A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Yves

    On Saturday I will go on a 15k run and on Sunday there is a longish group ride. No BBQ unfortunately.

  2. Zoltan

    Just a 10K run to make my muscles remember that they could come off worse.

  3. ashley leahy

    90 mins easy ?Fulgaz/?Veloreality session Saturday followed by a big Zwift session Sunday. The weather has turned in OZ this weekend and it is wet and miserable……

  4. Strajk

    I will start again with my fitness/sport routine, after too many months of stagnation

  5. Francois

    This weekend I would like to find the time to run a 10k, go on a half-day mountain bike ride and train for about an hour on Zwift. We’ll see what I get done!

  6. vadam

    40km bicycle ride on a new route with my wife

  7. Pieter Nwlt

    I’ll do some distance with my 45 kg cargobike to prepare for this summer’s family bicycle tour(s)

  8. Tom

    Weekend started here in Perth, Australia, forecast was for thunderstorms and rain this morning, so went for a ride at midday, awesome. Two rides tomorrow, one outdoors, and then an interval session on Zwift

  9. Remco Over

    I hope to extend the milage on my bike.

  10. Rally Wachtel

    seeing if I can do 100+ KM on my bike on Sunday :)

  11. Michael

    Showing my bike 50km of the area around home

  12. Sergey

    It’s finally a good whether here in Moscow, so I’ll be out running the whole day!

  13. Joe

    10k once we’ve had some breakfast, BBQ tomorrow and then a hilly cycle on bank hol Monday!

  14. Stefan Wagner

    I recently ran my first marathon. Right now I try to keep my running form by having short runs every other day, while figuring out what to run next. Keep on running includes Memorial Day weekend as well as any other weekend of the year… ;-)

  15. Brice

    I plan for sunday a 18km trail run,

  16. Alex Hill

    Long ride home on Friday arvo, then a run over the new City2Surf course for familiarisation…

    Thanks for the contest!

  17. Sels

    yesterday was bike day, today I’m planing on running 1,5h and tomorrow has relaxing on the program :-)

  18. Aditya Tarali

    Run 3 miles on Saturday
    Go hiking on mission peak on Sunday
    Interval training on Monday

  19. RGard

    I’m going to spend the weekend recovering from a respiratory infection. Should I start to feel better I might lift some weights because it won’t make new cough up a lung

  20. Paul H

    Time to get to the marina for a cold open water swim!

  21. Jeff

    Probably just a small jog under the rain…

  22. Erik

    Sunday morning a short trailrun of 15km

  23. Hannah

    Baby on board = no training!

  24. Aleks

    1st Triathlon in the New Forest. Very excited but nervous!

  25. Mindux

    Will run a 15-18km trail today.

  26. Michael

    Will be a hot weekend (over 30°C) and the garden grabs also energy, so slower 10 miles on saturday and sunday are the maximum I will do…

  27. Markb

    10k’s throughout the day in training for tr24.
    One Saturday
    2 on Sunday over the moors
    2 on Monday on hills and moors

  28. Andrea P

    Next weekend I’m NOT going to Ischia (as my parents), nor going to Rome (as my girlfriend), neither going to race (as my training mates). I’m going to work and run in the city. In the HOT and WET miserable city.

    Hope you have a great day Ray, thanks for posting awesomeness every time

  29. Dean Cowlishaw

    5k run , recover and a pig out BBQ

  30. Mikko

    Swimming(done), stretching(should do), weight training(will do)

  31. Norwegiandude

    Friday: roadbike
    Saturday: chill ride with the biketrailer
    Sunday: hill intervals

  32. Nedim

    I am getting back into running after recovering from surgery, so I will be happy with a 6M run around the town.

  33. Ole Gunnar Tveit

    Going for 35 min treadmill runn today, and long run tomorrow :)

  34. AlbertMC

    About 40 km on the bike

  35. Mark

    Won’t be doing much. Attending a wedding

  36. Robert

    Few hours of base miles on the bike.

  37. Ein Radler

    Some quality time on the bike – hill intervals or a nice pass

  38. Paul Voorend

    90 minute spin session on Saturday AM, then a 3hr run on Saturday PM. Then a rest day on Sunday :)

  39. Julian Fabian

    Recovering from a quick after work half-marathon this week so a steady run out with my youngest son (10), general father-related taxi duties followed by a BBQ.

  40. Krista Demirdache

    Walking tour or Taormina Sicily including the all the wines!

    Then back to reality and the grind of NYC

  41. Henk

    I guess couch and watching Giro do not make a training?

  42. Charles

    In the spirit of the Giro, will try to climb the same number of categorized climbs as stage 20 on Saturday…

  43. Opa

    Yesterday was deadlifting (new pr!) and squats, today it’s gonna be a short&light recovery-ish run and tomorrow it’s gym time again :)

  44. Premysl Kachlik

    Sadly, I have to overcome my illness. I hoped it will be over by now, but it seems to like me more than a friend :(

  45. Nicola

    10 km run on saturday.
    45 km on my mountain-bike up to the Hills on Sunday ?

  46. Greg

    I mostly hike and backpack, but recently, on a whim, I took part in a 50k race with zero training other than weekend hikes. I figured I’d just hike for 12 hours and be able to complete it just before the cutoff time. Result? I did finish in the expected time, but my knees were shattered and I could hardly hike for 3 months, and I still have problems on long days.

    That was an eye-opener, so now I’ve just started running (gently) to increase my fitness and strengthen my leg muscles – as per my physio recommendation. So the plan for this weekend is for a short run around the neighboring hills. That would make it only my 4th run ever – not counting being late and running to work in the morning ;)

  47. Julien

    Hilly trail run on Sunday

  48. Dave Smith

    A recce of The Rosedale trail half marathon and a couple of thousand feet of climbing.

  49. Matty G

    Sat: 7km steady run in the sun (in France!)
    Sun: Rest and travel
    Mon: 1.5h long run (in Newcastle, UK)

  50. Itamar Kass

    I had 1h easy run yesterday and tomorrow it is going to be intervals.


  51. Nick

    Might see you at the Paris Triathlon… hoping for some sun !

  52. John the jogger

    Saturday well earned rest day!! Sunday long run 15 miles, Mon long bike ride (weather permitting)

  53. Michael Swann

    Maybe I’ll get out on the bike Sunday afternoon if the weather’s good enough. I’ll definitely rooting for Chavez to hold on to his lead tonight. Go OGE! And go Dan in Monaco!

  54. Ryan

    Eating waffles in Belgium

  55. Álvaro

    Some light running struggiling whith my spring allergy before the Champions League final.

  56. dolf denkens

    As I’m working and traveling a lot this weekend I fear it will most probably be hotel gyms and sleep workouts.

  57. Simon F

    Saturday attaching new doggy trailer to single speed and exploring with 16 week old cockapoo puppy, nothing like a bit of resistance training!
    Sunday more of the same and trying to get him to sit on a stand up paddle board ☺️

  58. Mark Contreras

    It’s a long weekend in the UK too, so I’ll be doing a couple of 10km runs and then relaxing in the UK sunshine with a cold beer!

  59. Sandra Steyaert

    Being a hard-core runner and recreative cyclist, I always neglected a bit the swimming part…
    But, yesterday I finally registred for my first triathlon! Time to take my swimming to the next level.
    Saturday I’ll be joining my first swimming class to optimize my crawl technique!
    I’ll start Sunday with an easy pace long run after which I’m going to the pool again to practice my learned skills :-)

  60. James

    Wow already 4000 replies. Fat chance I’ll win but here goes. Trip to south orange with my wife and folks, the dogs just woke me up at 5am to run up the hill to the park system to explore the trails.

  61. Alice

    Two swim sessions if the weather is fine and a birthday party :)

  62. Ian

    A fast 5km run on Sat morning followed by a nice slow 15km run on Sunday morning

  63. Alberto C.

    Doing a long SST workout and core in the afternoon today.

  64. marco d.

    nothing planned yet; a light run maybe. :)
    by the way, thank you ray!

    • Trung Tran

      2:30 hour ride as:
      45min easy w/u include 6x30sec SPRINTS with 90sec easy after 20mins to open legs up
      3x15min moderate at 70-80rpm with 15min easy in between
      15min TT in biggest gear
      40 mins as:
      30 secs hard 30 secs recover for 30 mins
      10 mins cd
      1:30 progressive run as:
      30 mins Easy
      30 mins Moderate
      20 mins Mod-Hard
      10 mins Easy
      – Choose undulating course

  65. Geoff

    Possibly a mock olympic for saturday?? Then go on vacation!

  66. Easy run today about 2-3km, tomorrow 10k race in Madrid!

  67. Pieter

    After my swim this morning tomorrow Delft-Antwerps by bike…

  68. Alec

    Sat: 15K Run
    Sun: Bike or Spin class

  69. minde

    today ill have my longrun ~18 km

  70. Dave B

    I won’t be doing much in the way of training, it’s show time – running a half marathon on Sunday.

  71. Julie

    Saturday duathlon race, Sunday 1 hour social bike/1 hr swim and Monday the annual Memorial Day plunge as Wisconsin outdoor swimming officially begins!

  72. Adam O

    This weekend marks the first “real” ride for me, 13 miles around Ipswich

  73. Peter Buffington

    I plan to bike 20-30mi/day on my 1988 Schwinn tempo, swim in the local pool, and dream a little about my return to running (been out with injury since the Boston Marathon!). Of course, that all happens before the kids wake up:-)

  74. Chris Shaw

    Open water swim in Dorset followed by recuperation of a strained medial ligament :(

  75. Erick

    Run 15k on Saturday!

  76. Bernhard

    Easy recovery ride on Sunday after a heavy and beautiful week in toscany.

  77. Jerome

    Sun is back in Norway so road bike in the west of Oslo for Saturday and a run around the fjord on Sunday … no BBQ on the small balcony for me :)

  78. Martin

    Bike ride on Sunday, or a run inbetween the showers (thunder storms predicted)

  79. Greg Carbo

    I will be eating saltines and ginger al in lieu of doing anything productive because my 11 mo old gremlins got me sick again. Also enjoying some work free time with the cute little imps.

  80. Daniel

    2.5 hour bike ride on Saturday, 1:15 run on Sunday and, depending on river conditions, my first open water swim of the season on Monday.

  81. Patrick Utrecht

    Did a 30k bike ride on friday. Planning another ride on either saturday or sunday depending on the weather. Finally the temperature has gone up here, but now the rain is coming.

  82. Sagar

    Recovery run and strength work at the gym!

  83. Sergey

    10k run after a good long sleep.

  84. Ale c

    Long and slow bike ride for 5 hours.

  85. Rana

    I will be hiking cape to cape , a 135 kms long beautiful trail in West Australia along side the Indian ocean.

  86. Miki

    Saturday – hill endurance session
    Sunday – recovery

  87. Luke

    Half marathon on Saturday!

  88. Theodore

    Saturday: long endurance run
    Sunday: Reffing footy

  89. Jesse Bennett

    Truing on the Kickr and then swimming in the pool.

  90. Santhosh K

    Leg workout at the gym followed by an easy swim at my favourite pool on Sunday.

  91. Jeffrey

    For me…it’s triathlon training. A brick today on a hot and steamy day, followed by a ride and long run tomorrow.

  92. Fab

    10k on sundayy with a friend

  93. Gustav

    Generally crappy weather here this weekend so I think the old KICKR will get some use and abuse

  94. Sergio Dantas

    Running a 5k this Saturday to raise breast cancer awareness here in the BVI but also to support a friend that had an accident and is lucky to be alive. He was a big supporter of this run/walk dressing up every year and now is at a hospital bed in Panama.
    On Sunday I will run something between 4-6miles just to keep going. Season’s main goal (after Dopey this January) is now NY Marathon!

  95. Amos Desjardins

    I think I will do and easy long run today and race a half tomorrow.

  96. Jason

    Run 1hr on Sat. and Swim 3000m on Sun.

  97. Michael Tippen

    No training, am working :'(

  98. Damien

    barbecue saturday and 10 km run on sunday

  99. Lis H

    Long weekend in the UK and the weather looks good too so run Sunday followed by a BBQ and a long bike ride Monday

  100. Virgil C

    Some 50km bike workout with 400m ascent on Saturday.
    Race on Sunday, A short 30km individual bike time trial.