A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Maarten

    Bike/run bricktraining on saterday
    Swim on sunday

  2. simon gordon

    t-ball game with my son then cycling around the lake at the local park

  3. Nate Miller

    Ride, run, construction, repeat!

  4. Jim C.

    Short run and a bike ride is all for me this weekend!

  5. mjciv

    Training (well, tapering) for next weeks Reno Tahoe Odyssey.

  6. Daniel W

    Light recovery workout post half marathon

  7. Tore Johan Olaussen

    Riding a 150 km race. On a borrowed bike since the airline lost mine ?

  8. Turri Zanoni Andrea

    Taking a trip to cattolica, having fun with family and putting sport in a corner for some days!

  9. Dar

    Hot and humid weather for me so a shortish LSD 22km run on Sunday (rest day Saturday).

  10. Jerome Ardouin

    After too long without training, I simply plan to go to the gym to get some fuel back.

  11. Luz

    Nice 12km run in El Pardo (Madrid) passing time until this afternoon soccer match. Hala Madrid!

  12. Dane Perkins

    nice short 4mi run around downtown area right near my house on sat
    followed by a indoor pool 2000yd/3mi brick workout on sun.
    i have a 70mi bike ride coming up on next sat, so monday starts a small bike taper week.

  13. CC

    Swim, bike, and run – training for sprint tri.

  14. Mike

    Run Saturday, ride Sunday and rest on Monday…

  15. Keith Weerts

    Multiple parties to go to and 2 or 3 HIIT sessions

  16. Angelos Skoubas

    Two running sessions, Tuesday and Thursday about 10K in the city and a trail race on Sunday, a trail semimarathon.

  17. Jan Wender

    Saturday short run (7km) and shopping duty and lawn mowing, Sunday longer run

  18. Jeremy

    Just finished a very hot long run this weekend!

    Thanks as always for the giveaway Ray.

  19. Kevin Camel

    Sat: 90 min FTP intervals, probably on trainer
    Sun: 1500m swim easy recovery pace
    Mon: recovery day

  20. Mark

    3 mile runs on Saturday and Monday in anticipation of a 5K in a few weeks

  21. Ioannis Papatheocharis

    Broken wrist +sons’s first high school exams = no serious training unfortunately!

  22. Casey

    Lower back stretch and plank circuit in the morning before breakfast. Bodyweight training circuit before lunch. 5km run before dinner. Get a good night sleep before a joining a local community volunteer work on Monday.

  23. Abdul Wahab Mohammed

    10 mile run in big Sur and 20miles cycling .

  24. David HB

    Long run on Sligo Creek trail with my bro. Then bbq time!

  25. Wouter De Raeve

    No training plans this weekend! 20km of Brussels race on Sunday. Aiming for 1:30

  26. Cantankerous Corinna

    6 sweaty miles today, hopefully some more hills and thunderstorms tomorrow. Gearing up for summer races while all my friends are busy marathoning.

  27. Tim

    Go out and get a couple of fifties or maybe even a metric. Do some intervals with the group to get the heart rate up. Avoid the flooding from the heavy storms a couple of days ago.

  28. Ryan Hales

    Trainerroad tonight with some good road time on Monday with friends. Final prep for 140 mile fondo.

  29. George

    Run on the beach, deep sand and no shoes, then cold beer and friends grilling marinaded steak and chicken.

  30. Alex

    Indoor riding after missing a week of workouts

  31. Krishna

    6 mile run Saturday, 6 mile run Sunday…. Flying for work on Monday ….:-(.

  32. Rene

    Well i ll try to Squeeze a 100km ride between in Thunder and Rain this weekend in Germany.

  33. can

    Easy long run on sunday with a nice bosphorus scenery

  34. Brian

    Working on my 5k, trying to get sub 22″ and for the long days hiking. Going for a 3 hour summit and down (~13 mi, 4k’ trail)

  35. Brianne

    Elliptical while the kids nap…give it time, you’ll be there eventually.

  36. Nicholas Stearns

    Friday – Pulled Pork and Ribs BBQ for a graduation party + Spanish wine.

    Saturday – More BBQ and Wine. Some Golf and injury prevention exercises

    Sunday – More BBQ and some Beer. 25 mile bike ride with 1200 feet of climbing + overgear work

  37. Mark

    Started yesterday with a 20 mile ride and hope to continue with a 2-3 mile run and another 5-20 mile ride over the long weekend to train for an upcoming tri. Thanks for the giveaways! Love the site!

  38. theok

    Saturday is going to be a rest day.
    For Sunday there are 2 options:
    Either easy 12 km run, with some strides.
    Or a 5km tempo run.

  39. Anders Ryman

    Rise and shine early on Sunday for a big distance ride. Aiming for about 180km.

  40. Did a 150k training ride, raining tomorrow so doing an mtb ride in between the showers.

  41. Noah Gray

    Training plans are a 50 mile group ride in an attempt to get some friends ‘back in the saddle’… so to speak.

  42. Jingzi

    Fly in Thursday, Run on Friday, Hike on Saturday, Recovery on Sunday and flying back out on Monday

    Plus good family food!

  43. Andy McAleese

    Last 20 mile run before the Tromsø marathon

  44. John

    Swimming and basketball on Saturday, cycling on Sunday!

  45. Rich Hill

    I’ll be having a day off on Saturday while travelling back from a training camp in Spain, then it’s a recovery ride on Sunday and a long ride on Monday.

  46. Vincent Pimentel

    2hr ride saturday
    sunday is brick workout

  47. busra

    Today was easy run, tomorrow it will be 10k tempo run

  48. ellen

    I’m trying to stay cool and get some long runs in during this Boston heat wave!

  49. the boxers

    The plan is 2 or 3 sessions on the turbo trainer, due to being on call for work.

    I’ve already been called out twice for a total of 11 hours since 5:30 friday ;-(

  50. christoph

    I am helping to organize a race this weekend. so no running for me on saturday.
    Maybe I will manage to run on sunday evening.

  51. Just did a 2 hour trail run today, and spot checking markings tomorrow morning for our club’s trail half marathon that day. Holiday Monday means a group run!

  52. Burgess

    I was going to run a 10K but it rained – I’m a fair weather runner…. So now I’ll do 10 miles at home in the rain.

  53. Fran

    My plan for the weekend included the Bilbao Olympic Triathlon today, (not too good, today suffering was in the cards), and a 90 min recovery bike ride tomorrow morning.

  54. jay d

    cross train saturday and long run sunday then bbq

  55. Erik B

    Short and easy bike ride on Sunday since I’m just recovering from a stomach bug. Might turn into an easy run depending on weather, not worth the bike washing for a short run if it’s too wet.

  56. JP in MN

    As little as possible.

  57. Corey B

    A great weekend starting to taper for my first 70.3 of the season. Long ride on the Saturday, and tempo run on Sunday. :)

  58. Stefano Crosta

    Business travel week next week, so need to be creative. Tue-Thu early morning runs, about 8km with intervals (tue sprint intervals 1min, 3mins recovery run; wed fast intervals – 1.5km with 2minute recovery run). Wed, Fri, Sat… hotel room Yoga and muscular exercise!

  59. This weekend will be spent like most weekends where there isn’t a race. 12 mile run Saturday morning followed by a 3-5 mile hike with the family in the afternoon. Cycle 20-30miles on Sunday. In the last year we moved from Tucson, AZ to Dublin,, Ireland. The weather is colder and wetter, but the routine remains the same. A new GPS would be nice, steep hills and higher longitude, GLONASS support might stop the “lost GPS signal”…

  60. Thierry

    2.5km swim on Saturday and a 10k race in Paris on Sunday !

  61. Trey M

    No training this weekend except for my liver,celebrating a wedding!

  62. Osman

    1k swim , metric century and 10 k run over the weekend.

  63. Shmuel Raviv

    I road 27K on my mountain bike and I plan to run 8k and swim 1.5K

  64. Ryan

    A hilly 14 mile today followed by an easy 6 mile recovery run tomorrow. And a easy x-train day on money to recovery from many, many, many hotdogs and chips.

  65. Lukas

    DIY reconstruction works on our apartment instead of regular workouts.. hope to finish soon and get back sport :-)

  66. Mark

    Swim on Friday, zwift on Sat, then a run Sunday morning!

  67. Dave Abrey

    Week 2 of Couch to 5K for me. It’s going well so far…

  68. Aleksandr

    It’s time to open open water swimming season) And run 10K as well.

  69. Keenan

    I am going to swim and lift weights!

  70. Christoph

    Getting up early for a 70km ride and being back for breakfast.

  71. Saturday – Swim (8 x 200 descending main set), Bike (5 x 8 min Oly pace main set), Run (30 min Brick)
    Sunday – Bike (45 min easy), Run (16 x 400 Oly pace main set), Strength
    Monday – Swim (easy), Bike (not sure yet)

    Grilling out Saturday with the wife and Monday with the fam.

    Also, pick me, please.

  72. Joey

    It’s my birthday, so I’ll be celebrating with a two hour hilly brick run. Hoping for some good luck birthday vibes!

  73. Derek Lussier

    I’m going for a nice easy run after working this long weekend!

  74. Matt

    Hope that my 2 year old sleeps in late enough to let me sneak out for a couple rides before vacation starts next week.

  75. Noam

    TrainerRoad Base phase – Saturday, Sunday Monday and a concert of Above & Beyond at the Hollywood Bowl

  76. Minna

    Greetings from Finland!
    Saturday (today): attended to a boot camp “power training”. Hiit training, kettlebers, TRX, etc. total 3,5 hours
    Sunday: planned: 80 km road cycling + 30 mins running.

  77. Andrey Frolov

    short run on Saturday (actually is was done in the morning) followed by strength training on Sunday.

  78. Getting ready for 260km fondo in 3 weeks so a long ride on Sunday 175-200km. Core workout on Saturday.

  79. Laura

    I don’t have many training plans for this weekend as I am recovering from a hamstring injury. I hope to be fully recovered in the next few weeks!

  80. Carole

    No training this weekend, just rest

  81. Kevin Verhaege

    Testing my new gear ..mtb training

  82. Saturday: SUP
    Sunday: Run/ Bike
    Monday: Bolder Boulder 10K w/ the family!

  83. Ryan C

    Morning run on Saturday and a hard lifting session on Sunday so I can enjoy a hamburger….or three on Monday!

  84. AndreLM

    Some lakeside running and cycling, more for fun than exercise.

  85. Dressel

    Cranking up the volume with a 5hr ride on Saturday and a 2.5hr run on Sunday!

  86. Daniel Rakowski

    I’ve been training for a 5K (starting from zero running experience) for about 6 weeks now. I’m trying to get under 30 minutes so I can beat my buddy on race day :)

  87. Sebastian S.

    I guess I have to go to the pool, eventually! Preparation for short distance triathlon in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

  88. Drew

    Going for a couple of long runs trying to up the pace.

  89. Robbie

    It’s 95°F here, so scouting for a pool.


    Well, my plan was to continue working towards running almost every day. But hurt my back yesterday morning. So we rode our bicycles to the Farmer’s Market this morning. Then I did about 40 minutes on the stationary bike too. Gonna try to hit the streets for an easy run in the morning though, see how my back feels.

  91. Stefan

    15* 400 really fast :-)

  92. Hussam

    I’m planning an 54-story, 1089 steps, 886-feet building climb on Friday, and a 60k bike ride on Saturday.

  93. Tomas

    Brussels 20k run on Sunday

  94. puddlethumper

    basebuilding and just getting in the easy miles. 8 on roads saturday and 10 on trails sunday. and yes, we’ll be grilling salmon on monday.

  95. fanis konstantopoulos

    just to make an exception, planning on bbq, bbq and brick exercises bbq-margharitas. It’s nice to break some rules once in a while…

  96. dries

    bike ride on saturday morning, 10 beers saturday evening,
    open water swim on sunday morning , 25k run on sunday evening

  97. Maurice

    My first run after a nasty knee injury. I am optimistic everything goes well…

  98. SchmeeDog

    5/28 – 40 minutes interval program on the treadmill
    5/29 – hour or two on the mountain bike
    5/30 – long trail run, 3 hours or so

  99. Eric

    Run, Swimmingpool family.

  100. Frédéric Sudre

    Today : 65 km ride at Longchamp.
    Sunday : 15 km run and swimming pool with my daugthers.