A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Core training (gim) and probably long run (outdoor)

  2. Ben Ryan

    Nice 110 mile ride today followed by a lot of watching kids soccer over the next 3 days

  3. Steve Kantor

    My local pool is opening for the season, so it’s time to start tri training for late-summer races.

  4. Khim Bittle

    Just finished long MTB ride, Saturday will be chores but I should be on the MTB both Sunday and Monday.

  5. Chris Skinner

    Race Saturday, rest sunday, then bike test (hc) monday!

  6. Shane

    A long trail run

  7. Andres

    15k trail run on Saturday!

  8. alan galang

    back to back long runs!

  9. Nico

    No training this weekend ! It’s race day time : X-trail Sutton, Qc

  10. Michael

    Swim, bike, maybe run.
    Maybe another bike, maybe run.
    Swim and rest

  11. Yaron Regev

    Swim and Bike on Saturday, run on Sunday and hopefully sleep on Monday.

  12. adam schultz

    trail runs!

  13. Bethany Jirak

    I’m just working my way back after an injury….slowly but surely! So I’ll probably do a lot of grilling and a little running.

  14. John

    A couple of decent runs sandwiched around a couple of decent meals.

  15. Jerry

    hill climbs on my xc bke

  16. Michael L.

    I will be starting the training for a very hot early August half marathon with a long run on Saturday with my running partner.

  17. JoshR

    A long bike ride and watching a local fast 5k.

  18. DG

    Lots of cycling and a little swimming now and then.

  19. Rick B

    Run and bike on Saturday then swim on Sunday.

  20. Steve

    Doing a solo 60 mile ride Saturday morning, and a group ride Monday

  21. Ethan

    Two 5ks to break in my new Osprey running backpack on trails near me. :) Thanks!


    Just completed a 43 mile road ride, tomorrow will be rest, Sunday will be a mountain bike ride!

  23. Aaron

    5km run and possibly a climb of the local mountain

  24. Sharon R

    Going to do a lot of walking this weekend. Too hot to run.

  25. James King

    Travelling this weekend, so I got a 10k easy in today in Palm Springs, CA. Fartlek session tomorrow morning in Long Beach, then an easy 5k in London, UK on Sunday to try and beat the jetlag.

  26. Halissa

    Plan is to enjoy the pools opening this weekend with the family. I might splash a little with our little ones, so I will count that as a swimming workout. I just hope the weather plays nice.

  27. Brian M

    I ran 7.5 miles today (Friday).
    Plan to ride 30-35 miles Saturday.
    Rest day on Sunday and then
    5 mile run on Monday.

  28. Jun

    My goal is to get in a long run for weekend and to test my new Garmin Forerunner 235

  29. Scott Baldwin

    Riding my bike in a couple of the local canyons. Thanks Ray!

  30. Michel Gendron

    It’s trail running time! Plus a little bit of road bike and mountain bike! Hope the sun will be there…

  31. Jason

    Zwift. BBQ. Trail Running. More BBQ. Outside ride. And yet more sun and BBQ!

  32. Jason

    Long ride Saturday, recovery run Sunday along with a 1500 meter swim

  33. James Jordan

    Well the weekend got a bit stuffed up due to my other half coming down with a cold. So the race on the Saturday was off, but this does mean that I can swap my ride with my son to the afternoon leaving Sunday free. So the plan is a late start after watching the Giro and a trip up to Corin Dam (ACT, Australia) with a mate and hopefully discuss how Chaves kept the Pink Jersey :)

  34. Jason Ryther

    This is a off week on my Ironman training plan. Saturday calls for a 2 hour run followed by a 1 hour recovery bike ride. Sunday is swim testing day to determine training paces for the next 4 weeks. Monday is FTP testing on the bike followed by running hills followed by barbecuing and beer!

  35. nick keen

    Not a long weekend here in Oz but a bbq is never far away, training or otherwise. working, short run, beer and barbie.

  36. Patricia Didone

    15k await me this weekend! 10k tomorrow and a recovery 5k on Sunday!

  37. Erik Bates

    Minneapolis Marathon canceled so there goes my six month training plan… Ah well, the mountain bike trails need to be attacked I suppose!

  38. Jason

    Racing on Saturday. Recovery ride Sunday. BBQing Monday.

  39. TheShelb

    Zwift – inverted pyramids and a tempo run.

  40. Thom Wood

    Last big brick workout before the taper starts on Sunday. 2 hour bike followed by 45′ run. Easy going for the next 7 days.

  41. Sylvester Jakubowski

    BBQ! Also keeping up with the BarryP running plan from slowtwitch,

  42. Stephen Bond

    11k run on Saturday followed by an early swim on sunday

  43. Thom Figueroa

    Weather is finally nice hoping to get out and ride, run and swim in nature and love it.

  44. Scott Olorenshaw

    Rehabbing my reconstructed ACL after blowing it out skiing a couple months ago

  45. Bruno Cunha

    An easy run on Sunday

  46. 9k on Saturday, 10k on Sunday and rest on Monday

  47. Pierre-Luc

    Two club rides on my bike

  48. Jose Quesada

    For me, i have scheduled morning long road bike, and afternoon bbq with friend on the weekend and a good beautiful morning beach with family.

  49. Tadashi Andrews

    Tomorrow(sat) I will be working. Then after I get off, I will be participating in a Goruck kill that 5k event here in Austin TX. Sunday I plan on going for a 30-40 mile bike ride and then a 5 mile run. Monday morning I will be going to a Camp Gladiator workout for an hour long sweat fest. Then I’ll be hanging out with friends in hammocks and then going for another run later in the evening. Tuesday, still my weekend, I plan to get another Camp Gladiator workout in during the morning, work in my yard, then go for another 30-40 mile bike ride and another 5 mile run. I am training for life and a healthier lifestyle. June starts a new challenge for myself. I am participating in The Great Cycle Challenge. Month long fundraiser for childhood cancer research and treatment. Check out my fundraising page for info: link to greatcyclechallenge.com
    I hope everyone is planning to have a crazy active weekend.

  50. Steve

    Walking around 2 zoo’s and the Indianapolis 500. May try and fit it some short runs too.

  51. Brandon

    Long bike rides and cold beer.

  52. Bop

    Hi there!

    Thanks for all the reviews.

    This weekend will be:
    – workouts on Saturday morning (1km, 2km, 4km)
    – long run on Sunday morning.


  53. Osbert

    Tapering for race the following weekend. Shortish runs and bike

  54. Neil A.

    A wet bike ride followed by a wet run – Autumn has finally arrived in Sydney!

  55. Tobywankenobe

    I have been inspired by the Giro d’Italia to work on my climbing. What an epic race the Giro is this year.

  56. Katherine Kennedy

    LSD- preparing to get back into training mode after Boston Marathon. Can’t wait for NYC 2016. Hoping to get in a few two a days with swimming.

  57. Daniel Kennedy

    Birthday Weekend filled with running and biking. Hoping the weather holds out and I won’t be washed away.

  58. Nick Morgan

    8 mile run Saturday. Day off Sunday. Sprint Tri Monday :)

  59. Joseph Butler

    VO2 max interval training Saturday plus rum and hot dogs with friends then a HR Zone 3 distance run on Sunday plus the rest of the rum.

  60. Benoit

    Fishing on saturday, which is not training and 1 hour of interval on sunday.

  61. Eric

    Get a long bike ride in as I just got some new cycling shoes to try out

  62. Elive

    Looking forward to a weekend of hotdogs, hamburgers, beer and of course, ice cream. And I’ll probably sneak in a training ride, mowing the lawn and maybe a run on the beach…

  63. Gijom

    Swim with kids, bike with friends, run with wife.

  64. Bart Girdwood

    Fri 4mi run, Sat 25mi bike, Sun 2hr swim/bike brick, Mon Eat

  65. Nick

    It’s raining and I am sick, so the extent of my regieme is likely to be walking back and forth to the kitchen for more tea

  66. Amber

    I’m just running with my girls! On a break between events so just that some home workouts for me.

  67. Tom

    I am volunteering at a local 5K/10K and then hopefully fit my own 3-5 mile run in late in the weekend.

  68. Alessio Ciambellotti

    I’m gonna race in a sprint tri on sunday…and on saturday I’ll be volunteering in the olympic distance one

  69. Roy Noble

    Easy ride Saturday followed by open water swim and run Sunday

  70. David Walker

    Ride, eat, rest, repeat

  71. Toby Jutras

    Seeking out some serious climbs!

  72. Marek

    running through weekend before night shifts unfortunatelly.

  73. Nancy Marie

    I’ll be swimming at the Y tomorrow, then off for a bike ride. Monday I’m going for a hike.

  74. Sean

    Training? There’s no training this weekend – Sunday is the big race! And by big I clearly mean a 10K. The most training I’ll do is a quick little 20 minute run on Saturday to keep my legs loosey goosey.

  75. Marcia Gibbs

    Bought a craigslist Fluid2, signing up to Zwift, and a short roadtrip to visit family.

  76. Jonathan Pope

    I hope to get in my first open water swim here in the North East… Wish me luck!

  77. Trevor

    Im going to do a local 50k road race

  78. Kendra

    I will be going to my YMCA Saturday morning to go to a Cardio Dance Class. Then later Saturday I will go on a 3 miles run. Sunday is the day I go to the gym with my Husband! Monday, family coming over, but I will be running before they get to my house!

  79. Jeff

    Balancing lots of mountain biking with copious amounts of BBQ and cocktails

  80. Heath Walden

    Rounding in the hospital in the morning then a long run saturday and brick on sunday!

  81. Rafael Castillo

    Gonna hit the weights Saturday and Monday (Squats, Deadlifts, Rows, Shoulder Press, & Bench). Today and Sunday I’m heading out for a Zone 2 HR-3 miler.

  82. Raymond Wright

    Working keeping the lights on. Will do a fast interval training session each day before work.

  83. Jeff Wolfe

    Going to head out on my mountain bike as the trails here in Colorado are finally getting free of snow.

  84. Greg Ro

    Running long. Every single day. Can’t wait.

  85. Dimitris Apostolou

    Hopefully a beach run in Duress, Albania.

  86. Dana Harman

    I have an organized ride on Monday and will probably go for a warm-up ride on Sunday to prepare.

  87. Kent Dale

    Saturday – 2:15/:15 brick, Sunday – 1:30 run, Monday – :45ish open water swim and an 1:00 run Monday or Tuesday.

  88. Dr Matt

    I’m recovering from a ten mile run today. Will bike tomorrow and rest Sunday

  89. Chris M

    I’ll be riding all three days, hopefully. And also getting some weight training in as well.

  90. Jay

    Lots of undesirable house projects will try to steal my trail running time!

  91. Tyler B

    Saturday: 8500′ of climbing in 62 miles around Frederick, MD. Sunday: one mile OWS. Then sleep and ice cream.

  92. Katie B

    I want to run 10-12 miles on Saturday, run and bike a few miles on Sunday, and get a few more miles in on the Monday holiday. Then on Tuesday, I’ll be so sore and tired I won’t want to get out of bed!

  93. Boris

    If the weather clears up in Seattle I’m going to try to put in some longer rides >50 miles. Otherwise I’m just going to do some cross-training in the gym.

  94. Mike

    laying on a beach in Mexico :)

  95. Marc Simkin

    I hope to have some time to ride on Saturday and Sunday, in between BBQ, family events and rain. However, since my parents sold their city house this past spring, everything that could not fit in the new apartment is sitting in the garage at the country home. I have a bike in there someplace. I tired looking for it once already. I didn’t find it. So tomorrow I will make an effort to rescue it. Then see what needs to be done to get it road ready. This is the spare bike I leave at the country home, so I don’t need to drag one with me on a bus, when I come up to visit the family.

  96. Adam Brady

    Hike in Big Bend, run in Del Rio, and a drive back to the Borderland.

  97. Tammy

    Saturday: row a 10k on the erg. Sunday: jog a 5k.

  98. Ron Kalich

    Swim/bike brick – 3hrs
    Bike/run brick – 6hrs

  99. Walter

    8x hill repeats tomorrow, long ride with ~5000 feet of climbing on Sunday — trying to get ready for a trip to the French Alps!

  100. CAS

    Backpacking weekend