A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Brian

    Few km on the bike followed by a warm weather run!

  2. Nicole

    Doing a sprint triathlon in Green Bay, home of the Packers! Then bbq.

  3. Tanasut

    Time on the bike trainer. Need to get back in shape while I nurse an injury !

  4. Rich Santos

    Saturday – adventure gravel ride – 35 miles
    Sunday – Repeat
    Monday- Memorial Day festivities!

  5. Rick

    A run. Yeah. Definitely a run.

  6. dan johnson

    a long slow trail run on sunday, hopefully in some sunshine!

  7. Nacho

    Recovering from my recent knee surgery :(

  8. Shari S

    Running at the beach on vacation.

  9. OLeksiy

    I am planning to have a sprint triathlon race tomorrow and a easy run on Sunday.

  10. Bob

    I will be chasing dogs

  11. Charles de Nobriga

    I’ve been lax this week but the long weekend had given me a chance to catch up on my running. I think a short intervals set tomorrow, followed by a long run Sunday and then biking with my daughter on Monday (not quite so strenuous but still sport specific).

  12. Jamie Scott

    I’ll enjoy running all three mornings, and do a little cross training before the day heats up. And plan to end the days with some bbq!

  13. Joseph Thele

    6.4 mile run, 9-10 mile run, off, 6.4 mile run

  14. Jason

    Long run on Saturday. Possible trail run on Sunday.

  15. Darragh C

    My training plans for the weekend revolve entirely around learning how to feed and care for my daughter who was born on Wednesday and who mama and I are hoping to bring home tomorrow!

  16. Carlos Vazquez

    Slowtwitch roadshow in Austin TX on Saturday, then undetermined length long ride on Monday morning.
    Nothing Sunday just to switch things up.

  17. Bob K.

    7-miles on Saturday, 4 on Sunday, Cookout on Sunday, Gym on Monday

  18. Starting the weekend volunteering at our local parkrun then a 22mile trail run around Lancashire, UK hills as my last long run before trail marathon Wales towards the end of June.

  19. Nicolas

    Tapering before IM Nice next week !

  20. Julian Chua

    Feeling under the weather, so might do a slow 3k run or something easy.

  21. Ray J

    Recover from last week’s marathon and start training for a summer 50 mi trail race.

  22. Jonathan

    Swim in the pool and open water (if possible).

  23. Andy

    No BBQ, just 2 swims and a run (and strength training)

  24. Tim K

    Hopefully I’ll do a 40 mile ride at an easy touring pace on Saturday, a duathlon of a 4 mile run/mow the lawn on Sunday, then end up at friend’s house on Monday with lobster on the BBQ and polishing off a growler of Arches Brewing Hefeweizen.

  25. Paul C

    Biking between 60-100 miles all three days and maybe some swimming thrown in for fun!

  26. Chris Durham

    17 with 12 @ MP; maybe a trail run Sunday if it’s not flooded out.

  27. Amy H

    Saturday run with strides, swimming and BBQ. Sunday half mile repeats and fried turkey.

  28. Pavel Nouel

    I will have a great bike ride on Saturday and a 15 K run on Sunday!! no other way to enjoy Memorial weekend and then a BBQ

  29. Michael Koelsch

    Bachelor party in Nashville starting Saturday. Trying to fit in a 7 mile run along the river is going to be tough.

  30. Jenn K.

    Long run and swim Saturday + Swim-Run workout Sunday. Getting ready for race next week!

  31. Wal

    Training plans for this weekend? Do nothing and try to recover from this cold… the third since Easter. Gotta love young children.

  32. Shelly

    Going to melt at the Buffalo Marathon. Temp 70 degrees at start!

  33. A weekend long run exceeding 15 km.

  34. Paul furniss

    6000yd swim and a few runs and bikes.

  35. nick

    last long before 10k tapering

  36. Peter Felix

    Prep for Blenheim sprint next weekend comprising:

    Sat – 10kg gentel run
    Sun – 3-4km swim
    Mon – 40k ride

  37. Brody Bradshaw

    Friday – Take the kids to the zoo….
    Saturday – 5K training run
    Sunday – Smoke pulled pork then Indy 500 party
    Monday – Recover and walk straight?

  38. Ben Dobson

    Trying to find time to get back on the bike after 2 months off as I haven’t been near my bikes. Not gonna be easy with a new puppy in the house!

  39. Gary

    On the Kickr with some Sufferfest videos.

  40. Andre L.

    Saturday – Long gravel road ride
    Sunday – mountain bike ride

  41. Jan Hawkins

    I plan on getting a ride in this weekend

  42. Kirk

    I got nothing planned, southern hemisphere winter is setting in so probably be watching tv :)

  43. Tom

    Riding the northern beaches of Sydney through the national parks then finishing in the city.
    A run around the Bay in Sunday followed by a walk with the wife.

  44. Brent R.

    Hoping to get in a nice easy 60 ride tomorrow, some intervals Sunday and a couple of beers Monday….

  45. Gary

    Hill repeats on Mt Coot-tha here in Brisbane

  46. As I am working to recover from a pulmonary embolism to return to full duty I’ll train every morning and night. Mornings will start with a 10 mile run, followed by a 20 Mike bike ride in the early evening. Let’s hope that in the next 6 weeks I’m released back to full duty on the fire truck?

  47. Jo Durand

    big week end prep for Ironman Lake Placid Brick 1H bike + 2.5H Run on Saturday & 5H Bike + 30min Sunday

  48. Helmut

    Doing a long bike and then a quick run after that. Followed by a swim late afternoon. Sunday rest day.

  49. VA Bob

    A nice 8mi trail run on Saturday to beat the rain/mud on Sunday, then 10-12mi road run on Sunday, and some easy time on the bike Monday morning. Then barbecue and beer in the afternoon:-)

  50. Matt

    Droppin the hammer on some sick trails

  51. Chris Garcia

    This weekend im going to hit the trails with my XC team for the first time since november. It’s going to be a great opportunity to see how our offseason training has paid off. We’re probably going for a tempo tomorrow and a fartlek on sunday. I really hope all those offseason miles paid off and we can win league and have a chance at sections this year.

  52. Catherine

    Long brick, OWS, and much seared flesh.

  53. David

    Soccer game tonight, bike ride tomorrow ans soccer a gain sunday night-club.

  54. Racing Island lake oly tri and a long run Monday, with some burger and hot dogs.

  55. Darryl

    This weekend will be a mix of long walks and medium rides.

    I find just riding alone does not work my leg muscles enough.

  56. Dunks

    70+ mile group ride Saturday morning followed by an afternoon open water swim session. Sunday is a long run on the trails likely 12+ mi.

  57. Gabor Kmetyko

    I’m starting a long build-up for the masters nationals late July, lots of hillclimb to do

  58. Mike Walker

    I’m baking, cooking, and cleaning for my wife’s birthday. All while watching the Giro, of course.

  59. Sean Jones

    Doing a metric ride on Saturday, then heavy carb loading with cold barley soup (beer) on Sunday.

  60. Lauren

    Well, 45 minutes of yard work in the 90 degree heat today, baseball and walking around DC tomorrow. Probably a few miles on Sunday or Monday!

  61. Cyn

    I plan to walk a lot at the wine festival in New Mexico!

  62. Ge

    One long ride on my TT bike plus another long run

  63. Eric Levario

    I have a long ride on Saturday on the road (40-50ish miles), running and swimming on sunday, and BBQ and Beer on Monday. It’s going to be a great weekend!

  64. D. Miller

    Open Water Swim competition Saturday morning 2250m distance, easy run later, long brick 50/6 (4 hours) scheduled for Sunday. Perhaps BBQ on Monday :)

  65. Jackson

    10k on Saturday
    10k on Sunday

  66. Amelia

    Clicking into my pedals for a scenic ride along the creek and a Blogilates YouTube workout in the lounge room!

  67. Ben

    Taking the family to go hiking. So really it is going to be more of a mental training weekend.

  68. Joe

    Fun with the family with some marathon training mixed in. Thanks Ray

  69. Matt B

    Sneaking in a long ride on Sunday, in between working the rest of the long weekend ?

  70. Dave

    Maybe a couple rides and definitely some grilling.

  71. Matt

    Steaks, brews, high speed pontoon boats, dogs, beers,smores, hiking, cliff jumping all in 10,000 steps!

  72. Christopher Larson

    Beach Saturday through Sunday with brother and friends. Monday recover from food and beer consumed for weekend. And Game of Thrones!!!

  73. Stephen Vallance

    Riding the trainer :( its flooded again

  74. Mike G

    I’ll do a 35 mile tempo ride on Saturday. Sunday is family day. I’ll do climbing intervals on Monday.

  75. Ivan Petrovitch

    Planning on a brick session Saturday morning followed by a long swim Sunday morning!

  76. Simon C

    Football in the blinding heat of Bangkok followed by usually 2 days of recovery and asking myself am I to old for this.

  77. Jenn

    Cross training Saturday – hopefully a squash match. Long Run Sunday – 16-18km. Monday back to work. No holiday in Canada :( Wait….we just had that last weekend :)

  78. Alvaro Sierra

    Going to do a recreation half marathon in Dallas heat at White Rock Lake on Saturday. Sunday is a test day and Monday is a 30 minute easy run with 30 minutes of cross training.

  79. Joseph

    Metric century training ride Saturday and Sunday. Paddle boat monday.

  80. William Springle

    A nice long bike ride, short workout, and a relaxing (hopefully) recovery run.

  81. Javier

    Mountain bike on saturday, Long Run on Sunday

  82. David Miller

    Celebrating the soon to arrive baby (cooking is a workout right?) and maybe a nice sunny non commute ride.

  83. Steve Springle

    A nice long bike ride, followed by salmon on the bbq

  84. Ian

    I will be riding the tri bike for 2 hrs at 6am, then riding our tandem to breakfast, then running for 40mins in the afternoon. Next day will be a 70min run and a couple of hours on the tandem. Monday will be an OWS and 40min run.

  85. Rowan

    Taking a rest weekend!

  86. Andreas

    I am going to explore some local climbs on a 120 km loop for Saturday and some flat cruising on Sunday.

  87. Chris Hillbun

    Going for a long run, packing our house to move, and BBQ’ing.

  88. Andrea

    Only a 5Km ParkRun on Sarurday..I am working towards completing my degree..but in one month I’ll be back to my regular training regimen

  89. Francisco Araujo

    A couple of long easy runs, to compensate for all the insane eating I have been doing…

  90. Herchel Portella

    Looking forward to a day of wakeboarding and water-skiing. Not my usual Sunday, but I’ll go with it.

  91. Brett Goodrich

    No training planned since i’m doing the pineland farms 50 miler Sunday.

  92. Dawn M.

    I’m on call, so I’ll be on the trainer for my rides this weekend. I’ll also volunteer for a local 5k/10k on Monday.

  93. Mark

    Long run on saturday!

  94. Steve Fitz

    Running TT to gauge my fitness, followed by a long run and ride Sunday!

  95. Drew Bromwich

    Swimming today involves hot pools :) because training in the thunder is never fun. However Sunday will be a hard work out at the velodrome.

  96. JimL

    Trying to get a first workout weekend back after my big fall at TTT last week, sadly.

  97. Michal Kras

    Just finished a training plan, so re-testing my FTP is in the cards. Gym session is somewhere in there as well, love me some weightlifting.

  98. Liam

    No long weekend for us folks here in Australia unfortunately…

    The weekend training plan started off Friday evening with a max-effort 1 hour ride out to the ocean and back.
    Saturday is all about cross-training – Indoor rowing machine, indoor rock climbing, and then a weights session.
    Sunday it’s time for a long ride up into the mountains, with a stop for a coffee and something sweet at my favorite cafe up the top.

  99. Gary Hall

    A couple of short runs to keep the legs ticking over while we begin our week surfing in Cornwall

  100. Annie

    Gotta’ work all weekend, sadly, but still planning to start the weekend with an early morning trail run with the hubs.