins to burn off all that barbecue goodness!

  64. Alex A.

    Running a 10k on Memorial Day, then off to the lake to soak up some sun.

  65. Miki

    It is Kaszebe Runda 125km bike race – the goal is to maintain 30 km/h avgspd

  66. Matt

    10k race on Monday followed by a nap

  67. Richard

    Light run on the Saturday as a pre-race final workout for a sprint triathlon on Sunday!

  68. Tony

    Went for a ride to the beach in very un-beach-like weather.

  69. Adam G. Michalak

    8 mile overnight backpacking trip and a medium length run to recover!

  70. TJ

    Running each morning with a 10 miler on Monday.

  71. Sean

    Went for a bike ride through the flooded plains, and will ride again tomorrow!

  72. jay

    Going hiking in the mountains!!

  73. Dustin Schneider

    Group ride, several group cookouts, running with the dog.

  74. George Murphy

    A couple short runsas a final prep for the San Diego rock & roll next weekend.

  75. James D

    Interval training to improve half marathon speed.

  76. Ricky

    It gonna be a Saturday lsd run and to “devote 200%” on the Wood wedding anniversary with my wife =)

  77. John Kensek

    Not sure there is much on the agenda for this weekend. I just completed the American Triple T in Ohio last weekend which consists of 4 triathlons in 3 days with over 140 miles of racing. A weekend with the family and maybe a short run sounds good.

  78. Phil

    Indoor trainer workout of intervals with a short ride to a cookout.

  79. Ee Tze Tan

    Planning to fit in two 50km ride and three 5 km run this week before a bike race this weekend bike race.

  80. Donald Kelly

    20 miles Friday. Sat off. 26 Sunday. Club ride Monday night.

  81. Greg Purviance

    Sprint triathlon with my 11yr old and a long run

  82. Chris

    10 mile run before the 1/2 marathon next weekend.

  83. Chris Capoccia

    at least 2x 25miles biking plus a hike

  84. Ted

    Visiting family in North and South Carolina. Going running at the beach.

  85. Peng Ngun

    10 mile hike on Saturday, 12 mile LSD run on Sunday, taper weekday and half marathon race next Saturday.

  86. Angelo Bryant

    I plan to do hill climb repeats. It’s on a short 1.4km hill with an average grade of 10%. I plan to do 5 reps

  87. Kelly h

    Saturday – bike 20 miles run 5 miles then attend swim clinic. Sunday rest and recover. Monday bike ride with husband.

  88. Paul Enloe

    Healing up from CTS surgery. Back on the bike in 6 weeks I hope. Recumbent training till then!

  89. Walter Cahall

    Tempo run on Saturday and an easy ride on the hotel spin bike Sunday to set up taper week next week for the first Olympic Tri of the season.

  90. GregTR

    All I got this weekend was some hockey and packing up about 100 boxes of stuff. #moving.

  91. Carol Kleckner

    This is mostly a taper weekend preparing for a long journey next Saturday. Short runs and walking the dogs on a gorgeous Alaska day are in the works.

  92. Jorge

    Some hiking, volunteering for a race, and running the BolderBOULDER tomorrow, or course!

  93. Jere Arnold

    A bit of cycling, dog walking and spectating a golf tournament!!

  94. Luis coy

    Easy recovery 7k run after a long week

  95. Kathryn W

    A short run on Saturday, followed by eating dessert as many times as possible over next 36 hours.

  96. Kopcsányi Zoltán

    Long run on Sunday

  97. herve

    30 km bike and after 9 kms running

  98. Andreas Klitou

    On Saturday, we will have a gym workout reunion with old friends and coach, and on Sunday morning a cycling ride, about 200km to protaras sea-side and back :)

  99. Trainer workout yesterday. Run Monday followed by more running while spectating CapTex Tri in Austin.
    Thanks for offering an awesome giveaway.

  100. Craig

    I’m planning on doing a nice, long slow run to get the miles up. Thanks!