A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Matt LeGrand

    Lots of biking – 10k of climbing tomorrow hopefully.

  2. David Posey

    Resting up after overdoing it in the heat a bit this week and chasing a toddler through my mom’s non-childproof house.

  3. Yuri

    Going to run half a marathon this Sunday

  4. Alinda

    Pacing the living room with w newborn.. Walking up and down the stairs every time he needs a new diaper (which is surprisingly often).

  5. Mark B

    It’s mostly about the miles this weekend. I’m trying to hit 3000 for the year and want to get some in the bank while the sun shines…

    …that said, it’s currently raining!!!

  6. Brendan Gray

    Currently suffering from a trapped nerve in my back, so just turning the legs over on the trainer.

  7. Seth Slipp

    I plan to run a 16k on Saturday in Bend Or. Then on Sunday I am swimming 1000m.

  8. Torben

    2×50 km montain bike rides as last as training for our yearly mountain bike trip to Harzen Germany.

  9. DRino

    18km long run on saturday, Swim drills on sunday

  10. Ryan Vittetoe

    Run, bike, and get in a couple swims … panic training before 70.3

  11. tudor

    race on sunday and brick on saturday ?. let summer session begin

  12. Nate c

    Ride today in Lake Tahoe, long 8 hr drive back to southern California with a run somewhere along the way to ward off the DVTs!

  13. Chris

    I am no longer injured so I hope to get out on the trails for some easy miles.

  14. Vincent

    Sunday 4 hour bike and run at competition pace

  15. Jonathan

    Saturday will be 2 hour endurance ride. Saturday rest day and Monday will be A long epic-ish ride.

  16. Doug Dinero

    Hope to get in at least one run

  17. Grant Ironside

    Saturday waterfall ride and then something long on sunday!

  18. John


    50 mi ride


    Repeat x2.

  19. John P?

    Hiking in California’s Sequoia National Park.

  20. Andrew Lamond

    Parkrun Saturday morning, bike run brick saturday arvo then long ride sunday. WOOHOO

  21. James

    Sat – 50 miles tempo, Sun – Rest Day, Mon- 2 crits

  22. Christian C

    Easy biking on the trail with friends, then BBQ!

  23. Pete

    Some time on the new smart trainer and a proper ride outside on the dirt.

  24. Roger

    Just finished building up a new road bike. Plan for the long weekend will be a bunch of shakeout rides to see what I did wrong (and hopefully not kill myself).

  25. Susanna

    Plan to open-water swim on Saturday and maybe bike on Sunday

  26. Peter Kapral

    Morning single short run, afternoon quite long bike ride with friends, evening romantic walk with gf that’s my plan for Saturday, Sunday I have to choose only one from above workouts and it’ll be the evening walk :) Get ready!

  27. Lucab

    Few simple 5/7 km runs throw the fields that resting hoping my cervical does not hurt that much. Sunday here are expected few storms during the day so I will catch that as a good excuse to rest a bit :)

  28. Efat

    The training is quite specific: digging in the garden in order to setup irrigation system ;-)
    Then on Sunday I will have a 10k race.

  29. Damon

    I plan to run with my 7-year old on his bike for about 4 miles.

  30. Manu

    I have a test 5K tomorrow, before the final month towards the actual race at the end of June. Trying to get under 24 minutes, with a previous PR of just over 25 minutes. :)

  31. Rasmus

    Long bike ride followed by some pool time.

  32. Marķ

    Gonna play aan Soccer tournament in alle real stadium!

  33. Ralf Salzgeber

    10k run with my dog…maybe 12k

  34. Chris G

    Got to work the weekend but back on it Monday…

  35. Oman

    Hopefully get a run on Sunday and an easy ride today ?

  36. András Sebők

    Saturday 70 min MTB, Sunday 10k trail at a small local event.

  37. Leeka

    I’ll go to gym this morning. And in the afternoon starts the training camp of my son’s hockey team.

  38. Scot Macfarland

    Saturday: 1hour bike, poker in the PM
    Sunday: 2hour swim, BBQ in the PM.
    1 fun weekend!

  39. Tom

    Getting some inspiration from a Cat 2 junior friend of mine at Snake Alley in Iowa. Then maybe a long zone 2 Sunday ride. And some beer.

  40. Ben S

    Family’s in town, so probably limited to one swim (1500-2000m) and an easy bike, <60 minutes.

  41. Ulrika Nordling

    Heading out in the sun for some interval training… got my trusted FR230 with me. Might also takethe the first swim of the year afterwards to cool down.. if I´m lucky it will be at least 15C in the water by now. :)

  42. Raphael

    Ttaining for this week-end: some wine tasting in Saturday and a long bike ride on Sunday.

  43. Christy S

    Probably just a short run. Family in town, and knee is popping again after surgery a year ago.

  44. Nicolaus

    Start open water swimming, then road biking and rowing…

    if I can overcome ma weaker self…

  45. Thor simpson

    Swim from a boat, Sail to an island Walk round a historic town. Fly home!

  46. Christian Bakken

    4×4 interval on our rowing machine.

  47. PascalDG

    On saturday : a 10 km running workout
    On sunday : a 16 km running workout

  48. Tony B

    Weight training and hiking on Saturday. Long ride on Sunday.

  49. Roelof

    This weekend à 15 km run as à last preparation for the landhouses marathon in Deventer.

  50. Dan

    Saturday: lower body plyometrics, deadlifts ab roller, CG Lat pulldown hip ups, seated row with forced negatives leg raise with Russian twists, external rotation bicep curls
    Saturday evening: hill repeats on road bike minute long with 5 min active recovery for 5 rounds after 20 min warm up 10 min cool down
    Sunday: db press Roman chair, bb chain pyramid scissors, push ups of death side ball tosses
    Monday: mtn bike 12 miles for speed

  51. Jason Skrzypiec

    Arm workout and several laps around the block on my knee scooter. 1 week after foot reconstruction surgery, so options are limited.

  52. David Murphy

    Find time between our 6 month old twins’ social calendar to do a couple of hill climbs and a three hour coffee ride.

  53. Erikas

    workout at the gym and pool!

  54. Jens

    Doing a night trail run on Saturday with my wife!

  55. Terry Steer

    Couple of bunch rides with 1000m of climbing in each

  56. Alex

    Steak and beer!

  57. Jasvinder Jugdev

    40 mile group ride in two hours, mow the lawn, plaster the wall and fire up the BBQ for my sons birthday party.

  58. Sarath

    Plan to get off the bed for a long run after a couple of weeks filled with hard days at work.

  59. Carsten

    Got stuck on a trip and couldn’t go home, so I’ll have to improvise. At least I have a minimal running kit with me.

  60. Bastien

    Saturday : Swim / BBQ/ Bike
    Sunday: Bike/Run/ BBQ
    Memorial day : BBQ/nap/BBQ(leftovers)

    I will include some vegetables. I promise .

  61. Martin Femsteinevik

    This weekend I’m gonna do some double poling om rollerskis, and run an uphill race

  62. Mirek

    Saturday – 30km trail run with beautiful scenery, then bbq and for Sunday let’s see …

  63. Mike T

    At June Lake so a weekend of standup paddling, skiing (closing weekend at Mammoth), biking and rock climbing

  64. Vincent

    Saturday: 5k Parkrun
    Sunday: Cycle outside London
    Monday: Interval Running.

  65. Josh M

    Run with the dog and then long bike ride

  66. Jeremy

    Riding the W&OD trail..

  67. Manuel

    Today an 100k easy ride with the club after that some friends are visiting and BBQ time ofcourse -) ,and sunday going to the gym to strenghten the core. This to mentally and physical get stronger for the radiationthreatments

  68. Ron

    Nothing special, a small survival course today i hope.

  69. ivan

    10km walk active rest

  70. Gerrit

    Short regeneration run today, long slow distance run on sunday.

  71. Jeff

    Recovery ride around lake Zurich

  72. Victor Yiu

    Hills ride with the local shop boys today, then VO2 max intervals tomorrow!

  73. gabriel k

    Regeneration ans watching the giro.


    Sat: Group club studio photo
    Sun: cyclo race 150 km.

  75. Uri Nizan

    75K of mountain biking is behind me.
    Going for a 10K run tomorrow.

  76. Bo

    I am planning a 10 mile run as part of my training plan towards running a half marathon.

  77. miecho

    2016.05.28 – W12D6-Fartlek:
    • Run 45 minutes. Vary intensity throughout the workout. • Cool down, 5 to 10 minutes. • Stretch.
    2016.05.29 – W12D7-Long Run
    • Run in Z2, easy, conversational pace, 60 minutes. • Cool down, 5 to 10 minutes. • Stretch.

  78. andrew tortoishell

    complete the strava giro climbing challenge, just!

  79. Bruce

    5km park run and walking the dog

  80. Alex

    First trail run of a Winter series here in NZ, haven’t prepared enough so the first race is part of the training for those following!

  81. Martin

    Hill training on a bike

  82. Katie

    I’m running 5 miles Saturday, taking Sunday off, and m doing another 5 on Monday. Been doing these runs in the morning before work and slowly getting used to it!

  83. Scott Gibson

    Sat: 5 miles EZ
    Sun: 12 miles Moderate
    Mon: Barbecuing and coding (Running free day)
    134 Days until the Chicago Marathon!

  84. Dylan

    6+ mile trail run today with 1k feet of elevation gain. Push-up and pull-up exercise tomorrow, with a run up Camelback Mountain on Sunday!

  85. Trail Laddy

    Three times hill run up at Mount Dandenong. Bang!

  86. Falko S

    A 10k and some serious miles on Zwift.

  87. Terry Reich

    Sunday is a Sprint Tri!

  88. Kid van Ramshorst

    Hopefuly I can get back on the bike again after a week full of feeling sick.

  89. Andy Briggs

    Sat: 6 miles run with a mate
    Sun: short run to sweat out the inevitable hangover

  90. Effi

    Greetings Ray. Since I am in Israel, the weekend has already started on my side of the world. And this weekend includes a 2200m swim and a 10km run. Short and sweet. All the best with the pending delivery!

  91. C chin

    Mountain biking

  92. Yann

    Recovering from business trip jetlag :P
    And trying to fit a short run and/or ride…

  93. Olijou

    This week-end is mountain Bike between storms !

  94. Patrik Akselsson

    Just a 5k run to test my strained perineus brevis

  95. Erik Barfoed

    Still recovering from Copenhagen Marathon last weekend, so it will be a short easy run and some cross training. Swimming I think

  96. Rich T

    Sat 2k swim, 30k bike
    Sunday 2k swim 10k run
    Monday 40k bike 5k run

  97. Jan

    Due to an injury my trainingplan for the weekend looks very simple. Recover, recover, recover;-) Hpefully next weekend is a bit more varied.

  98. Wilco Blom

    This weekend I’ll run a 10-15 km trail run, mostly single tracks which I ride with my mountainbike as well!

  99. Jason Fick

    No plans other than to swim with the kids on Saturday, BBQ on Sunday and maybe a ride Sunday or Monday morning.

  100. Gabi

    My training plan for the weekend is a double session on saturday, a bit of strengh/core on the morning and then some time on the bike. Then on Sunday time for the long run, probably sharing it with the girlfriend!