A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Fman

    Have ridden all week to work so is weather dependent – raining today!

  2. oliver

    a little trip up the Dales Way trail!

  3. Dennis Jones

    I ran 7 miles on Saturday, plan to run 5 miles on Sunday and then cap it off with another 7 mile run on Monday. Weather will be in the 90s so I will take a swim as well. :-)

  4. Ben Quay

    Sat: An easy 30 minute run followed by another 60 minute bike (easy day)
    Sun: Brick simulating race day. OWS, followed by a 30 mile bike, and 6 mile run
    Mon: Interval repeats on a track to work on the running speed

    You’re the man Ray!

  5. Joel

    sat – ride, short run
    sun – medium run, open water swim
    mon – ride, short run

  6. Chris Tallman

    Long run on the trails, with 3k+ of elevation. Last long run before leadville marathon.

  7. Heikki L.

    The plan is to have as much road bike kilometres as possible, hoping that the weather permits. So getting ready for a 300km ride!

  8. David T

    Key session: 3hr bike ride with 300w blocks and then a hilly 90min off-bike run! Fun fun fun

  9. Rad

    Long run on Sunday and then ride with my daughter.

  10. Doru Eftimie

    Saturday – Sprint Triathlon
    Sunday – Long bike (165km)

  11. Chris

    Gonna bike around the lake

  12. Zvonimir

    my new road bike is supposed to come so i am looking forward to some rides, and beside that few standard 10 km runs

  13. Alfonso Monroy

    Bike hills on Saturday,1500m open water on Sunday

  14. Gabor

    My first 10K run on saturday

  15. ads2

    We’re probably having a baby this weekend!
    Obviously, I’ll skip my weekend 10k runs (which are outside mobile phone range).

  16. Seb

    3hr Hilly bike ride, quick 5k in nice summer temps!

  17. Chip Constantineanu

    Hoping to do a century ride on Memorial Day after a whole week vacationing in Cabo San Lucas!

  18. Miranda

    Group run Sunday morning

  19. David Zupancic

    I did 80k on bike today and about to do additional 60k tomorrow (sunday).

  20. Bas

    5k run in the sun, open water swim

  21. I plan to swim when it’s raining, and run when it’s not!

  22. Daniel Beechwood

    Repeat intervals of chasing after my two year old at random times this weekend.

  23. Violeta

    Today had just a little run and tomorrow will have a walk.

  24. Heidi BH

    I’m chasing my 2 year old and swimming as much as humanly possible! Viva Summer~

  25. Nick G

    Did a parkrun this morning, planning another 6 miles or so tomorrow then a brick session on Monday.

  26. Nicholas Eckermann

    Doing some intervals to stay on top for my bbq game this weekend.

  27. Struan Lownie

    Intervals today (10 mins Z4 + 2 mins recovery ×3) then long run tomorrow.

  28. Kurt

    Finally good weather, hitting the roads in the mountains, 36 mile Sat, then 40ish Sunday and 40ish Monday, with a couple gym workouts and a run.

  29. Bruno CM

    Easy jog on Sunday

  30. David K

    PR Hunting on some punchy local climbs

  31. Stymer Leonard

    This weekend is prep for training. Packing up pedals and gear to 2 weeks of training in Italy…

  32. Eric

    Sprint tri on Sat, recovery s/b/r on sun, rain on mon

  33. Rebeca Chavez Herrera

    I will play paintball with some friends and do a 10 km run on Sunday.

  34. Keith

    Trail runs in the mountains.

  35. Sam S

    First run after injury – short one but looking forward to it!

  36. bazz

    Crosstraining fitting new garage door today then London 10k on Monday. 5k run through the woods with my dog tomorrow.

  37. 60 miles of cycling around the Sutter Buttes and 10 miles of run after that of the legs can still hold on.

  38. Micha

    Going for a ride on sunday afternoon with my new bike

  39. Dave

    Running sections of the yurrebilla trail and eating chocolate.

  40. Phillip Duncan

    My plan is to run a 10k for the first time on Saturday morning.

    On Sunday, I plan on doing a quick 5k on my normal running route that I have ran several times.

    Monday will be a rest day.

  41. Jonathan Lo

    80km bike ride on Saturday, and a 30km run on Sunday.

  42. Antoine Brune

    A nice ride in the flemish ardennes on the famous cobbled climbs of Belgium

  43. Chelsie

    Saturday: Rest
    Sunday: Rest
    Monday: BolderBoulder and BBQ!

  44. David Gralnik

    run, bike, bbq

  45. Chris

    Weather not so nice in Australia so some indoor Spinervals leg workouts planned.

  46. Jarred Ward

    Its a long weekend in the UK too! Woohoo,went for a couple of miles today. 1 hour run on monday to build on speed and endurance. Watching cricket tomorrow ( US? Google ‘Cricket’ )

  47. Mickey

    Two long rides and a long run.

  48. Nicole Kitt

    Just ran in a local mini iron race relay! The rain poured like crazy, but it was great. Tomorrow, plan to go for a nice easy long run with my friend

  49. Michael G.

    A couple of early morning training runs to beat the heat and counter the BBQ.

  50. Gavin Cheung

    Riding at Lysterfield mtb park Saturday.
    Gym on Sunday.


    Half marathon run to honor the fallen.

  52. Ellis Lo

    Short break at Colmar Tropicale (French themed village at Pahang, Malaysia), so no running, no cycling….

  53. I did an Olympic Distance Triathlon today and tomorrow I hope to have time for an hour run.

  54. David Gammack

    Trying to get back into the swing… so a decent 2.5hrs ride with some great friends, then an afternoon painting the house, followed by a swim with the friendliest masters team ever. Monday? Back to the gym…and maybe a trainer ride. I don’t care if I win, just typing this here means I’ll make sure I get it done!!!!!

  55. Andrew Carroll

    I’ll be trying to get a ride in after recovering from my wife’s uni reunion!

  56. Andrew D

    Crit race Saturday followed by a steady 80 miles Sunday.

  57. tsk

    60 min on tredmill and 20 min cycle HIIT

  58. Chris R

    Trail run, trainer session and a swim this weekend.

  59. JASON

    Riding 25 miles Saturday, Running 7 miles Sunday and Relaxing Monday.

  60. Sean

    Progressive run and 2x brick workout

  61. Lara

    Easy run on Sunday, working on form. Maybe I’ll drag my mountain bike out for a little ride too.

  62. Charles Z.

    Short little runs between all the hamburgers and hotdogs.

  63. David C.

    Nothing too special, Saturday is a day off, 3-4 mile run on Sunday to the beach from my hotel in Tampa, then a free weight workout on Monday at my home gym back in Chicago: squats, overhead press and deads. Thanks Ray!

  64. miguel guimaraes

    this weekend I will only go for a 10k run… (it’s raining)

  65. Mike B

    Knocked out 55 hilly miles on the bike today, and hopefully another 5 tomorrow before a recovery ride on Monday before the thunderstorms start.

  66. Cristina GP

    this weekend I my workout will be a family walk.

  67. Bryan From

    Nice long ride outside.

  68. Charlie Lao

    1.5 hour indoor trainer plus 1 hour road running

  69. John Paul David

    This weekend I plan to do 2 hours of base training on my bike.

  70. Martin

    bike ride to cabrillo and around the bay

  71. Eric Hancock

    My training plans for the weekend involve hiking through Yosemite valley.

  72. Tatsuhiko Shibata

    Mountains of Misery!!

  73. William Hartmann

    Sat – put the boat in the water, ready for some summer water sports
    Sun – Long Bike Ride and afterwards grill some steak.
    Mon – rinse and repeat

  74. Charles Holden

    Take a run round Brisbane whilst I’m travelling!

  75. Josh Parks

    Cooking early season Copper River Salmon of course. And some rando reco on Zwift

  76. Reagan Evans

    Two long hikes for resting purposes before two long rides on Sun/Mon. One to test out a new tri position.

  77. Ken

    A hot weekend (mid to high 30’s celsius with humidex) – will have a 90k or so breakfast ride on Sunday…

  78. Richard

    The Plan:
    = Thank any vet I meet
    = Ride Century
    = Cook some hamburgers
    = Have a Beer
    = Be thankful

  79. Douglas Meyer

    Running a 50k trail fun run with a friend!

  80. mark naisbitt

    Saturday 60km ride around Hong Kong Disneyland
    Sunday 10k hike.

    Monday work :-(

  81. Erik

    Saturday: soccer
    Sunday: hiking
    Monday: DC parade, perhaps
    Tuesday: my wedding

  82. Seth Revelle

    Out of town for holiday; running as I can find it.

  83. Whatdadeuce

    Just plan on doing a local 10k, aiming for a 37min finish. Besides the race, not much running.

  84. JG

    On Friday short bikeride and 11km run with 4*1,2km with 3:40min/km speed
    On Saturday easy 20km with the Mountainbike to the next hill with assume view
    On Sunday i `ll do a long run

  85. Cristina Burbach

    racing a road mile on Monday

  86. Andrew Jones

    Saturday lunch got cancelled so we went to the Beach and I did HIIT with ‘The Seb’ (crazy 3yo of mine) in and out of the water fountains on the foreshore.
    Today we have brunch and tonight I plan on HR training = 6k treadmill run (<150bpm) and then a weights session before going for the blackout in the pool =400m swim (100m freestyle / 50m breast stroke) <11min.

  87. Josh

    A long hungover run (great for simulating the last few miles of an ironman marathon)

  88. David C

    Just a few laps in the pool.

  89. Tsachi Avrahami

    Mountain biking in New Hampshire and a short run. Mostly, setting up the sail boat and starting the season. If the lake water warmed up enough, would add open water swim

  90. Linc

    It stopped raining, so time to go running outside!

  91. Ed Francoeur

    Planning to ride tomorrow passing two local wineries, it’ll be my first ride on my new bike. Gym Monday morning.

  92. Brian

    Spike ball on the beach followed by a few local 5K’s

  93. Laramie W

    R&R this weekend and maybe a short run or ride. Hard training over the past week means a break is in order.

  94. Drew Martin

    Weekend long run, the BBQ in the sun! Woo Hoo!!!

  95. Matt Guyatt

    Lots of cycling! Probably a longer ride Saturday then a shorter ride Sunday.

  96. David

    Olympic Tri today, long 3 hour bike either Sunday or Monday.

  97. jesse saldana

    Riding with a friend on Sunday and doing a ride to Mt. Weather, VA on Monday – 50+ miles then heading to Sweden for Vacation.

  98. John Bourgault

    80k cycle with buddies

  99. Kurt M

    I need to ride, ride, and ride! :)

  100. Rob Rice

    Ran a hot 5k today, and plan on a long run tomorrow or Monday