A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Harold Axelrod

    Recovering from hitting pothole while riding, causing multiple fractures, so now I need a new watch and bike. This giveaway will help!

  2. khris

    Last weekend of training as i taper for a 100 mile triathlon. Really I’m just trying to offset all the good food over the holiday weekend. Bad timing to taper with all the food temptations.

  3. Carlos

    20k run with 1k intervals in between

  4. Emre

    I did a 8.5 miler in the heat, and sandwiched that with a trail run the day after and prior. Always a good time in the heat!

  5. Malte Erikson

    2xrides, 55km each just to get back on the bike after two weekends with running races.

  6. Marco Cecchinato

    Full effort sprints at my favorite velodrome!

  7. Birne

    We participated on 70 km MTB company race in the mountains. Great people, more than 110! :-)

  8. Stephen

    On a road trip up and down the west coast and running trails between drives and setting up camp.

  9. Roberto Cecchinato

    It’s time for my Vo2max preparation, and will be non very easy ride for sure!

  10. Trevor

    Recover from being bed-ridden by a throat infection earlier this week. Thank goodness for antibiotics.

  11. Ricky

    Pushing my kids around the neighborhood in their new double Bob.

  12. Andrew Crockett

    Cycle 170 miles from west to east coast of uk. With lots of hills.

  13. Ted Conroy

    Just recovering from an ear infection, a few long walks and 4-5 miles on Monday. Enjoying my new VAHR.

  14. The first tri of the season is next weekend; I’m going a bike-run brick and an open water swim this weekend. I will also be sleeping. A lot.

  15. James Miller

    Slowly nursing my injured leg back to health. NB cutting through the muscles in your shin with a slate wall is nor a good training plan…

  16. Ed Faust

    Long ride on the AR State course. Training going better, just need more endurance. Nice short recovery ride this morning after full gas ride yesterday with group. Burned all the matches I had…Enjoy the weekend!

  17. Isaiah Reich

    It’s time for the Global 5k!

  18. Martin Naranjo

    Long run on Sunday then some recovery beers on Monday for the Memorial Day holiday.

  19. Pavel Kviatko

    I will try to recover from the recent XC marathon

  20. S Carl

    20k Race on Sunday, then preeetty much relaxing lots after.

  21. Benedikt Gilbert

    Im gonna hike my wedding cake off :)

  22. Michael

    Going for a few stroller jogs through the park.

  23. howard

    BBQ, Bike, Swim, and Beer

  24. Javier

    Small training in the gym for me. Still recovering from an injury.

  25. chalom boudjnah

    Got injured bit will try to see if i can run 3 mile

  26. Christoph

    Did some cycling over the long weekend, building up to a century ride. Plan to go for a 10k run tomorrow.

  27. andre

    Ok, this weekend I finally took up running again, after a (too) long period of inactivity.
    Weather was good, running felt good, knee felt good.

  28. Robert Baldy

    Got in a couple of mtb rides. Tomorrow going to visit a local winery so anti-training.

  29. Arun

    Sunday: First long run of 8km after recovering from ITBS
    Monday: One hour cross training yoga session
    Will probably follow that with a BBQ.

  30. Leonardo

    I’ll be taking it easy this weekend. Light swim followed by a 3mile run

  31. Kevinm

    Back on the trainer again.

  32. Tim Corso

    65mile ride followed by a big slice of cake

  33. Roger

    Two brick workouts prepping for 70.3 next weekend.

  34. Tom Spermon

    Pray for good weather. Would love to do three rides. A short sweet spot ride on friday. A long and easy endurance ride on saturday and a group ride on sunday.

  35. Paul Frylink

    A big day Saturday collecting control flags from the Queensland Rogaine championships last weekend.

  36. I plan to run and bike this weekend.

  37. Coming off 7 weeks of travel and helping refugees in Turkey and Greece where I got only an occasionaly run in, I’m getting some Mtn biking, running and swimming at altitude in to try to get in enough shape to do the XTerra in Tahoe in June.

  38. Misti Schroll

    5k Saturday and bike ride Monday.

  39. Diane

    I’ll be doing an easy 5 mile run today, and possibly going on a nice long bike ride tomorrow since I have no grill to BBQ on. Saturday was a day of relaxation :)

  40. Tom Taggart

    Smoking less cigarettes and trying to run/walk for 20 minutes each day.

  41. Sandy Clark

    Heavy weights on Saturday, long run Sunday, weights and HIIT running on Monday… Then food!

  42. Andy Renich

    Saturday night was Coulotte steak (fantastic btw), Sunday is Get Your Rear in Gear for colon cancer awareness, and Monday will be a nice morning run and some nice ribeye steaks in the evening.

  43. Paul

    Pulled my hamstring so walking around with the kids while the wife runs a race.

  44. Shane

    Saturday: 10 mile Run
    Sunday: 30 mile Bike Ride

  45. Jean-Claude


    As I cannot travel to Brussels due to Time constrain did my own 20k at home …

  46. Ann

    Husband pulled up lame. So I got to run AC road race in insufferable heat all by my lonesome. Woohoo! (Clever Racing sell fans?)

  47. RJBrinley

    Strength workout Fri, long trail on Sat and interval training on Sun .

  48. john comer

    Its my long run for marathon training, building up the miles!

  49. Miko

    I have already done 10km lequipe in Paris

  50. VICTOR

    On saturday 10Km run to continue with my preparation for my nest race.

  51. Dennis Johnson

    Plan on hammering all three bikes, ending with the Roubaix assuming there are quads left to hammer.

  52. Robert

    I have my long 10K run on Sunday and strength training and a bike ride Monday. Shaping up to be a good weekend.

  53. Tom Powrie

    Short run, followed by a long BBQ.

  54. Brick session by the beach, long bike ride and a Long relaxing trail run

  55. TuomasO

    My weekend was full with cycling. Two 30km rides on saturday and sunday. Tomorrow is a day off :)

  56. Laura Bonte

    I had a short run since I’m coming back from injury. Looking forward to coming weeks.

  57. Chris Jacobi

    Recovery with friends and wine, a fair bit of wine

  58. Eduardo

    Sunday is always long run day! Did a 16k.

  59. Eric Chapin

    Finally got my legs back after running the Joplin Memorial Marathon last Saturday. So this weekend it will be slow runs in cushy shoes during the hottest parts of the day. I’m not ready to stress my legs too much yet, but I can sure as hell start prepping for the summer heat and humidity.

  60. Togie Gwyn

    Saturday long tempo road ride
    Sunday 7,000′ climb on MTB in Pisgah
    Monday recovery beer

  61. Rick Hesseltine

    I just moved to SC a week ago. My training plan is to discover some new trails and riding areas in the area. Then to reward myself with a southern cooked meal and a beer.

    Ride on!

  62. Mahesh

    Oh yeah .. strength build up on Friday – squats, o’er head press and deadlifts – 5×5; Saturday was off .. Sunday was long run .. Monday is back to strength immediately followed by Bikram Yoga!!

  63. Brownie

    Helping out marshalling a local event. Training myself to give something back.

  64. Lawrence

    I’ve got a 10k run and a kitchen remodel to do. And hope to hop out for a quick ride as well!

  65. Eric Blaise

    Bike 110 km. With a good endurance swim on Saturday – long run on Sunday

  66. Ben McMahan

    Taking it easy – long run then recovery run followed by BBQ’d pizza and burgers

  67. Kate Penberthy

    Getting out in nature, walks with friends, my own circuits, and rest and recovery!

  68. Norman Kwong

    Flying back home after a week in London. I was fighting a chest cold for the last week as well. So it’ll be a light weekend. Probably just a short 5km run

  69. Adam

    Doing some cross training in the form of backbreaking tilling and replanting the lawn in my backyard. Most grueling workout I’ve had in some time! Then barbecue, of course :)

  70. TimG

    First long ride in awhile after an injury

  71. pepe

    1 hour on trainer road

  72. CBT

    I am injured so i will jog if i can

  73. Leo

    Got in the usual long weekend run. Take up swimming now that pool is open and maybe even get in a bike ride…. is there a triathlon in the future?

  74. Ryan

    Friday – SST ride on Zwift
    Saturday – 20 mile 2500 ft. elevation casual mountain bike ride
    Sunday – 15 mile 2000 ft. elevation group ride
    Monday – SST ride on Zwift … Or BBQ

  75. Brian Raap

    A couple long hikes with the dog.

  76. Justin

    8 miles Saturday, lots of grilling Sunday, 5 miles on Monday, along with two more cookouts!

  77. trainerRoad bike ride and a trail run

  78. Steven Moore

    I will be hiking in Acadia National Park.

  79. David A.

    A bit of a run, and my first bike ride in at least 3 years.

  80. Daniel Kekez

    My training plan for this weekend was to run the Ottawa Marathon, which I did. :)

  81. Maurice


  82. Conner

    40 mile bike ride Saturday followed by a 4 mile run, church with my grandmother on Sunday, then a brick session Monday followed by frisbee golf.

  83. Randy

    40 mile bike ride Saturday, golf Sunday, then 5k or swimming on Monday.

  84. Vincent

    An orienteering session on Saturday and a long run on Sunday

  85. Peter

    Road bike on Sat with about 90km and some tempo efforts before a big day on the mountain bike, about 130km with 3,000m climbing.

  86. Gerard Brierley

    Tempo saturday, long run sunday

  87. Bennomac

    Long run on the treadmill to escape the Sydney cold snap and introducing some big inclines

  88. MF

    Swim 1.5k x 2 and hike 10k.

  89. Jay Holbrook

    Ran 5 miles with my daughter on a rail trail in the pouring rain, setting a distance PR for her! Rain actually made it even more fun.

  90. Thorbjörn Ahlqvist

    Saturday shoulder rehab at the gym, sunday play som fotball with my kids and finish the day with a run in the forest.

  91. Carl

    The weekend just ended in NZ, had a most excellent 100km ride on Sunday in the wind and rain out to Muriwai on the west coast, from Auckland on the east coast. So across the country.

  92. Adam Rolls

    Going to a Canoe Polo strategy meeting with a couple of short runs morning and night

  93. Jezza

    fell running in Dartmoor, combined with some fresh water lake swimming #nippy

  94. Nicole

    …early morning runs to be early into work slicing, dicing and taking care of broken bones….

  95. Stephen Rahaim

    Run in woods.
    BBQ hamburgers.
    Watch Fireworks!

  96. Daniel

    11 mile run in prep of a half marathon in two weeks.

  97. Wei Tuck

    Hitting the trails for 28km with friends

  98. Wang Meiyan

    10km in the neighbourhood with the husband

  99. Planning the next tours (East-Bay SF) and purchases (summer bib shorts) while nursing a coughing family. Not training except squads and crunches

  100. Josh Martin

    Long and hilly Saturday. Sunday off. And an early 60 miler on Monday