A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Danny

    Going to continue with my couch to 5K running app.

  2. Wade Bonzon

    Going for a long run with the wifey.
    Maybe swim a few laps in between splashing around with the kiddies.

  3. MTR

    Biking Biking and more Biking

  4. Henry Holt

    Welcome our first child. And maybe go for a run.

  5. Rolf

    Going for a ride on Saturday and a 15k run on Sunday before BBQ time :)

  6. Jeff

    6 miles easy – each of the next 3 days

  7. Sam Calma

    Headed to Montreal for the long weekd, getting to short runs in and tons of walking for sure.

  8. Tommi Vainikainen

    No training, but racing this weekend.

  9. Helen

    Eight mile run on Saturday, then mini vacation in Portland, OR.

  10. Aaron Lightfoot

    Brick workout, then smokin’ some ribs!

  11. Christian

    Just relaxing and catching up on some of your recent articles.

  12. chris peaslee

    ride on Saturday, run Sunday, ride again on Monday. Hope to avoid the rain but not the beer and burgers.

  13. Andy J

    Since I’m on vacation, my training will include some hiking, rafting, kayaking, rappelling, snorkeling, and swimming. Maybe throw in some nice and relaxing beach time.

  14. Richard Maguire

    Bike, bike again, hash run, & study

  15. Daniel N.

    swim, bike, run, repeat. Is there anything else?

  16. Chris Torella

    I plan on ridding Bear Mountain just outside of NYC.

  17. Joshua coates

    Parkrun on Saturday morning followed by a swim then a easy bike ride on Sunday to finish it off

  18. Dave E.

    Pyramid intervals between hamburgers

  19. Imran

    Aiming to do a session on the trainer. See if I can find a nice hour workout with perfpro.

  20. Pierre Protz

    60 km ride through the Gatineau hills, followed by some arduous work on the baseboards and quarter round. Then some strenuous work on cleaning the mountain bike.

  21. CS

    Hot Yoga, 2 mile run followed by drills, 3 mile run followed by drills and pizza and beer, 2 mile run followed by drills, maybe a hike.

  22. Jac

    Try to get in a final brick before sprint race next weekend…squeezed between kids’ figure skating lessons and swim meet!

  23. JB

    Vacationing in Kentucky from Florida, so planning on a few rides in unexplored territory.

  24. Sterling Catterton

    Going to get some time in running a few miles before each night shift if the rain will let up. If not I’ll be spending more time on the trainer.

  25. Alberto Turelli

    It’ll be a taper week for me – two or three workouts of 10km plus 10 sprints – since I’ll be running a 30km race in the mountains of northern Italy on June 5th

  26. Attending a wedding, so probably not too much training!

  27. EricB

    Probably lifting session and let my legs rest a bit after a long tempo run I had yesterday with new pair of shoes.

  28. David Jones

    I’m recovering from a stress fracture. Plan on running 1 mile.

  29. Giulian

    I hope to ride twice this weekend and barbecue once!

  30. ClimberRD

    Century on Saturday. 32 mile recovery ride on Sunday.

  31. Bruno

    Going for a 300km ride on sunday.

  32. Beau Buisson

    Getting a few morning rides in, in the north Georgia mountains.

  33. Spencer

    Get in a run or two I hope!

  34. Adam Mullins

    Planning on a short training ride followed by lots of bbq.

  35. Matt Brown

    Next weekend in a long weekend in Perth, WA. So going away to hike, bike and surf in the Margret River wine region.

  36. Pete

    I need to drag my daughter out for a long run but teenagers are notorious for staying in bed too long. Otherwise, plant the garden and prep a talk for church on Sunday. Monday’s a holiday, but we’re saving it for the following weekend.

  37. Wayne Francis

    Supposed to be training for a triathlon but seeing as our baby is due any minute now I’d probably better start working on my nappy changing skills. (may sneak in a quick run when wife falls asleep watching Outlander lol)

  38. Elliot

    Still recovering from my 100km trail race, so just a 5km parkrun!

  39. Naomi

    Taper weekend before HM next weekend! Hopefully a hike too.

  40. Sean

    BBQ and 100k each and every day.

  41. Mike

    BolderBoulder 10K on memorial day.

  42. Brian

    training for team tri and time trial upcoming in the next few weeks

  43. Seona

    I have a cross country horse competition, so I’ll be preparing for that with some gym work and running.

  44. Rich

    Just trying to make more progress on my flooring and keeping up with the 5 kids

  45. Mike Parker

    Yesterday: swam in the ocean at Fenwick Island state park Maryland.
    Today: biked around the monuments in Washington DC.
    Tomorrow: 10+ hr drive back to Michigan.
    Sunday/Monday: we will do some bbq

  46. Hordur

    Recoverying from an achilles tendon rupture, two 1 hours sweet spot interval sessions on the stationary planned for this long weekend.

  47. James

    No plans. Just enjoying the bbq

  48. Kimberly Wong

    Got an 8k race on Saturday morning and then back to training for my half in a month!


    Saturday Swim Ride Run
    Sunday Long Ride
    Monday Zwift in the garage :)


  50. giorgitd

    why do we have to choose? Hill repeats on the bike for Saturday, a long run on Sunday and glorious BBQ on Monday. Add some wine and…perfect…

  51. Jennifer Cook

    Concert on Saturday, 6 mile run Sunday, pool (for fun!) On Monday. So sneaking little bit of training in there!

  52. Holly S.

    Run on Saturday, bike and yoga Sunday, run and graduation party Monday!

  53. Glenn S

    Take my girls to netball and squash, drop my main bike off for a service, put a longer stem on my cyclocross bike and then ride it up Mt Lofty – the extra weight will be good training.

  54. tma

    ride, swim,beer,rest, repeat

  55. MelBM

    YOGA YOGA YOGA , Then ride ! And rest :) bam!

  56. Marcello Canuto

    Working in and running along jungle trails!

  57. Aric R.

    Swim and run on Saturday and Monday, with a big fat bike on Sunday . Oh and not eat too many hot dogs. Ok, maybe.

  58. Jim W

    A 20 mile mountain bike ride on Saturday, pool party on Sunday and a 35 mile road bike ride on Monday.

  59. Brian Coponiti

    I’m new to this whole getting into shape thing so I’m probably going to walk around the neighborhood a few times this weekend.

  60. Leon Jager

    yust preparing for maratona

  61. New baby at home this week- if I’m able I’ll get in a short run or ride, otherwise I’ll stick close to home!

  62. Lala

    Half marathon Sunday morning…then BBQ

  63. Candace Hilbert

    Kayaking on the Russian river in CA

  64. Michael Larson

    Running by the Chicago river.

  65. Garrett Losh

    Saturday 7 miles, Sunday swim/bike brick.

  66. David

    This weekend I’ll be trying out my new vivoactive he.

  67. Kirk

    Taking a long bike loop on the Mount Vernon trail on Saturday to test out legs and new compact cranks, short run on Sunday and hit the WO & D trail on Monday

  68. Ferenc Kumin

    Gonna run for sure, but bike is also among the plans

  69. Jim Cansler

    Short run on both days.

  70. Alex Castano

    Run 3 miles tomorrow morning with my dog, head to the pool with the family, then start the grill in the afternoon.

  71. Ricardo Lucas

    I’m going to do my usual long run on the weekend and intervals on Monday.

  72. Dan

    5k run Saturday, 2 hour ride Monday.

  73. Kevin Brice

    Training Plans: Running, Open Water Swimming, Waterskiing, and of course…grilling some protein for recovery! Everyone have a fun and safe Memorial Weekend, and remember the cost of the freedoms we get to enjoy! Thanks.

  74. Greg McPhail

    15 km LSD on Sunday.

  75. Kyle J

    10 mile run Saturday, golf on Sunday and a 20 mile ride on Monday.

  76. Andrew E

    Saturday: 5 hours on the bike
    Sunday: 2 hour recovery on the bike
    Monday: 4 hours on the bike

  77. Robert H

    This weekend will be a nice 40mi ride and a 10 mile run to get back into the half ironman routine.

  78. J. Berg

    Saturday is my long run, 16mi LSD w/ 4mi MP, but it is supposed to thunderstorm, so it might be alternating indoor track and treadmill. Depending on continued rain, Sunday and Monday could be recovery runs, a long ride, or a brick.

  79. Craig

    I’ll be doing the “white man shuffle” at my niece’s bat mitzvah. Avert your eyes!

  80. Brass

    Some miles in as our local 10k is around the corner….

  81. Amanda Morris

    Walking and more walking

  82. G

    Walk with my kid on Sat, 10k on Sunday, beer and food afterwards

  83. Michael Gionta

    Ride then ride some more.

  84. Ryan Trucke

    Riding a Route graciously named The 6 Sides Of Hell, then eating bbq of course.

  85. Justin M Mullins

    Kayaking 4 hours Saturday
    Bike ride 32 miles Sunday
    Beach Run 10 K Monday and afternoon BBQ with family

  86. Mike O'Neil

    CX Season starts is here in Wellington this weekend!

  87. Carl H

    Long bike with the wife and a charity 5K.

  88. Tamara Zavarise

    This weekend my husband and I are going on a 50km ride for charity. All money raised goes to the local hospital foundation to buy new equipment for the ER.

  89. Ale

    Half marathon run at Memorial Day Half Marathon training with wife prep for San Francisco Marathon in July.

  90. Niels I

    Saturday I might try out my new wetsuit and on Sunday I’ll be doing the running leg of the Ski to Sea race.
    I’m afraid I won’t be able to do anything on Monday

  91. Mik Chimitt

    Weight lifting: chest & back, arms and legs, shoulders and abs, HIIT training on eliptical machine. I’ll be using Jefit to track activity on Cell phone, scosche Rythm Plus to monitor heart rate, pebble smartwatch to view Endomondo/heart rate info in real time. Not bad for an almost 51 year old guy!

  92. Some kayaking, hiking and plenty of that BBQ before returning to cycling next week.

  93. Mike Hedman

    Weekend of fun with the fam for me. Beach tomorrow, water park on Sun, short hike on Mon.

  94. Hubert

    I’ll be doing all indoor workouts (trainerroad on my kickr and long pool workout) due to it raining all weekend and needing to maximize my time due to standing in wedding.

  95. Ed

    Track workout in the rain. Trainer ride in the garage. Yard work and family hike if all goes well.

  96. Maureen

    10-11 mile run Saturday, baseball game Sunday, family bbq Monday.

  97. ss76

    What I plan to do is play soccer and do a 5k run

  98. kevin

    In commute mode to get back home but I did manage to get in a 110km ride on Thursday.

  99. Michael

    Long run on Saturday

    BBQ on Monday

  100. Jim

    Local run and 7 hills of Kirkland on holiday Monday :)