A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Jose Maria

    swim a little on Sunday to go recuperating from injury

  2. Jonathan


    Today 2h easy ride z2/z3 and sunday will be a tempo HM.

  3. Ciaran Rodgers

    busy weekend minding the kids, but fitting in a cycle an openwater swim with my 8 year old and a nice trail run

  4. Chris Jackson

    Looking forward to a 60 mile gravel/paved ride from Milkhouse Brewery in rural Maryland

  5. Pete R.

    Long bike ride and an hour in the pool. I need to start getting serious about training for my first Olympic distance Tri.

  6. Gerhard

    Try my new Salming Distance on a short 10K run and and a 20-30km run as a preparation to run as a pacer in Stockholm Marathon next week.

  7. Eric Appelbaum

    Enjoying some running and eating and drinking and fishing. All with the family. Weather looks great so far!
    Thanks Ray.

  8. Samuel

    Watching Giro d’Italia finish and start learning Pose-running method.
    This will be the 3rd training with intervals, I will make the calf muscles work.

  9. Robby Parker

    Sat Asheville Tri club bike clinic and group ride
    Sun Long Run and family day at water park
    Mon Swim and bike brick

  10. Marko

    this weekend is all about rest and relaxation, going to the beach and enjoying

  11. Phil

    10k run done this morning (Saturday), 25k tomorrow.

  12. Ingo

    A extensive run this Saturday followed by a little regenerative run on Sunday.

  13. Kyle Polansky

    Going to do a 70 mile charity ride with the new company on Saturday, and probably relax the rest of the weekend. Thanks for having yet another giveaway!

  14. Stepan

    Just leaving for my long ride and to test new powermeter.

  15. Conor

    Ticked off a 12km run today and will do a 2.5km swim tomorrow in the pool. Perfect weather for training in sunny Brisbane!

  16. Renato Atilio

    I’m in Brazil and we have a long weekend too, but I’m moving so my “training” has been basically moving my stuff from one house to another.

  17. Tony Marcus

    Saturday- bike, run, BBQ
    Sunday- bike, air show
    Monday- bike, run, BBQ

  18. Alexander Hallsten

    I’ll probably do some motor pacing behind our car, which my GF will be driving.

  19. Luke

    On Saturday long run as usual – about 20 kilometers ;)

  20. Adam

    Firday was strength training & beach walking, Saturday is a short run & vineyard visit, Sunday is a rest day & amusement park, Monday is either a strength or run day.

  21. Eadaoin

    5km run done and will be following it up with some TRX suspension training tomorrow!

  22. Chris

    …a long 35km run :-)

  23. Francis Limousy

    I have my long trail run scheduled for the weekend. ~19 miles in the desert heat of Dubai

  24. Jonathan

    A nice relaxing 25km bike ride this morning and looking forward to my first half marathon on Sunday morning. Brisbane really is a great spot to stay active.

  25. BGarber

    Running intervals- a run followed by BBQ (Repeat as many intervals as possible prior to work on Tuesday)


    I start today with a bite Mountain bike training. Tomorrow i want to do some road bike.

  27. Ulf

    Saturday: Swim and Run + BBQ
    Sunday : 2h long Run + 3h bike

  28. Poekie

    Running the first 8k in 7 months after a bad injury, after being back for about 7 weeks. Also, even though it’s not a long weekend here, there’s a BBQ involved afterwards :)

  29. Hermann S

    Leaving for a climbing session on the bike right now, tomorrow a small run and maybe some rock climbing

  30. Kevin Pearce

    Sufferfest ISLAGIATT seems appropriate for the final giro mountain stage.

  31. kris walker

    2.4 mile OWS Devils Lake – Madison 1/2 Marathon – Spin Bike

  32. Juliana Mota

    No training this weekend, I have to work harder on long weekends :(

  33. Jorja

    4mile run and an ocean swim

  34. Florent

    Relaxed one hour run to start my holidays :)

  35. Steven

    Getting back on the bike for the first time in three months and going for a double century #winning

  36. martijn

    Saturday a 3×2000 interval and Sunday a fartlek run

  37. Damon Parsons

    Taking the kids for a run. I can recommend a training pram for you, Ray.

  38. Clint

    Mowing the yard, walking to the park, bike ride with the girls – rain will prevent a Memorial Day swim.

  39. Pauline

    I go out for a short easy run

  40. Harrison Zucker

    Please let this be the one I win!

    Did 20 on the road yesterday, planning on 10 off the road today!

  41. Con

    400m interval training today and a cruisey 20km bike ride tomorrow.

  42. stephen jones

    The end of week two of couch to 5k. After not running since 1998 ( i kid you not ) I managed a sub ten minute per mile run of two miles on Friday. It’s hard but I’m determined.

  43. John A Galani

    Bintan Triathlon sprint swimming + running (part of a team). Supposedly for a corporate off sight with 50 colleagues drinking, running early Sunday morning…

  44. Well.. This weekend will be a lot of training… Today some running and training at the gym.
    And tomorrow I’ll go the 5K Skin Running Race at my city!
    Greetings from Medlelin, Colombia (South America)

  45. Danman

    Just ran an easy 20k. Next on some biking in the woods.

  46. Jude

    Plan on laying tile in my bathroom.

  47. Raphael Bolduc

    With aller the rain we’re supposed to get, it may endup being two days of rest instead of many Km of bike…

  48. runningtoy

    Doing some earlybird swim seasons and an easy hilly bike tour

  49. Markus

    1 Hour run + 2 km swim today
    3-4 Hours bike plus a brick run of 15 mins On Sunday

  50. Julianne

    Did an 8km run today and taking it nice and easy on Sunday

  51. Patrick Blanar

    5K race on Saturday, Soccer game and 30+K bike ride on Sunday.

  52. Michael

    This week-end I’ll be performing a tempo run in the dunes of The Hague on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.

  53. Carter

    Attending the MO state track meet and riding long on Sunday = doesn’t get better.

  54. Markus Suter

    Had last week a half-marathon, now regeneration is on the program.

  55. shari

    taking some nice long laps in the new public pool that open this weekend

  56. Iain Weatherly

    5k fun run and bbq and beer on Monday. Try and fit some miles in on the bike on Saturday and Sunday.

  57. Jon Palmer

    Long bike and a lot of open water swimming.

  58. Long mountain bike ride as I get ready for the Whiteface 100k next weekend and ultimately the Leadville 100 later this summer.

  59. Felipe Bruxel

    This weekend I am planning on collcting to no less than 50 trophies on a strata bike ride, zwifting some kms for recovery and then doing a 10km rub. Oh and playing with my babies – a 1 year old girl and a 3 year old boy.

  60. Nick

    We kicked off the weekend finalizing the adoption of our ridiculously cute son (not training related, but amazing!), but the weekend plans include running everyday with an 11 miler to kick off this morning.

  61. JoeFo

    Rest day Saturday
    50km hill session ride Sunday
    Work on the Bank Holiday monday☹️

  62. Nick G

    20 mile long run preparing for my first ultra in July

  63. Dan


  64. Anders

    Easy running both Saturday 10km and Sunday 7 km. Short weekend here in Denmark ?

  65. Will R

    Business travel to Va, taking the bike and hoping to ride skyline.

  66. Tatnai Burnett

    Planning 35-40 miles on the road bike Sunday and Monday. If I get a 1/2 mile pool swim in, bonus!

  67. Noel

    Today (Saturday) is threshold intervals on the bike with 10 second surges every minute. Tomorrow is questionable since we’re at the beach this week but have to check out and head home tomorrow. I have a couple hours at endurance pace planned but we’ll have to see what the schedule allows. Monday is a day off for me so, after a week away it’ll be yard work, petting dogs, and grilling.

  68. Justin

    Big ride up in the Napa region followed by some wine tasting

  69. Mateiu

    I’m thinking about a 12km run, for a total 50k for the mobth of May.

  70. Doron leibovitz

    Running with my dauther and my son

  71. 30 mile mountain bike ride followed by some yoga and a recovery ride on the computrainer. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

  72. Rutger

    Just finished a 75km roadbike ride.
    No plans for tomorrow (yet).

  73. Frank Satira

    Getting in some nice milage in the heat and humidity!!!

  74. Cristi

    Will take a 80k bike ride to visit my grandad

  75. Justin M.

    Long run 14miles or more for Sunday. Easy pace.

    Speaking of pulled pork, Memphis, TN here!! BBQ FTW.

  76. Tisztul_A_Visztula

    I said to myself what Pink Floyd sang: you’d better run!

  77. Jeff G.

    40 miles trail running over the 3 days. BBQ each one as well!

  78. Sam

    Saturday: move boxes all day, then hopefully get a ride in the evening.
    Sunday: off
    Monday: longer bike ride

  79. Brian Levering

    run around road race course w/ three little kids cheering on my wife as she races. and mowing.

  80. Dylan

    Just a slow jog as I’m coming back from a bad hamstring injury

  81. Volkmar K

    Saturday 20k run
    Sunday 4h Ride on my tri-bike

  82. Stephen

    A couple bike rides and then mowing the lawn.

  83. Some New Hampshire mountain running followed by some New Hampshire chillin. Happy Memorial Day!

  84. Rahul Batra

    A lot of cycling in richmond park and some swim training

  85. Edward

    Saturday morning 5k. Sunday morning swim 1 mile. Monday, drink beer and grill

  86. Louie

    I’m going to take two slices of spam with rice stuffed in between, wrapped in sushi paper on a 40 mile bike ride as a nutrition test. Afterward I’m going to recover with some liquid carbs.

  87. Dustin Stalter

    Flight to Hawaii to partake in the annual “Murph” Memorial Day work out. That should be enough for the weekend!

  88. Trevor

    2 hour ride on Saturday, 2 hour tough hill ride on Sunday

  89. Steve Nussenblatt

    MTB riding all weekend!

  90. Torkil S

    Taking the weekend off after completing Strava’s Giro challenge yesterday, with an epic 189km ride!

  91. CMV

    Run in the forest near Paris this Saturday morning during my daughter’s pony lesson… sunny before the afternoon rain.

  92. Corey

    Lots if pull ups and push ups.

  93. David H

    Running along the beach! And of course a nice swim to cool down.

  94. D Pindell

    No training this weekend per recent Dr. orders, but I will be doing some house hunting.

  95. John

    3.5 hour bike/run brick today. 2 hour run tomorrow

  96. Clissu

    300+km Bike Ride

  97. Bill Doyle

    Sunday 3 hour ride followed by 30 min brick run. Saturday 1:30 long run.

  98. Rebecca

    Short ride on Saturday, then long run on Monday followed by burgers on the grill!

  99. melissa D.

    long bike ride and a run!

  100. Kyle

    Taking advantage of the extra day by doing the CapTex Olympic tri on Monday!!!