A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Seth

    A nice long run

  2. Bartosz Nazar

    I will go for 100km MTB ride with some friends. Let’s get tired! ;)

  3. Jan

    Train before the rain..

    Mission accomplished! :-)

  4. Carlos

    This is my final rest week before a half iroman, so trying to get as much rest as possible between all the swim/bike/run seems to be the plan

  5. Bradley J S

    Alittle bit of every thing. Lots of biking, a big run, and a swim

  6. mst

    120km road cycle and lots and lots of bbq

  7. Dave Chatlos

    Returned to cycling after a long hiatus due to PT from a knee injury. Just finished a 15 mi training ride on Pittsburgh’s Three Rivers Heritage Trail, then off to the LBS to get some more gear. Monday will be a short ride, then watching Stanley Cup Game 1. Go Pens !

  8. stephane feret

    My week end is recovery for my first iron man 70.3 the next week end in switzerland.

  9. Gareth

    62 mile bike sportive on Sunday and Monday off

  10. Heath Larson

    Did two rides on my new Tacx Vortex Smart from Clevertraining.com. Did a 20 mile ride this morning and plan on another 30-40 tomorrow.

  11. Amy H.

    I’m getting over a nasty stomach bug, so this weekend’s plans include my couch, some electrolytes, and lots of Netflix!

  12. Blaine Boxwell

    Came down with a cold; scrapped my miles for yard work

  13. Kris

    Sat: 7 mile run
    Sun: FTP test on bike trainer
    Mon: Easy ride

  14. John Hale

    Well… it seems we’re halfway through already – how can I have missed DVR post?!? I’ve already done four sessions in the boat, and another plus weights due tomorrow!

  15. Bernie

    Thursday (public holiday): Long bike ride
    Friday: Z3 run and outdoor pool swim training
    Saturday: Medium bike ride and strength training
    Sunday: Brick

  16. Philipp

    Just rode my bike across the Alpes from Western Germany to Lago Maggiore, so I take this weekend off from training and get some recovery.

  17. Felipe P.

    Big ride Saturday, with 5min threshold efforts and sprints mixed in. Recovery on Sunday, then Monday TBD, based on what the weather does. Could be hill repeats, or a date with the Kickr.

  18. Race criterium on saterday and restday on sunday (I hope)

  19. Felix Mai

    Enjoying nature in Germany with my Cyclocross bike!

  20. Anthony

    Long bike run on Saturday, to rest and do homeworks on a rainy Sunday.

  21. Reeli

    Bike run brick on Saturday, 2 hour bike followed by open water swim on Sunday. Should be a great weekend. Happy Memorial Day everybody!

  22. Mike P

    Actually helped friends with their move to the new dream home on Saturday – so a bunch of different training methods involved there, bit weights heavy though for my taste. Recovery run planned Sunday to round this off, pizza and wine in-between.

  23. Ben katz

    Bbq swim in the pool. shirt ride on Monday morning

  24. Harald Bootz

    Friday track and field (50m, 100m, 200m, 3000m, high, wide, shot put)
    Saturday all-nite-birthday party at friends with way too much alcohol
    Sunday only 3000m to see, if I can still run :)

  25. John McCluskey

    10km run as a guide with a runner who has impaired vision followed by a few sessions on zwift. Car drivers in UK are crazy – much safer indoors

  26. Rutger Kok

    Hopefully running a new 10K PB, sub 40 is the goal!

  27. Ivan Ivanusic

    I will be doing local MTB race and some rowing

  28. 15 mile ride to try out new TRI bike; Intro to Aerial Silks class; train personal training clients; finally some 12 oz curls

  29. Cherylyn

    Mountain of yard work Saturday/9 mile run Sunday/Bike ride Monday if the weather holds

  30. Chris

    My goal for the weekend is the first ride after a couple of weeks with a lot of stress in the office :)

  31. It’s a recovery weekend! But next week I re-start my running to raise up the endurance level.

  32. Tijs

    The late evening ride I had planned today saw too much rain, so I will be out for a short run in the park.

  33. Got my bike three weeks ago and finished the first climb yesterday.
    It won’t be the last. :)

  34. steven

    No training for me. Starting the season with a sprint tria. Just to see in what shape I’m in…
    Fingers crossed

  35. Rene

    Long run for the weekend to be about 5 miles. With some speed work upcoming on Memorial day.

  36. Al

    Walking Saturday and Sunday. Monday, 1.5 hr tempo/ss/FTP ride = 45 min @tempo, 15 min @sweet spot, finish up with 15 min @ftp.

  37. Tim

    I am still recovering from a nasty bout of illness and plan to take it relatively easy. :)

  38. Ryan Ravinsky

    A long hike with 4,000 feet of elevation gain, & then a picnic.

  39. Tom

    When writing this the weekend here is actually almost over already, but both Saturday and Sunday I did ~50k rides around the countryside with some friends.

  40. Francesco

    It will be a long weekend in Italy too. My plans are to practise mountain bike at least 1500 m ascent per day.

  41. Rebecc Cain

    Starting 5k training again after too much of a break.

  42. Enrique

    Doing a slow 2 hour ride to try and get rid of my cold…

  43. Marcus

    Will be relaxing and just doing stretches. Back to YAYOG on Monday! :-)

  44. Ned

    95 miles on the road bike through the mountains of Colorado…

  45. Eric

    Planning on some long slow runs, a little too hot to push it that hard.

  46. Daniel Vela

    I will do core exercises, abs and some stairs. Bbq burguers will end the day.

  47. Becky

    Just a couple easy swims and a lot of picnics!

  48. Larry Tomie

    Mur de Huy, then Figueroa West Side

  49. Huy Tran

    Swimming in the different beaches of Hawaii.

  50. Guido

    My training plan says long bike ride on Saturday and long run on Sunday. No real fun at >30C.

  51. Emil P

    easy run; some plyometrics

  52. Gareth Jones

    Climbing, climbing and more climbing.

  53. Bruno Sá de Moraes

    Long ride on Saturday!

  54. Matej Meško

    2x 5km runs and MTB ride

  55. basswood

    As many km with bike is the Sunday plan

  56. Tjeerd

    Going for a 5km run in half an hour. Unfortunately it rains pretty hard at the moment…

  57. Matt

    No real training, just playing some golf (which I need some training on anyway).

  58. Dusan

    Short 2 km run race.

  59. Sebas

    140k bike on Saturday/30k run on Sunday

  60. Gery Robertson

    Hopefully around 8 miles of trail running, then it looks like I have days and days of honey do s (or it just seems that way)

  61. David Reiland

    My family traveled back from the beach this weekend, so all I hope to get in are a few vacation recovery runs.

  62. Cezex

    Friday – mowing the lawn
    Saturday – paddleboarding and mowing the lawn
    Sunday – paddleboarding and gym

  63. Olle

    Im gonna run 15k, and then eat BBQ. Loads of delicious Mmeat!

  64. Lucas

    5 miles with burgers and dogs at the end.

  65. Mike Guertin

    Hopefully a ride around the lake – 35 miles and 1500 vertical.

  66. My plans for the weekend include a 90 minute Zone 1 run and on monday my Freeletics weeks starts again with a 5/6 Kentauros…. it will be painful!

  67. Paul S.

    I have been sick this week, so definitely just LSD on the bike as I work on recovering!

  68. Jessica

    I’ll be going out for a few short runs. It’s too hot out for much else.

  69. marius

    i will have an intervall training this weekend.

  70. Will L

    Competing in the European Masters swimming champs in London!

  71. Liina

    This sunday i attended my first bike event ever. 56 km in southern Estonia. It was awesome and i did not die (i was a bit afraid of it).

  72. Matt

    I’m hoping to get a short run in on Monday since i’m working all day Sunday.

  73. Ben rosendale

    10k run on Saturday, rest day with pizza :D on Sunday then bike sprints on the trainer on Monday :)

  74. Katka

    Did nice hike on Saturday, some weights today and only good food planned for tomorrow :)

  75. Jonathan

    I starting biking to work this week, so taking the weekend off.

  76. Kayce Shelton

    Yesterday I raced the Snake alley criterium, which includes a cobbled 20% switchback block. So today is a rest day, and tomorrow is a fun friendly century.

  77. Going for 3h ride and after that 2h trial run with a total of 400 feet climbing.
    Good fun!

  78. David

    the next saturday i will gonna wake up early in the morning (7 am), very quietly trying to not wake up my wife, next, i will pick up my bike and left my house behind, for a 3 hours ride to the joy of bike-freedom!!!

  79. The Eric

    This weekend my training will include the joy of my wife and I moving. So lots of heavy power lifts of boxes and furniture. Followed by beer drinking. Maybe a run….doubtful though.

  80. Saturday was supposed to be a century ride, but it got rain/lightninged out (Florida…what are you gonna do?), but I was up early anyway so I took my dog for a 10 mile run. We ended up beating the rain, but boy was it humid.

    Monday is a training ride 35 miles. Then glutinous BBQ in my belly.

  81. JL

    Local run-around-a-lake race on Saturday. It almost passes my house, so this is like a home run that I have to do every year.

  82. Christine

    Preparing to get back in the pool after a long break.

  83. hdrz

    A long trail run!

  84. Martijn

    I am going to Ann Arbor for the wedding of my best friend – not the worst!

  85. Frank

    I have two runs this weekend, one down and one to go!

  86. Casper

    Healing my achilles tendon… :(

  87. Joshua Richardson

    Trying to rehab a knee injury, so only eliptical work and resistance training for me :(

  88. patricio

    Next weekend will have a 2:00:00 as part of my 30k training in september in Dominican Republic.
    I will run even happier if a run with a brand new FR 230 win in this giveaway!!!!


  89. Roelof

    Gardening in the weekend and on mondaynight a beachvolleyball training.

  90. Vanessa

    SUP’ing at Ko’olina lagoons.

  91. Oscar Gjaevert

    Some roadbiking off course!

  92. M. Scott

    Swim meet, then bike/run brick, then charcoal awesomeness.

  93. Mike

    Doing a 120km ride to see if I will be able to complete my first road race

  94. Devin Cashman

    Long group ride on Saturday, then a rid/run Sunday all scheduled around anniversary plans.

  95. Andreas S.

    Saturday we went for a barbecue with our neighbours und on sunday we had a 10K training run with some of our friends. Great weekend with a lot of luck with the wheather!

  96. Kevin

    Did a recovery run this morning with the wife, a 5 miler yesterday, a long(ish) run tomorrow and pork butt going on the Kamado Joe tonight footless pork sammiches tomorrow post long run.

  97. Gary

    Had a blast at my best friend’s wedding this weekend. Going to do 2 8km runs during the week to work it off and transition back to my half marathon training schedule after my vacation.

  98. L. Davids


    This weekend I will go out with the Bugaboo Runner. Fun for two!

    grtz L. Davids

  99. Martin Jelle

    Completing my very first 5 km run and BBQ :)

  100. Matt Vaughan

    Long brick workout