A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Mark Metzler

    Did two long bike rides this weekend, weather was perfect!

  2. Mike

    Family run and some pool time Saturday and first group ride in a long time sunday!

  3. mfyancey

    Do some kayaking and biking in preparation for the M-22 Challenge triathlon in 2 weeks.

  4. Johan

    Will do yoga and 8k running.

  5. Jonas M

    2 70km bike rides

  6. Tom Jansen

    Easy weekend, mostly resting and some mild trainingsessions. Interval run on friday, club swim on saturday morning, 2,5 hours on the bike saturday afternoon with 3×10′ of IM pace, and an easy 1h bike + 1h run on sunday. IM Nice up ahead next sunday!

  7. Kamil Lesiak

    It is also long weekend in Poland. I had my oldest friend bachelor party and instead of only drinking and partying we headed out for mountains. We did 120 km first day and 140 km second day. 3rd day was for long hiking and last day was rafting. Best bachelor party ever ! :)

  8. Leon

    2 sessions of ice hockey on Sunday, and one more on Monday!

  9. Matthew Wissbaum

    Tapering for next weekend’s 50k. So some shorter runs accompanied by carrying around a 2 year old while my five year olds hike with me.

  10. Judith

    Just a nice easy long run, now in the rain

  11. carolinaSP

    Long bike ride with BBQ to orrow

  12. Kirill Tikhonov

    10k run plus a swim

  13. Francis Paulin

    I’m doing my hip rehab exercises twice a day. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back on the bike and run again in the not too distant future :)

  14. juan

    ill run alberto contador´s race in cuenca/spain

  15. Jonny

    Brick session Saturday, long ride Sunday, long run Monday…. and this is a romantic mini break in North Norfolk!

  16. Samir

    Ran the GlassFest 8k in Corning, NY on Saturday and volunteering at a local 5k on Monday.

  17. Chris

    Was planning on a few half century rides, but tropical depression off the coast of South Carolina means no training, no golf, no bbq. Sad face

  18. Michael Herald

    Saturday : 14 mile run
    Sunday : 35min morning run, 8 mile evening run.
    Monday : active recovery

  19. Andrew Johnston

    I did the Tour de Meers with my 9 year old!

  20. Cleavel Law

    SCNCA TTT District Championships on Saturday and Public Safety – Memorial Day Race (Criterium) on Monday

  21. Adam Lewis

    8 mile run along the coast getting a hit of radiation from Sizewell Nuclear reactor!

  22. Kent Wong

    Training for an upcoming 10k race in July. Cross training with base miles on my road bike.

  23. Enzo Washington

    It was a light jogging of 3 km.

  24. ripoo82

    Steak on the bbq to recover from my weakly commute. And with steak I mean +1kg a piece, ow yeah.

  25. Philippe G

    Triathlon League, so no training

  26. Davide

    Riding, riding and riding my bike, ehm did I say riding?

  27. The Real Tim

    Beer, lots of it

  28. FW

    Unfortunately, due to work load, my “training” will consist of riding a train to and from work. Hopefully more time for real training during the week.

  29. Regenmacher

    I visited gym for weightlifting, plus I ran 11.7 km.

  30. Alex De Sousa

    P90x2 and running… my journey to lose 20 pounds; 9.9 so far in 5 weeks.

  31. Ben F

    Short run, then enjoying the nice weather and relaxing.

  32. Jake M

    dirt singletrack and a float down the river.

  33. The Spartan Girl

    This weekend: ran the Nitro Trail Half Marathon
    Training for: Headlands 50 Miler
    Holiday weekend: bad food and lots of beer

  34. Yoav E

    Swimmig as hell cause i cant run

  35. Jerry

    trail running and bbq with family

  36. Andre Buser

    To kickstart my strength training (and the the Atals wearable) and to get ready for the rowing season (once all the rain is stopping in Europe).


  37. Harvey Schouls

    100k group ride on Saturday.
    Sunday is recovery day
    Monday isn’t a holiday here in Canada, so it’s back to work.

  38. Ranjan Raja

    Doing a 10k recovery run on Saturday and a short bike spin on Sunday….

  39. Pierre

    Surviving a 4 days WE with the kids while watching with great envy the horde of cyclist climbing up Mt Tamalpais.

  40. Alan T.

    Saturday –
    Kailash (TrainerRoad): a 4hr 45min endurance ride.

    Sunday –
    (1) Long Base Run: 2hr 50min at an Easy-Moderate, RPE6 pace.
    (2) Continuous Base Swim (4000m)
    Warm-Up 400m Easy, RPE 4; 3200m Easy-Moderate, RPE 6; Cool-Down 400m easy, RPE 4

    Monday – Nothing!

  41. Mariam

    I’m hiking/running the city’s trails to see which ones I can take my bike on and sort of make a mental map for my next ride.

  42. mike

    race 9km on the road

  43. Don Schenck

    Saturday’s ride will be a gravel ride with a LBS; Sunday looks like hill training, and Monday is TBD.

  44. maksibec

    I will be spending the weekend on a vision workshop with my co-housing project in the Austrian pre-alpine landscape. However, my fiance and I will cycle there and back again with our trekking bikes fully packed with our tent and everything else, to get some fitness in. Also, I will be spending lots of time chasing the kids on the playground.

  45. stephane

    Hey there,

    Plenty of cycling planned. Why not in the French part of the Alps (valée verte) celebrating the opening of the highest road passes, or Above Aigle in Switzerland, to reach col du Pillon, col de la Croix…. can’t wait!!!!!!!!

  46. Paul

    Plans for a 15-17 km run were ruined by a sudden 20 hour cross-border road trip on Saturday, leaving me tired (ok, I admit: plain lazy) on Sunday.

  47. Oier

    Light trail running Saturday and Sunday

  48. Phil Palazzo

    Nothing specific. Spending time with family. Maybe a couple little workouts and unfortunately a little work.

  49. Aodhan

    Quick 5k run next weekend.

  50. Roelof

    I ran twice, mountainbiked, and bouldered in the gym :) And, against all predictions, the weather was actually nice!

  51. Vojtěch Čanda

    Saturday: 1 and half an hour bike ride after driving for 6 hours
    Sunday: 12k run

  52. Danny S.

    Mountain biking in Moab for the weekend on all the cliff-side trails!!

  53. Vil

    10 mile run Saturday. Longer bike ride and transition run Sunday.

  54. Mike Watkins

    Long weekend in England too! So no training, maybe buying a caravan!

  55. feuildur

    Saturday was a 200km bike ride (partially under the storm) and sunday was resting.

  56. tobias lømo

    mabye walk national campionchip in 10k racewalking

  57. Olli

    Recovering from flu so no training this weekend.

  58. G M

    Today after this slab of ribs is done smoking, I set off on a simple 5 miler as I try to recover and get back into running. Personal issues.

  59. Mat0x4e

    Hi Ray,
    swim training on saturday (mixed) and “10km de l’équipe” on sunday.
    Did the triathlon de Paris went well ?

  60. Andrey

    2hrs long run in Slovenia

  61. Szatmari Gergely

    Olimpic distance triatlon, and an hour bike a day before

  62. David Sànchez Gonzàlez

    Racing in Triatló Mataró, firts race of the season after having twins …. looking to see if my training with the kids are enough :-)

  63. Brian Q

    Strength training in the gym Saturday morning, sailing in the afternoon. Sunday leg day, recover from sailing.

  64. Ross

    A long brick session (with intervals) and a easy swim

  65. chris steinbart

    I am running a 5K on Saturday, hosting a 7 year olds birthday party on Sunday and doing another 5K on Monday.

  66. Kasper Vainio

    Easy jog and walking with dogs.

  67. Rob Pittman

    Weekend training plans:
    – Friday: 60 minutes Hot Yoga, 120 minutes base effort cycling (recovery from Thursday’s out-of-saddle sprints)
    – Saturday: 5 hours tempo/threshold cycling ending with max effort hill climbs
    – Sunday: 120 minutes base effort cycling with 10x 5 minute cadence changes 90-105rpm

  68. Stijn Spruytte

    Running and cycling with the family, low intensity, no stress, all fun :)

  69. delea

    training in the hills of Ardennen (Belgium) to get ready for Alped’Zes. (6x times biking the Alpe d’ Huez, benefit event against cancer)

  70. Julia

    I’ve been on call for my job this weekend so I haven’t been able to run, but I plan on finally getting outside tomorrow for a short 3 mile run. I haven’t been running much this past month, but I finished my third half marathon last month, and I’m feeling a little burned out.

  71. Matthew Hoyt

    Doing a 3 hour bike trainer ride one day given the weather and a 2 hour run the next day to work off all the good food

  72. daniel

    i have spent the long weekend (thursday was public holiday in germany, therefore we also had a long weekend) in the bodensee, riding bike with my wife and children. i wish id had a fenix 3 hr :DD

  73. Andrey

    nothing special, just a lot of walk (~15K steps per day). And then a bit of pool swimming

  74. Carmen

    Finished the Luxembourg marathon last night!

  75. Alexander

    A very lazy weekend: PortAventura with kids on Saturday, and sunbathe on Sunday :)

  76. Brad Davis

    It is the Horsey Hundred – Hundred mile cycling ride in my town this weekend. While I’m too fat and out of shape to do the ride, I do plan to carry a cooler of beer down to the end of my road to watch the riders go by with a sign that says “free beer.”

  77. Kelvin Ng

    Building up my bike so I can get back to riding again

  78. Dylan

    Finishing up my training for the hill-climbs in following weekend.

  79. Martin Williams

    Brick-and-a-half Saturday, OWS Sunday.

  80. Justin

    Had a 7 mile run yesterday, 6 mile hike today, and shooting for a longer double digit run tomorrow. Yay for three day weekends!

  81. Martin Kandrac

    Base kilometers, sprinkled with little climbing. After promising start of the season, I went downt for three weeks with some infections, so I am taking it slow to get get going again.

  82. Rob L

    Sitting with my leg raised… I fractured my ankle on Wednesday :( !!

  83. C Tse

    Train on the local Tri course that I signed up for at the end of July. Plan out where and how I spend my energy.

  84. smitty

    last easy weekend before marathon training begins

  85. Bond

    10 km “Warsaw night run” for Legia’s Centry

  86. Thomas

    First make a long distance cycling tour mit the MTB (ca 100km). And on Sunday a recreation-run 10k…

  87. Richard Schoen

    Going to ride my Blue carbon fiber triathlon bike, whoa!

  88. Maarten

    Long ride in the belgian rain.

  89. Thounee

    Weekend already done but have spend it in quality cross training by re-arranging our storage + attached shed from unnecessary wood, metal scrap, non-working electronics… Junk yard received two full car trailers of that stuff :D

  90. Bud Hammerton

    Just getting back started after a long bout with illness, so my plans are for two short rides (about 5 miles each) over today (completed) and tomorrow.

  91. Luke

    Hiking and trail running in Norway

  92. Sarah

    hiking and eating

  93. Jo

    100Km ride this Sunday preparing for a 1000km ride to the south of France.

  94. Erik

    Saturday I did a practice run on the course of an upcoming race. I’m hoping for a good bike ride tomorrow.

  95. Patrick_S

    Bike on saturday, swim and run on sunday.

  96. Isabelle

    This week-end I did a marathon together with my daughter’s friends.

  97. André

    I went for a 22 km hike today, because I need to prepare myself for a 8 day hike I will do this summer.

  98. Sascha

    Prepare with 50km and the next day a 100km ride.

  99. Oh yeah – I’m going to get picked on this one for sure. Lucky number five thousand and something.

    Training – a couple mellow 5 mile runs.

  100. Dennis

    A ride on the bike along the danube and some BBQ