A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Bambang

    10m long run… following hal higdon novice 1 training program

  2. Tom Smulders

    No plans! Wedding weekend!

  3. Leave It To Beaver

    After a few ups and down, finally gonna get my butt back out there. We’ll see how it goes but hopefully I’ll clock 7 to 10K’s. :)

  4. Paul R.

    Two 10k runs, 4 hot dogs, and some good beer.

  5. mmb

    I’ll probably just spend the weekend browsing the clevertraining website trying to figure out what to get :)

  6. Henrik Persson

    Trailrun planne!

  7. Tanner Daniels

    I plan on riding a solid 25+ mile today as well as a 40+ mile Monday morning. Topping the weekend off with eating a meal with the family in honoring Memorial Day. Everyone stay safe and healthy this holiday weekend!

  8. J Clark

    Running today, swimming tomorrow. If this wins, I guess I should put something clever. Rather get something from clever…

  9. Reidar Bratvold

    I plan a five hour ride on Saturday. On Sunday I’ll do a three hour ride.

  10. Matthew Thompson

    Long ride, then long run, then work followed by a short ride followed by short run.

  11. Fraser Allan

    On the road, so 7 minute wahoo workout it is.

  12. Run Day and Bike Day. Getting reacquainted with the bike on a 50 mile ride.

  13. Stepped on a hidden rock during a fast descent on s trail run. Doing some cross training instead this weekend.

  14. Erik

    I pick things up and put them down

  15. Boliche10

    I’ve got 3 bbq’s and a crap tone of burgers and beer to drink this weekend! Unfortunately, I don’t think my workout plan is looking too good…

  16. Brad

    Rest day Saturday, Zwift ride and run brick Sunday, Zwift ride then BBQ all you can eat Monday.

  17. Tom

    Getting ready to get 50 miles in in my bike in prep for a century later this summer. That and a bunch of lingering basement work … Of course.

  18. Will Darling

    As much cycling as possible and then a little bit more cycling after that.

  19. Miguel

    10km run before the Memorial Day BBQ.

  20. Obbe

    Recovery run and swim sessions

  21. Jim

    Four hour bike Saturday, two hour run on Sunday. Work on Monday :-(

  22. Maddy

    Just easy 5km run on Saturday, walking with/running after my kids on Sunday :-)

  23. Tim Porth

    A couple of 6-8 mile runs and cabin work in Hayward WI.

  24. Olov Persson

    Long intervals on saturday, rest on sunday.

  25. Joe Galego

    I plan to get back on the bike for the first time in 5 days. Who gets hit with the flu thus time if year??!! I got nailed with illness Wednesday and pretty much lost track of life until yesterday. It will be a nice easy/sloooow transition back onto the bike I think. I am still getting winded with little effort. So looking forward to some healthy eats and a relaxing Memorial Day.

  26. FatIron97

    Eating pork chops and finding a roof top cargo box for the car. Training will have to wait until Monday.

  27. Richard

    Ran 10 mile race Saturday. 10k easy run today and Monday. Basic burgers on the grill tonight as barbecue plan.

  28. Lisa

    I’ve switched my focus to weight training this year due to too many injuries! My husband, however, is training for a 100K in August, so he did 20mi on Sat, and is on 6mi on Sun. Monday is a big rest day for everyone!

    BTW – You can wear an optical heart rate watch while doing Pilates. Not much HR variation though ;-)

  29. benichoux

    Just some rest!

  30. nick Duck

    I’ll be MTB cruising up and down the Corniche in Abu Dhabi in 35c heat (thats 95F to you folks in USA). 20Km round trip !

  31. James

    I’m literally about to go run 9 miles.

  32. KRD17

    An 8k run and packing up my house for a move.

  33. A 25K (+1750m) trail running race in Greece!

  34. George

    Going to the beach instead of training for the weekend. Woo

  35. Barbara ware

    Spending time at the beach.

  36. Jacov Lalou

    Some indoor riding and running just ticking over…

  37. Stephane L.

    Preparation training for half IronMan Temblant !

  38. Melvin

    21km run on Sat followed by a 100km ride on Sunday

  39. Max

    Running, weights, depends on fluctuating New England weather.

  40. Nathan

    Bbq with friends, prepping house for sale and if lucky a quick run

  41. Szymon

    My plan WAS to rip my legs apart during a hardcore sesh in the mountains but a heavy rain ruined it all for me so all in all just a couple of kilometers in this nasty weather.

  42. Jeff

    Plan is to bike, then run some intervals then eat.

  43. Igor B

    Short HIIT, and 5 hours endurance Z2.

  44. Milessio

    Completed a 5km parkrun yesterday.
    A 25mi bike ride this afternoon.
    Off to Wembley for the football (soccer) tomorrow.

  45. Dan Herrera

    My Memorial Day weekend training:
    Friday IM703MT bike course (doing that race in a month)
    Saturday lake swim at Esterel (Laurentians)
    Sunday family BBQ

  46. Oren Feld

    Probably an 8k run and crossfit

  47. Sebastiaan

    Hi there! Easy 10k today but gorgeous run through the woods. Week 1 of a half marathon training plan down, fifteen weeks to go!

  48. Grant

    Work/school combined has been taking its toll on my training, so this weekend I am getting back into after about 10 days of nothingness. I like to start back up by getting on the treadmill and setting the pace, it keeps me from “going out” too fast and makes sure I don’t overdo it.

  49. Josu

    Long ride and openwater swim if the lake isn’t too cold!

  50. Thom Mason

    2×600 yard swims in Watts Bar lake, Stand-up paddleboard for a bit, and 15 mile bike ride plus a whole bunch of pressure washing.

  51. Mateusz Sowiński

    I really would like to run around some lake but near my home there’s no lake at all. And like US it is long weekend in Poland.

  52. Chris

    Completed a really strong nine-mile training run on Saturday, hope to do some hiking on Sunday and a mountain bike ride on Monday.

  53. George Nathanael

    Long ride on Saturday, short run on Sunday and then have a pizza party with wife on Sunday night!!!!

  54. Mike

    8mi run Saturday, BBQ with family Sunday, 1hr ride on Monday

  55. Matthias

    Just a 5k in the heat today, next weekend the 3h run is coming up.

  56. Joelp

    Easy 4miles before bolder Boulder on monday

  57. Sergey

    I worked on Saturday. Today: 10 morning and 10 afternoon km pram pushing with my daughter inside.

  58. James White

    On call for work, so no exercise for me

  59. B. Owens

    Lap swimming plus yoga

  60. Chad Vacarella

    I’m doing my first (practice) triathlon at Waldon Pond Saturday and then a leisurely brick (bike/run) Sunday.

  61. Sebas Vela

    Had a really nice plan for going hiking up a mountain on Friday and have a 60km bike ride on Saturday sadly I catched a cold.

  62. Stephan

    No training this weekend, I’m on vacation with family and friends.

  63. Ian

    Ottawa race weekend!

  64. eric v

    The plan for the weekend was a charity 5k on Saturday and then mountain biking with my wife on Sunday..but sadly I came down with a case of bronchitis/walking pneumonia w/ 101* temps..so my plans have changed to a z-pack and Tylenol. :(

  65. Ben

    An perhaps unusual brick for me – bike-row-bike, followed by rest day & a short race on Monday.

  66. Luke

    Running as many miles as can on a family trip in Zion national park.

  67. Steven

    Long hilly ride, followed by a short flat run on Day 1.
    Long swim and long run on Day 2.
    Rest day.

  68. Michael Woods

    I will be running a 5K event that precedes our local Memorial Day Parade

  69. Michael Clark

    Swimming and some more swimming topped off with a bit of swimming.

  70. Ivelisse Woods

    Will be taking the kids for a family hiking and biking trip in the Adirondacks

  71. Peter Hand

    Run a bit and try not to melt in the newly arrived heat in NYC.

  72. Richard Hagen

    A medium-to-long run in stavanger (norway!) on saturday, and hopefully a short one in greece this sunday! :D

  73. James W Ramseier

    Do a mountain century, recover, and BBQ

  74. Manfred

    I will do a 14K preparation run for the Munich half marathon end of June! :)

  75. Hogesyx

    Little one down with fever after her flu shot. Not resuming my training until she recovers.

  76. Rai

    Hills, hills, hills and some more hills. Oh, and just maybe a BBQ.

  77. Jeff

    Flying to Turks and Caicos with running shoes and cycling shoes/pedals in my carry on. But always celebrating those who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedom.

  78. Wpi

    Laps around old Norcross

  79. tineira

    Just some short recovery rides

  80. Christopher Kuchin

    Looking at either a long run or long bike in between BBQ and yard work

  81. Bart

    Some running and biking with some others today

  82. Mick

    Started early, along run on Thursday –
    easy on Sat, 4mile run on Sun.
    Mon 42 mile bike ride, oh & lots of food
    from the grill

  83. Jorja

    Biketrip in town

  84. Thirumaran

    130km weekend ride.

  85. Graveman

    Saturday: 2 hour strength training, food training.
    Sunday: Warmup ride on the old, heavy, rusty, survived a collision with a car mountain bike; warmup swim, 1000m set, sauna, cool down swim, short high effort ride.

  86. Brian S

    Saturday was an off day after a late return from a biz trip. Sunday equals 11k run. Monday will be commute to work via bike and hopefully either a 25km ride over lunch or else a 8k run. (lake swim will be washed out unfortunately)

  87. gandhareee

    I think we’ll hop on our bikes and ride places :)

  88. John H

    Saturday was an off-day (ran every day this week), Sunday will be a vertical ride on Zwift followed by a Memorial Day run.

  89. Sus Clemmons

    Training today is all work out for 2 hours then swimming in the afternoon. ;)

  90. Jesse Nofziger

    Road, cross, MTB, and hiking are all on the table for the weekend.

  91. Miguel

    40 mile ride tempo ride

  92. Mike

    Running a 10k and going camping with the kids.

  93. Notis

    Long weekend in Munich: 10k run on Thursday evening, relaxing with 18 hole golf round early Friday, then 40k bike on Saturday morning and a 20k/5k brick on Sunday.

  94. Tosin

    Did 20 miles on the bike Saturday morning

  95. Dean Semple

    Did a 5k park run on Saturday, with BBQ finish. Rest day Sunday. Monday preparing for camping trip, with running included.

  96. Bryan Goetz

    Finished a 42 mile hike. Now I need to mow the abandoned lawn.

  97. Dave

    10k race on Saturday in the blazing heat (34 C), then a recovery run Sunday afternoon.

  98. Kelly

    Long run for me, then relaxing and swimming with the kids. Hope I win!

  99. Ben

    Saturday standup paddleboarding, Sunday taking my new Kickr for a spin, on Memorial day playing in a golf tournament. It’s going to be a great weekend!

  100. Phil W

    Finally setting up my bike trainer room.