A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. K

    50 miles cycling, 10K run and 1 mile open water swim.

  2. Sarah

    Coach has a 4-day “run camp” planned, with 6 runs in 4 days. Halfway through.

  3. Michael McGrath

    Ride the hills of Yokohama, try to improve my avg. speed.

  4. Jorge

    Long ride today with lots of vert. Ows tomorrow, MTB/trial run brick Monday.

  5. Carl

    Hill runs in Gambrills state park to start building for the’16 JFK 50!

  6. Christopher M Fisher

    Did a quick 4 mile run today. Day off tomorrow and bbq with friends on Monday.

  7. Craig

    Ride my bike in the Blue Ridge of Western North Carolina

  8. Chris D.

    I am racing in the Killington Stage Race in 85 degree Vermont weather. And people are skiing.

  9. Dan

    A hard run with the dog on Saturday, and then running around with the kids at the park

  10. Kenny K

    Loading a 26′ moving truck, touch up paint.. And move.

  11. Steve

    Ride, eat, repeat.

  12. Jay

    Going long on the weekend, because I can : )

  13. Yaroslav

    Saturday ride for an hour.
    Sunday barefoot walk with a dog.
    Monday run for 40 min or so.
    Recovery after #themostclevelandraceever

  14. Pat Cryan

    The plan for the weekend is to work on the bikes a little (along with the yard…) and then go for a couple of 25-30 mile rides and maybe hit the beach for some fresh squeezed lemonade.

  15. John

    4-5 miles of running every day this week

  16. Peter Shellabarger

    I plan to do some fishing and spend quality time with the family!

  17. Jessica

    Do a 5k run!

  18. Arash

    Will ride for 120 kilometers on Sunday, rain or sunshine. Although we might get some snow tonight, it’s Canada after all :D
    Then some strength training at the gym, paying much attention to calves, specially soleus on my right leg; as I’m still recovering from dislocating my ankle mid July of last year :(

  19. Lance Woodcock

    Going out to the desert to visit the wife’s parents. With that in mind, a couple early morning runs and afternoons spent pool side.

  20. PaulD

    An early run tomorrow before the heat and humidity builds.

  21. Carol Eaton

    Focus on doing nothing! BBQ & relax is in order. Most importantly… thank a vet .

  22. andy

    A run around the national mall.

  23. David Colman

    long ride, easy run

  24. Jacob

    Full day at Wet n’ Wild chasing the kids (Now that’s a workout). Rest day of BBQ with friends on Sunday and then a nice calm long slow run on the holiday.

  25. Steve Farrar

    5km Park run on Sat, easy 6km run Sun morning, 10km trail run Sun arvo. No long weekend here but ribs for dinner Sun night.

  26. Pine

    Several-mile walks and Monday barbecue.

  27. Brad

    I’m traveling from the USA to Australia; so to fight off the jet lag I’ll be jumping on TrainerRoad not long after I land.

  28. bill

    speed workout at the track, followed by a few days recovering with beer

  29. james

    a long open water swim to counteract this heat!

  30. WJH

    probably not too much. relaxing and enjoying the quiet

  31. beth

    18th ride today, 2.5 hr run tomorrow

  32. Rim

    chasing kids around thebyard, park, beach, etc

  33. John Fuhrman

    Family time this weekend

  34. Manu

    Short run yesterday. Long bike ride today!

  35. Mario Ezequiel Negri

    Will run 15k on Saturday and bike 45k on sunday.

  36. Naoki

    Ride 33 miles and Run 4 miles

  37. Scott

    all mountains…mountain biking Friday, trail running Saturday, hiking with the family on Sunday, and then more trail running with my dog on Monday.

  38. Jess Zanewich

    I am getting back into proper training after a trip to SE Asia. Saturday is a long bike, Sunday is a run, and Monday is back to proper swim training! No long weekend here in Canada though!

  39. Matt

    Working out and eating, of course!

  40. Ruben Garcia Mohedano

    Football game on Sat, light swim on Sunday

  41. Kyle

    10 Miles today, 8 Sunday followed by Burgers and Beer, 6 on Monday followed by more Burgers and Beer!

  42. Adam

    At least five miles a day + swim with the kids

  43. Joseph Speck

    Hopefully I’ll go for a nice easy right to help me get those legs back after a break. Just moved to a new home so it will be a good time to explore some new training routes.

  44. Racing! A local sprint tri.

  45. Richard

    I’m going for 40km cycling ride circling the town

  46. Chris A

    Trail running with my dog Kona on the Billy Goat Trail. Potomac River, Maryland side.

  47. Igor Furnas

    1h to 2h ride in the intervalos when stops rainning.

  48. Sean Morse

    I plan on a 40K run, 200K bike ride, and a 10K swim.

  49. dan

    My training plan was: Saturday 25 Mile bike, Sunday 1 mile OWS + 4 mile run, but since my wife threw her back out on Friday night, it was changed to install a third 2 bike rack in the garage on Saturday and a 25-30 mile bike on Sunday.

  50. Dana Chin

    Sunday will be spent convincing my youngest that biking the 2 miles of flat trail is not the “hardest thing in the world” and that the beach at the end will be worth the effort.
    Monday will be spent watching my kid’s school band marching in the Memorial Day parade, in Tropical storm Bonnie.
    Tuesday (we have off) is spent recuperating

  51. Seva Pog

    21km yesterday, maybe some km’s today.

  52. Kevin F

    I am planning a 10k run tomorrow and then hopefully some more stepping in between on my new Vivoactive HR.

  53. Florence de sola

    I’ll rest at home feeding my newborn baby. Cant wait to go back on track

  54. Randy

    Watch soccer. Watch more soccer. Shop for furniture. Go for a run*.


  55. Roy

    A 5k run on Saturday, followed by an hour in the pool on Sunday.

  56. John

    16.5 km run saturday, swim sunday

  57. Steve

    I’ll be squeezing swim, bike, run, in between watching the kid play soccer all weekend

  58. Vincent Silva

    A quick run to get the long weekend started.

  59. Nick

    10k Sunday run; 1h Monday Swim; lots of Texas BBQ.

  60. Kevin Kohlhagen

    I will be running 10k’s each day. First one at race pace, then the last 2 performance conditioning. I run at 2am as then it when it is the coldest so I don’t overheat. Love running at night.

    • Ben

      Training as if for entry in an eating contest at the buffets in Vegas. Triathlon training to resume when I finally get this stupid sports hernia figured out.

  61. Trey

    1/2 marathon training begins right after Memorial Day eating.

  62. Les

    Lots of walking in between weekend work

  63. John Doyle

    I’ll be attempting to run a tiny, slow amount after pulling a calf muscle last week on the track.

  64. Julie

    Just did a 2.5km swim in the pool after a 5km run yesterday.

  65. Robin Smith

    ~2h mountain bike ride on Saturday, 10K run Sunday am, 40k+ road ride Sunday PM

  66. Catherine

    Swimming open water, 2 miles sunday. Riding 36 miles saturday, with 30 min t-run. Monday, burgers, dogs, fast finish run, OW swim, parades

  67. Spark

    Leg day lifting Saturday, bike ride Sunday, upper body lifting Monday.

  68. Samuel Jackson

    I just did a long bike ride in the lovely (not) heat of Brooklyn today; rest of weekend involves cross training and running!

  69. Victoria

    short, easy run to stretch out my legs

  70. Chris Patti

    I’m in Paris after a week-long bike trip in Provence. I visited the site hoping to find a running route for this morning, so my weekend training plan: a 6-mile recovery run in Paris. Now, on to searching the site for a good route.

  71. Dylan G.

    Sunday: Long run, probably 10-ish miles
    Monday: 20 Minutes tempo
    Tuesday: 6 Mile Road Run

  72. Steve Blagoue

    Two medium length rides with some climbing work for me.

  73. minh ha

    I will be barbequeing on memorial day, running trails with my fenix 3hr, swimming indoors with the garmin hr swim band and doing T25 workout videos. Cheers

  74. Eyal

    I am hoping to do a long ride with some climbs on my road bike. This is of course given the baby is yet to be born ;)

  75. CST

    Going to get as many miles as possible on my bike

  76. Shaunak

    Super site Ray. Training this weekend was a massive washout… It was supposed to be a 10.5k loop around one of the parks in Singapore.. But a huge thundershower overnight and then 2K into the run the heavens opened up again.. This meant it had to be an aborted run…

  77. Carey

    Round of golf and some trail running. Been looking forward to the weekend!

  78. Andrew

    Beef tenderloin on the grill and a long run

  79. Brian

    Going for a long ride!

  80. Bruno Q

    This week the is not a holiday for the muscles, some gym work, night run on two days, Standard bike commute, with one day on the long way.

  81. Fabricio D'Amico

    My plan is to put my shoes on after a long time without any training. I hope I can do it!

  82. Chris

    Part of training is sleeping. Hoping to sleep, sleep, sleep.

  83. Heikki Sanelma

    Some transition training on friday w/ race preparing accelerates. Saturday is for pool or lake fun. Sunday I’ll have Vantaa Triathlon sprint.

  84. Jason C.

    Taking a break from training and making it a family fun weekend. Me, my beautiful wife and two boys went for a a 3 mile kayak on Friday…took the boat out today (saturday) to swim and splash around…and tomorrow and Monday we are going to soak up some rays at the beach

  85. Dennis Voogt

    Doing a sprint triathlon together with my 8 year old son for benefit (good cause)

  86. Kevin

    Road trip from San Diego to Carmel. No structured workouts, but several hikes in big sur etc

  87. Jayashankar Kasimsetty

    I will resume my running after taking a month long break because of the metatarsalgia injury I suffered while doing my first official half marathon (Lake Minnetonka half marathon. Target was 02:10:00. But I was doing pretty good around the half way point and decided to beat 02:00. In the process my right foot suffered and I finished the last mile limping for a finish time of 02:01)..!

  88. Vadim Trainin

    Brick session . 140k bike followed by 20k run

  89. Victor

    Eat, sleep, drink, swim. Repeat. or at least get done in a relaxing manner

  90. Matt

    Hopefully a ~28k long run for my Gold Coast Marathon training! I’ll settle for a 10k tempo though, given how far behind I am in university work.

  91. Jerome

    It’s a rainy week-end in Clermont-Ferrand (France). I’ll try to go for a 13km run, between rains… The rest of the week-end I’ll do a full garage cleanning, which is also quite exhausting!

  92. Luke M

    Trying to stay out of the heat in the pool.

  93. Jerry

    I plan on 800 and 1 mile intervals between gym time this weekend.

  94. adamk

    Nice long run!

  95. Amy P

    Double running this weekend. Tempo run on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.

  96. Elvi

    I will do some swimming and running

  97. Marty

    Doing training laps around my local industrial estate

  98. I weight lifted today, yesterday did yoga and lifted legs, and tomorrow is going to be a nice long run for me!!

  99. Stephen Kaas

    I’m making my first trip to Kona for the 70.3. I’ll be swimming, riding, and running all over Kona.

  100. Chuck M

    Run 11 miles on Saturday and long bike ride on Monday.