A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Gustavo Roman Jr

    I’ve got my first long run of 12 miles for the summer on Sunday! After that, it’s resting time.

  2. William Linder

    3 day weekend for an American in Stockholm, so here’s my training:

    Saturday – Lazy Lördag: 2 hours on road bike zone 2, getting yesterday’s workouts out of my legs.
    Sunday – group ride with Cykelclub Valhall, 120km recon of course for next week’s Falkenloppet. 5km easy run and core in afternoon.
    Monday: 3,000 m swim, 5km run, hour on TT bike.

  3. Jason Nemecek

    Just getting over a cold and a vacation so slow recovery and getting back into training to prepare for the next upcoming training block (Intervals, VO2 workouts and mid-distance runs)

  4. Taylor

    Shop road ride Sunday morning, Mountain bike in the evening prepping for Willmington/Whiteface 100 MTB race next weekend in Lake Placid!

  5. Adria

    Short runs on Saturday and Sunday, and leisure bike ride on Monday!

  6. Dermot O'Riordan

    100 mile charity ride for West Suffolk Hospital where I work

  7. Ryan Richard

    Morning and evening 5 milers on Saturday, an easy 3-5 on Sunday, and the Boys Town Memorial Day Race (5 mile) on Monday.

  8. Scott E

    40 mile dash to the coast via bike

  9. Anca G

    Riding the trails in Mass. Thanks!

  10. Barbara Pereira

    Great bbq on monday so 10k long run tomorrow

  11. Wouter

    I Will be doing some crossfit on monday and running on sunday!

  12. Jeroen

    Planning to do a nice 5K tomorrow!

  13. CSR

    Easy Run today, long bike tomorrow.

  14. Anastasia Michélsen

    Today I enjoyed a nice and sunny 40k bike ride with two friends. Tomorrow is long run day.

  15. Jake Elsmore

    Fitting in any time on the bike I can in between revising for finals :(:(:(

  16. Teun Kappe

    200k ride during the weekend, combined with interval training.
    No BBQ for me during the weekend

  17. Han

    Probably a shorter long run to not feel bad about doing nothing on vacation.

  18. Kerry

    Plan to go long and slow each day.

  19. Pie

    100 k bike ride sat.

  20. Noel De Kock

    60km mtb ride at 4am in the wet and cold already ticked off, quick 8km trail run planned for sunday morning

  21. Žiga

    A 10k run and Crossfit training should do the trick this weekend.

  22. Ross T

    Hammering out some trainer sessions while studying for CFA


    Ride, ride, and ride some more. Then watch the giro.

  24. Darren

    A 10K run and weightlifting. Thanks.

  25. Sir Roger

    Sat Hill repeats on Alpine
    Sun College Hills and Piermont
    Monday Early Park laps or Alpine repeat.

  26. Scott Dunsmuir

    Whitewater kayaking in Arkansas Friday, A couple of good runs Sat & Sun. Monday is a work day for me even though Im in the states

  27. A long run through Hungarian wine country :)

  28. Stephen Gurry

    About to head off on my Sunday long run as the sun comes up over beautiful Melbourne, Australia.

  29. Matthias G.

    Sunday morning a 20k run as a preparation for my next halfmarathon.

  30. Francis C

    Kinda embarrassing but I’ve decided to pull back on the mileage this weekend. Eating is the training plan until Monday. hahaha

  31. Neil Hawthorn

    40k ride, 3k run on saturday and baseball on sunday

  32. Kim

    Go bike riding. Need to get my nephew back on after he flew over the handlebars yesterday before he wont again.

  33. Paul Merian

    I am in my fynal traings for Biel 100km: a fast 20km and an easy 15km on Sunday.

  34. Si

    I should have been running Liverpool Marathon but am injured :( So I’ll be cycling locally instead!

  35. lekkerbek

    I hope it won’t rain on sunday morning so I can go for a 3h ride.

  36. ken

    Sat: 60 mile bike, Sun: 1500y swim, Mon: 8 mi run

  37. Olli

    Busy with the family, so no training for me :/

  38. just me

    I need to train for a Triathlon, so run swim bike over the next wee

  39. Gabriel G

    For this weekend I am stuck at home for saturday so I will try the Bring Sally up pushup challenge when the kids are asleep. For sunday I have planned a 20k run in the woods, looking forward to it!

  40. Jack

    Nothing, sadly: two weeks flu showing no signs of abatement!

  41. Chilling down in Brighton doing very little really.

  42. Long trail run Saturday, easy recovery run on Sunday. Back to regular training on Monday! Run, rest, run.

  43. Linda

    I plan to swim in the lake (if it’s not too cold) and maybe run a couple miles over the next few days.

  44. Halfred

    Mostly works in my new flat, and some swimming in a lake.

  45. James Carling

    Century ride to prep for coast to coast challenge in June.

  46. Corey W.

    Long Ride, medium-long ride, long ride…plus a healthy dose of bike maintenance

  47. Albert

    On Saturday evening, I plan to run for forty-five minutes in the National Mall. On Sunday afternoon I plan to do a spinning class on Monday to work on my legs. On Monday I plan to swim for forty five minutes to work on my backstroke.

  48. Em

    I’m traveling so I have no training plans apart from the occasional hike.

  49. Koppejan

    Running a 10k trainingrun on hopefully a beautiful sunday:-)

  50. Jef

    Saturday : 1h endurance run with 10 minutes tempo. Sunday, don’t know yet … family event planned.

  51. Matt

    Nothing fancy. A run today, swim Sunday and run on Monday!

  52. Andrew

    Watched the Giro and now watching the US road championships while spinning on the turbo.

  53. David

    just rode 30 mile. already for summer riding. training is over, ride time in here

  54. Rich

    Saturday and Monday rides!

  55. Euan

    This morning was 70 miles on the road bike, tomorrow rest day, Monday holiday intervals.

  56. Zoltan Szabo

    Soccer with the kids followed by an easy 12k run on sunday evening.

  57. Andy

    25km MTB competition and 10km ligt run

  58. Steve E.

    Ran this morning, planning on doing the same Saturday/Sunday. Meet the wife at the coffee shop afterwards and walk the 1.5 miles back home together while sipping our coffees.

  59. Jeff Shafer

    Riding Saturday, swimming Sunday and going for a nice run on Memorial Day

  60. Zenon

    Short MTB trip

  61. Stephanos Ritsi

    going after some segments in Tirana Albania!

  62. I’ll be double running – parkrun on Saturday followed by an 8ish mile run on Sunday.

  63. Paul Wascher

    Tempo Run Saturday morning. Bike 15 miles or so Sunday and recovery run Monday. This all assumes the rain and heat expected for the weekend stay somewhat subdued.

  64. derNathan

    Hi Ray
    I’ve got a (long German 4 day) weekend of running with friends and bbq-ing going on.

  65. Francis

    Little run saturday
    MTB on sunday … according the weather , risk of storm…

  66. Th. Marx

    Every day at least a 5k run (if weather permits…)!

  67. Brian Schumacher

    40k ride on Saturday, something similar or more on Monday. Gotta get in shape!

  68. Michael Kuonen

    I am in Stockholm for the weekend. I will try to get a run done… :-)

  69. Jonathan

    Easy Saturday Ride

  70. Lukas

    60k on the cyclocrosser yesterday, today 120k on the road bike with the club and a short 6k right after the ride – absolute awesomeness!

  71. Ratrejo

    10 k trail run

  72. Margaret

    A few easy runs, it’s hot out there!

  73. Tramb

    It’s mother day so à long early morning run and a family lunch …

  74. Pipo

    Short 5 k run, there si so much rain these days

  75. Fran

    30 min walk with my kids

  76. MikeInEverwet

    injury recovery, lots of stretching/wraps/etc. then ramp back up next week for races in June.

  77. Steve h

    60miles on Sunday,resting on Monday

  78. Chris Benten

    Lots of walking around NYC.

  79. Maarten oris

    A 70k training ride on Friday.
    20k inline skating ( instead of running because I ‘m injured ) on Saterday
    swim training on Sunday
    and studying all weekend for my exams

  80. Dumai

    I plan to run an easy 6 miles Saturday, do some mountain biking on Sunday and get in a road bike ride and some grilling on Monday.

  81. Mohammad Aldebaisi

    Hill repeats and Yoga.

  82. Espen Medbø

    I’ll go cycling and running with my 2-year old in a Thule Chariot. Will be fun!

  83. Sébastien

    A bike ride and a quick run if my legs can still hold me :)

  84. HH

    Testing out my new Garmin Vector 2

  85. Sergio V.

    Saturday was a short recovery ride; Sunday will be a mountain endurance ride ;)

  86. Adrien

    Just a short run, about 10k. No time for more.

  87. Pierre

    Bicycle my new bike to the LBS for service and then a run back home.

  88. Matt Carr

    Running 10 km today and a 45 min. steady (Z3) run on Memorial Day.

  89. Kris

    Not much this weekend unfortunately, 18km hike was the highlight so far.

  90. Dan The Man

    Ran a spartan race on Saturday, the just wandering around Seoul and relaxing in a pool.

  91. naomi

    Also ich würde mich riesig freuen! Echt jetzt!

  92. Picko

    A ride, a ride and then another ride.

  93. Bjorn S.

    Nothing special here, just a 4×4 session on Sunday and otherwise enjoying a long weekend.

  94. Mark Cockshoot

    2 days of 5 year old birthday parties – does that count?

  95. Monika S.

    We actually wanted to ride 120k on Saturday to Michigan City and back on Sunday, but now I am sick and bound to stay in bed…

  96. Yannick Piette

    Going up and down mont-royal for 2 Hours

  97. JorW

    Openwater swim in the afternoon if the waether keeps good enough.

  98. Mike VanVleet

    My tri club is doing a simulated sprint tri

  99. Nicket

    I need to get in a long run and grill some protein for the week!

  100. BeatrizB

    I want to complete Strava’s May Gran Fondo (115km ride) and, if it’s possible, a 50km ride on Sunday, with some hills near my home town…