A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Chris Rider

    This weekend I’m travelling and won’t have an opportunity at all to train! I get home on Monday night though and hope to get out for a ride then!

  2. Wendy Ditterline

    Sunday 5k just to see how long it takes me. I am walking in one in a couple weeks and i have not done squat for it.
    I imagine food with family and GoT will be in order. As well as the new XMen movie.
    I will also br getting a wish list together for if i win the drawing. I gave been jonesng for a Garmin 235 in the bluesince last October.

  3. Matt A

    1st: Remembering and honoring the men and women who didn’t make it home.
    2nd: BBQ’ing with friends and taking in Game 7 OKC vs. GSW!

  4. André Faria

    This weekend will be a mix of cycling and getting wet running!

  5. da_fox

    No real plan, I’ll be playing around with my Polar A360 wristband. I could use the giveaway though, my budget is tight this year.

  6. Massimiliano Fredella

    Saturday 5kms jogging to relax the legs.
    Sunday 130 km’s biking between Romagna and Toscana region in Italy.
    Actually I got to go I’m almost late!

  7. Jp

    NUTS trail run in Kuusamo, Finland done – awesomeness! :)

  8. Michiel ter Mors

    Did a 5k run yesterday. But with a lack of sleep due to a 2yr old i’ll be working on my recovery skills today. I’ll be aided by Nemo, Lightning and Woody :)

  9. Anders Sørensen

    As I’m on call duty the entire weekend. I’ll do a specific bike route where the furthest away from home is 35 minutes which gets me enough time to come home within a hour – Even with a flat. Total bike route is 95km

  10. Paul Kleinschmidt

    I plan to do an overnight hike in Denali National Park this weekend. And eat some BBQ, of course.

  11. Mato Tunjic

    Gym training,and afternoon beach volleyball:))

  12. Oriol Garrote

    My weekend is full of kid’s things so I’ll go with a session of turbo training at home and/or a short run

  13. Jesper Schwartz

    Just a 20k run in easy zone 2 tempo. Gonna be great

  14. Michael Bauer

    Broke my leg some weeks ago. So the plan looks like 20 min indoor cycling and some strength training

  15. Bernard Maughan

    Solo 60km ride on Saturday, 70km group ride on Sunday, followed by 20km waffle ride, for a 150km weekend

  16. Gabriel

    Training?? Pff that’s the past! Now it’s time for raacciinngg! A crit’ this afternoon!

  17. yanca

    Running, resting, lawn cutting. I hope I will have the opportunity to spend more time running than lawn cutting. ?

  18. Peter V.

    Mountain biking yesterday and today a long run.

  19. Dimitri BE

    Friday evening – MTB 2h
    Saturday – MTB 1,5h
    Sunday – 20k running

  20. Mark

    bit of MTB in prep for a holiday and maybe some road riding if the weather is nice

  21. Lukasz J.

    Not too much this weekend as I had to spent half of it driving around and getting things done.. But 40k on the bike and a 5k run are the least!

  22. Rodolphe

    I plan to make a long 2 hours run training for a marathon scheduled in 2 weeks, then I am gonna help a friend for finishing his triathlon.

  23. TheNCuber

    I’ll be running mainly short 5k-runs in order to practise for an upcoming sprint-orienteering race.

  24. Kaan Boyvat

    I’ll be running 5k/day plus 5k swimming every other day. Must be getting old or something huh?

  25. Nate

    Hello Ray
    This weekend: Lot’s of running (as much as the weather allows) and yoga when I need to stay inside.

  26. Dsoler

    Short weekend here and no BBQ for me.
    Yesterday I went for a short trail running session and I’ll go for another one right now.

  27. Jan Aniolek

    It’s a tough (bbq-wise) weekend in Poland to but one has to be strong and go out there. 10k on Saturday and 18k on Sunday.

  28. Georgia

    I will be starting to train for my first 5K!

  29. Costi B

    I’ll follow the recently 42k training program introduced by Polar, into their Flow Web interface.

  30. arunas

    Short ride on saturday , which did not turn out to happen. Long MTB ride on Sunday, hopefully.

  31. Graeme

    Still recovering from my race last weekend, so this weekend will be limited to an easy parkrun.

  32. Sven

    Half marathon 6 a.m. sunday morning. Lovin’ the early sunrise!

  33. Tammy

    OW swimming for an hour or so while the kids build sandcastles with my husband :)

  34. Nigel

    A leisurely cycle around the English countryside with a couple of runs through the park thrown in.

  35. Michael Riechel

    Long run 20km+

  36. Dole Vandenberg

    A Brock workout, preparing for my first olympic tri next weekend, wish me luck!

  37. Bora

    Flying to US today with running gears packed. A nice monday run along the lake will replace my sunday run this time.

  38. Zeynep

    with 3 months due, I’ll take it easy and do some yoga this weekend.

  39. bad weather in italy… so just bike on saturday!

  40. Dirk R.

    18 km run on Saturday and a 55 km bike ride on Sunday

  41. James Coleman

    10m tt effort and then running after wobbly child round the forest!
    (Sneaking another training session in when the family aren’t looking)

  42. Chris W

    The plan was to brick Sat and long ride sunday. It ended out being a bike / run on Sat and cake on sunday….

  43. Honza Knyttl

    Having tough trainings for weekend:
    Saturday swim and long bike
    Sunday trip with kids then bike and run in the evening.

  44. rimas

    Yesterday went for a walk, today will go swim in the pool.

  45. Daniel Schumacher

    First a long (120k) groupride, followed by a recovery ride on Sunday!

  46. Gadi

    I will try to bike with friends about 200 km with my MTB in two days from Hermon mountain to Tel Aviv

  47. Thomas Leong

    Ride some hills in the Eastern suburbs and then run a fast 7km on Sunday

  48. Dag Aalvik

    I´m doing a 145k race around a fjord in Norway.

  49. Damian

    two to three hours each day, building up kms.

  50. Dan Merry

    Well this weekend, will be a recovery one with a bit of hiking and walking along the L’Yonne.

  51. Mark

    Break away from a week too busy to get on the bike, apart from a brief daily commute. Spend some kilometres coming to terms with training with a power meter. Spend some time at the Mountain Bike Park on Sunday on handling skills.
    Finally, take my youngest daughter to ride some crazy Circus bikes that a brilliant guy here dreams up and builds.

  52. Rob P

    Long bike rides in the rare English sun!

  53. Tim Foreman

    My workout plans include a 10K race on Saturday and a 90 minute TT Spinervals session on Sunday.

  54. Peter

    This weekend’s plans: long runs… just for the fun of it!

  55. hock yeoh

    Recovering from a marathon last weekend.

  56. Rich

    First Metric Century of the year…Hope I got my seat height right finally…

  57. David Faria

    5K Parkrun Saturday
    Long Ride Sunday
    Working the bank holiday Monday but still commuting by bike

  58. Richard

    Resting after the 25k with my wife, my daughter and her boyfriend.

    link to youtu.be

    and getting nervous. 100k in Biel (Switzerland) in two weeks.

  59. Samuel

    A 10K Race! First run race of the year!

  60. David Janczewski

    Went for a BQ at the Bayshore Marathon in Traverse City, Michigan. Heat and humidity was absolutely terrible for this time of year (especially after training in cool weather all winter/spring) and only got 3:04 which beats the qualifying time but won’t get me in the race :(.

  61. Phildia

    Start of the running season for me! A 10K race to kick it off!

  62. bart dewulf

    Had a 5k run yesterday and some serious gardening, today restday and danceshow of my daughter

  63. Bob Duszak

    Off Saturday. BBQ at home!
    75 mile ride Sunday followed by 10 minute brick run. Rest!
    40 minute run. BBQ at a friend’s!

  64. gfl

    A charity bike race.

  65. Fernando

    Preparation for a 30km trail run: 20 km up and down on stairs and hills (~1000 m accumulated D+) on Saturday, long run on Sunday (~30 km).

  66. Steve

    A pair of futter park loops Saturday and Sunday. Doesn’t get any better than this.

  67. Ripon

    Bbq swim… Bbq gym.. Bbq run !!!

  68. Chong WH

    Cycle 40k on Sunday if weather permits or go a for short run of 3k.

  69. Aydin Mert

    I had a 1 hour swimming on Saturday and today I will go for a short run

  70. Shane Porteous

    Free parkrun with my son.
    Then a Club Handicap sprint distance triathlon. Great weekend.

  71. JP Bezuidenhout

    Easy Sunday run here in Amsterdam…

  72. MM

    Trail running along the Big Sur Coast.

  73. Bart Keunen

    there’s a 10k run that i’m entering in my hometown. after that maybe some mountainbiking…

  74. Matthew Chong

    A gentle hills ride to make the most of the sun before winter sets in.

  75. Kristopher Sherrin

    Easy long run training for my first marathon, few beers training for the after party!

  76. Anthony Swan

    Hi Ray,
    My weekend started as usual with a PT session at lunch on Friday, followed by 10km run of Melbourne’ Tan. Unfortunately I’ve convinced our trainer to move into Triathlons. So he smashed out a 2nd place in the Melbourne summer sprint series and is now working on ITU age group olympic distance. Ride home from work Friday night, 15km. Yarra Boulevard after sunset. Saturday morning swim with the local boys at Balwyn’s 50m year-round outdoor pool, 2km, alongside the Chinese olympic squad preparing for Rio. They’re a bit faster. Ride Sunday from Surrey Hills to Emerald and back, 100km. Emerald is smack bang in the middle of the Aussie forests. Over the local benchmark for riding: the 1 in 20 hill up Mt Dandenong. Pink buns at the Emerald bakery. Sun night easy run with mate to Wattle Park. Monday morning back in the pool for 1500m, easier start before work. Will be cold this week, almost freezing.

  77. apn

    100 mile group ride on Saturday, some light intervals or a recovery ride Sunday.
    Monday is my usual rest day.

  78. Chelsea

    Brick session Saturday- 70km ride with a 5km run

  79. Setting up for the week ahead with a body balance class

  80. Micke Sandberg

    It’s national day on june 6th so we have an extra day of from work. I cross my fingers for sunny and warm wheater so I can take long bike rides.

  81. Bob

    Hard intervals Saturday and an easy ride Sunday.

  82. luis

    long ride with the local crew!

  83. Ge Barkel

    80 k bikeride and enjoying the scenery on saturday. For sunday a 5×5 weight training.

  84. Matthew James

    Going for a trail run and then a hike with the family and my fat dogs

  85. Jonas

    Grilling and then biking if the weather gets better.

  86. Stepan

    5h long ride on Friday, swim on Saturday and a 2,5h run on Sunday cause I have an IM race in 3 weeks!

  87. Pawel

    Did already fun race with a kids during weekly Parkrun series. Will try to accommodate all Tri workouts including hard cycle session and some stretching session.

  88. Gildas

    After a GranFondo in Tremblant (Canada) saturday, i will do a small trainer ride on my new triathlon bike. And a BBQ too !

  89. Bara

    I plan a run and taking care of my two children :-)

  90. Ralf

    Long run on sunday.

  91. Magnus Klinge

    7×3 AT with long warm up cool down (in shanghai) and a trail run in HK on friday morning…was awesome!!

  92. It is stinkin’ hot today (40C) and I am volunteering in a race. I am part of the Xtra Mile Crew in the Ottawa Race Weekend Half Marathon and Marathon. We jump on to the course at various places around the course to offer encouragement and assistance to folks who need a little boost. Yesterday was drinking lots of water and staying cool. Tomorrow is an easy run.

  93. We’re training for a 250+ mile ride that raises money for Alzheimer’s disease. And hiking and BBQ.

  94. Andrew

    Long flat ride on Saturday and then the Ottawa half-marathon in Sunday.

  95. Michal Szlezak

    Hopefully getting to get myself prepared for masters track nationals on Saturday :)

  96. Sam

    Racing the Goulburn junior tour

  97. Sixto

    A beautiful 13k trail race in La roca del Valles near Barcelona, 80% of the race in shade between trees !

  98. Ana

    I am recovering from surgery so it will be just walking, I hope next week I can start training hard

  99. Iris

    My last exam for sophomore year in College is on tuesday, so no training at all this weekend, just studying hard… but next week I have a beautiful trail race for a charity that helps building a school in Ethiopia.

  100. Lawrence Waldman

    A few hill runs, white water rafting and a bike ride