A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Benoit Faivre

    Half marathon in 6 weeks. So slow 15K run hopefully in 1:15:00. Then a nice lunch with friends :)

  2. Jacob Sconyers

    Friday trail run, Saturday morning open water swim, then paddleboarding, Sunday long run and kayaking, Monday lap swim.

  3. Jason Gardner

    I’ll be going for a long ride to burn off all the calories I ate tonight at a going away party for some friends.

  4. Larry S.

    50Mile ride on Sunday and some rowing in between.

  5. Matthew

    A workout combo of lawn work and getting some middle distance runs in all three days.

  6. alex

    After a 18 km run this Saturday, I expect to do another 20+ km long run either in the Forest, or uphill if it’s too rainy/muddy (I can hear the storm right now…)

    Thanks anyway for the giveaway!

  7. Victor Preston

    I have a bike fit Saturday morning and plan to ride later, weather permitting. A short run on Sunday with a pool swim. No plans yet for Monday.

  8. Jon Hughes

    Bike, run on Saturday. Bike on the holiday Monday in the UK.

  9. Chris

    Finally re-starting my bike training, six weeks after I crashed my wrist in April.

  10. Alex J

    A 10k, a 5k, BBQ, and maybe jump into a last minute Memorial Day race.

  11. Adam

    Five mile runs on Saturday & Monday. BBQ on Sunday.

  12. john

    In injury recovery mode, so bike ride and swim and BBQ!!

  13. Carlton

    I’m going to the Indy 500 this weekend! Working through the half-million people crowd will be my cardio. I also might do an open water swim on Monday.

  14. Chris

    Training indoor and watching the giro.

  15. Photomei

    Yeaaaa spectacular…

  16. Marcin

    I’m still learning how to stay for a long time in HR Zone 2, so I’m pretty sure I’ll try to keep as calm as I can for as long as I can.

  17. alan yueh

    Maybe an 8 mile “long run” (I’ve dropped back the distance this year), maybe a 20 mile bike ride, maybe a little floating in the pool. But definitely burgers on the grill!

  18. Quan Nguyen

    I’m going to learn swim and hm run on this sunday.

  19. Chris S

    To be honest: nothing!

  20. CH

    Easy 10km run through Godswood…

  21. 5 miles easy run, moped ride, play in the park, pick strawberries, tubing behind the pontoon and a couple more short runs.

  22. mudrii

    Recovery ride after back slipped disk

  23. 1800 yards in the pool, then a return to running on Sunday after a first date with tendinitis.

  24. Koen Creusen

    I’ll go for a longer run, but not too long, as I’ve got a 5k race on Tuesday. I’ll try to get a nice sunny ride in as well!

  25. Felkerino

    My wife and I have a 600K randonneur bike event next week so we are chilling here in DC, resting our legs. I’ll get the tandem to the shop for a little repair, and try to get lots of sleep.

  26. Kelly M

    Crossfit partner work out in am and my bike with kids in the afternoon

  27. john

    Saturday – long run
    Sunday – recovery run
    Monday – beer run

  28. Flo

    I’ll have a nice evening on the tennis court today and tomorrow will have a regular freeletics session.

  29. G Hampton

    Finding my shoes and remembering how to get a long run in.

  30. Jonathan Pinchefsky

    Nursing an injury, so will be doing some walking and planning activities for next weekend.

  31. Kellie

    Chicago Marathon training for me.

  32. Bill B

    Taking a few recovery days after a five day bike tour around Wisconsin.

  33. On business travel to the us, but still trying to get in the km in during the week.

  34. joel c

    Kayaking in the back bay!

  35. Joe Lynch

    Two workouts planned over the long weekend. Starting Friday with a boot camp workout with CG for an hours or so then on Sunday hitting the pavement early with nice 65min training run with my wife and friends at IRun. Later on Sunday hitting a winery to have a picnic and listen to some Blues. Have fun everyone—keeptraining.

  36. Mihkel

    Recovering from my hangover on Saturday. On Sunday, loads of biking to and from different disc golf courses.

  37. Erik B

    Recharge batteries and gym to prepare for another week of speedy commuting :)

  38. David

    Couple of big rides on Saturday and Sunday, taking inspiration from the giro

  39. Jeroen

    Some interval running with micoach.

  40. Marion

    I planned to ride a little bit but the rain decided something else so … it will be eating with family on sunday and work on monday !

  41. Al

    I’m doing destination running: 8.5 mile run from Strasbourg into Germany

  42. Olivier from Paris

    Thunderstorm planned throughout the week-end here, managed to get a 13k dry run this morning, tomorrow morning will probably be road bike repetitions on the hill next door to be able to reach shelter in 5min

  43. Jay Mitchell

    Running a 1/2 marathon on Sunday – probably sandwiched between two bike rides. Hoping they’re wrong about our rain.

  44. Max

    Well, today I’ve run for 5K and plan to swim 1,5-2K tomorrow.

  45. Jeff Schreier

    Does watching baseball count? Taking it a bit easy this long weekend, but probably a bike ride Monday.

  46. Parag Gajendragadkar

    MTB action in the not too distant future once my week of work comes to an end…

  47. Adam

    Long trail run, last one before next Weeks’s race.

  48. James M

    2 mile lake swim tomorrow. In under a week, temp has gone from “should I get a sleeved wetsuit” to wetsuit-illegal.

  49. ap

    I will do a swim session on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.

    Still don’t know if the run will be on road or a trail though :)

  50. Tom Helleman

    Working in the local bike shop in Brisbane all weekend, but I will get in two rides with some threshold/sweet spot intervals on my Speed Concept for an upcoming 40km TT.

  51. Daniel Soukup

    After doing a bike/run brick last night, it’s going to be an easy weekend.

  52. Today the weekend started with a Run/Bike/Run/Bike brick training session. Tomorrow fly out 6am to NYC and will do 75 minute run in the evening. Monday is 90-minute bike spin before flying out Tuesday to Aviles, Spain for my race!!

  53. Ivan

    5 miles, BBQ and beers

  54. Allan Fernandez

    Just a 35k slow pace Run !

  55. Alan

    Bike ride Saturday, 10-mile run Sunday, and baseball (watching, not playing) on Monday.

  56. Not much on the training side, but I am running the Ottawa marathon tomorrow :)

  57. James Dunnigan

    Participating in my 1st Tri. It’s Olympic:)

  58. Cosmin

    Running a 7k after a cold. Will also try to go do some laps at the pool

  59. Chris Howell

    Hill climbing and long miles, mixed with a lot of spring cleaning and some grilling.

  60. Mark Donnelly

    Unfortunately, I’ll be studying hard for exams. I can’t wait to get back out on the bike again. The great weather is back and I am stuck inside the library:(

  61. Miranda

    Just a 5K race on Sunday, followed by a BBQ!

  62. Marcin

    Easy running – max 25 km during the weekend. It’s too hot to try more… or perhaps it’s jest me being too lazy ;)

  63. Adrian

    16k running race with +700m elevation on sunday.

  64. Patric F

    25km trail run on sunday.

  65. chris burke

    5k Parkrun on Saturday, 5k run Sunday, 20-30k mountain bike shakedown on Monday in preparation for a 100 mile South Downs epic one in July…

  66. Chris

    A dog walk and a bbqed tofu steak–taking it easy this weekend!

  67. Kendra

    Only one sunny day in the forecast, so taking a nice long bike ride while I can. Then hiding indoors for the rest of the rainy weekend.

  68. david dulaney

    Hill Sprints , 10k run on Monday

  69. Martin

    I will do 90 min SST on Zwift and 10 km run this Sunday. Cheers.

  70. Ryan Dwyer

    Grandmother in-law’s 90th birthday party this weekend, easy 5 miles Monday.

  71. Dan Wendt

    Planning on a couple of long bike rides, endurance pace. Hope the weather is favorable!

  72. Chris S

    Got my hard ride in early on Friday so I can spend the weekend cruising at the beach. Also, hot dog!

  73. Barry D.

    New giveaway! Woo hoo! I did a swim workout this morning and this afternoon I am hoping on the trainer to do a Trainer Raod sub-threshold interval workout. Tomorrow morning it is out for a ~80 min long run.

  74. Vicente

    I still have a few weeks to go to recover from an injury, so my training plans are all about resting :)

  75. Alastair Owen

    Preparing for a short trip to the Pyrenees on the cheap!

  76. ALi C

    Having a cookout with friends and family at the lake and hanging out!!

  77. Sion E

    Heading out for a 60 + mile ride today. Tomorrow will be a run day.

  78. Taylor

    Rebuilding the cross bike after a hard winter of riding

  79. Moe

    Well, it will be a long run today (it’s National Burger Day, by the way), an easy run tomorrow, and then some strength training and a long ride on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!

  80. Mike G

    Jog around Toulouse avoiding the protests! :-)

  81. Stephen

    Long ride on Saturday, Climbing on Sunday, and the Boulder Boulder on Monday.

  82. Tom G


    I did a long slow distance run on saturday in a hilly environment and will do a recreational 15km run on sunday.


  83. Adeel Ijaz

    Planning a metric century ride.

  84. Stuart Stent

    back to the gym this weekend – first gym session after finally correcting a downslip that went undetected for nearly 10 years!!

  85. Gerbrand

    Recovering from a PB at the half marathon, so an easy run on Sunday.

  86. Marianne

    Saturday 5 mile run & Monday 3 mile run through the campground. Sunday strength training. The rest of the time hanging with the fam on this fabulous long weekend!

  87. Marc O

    Long run on Saturday, Off sunday

  88. Simon Grist

    1.5k lake swim, 20 in turbo with 4 x 2min race pace intervals, followed the next day with an olympic distance tri. Gutted however that this tri will be my first DNF as I have a hip injury and cannot run.

  89. CarlosS

    Today a long run and an easy bike tomorrow to get fresh legs. buidling up to 70.3 Texas

  90. Jari Timonen

    2h 15min of running and 4hours of cycling. Loving it!

  91. Don Rhummy

    I’ll be doing FTP intervals Sunday and a nice long ride for recovery on Sunday. Hopefully the rain holds off.

  92. Clare White

    Flying out to ROME! Of course I’ll be tracking my activity using my Withings watch ?

  93. Fred

    Did a 25 min run today, pretty hot those day in Montreal.Tomorrow plan 50 min, monday back to work!

  94. Mariusz Luczak

    Preparing for a 5k on Tuesday next week, planned some speed work and some strength training.

  95. Jook

    HiiT me: 30x 40/20s (Saturday), 4x4m (Sunday)

  96. Daniel

    12 miles Saturday and 16 miles Sunday.

  97. Matt Siviter

    5 hours on the bike around Box Hill with the missus. Shepperton lake Sunday morning interspersed with watching rugby and beers. Utopia

  98. Mike Boone

    This my last giveaway entry…until the one next month!

    Getting in lots of bike rides this weekend.

    Thanks Ray!

  99. Stephan Postmus

    hill repeats on Saturday and Z2 ride on Sunday

  100. Anna Harrison

    I’ve got my first long run ever tomorrow ahhh!