A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Mark

    Saturday – 22 mile hike
    Sunday – Biking
    Monday – Beer


    15 mile long run tomorrow…saturday

  3. Shawn Pfister

    I’m just hoping to recover from a back injury so I can get back on the bike

  4. James

    Up at 5am on Sunday (!) for a 40 mile group ride with friends who can only ride at this time.

  5. Samuel Medway

    Its a bit stormy here in Western Australia so it may be a case of sweating it up on the trainer this weekend!

  6. John Kissane

    Easy weekend as recovery from a 72k ultra last Sat.

  7. T. Griepp

    I plan on spending some wonderful time in the pool with my children this weekend!

  8. Chris Cronin

    Head back to Iowa to ride with my brother

  9. Josh

    I’ll go and rock a solid 10x1kms on Saturday. Then get out for 2:30 over some hills on Sunday. That marathon training huh!

  10. Bob Mako

    Finally get to run after time off for strained hammie. Easy does it for some hiking and slipping in a 5 k.

  11. Paul

    In lieu of cardio, I’ll be competing at a kendo tournament.

  12. Brian Lemanczyk

    I will be climbing the hills of Blue Mounds, WI with a friend

  13. Rickard Liljeberg

    Saturday, so in about 8 hours I will go for a 7hour bike ride. Then on Sunday it will be a shorter circulation run

  14. Janna G

    Provincial Road Race.

  15. Patrick

    Run, beer, BBQ, run, beer BBQ, run, beer , BBQ….. Work, ugh.

  16. Aonghus OMuircheartaigh

    FTP test tonight in the park, bike fit tomorrow + 100km on Sunday

  17. Andrew

    Resting my knee. No running unfortunately, until i heal in a few weeks. Doctor’s orders.

  18. Andrew

    BBQ hotdogs and hamburgers for the holidays. If I can get up the next morning (and not raining) I’ll probably do an easy 3-4 miles to work off all the calories.

  19. Forrest

    My plans are: sit on the beach and bbq – love the long weekends

  20. Ryan

    Sat – Race, Sun – Train, Mon – partay

  21. Jason

    This weekend is all about the road bike.
    Three days straight with 30 miles each day.
    When the weather is this great in Alaska you must enjoy.

  22. Adam Rodman

    I intend to do many reps of light weights. Beer to mouth. Repeat. I may add some heavy lifting. Ribs mouth, ribs mouth. I may rest in-between sets, as I watch sports on the big screen.

  23. Jared

    I’m going to wrangle some mountains here in Utah. Start with Mount Olympus and maybe get in White Pine if there isn’t too much snow still.

  24. Nathan Troia

    Planks and squats in the hotel room while the family isn’t looking :)

  25. Pedro Fradique

    Some swimming for me is ahead tomorrow.
    Going for 2k to build up resistance.

  26. Caroline

    This weekend will be a short run/walk on Saturday.
    And a bike ride on Sunday. Can’t wait.

  27. Helder Rodrigues

    No training, due to a bicycle accident on 15th May from which I am still recovering I can only go for a walk, no limitation there though. ;-)

  28. Colin

    Breaking in a new pair of New Balance runners! Hopefully the weather holds out….

  29. Scott Cavendish

    Taking my daughter to a TT for more pre-nqtionals prep.

  30. Brett Erickson

    Gonna do a quick 5 miler tomorrow then relax the rest of the long weekend!

  31. James

    Easy, simply planning to fit in as much off road riding as possible to make up for too many busy on road commutes.

  32. Roman V

    I would like ride both days kilo on my bike.

  33. Chris A

    Big time garage cleaning with a couple of runs sprinkled in

  34. Will Mollette

    Running in a new place this weekend while traveling to visit family!!!!!

  35. Ben Wooliscroft

    Winter is here (NZ) it’s raining and cold, and I have a cold, indoor trainer for a couple of easy spins. No risking health.

  36. Greg Emerson

    I am rehabbing from an IT Band problem and associated knee problem so a walk, a bike ride on a fat tire in the woods, and supporting my friends at a trail 50k at the Pineland Center in New Gloucester, Maine.

  37. Bob Ware

    Saturday 40 km time trial
    Sunday. 8 mile run
    Monday. Short run followed by BBQ induced food coma.

  38. Ryan West

    Today I swim, tomorrow I’ll run and Sunday I have a bike ride. Monday is an off day for me.

  39. SimonO

    Swim Bike Run, Cairns Half Ironman coming up soon. time to taper… In my case Up…:-)

  40. Andy Finnigan

    5k on sat..relax for the rest of the three dayer

  41. Jeff Mrachek

    I am smoking ribs and a pork shoulder over the weekend. I plan on doing numerous 12 ounce curls over the weekend we well.

  42. Rodney Evets

    Wife and child are leaving for the weekend and going for unplanned rides!

  43. Andy AJ

    1hr swim set, 2hr bike intervals, 1 hr easy run and putting up a fence.

  44. Shaun Moran

    Pretty much nothing. Some Bodypump on Sat and then a recreational bike ride later that afternoon.

  45. Stuart

    Endurance ride on Sunday and an endure run on the Monday!

  46. Declan jones

    Do my rehabilitative physiotherapy on Saturday then go for my first run in a month on Sunday ?

  47. Chris G

    A ride with my son on Sunday if the rain ever stops.

  48. Marc

    Bike ride on Saturday (70km) & Run on Sunday (15km)

  49. Arapito

    Saturday: Easy run 1 hour, Sunday: Rogaine 90 minutes. Monday: work, no holiday here.

  50. El Paso Mark

    Take one of my dogs for a bike ride. Have been sick (C-Diff) for the past 2 months and unable to exercise at my previous level/intensity, and my bike mileage has drastically fallen off. Feeling better (Anti-biotics) and building my mileage back up. Want to ride 16 miles with my little one.

  51. Rob L.

    Four mile run tomorrow, then being pulled around on a tube behind a boat for the rest of the weekend.

  52. YetiCotic

    It’s a long weekend in the UK also. This weekend we will be climbing Mt Snowdon in Wales and then heading home for some brick training for my first Tri since shoulder surgery! Keep up the good work Ray!

  53. Charles

    Long ride on saturday
    Short run on sunday
    Enjoying every day

  54. RobW

    Just an 8km slow run on sunday, then family bbq WOOP!!!

  55. Milos

    Weekend is reserved for uphill time trial club race.

  56. Lily T

    Trip to the zoo with my family this weekend- so lots of walking! Treadmill and stationary bike will probably get some use this weekend as well :)

  57. Ruddy

    Chasing PR on Trollstigen climb. Bike
    Sunday – family hike

  58. Mads Frederiksen

    A long bikeride this weekend is the plan ?

  59. Mark Penberthy

    Went for a long walk this morning along the river, and will go for a bike ride and breakfast tomorrow.

  60. Rachel Dolan

    Bike/run on saturday and swim on sunday!

  61. Libby

    It’s about time to start training for Grandma’s half marathon…a few runs. And a milkshake.

  62. Karl

    Bbq and a mountain bike ride if we don’t get rained out.

  63. Allan Carlos

    Saturday morning, the afternoon 20 km race
    Sunday morning 80-90 km mtb and the afternoon out for a walk on the beach.
    Greetings runners

  64. David Chao

    probably a recovery spin on the bike tomorrow followed by a long run on Sunday

  65. Adam Warrix

    Saturday – 5 x 5 min Z4 run intervals with 5 minute active recovery
    Sunday – 3 x 30 minute Z3 bike intervals with 5 minute Z1 recovery followed by 4 x 1 mile repeats at slightly harder than threshold with Z1 active recovery between
    Monday – AM swim 10 x 200 m repeats at race pace, PM swim 5 x 200 m repeats slightly lower than race pace

  66. Eric Finnen

    Grilling/cornhole/beer/white trash party and hopefully 40 miles of riding and a 10k.. Gotta set decent goals

  67. Gary

    Mow the yard and pull weeds Saturday morning. Do a slooowww 5 mile Maffetone “run” at a high school track in the afternoon. Nap. Go for a ~15 mile road bike (my first of the year) Sunday afternoon after church. Find barbeque and beer.

  68. Eric

    Running some trails

  69. Mark Caza

    I will be running the Ottawa Marathon and then I will go swimming with my wife and son followed by a long nap and then a 45 minute recovery bike ride!

  70. Ross

    I am going to strap part of my car to the mountain bike then ride to a mates to fix it then back home

  71. Chase

    15k+ steps a day goal for each day, 4 hours at the range training (archery) on Sat, strength training on Sunday, rest day (so just step goal) on Monday

  72. The Winner?

    Seeing if I can get comfortable on the new TT bike.

  73. Truston

    Going hiking with the kids and then will spend some time in the pool.

  74. Paul

    Long cycle Saturday
    Long run Sunday
    BBQ Sunday evening.

  75. Ryan Elliott

    2h30m ride Friday, 1h20m ride Saturday, 13.1 mi run in and around DC on Sunday!

  76. Mark

    Attempting the Strava gran fondo and watching the Giro afterwards with hopefully a win for Steven Kruijswijk! ????

  77. Keiths

    Heading out for 3 hours on the mtb now, gym later and a long endurance run tomorrow

  78. Sigurður H. Pálsson

    Saturday morning: checking out part of the course of a 60K MTB race I’m doing in two weeks.
    Sunday morning: a short hike with a group of friends.

  79. Sai To Wang

    Long run 1 1/2 hours

  80. Chris Crandall

    I hope to ride my bike each day, knee permitting!

  81. Susan

    A little swim on Saturday, a little bike on Sunday and fun times with my daughter who is visiting from Denver!!!

  82. Jay

    I hope to get maybe a 20 or 30 mile ride in.

  83. Andy Nguyen

    5-7 mile runs on Saturday and Sunday, then around 35 miles on the bike on Memorial Day.

  84. Tom Else

    As I’m working nights I’ll just be doing a steady 20 mile on the bike there and back both sat, and Sunday. Maybe a trail run with the dog too

  85. Craig Vespa

    Chasing the kids around most of the weekend and hopefully a long ride or run on Sunday.

  86. Michael S

    Slow ride on Saturday, followed by two longer and faster rides Sunday and Monday

  87. Ricardo c.

    Strava mountain climb route in the morning and if possible get out on the bike!

  88. Grant

    90km ride in the winelands

  89. Claus

    Semi long slow run just to keep the legs alive. Been travelling with my son, so haven’t had a chance to get any runs in during the week.

  90. Oscar

    Run tomorrow, bike Sunday, BBQ and beer on Monday. :)

  91. Heather Riley

    No training plans here. Just a 3 day break from an extensive cycle of training. 3 day weekend here I come!

  92. Ben Fox

    Nothing fancy, just getting a bunch of dad body’s like myself out for a fun run on some trails, Sunday or Monday morning, whatever the wife allows :)

  93. Lee

    My wife and I are going on a 50km charity ride to support the local hospital.

  94. Silas

    40km bike ride both days!

  95. matt

    Long ride Saturday morning followed by plenty of beer Saturday night. If I can drag myself outta bed in time I’ll squeeze in a run on Sunday morning.

  96. Jp

    Short bike session on Sat.
    10km race on Sunday

  97. Rick Lindquist

    I’m planning to get at least 2 long road rides. Here’s hoping the weather permits!

  98. Ryan G

    Building a gigantic outdoor table. That in itself is a massive workout ;) Although I’d love to take a long ride on a new trail!

  99. Lyle

    Quantico MTB race sat.
    Off sun
    Easy spin monday

  100. Rob

    12 mile run / 60 mile bike!