A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Mason

    As it’s a long weekend I’ll likely be doing more eating and drinking than training, but I’m sure I’ll at least get in some long walks between beers LOL

  2. Matt D

    I’m gonna get out on the MTB for a 3 hour xc loop on Saturday. Sunday will be longer slower ride on the road bike around the lakes of Rotorua, NZ

  3. DaveD

    Working all weekend so it will be a short 5k after work on both days.

    Long run in the middle of next week.

  4. Natas

    Quiet weekend, maybe a short ride on the bike on Sunday

  5. Tim

    Just got my new Canyon road bike. So I will take it out for some test rides.,Long run on sunday of course

  6. Thorvald

    Will be running a long trip tomorrow

  7. Murray Lake

    I plan on catching some sleep whenever I can with my baby deciding that night time is not the best time for sleeping.

  8. Daniel Besse

    Easy bike on Saturday, swim+run on Sunday. Making the last checks for the race coming up next week.

  9. Doug Murray

    Two and half hours easy on the bike on Saturday morning before a toddler’s birthday party and a BBQ if it ever stops raining.
    Club swim session on Sunday evening after more micro-intervals, running around after my kids.

  10. Phellan

    No training this weekend :(
    I’m movimg away so if you want I can say that I’ll be doing a bit of weightlifting

  11. Niklas Stenwreth

    I’m running 12 km, cycling 30 km and spending 5 h in a dojo looking at my kids competing in karate. And to get some extra exercise, I’m going to clean up our summer house for the season. Multiple exercise weekend.

  12. Francois Duperré-T

    Normally à will ride 2 times for around 200km/hour. The next part of hé week-end will be use to work around the house.

  13. David

    I am planning on biking a lot and eating ice cream!!

  14. nbourbaki

    Tomorrow is a rest day, Sunday is my trail ride and Monday I hit the streets again

  15. Keith

    No training planned; just eating some cake, celebrating my grandmother’s 100th birthday!

  16. On my plans for the weekend are a 90km long ride in the morning a a 10km run in the evening of Saturday and a easy 1 mile swing on Sunday depending on the sea conditions. Hope you have a good one Ray! Cheers

  17. Dr D

    Friday: 24mile walk
    Saturday: 60min run
    Sunday: 40mile Bicycle ride

  18. Atakan tokgoz

    Doing an interval on saturday and 5k sunday funday run :)

  19. jr

    Swimming on saturday + bike ride on sunday (depends on the weather)

  20. Scott Harding

    Flying to Alberta this weekend and using my time there for a big training boost before my first Sprint Tri of the year on 11 June in Ottawa, ON.

  21. p.

    ride ride ride

  22. Matt

    Finally get outside to ride after months on the rollers.

  23. Mark Maatman

    Going to run a half marathon on Saturday…followed by multiple beers.

  24. Mathieu

    interval run on saturday and a long run on sunday!

  25. Dwayne

    Drills, techinical and short sprint training on Saturday. 90 minutes forest run on Sunday.

  26. stephen butler

    It’s a long weekend in the UK also, which inevitably means we’ll be treated to some very indifferent weather.

    So my plans this weekend will be determined by the eyeball weather report in the morning. If it’s raining, I’m running. Will do a trail run through the national forest. If it sunny will hop on the bike for a 80-100k loop around Leicestershire with a good cafe stop!

  27. Jochen M.

    The weekend? As “usual”: Saturday swimming (tomorrow a program of 2,5 k) and running (home track after a holiday, 11,5 km) and Sunday a bicycle exercise – distance and track depending on the weather forecast (Rhine valley, south of Karlsruhe, Germany).

  28. Olivier

    Visiting family in France . Run each morning

  29. Joe

    A lot of endurance paced running and riding!

  30. Traveling to the Vieginia mountains for some BBQinh and hopefully some trail runs, depending on the prior evenings beer consumption level.

  31. José

    Fri: Bike
    Sat: Run/Hike
    Sun: Bike
    Mon: Run

    Rest: recovery

  32. Wouter

    Flying from Frankfurt to New York tomorrow and will go for a Central Park Run as well as a Brooklyn Run the day after :)
    Weather is supposed to be good, so looking forward to it :)

  33. adam Hollingworth

    Raining A LOT in Wellington NZ. Might just have to climb stairs or something. :-(

  34. Bartek_Zet

    1/2 IM, first start this year

  35. Altaf Mehmood

    3 mile run on sat, sun and mon

  36. Benjamin Gordon

    Century ride on Skyline drive in Shenandoah National Park on Saturday, then camping and hiking Sunday and Monday. Liberal amounts of barbecue thrown in as well!

  37. Brian Feinberg

    Ride over Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow, to the beach on Sunday, and Mount Hamilton on Monday!

  38. Jörg

    Planned to run an Half-Marathon necxt weekend. Unfortunately im am completely out of running for the next weeks because of a small operation. Hoping to get back on track sometimes in the next weeks.

  39. Andrew Broad

    A 10k at some point. But not sure exactly when yet.

  40. Colin H

    A couple of long rides should do the trick.

  41. James

    I’m looking forward to a sea swim in South Devon, UK and some cycling in Cornwall

  42. Niklas

    Training Camp near Münster

  43. Leon

    Being in a Training camp

  44. Piotr

    Hilly 10k.

  45. Alex Gitnik

    Running Edinburgh marathon this Sunday
    It’s actually a bank holiday on Monday as well, but no rest for the wicked!

  46. Gonçalo Calçada

    Tomorrow I will take my bike on the hills for 100 km. On Sunday its for family :)

  47. Patrick Brochu

    I’m hoping to take the family out cycling for the first time this year. A whole day of cycling with a stop for lunch, a few breaks at beaches and restaurants…

  48. Ron L

    Club rides early Sat & Sun morning to beat the heat followed by some good eats off the barbecue in the evening.

  49. Aaron W

    I was thinking of climbing Everest, jumping out of some planes, paddling the Snake river, and maybe eating a few pretzels. That’s the short list.

  50. Francesco

    I will run in saturday early morning, take my 7yr son to swim training in the afternoon and I will swim too on sunday monday
    In the meantime i will ride bike across allowed the city with the children!

  51. Rémi Ricard

    I ‘m planning to go for two 25km ride sand also look for a Crossfit place to train.

  52. Marc Salvia

    15-20 km trail run on saturday
    100 km bike on sunday

    but both days I’ve to be at home not later than 10:00

  53. James Mcnabb

    Parkrun with the kids on Saturday
    40 min split paced run on Sunday
    Going to a wedding on Monday

  54. Dan Gaz

    Sneaking in between rain showers to ride and enjoy the pollen – will also be cheering runners on as they pass our house for the marathon in town.

  55. Chappo

    Cross training with football and stand up paddling. Thanks DCR!

  56. Daniela

    Lots of gardening. We are so far behind. And hoping to get out on the SUP. Taking the weekend off running.

  57. Daniel Lott

    Long run this weekend 15-17. Shooting for 5@MP. Could be easy the whole way so we will see.

  58. Yury Y.

    Friend is visiting from overseas. Going to ride around SF Bay Area on Saturday :-)

  59. George Raihala

    Saturday: Short bike, then baking sourdough bread and baguettes for a charcuterie night with friends.
    Sunday: Bike
    Monday: Bike, plus BBQ

  60. Jhonathan montoya

    Hey, so i got zika this week so no Training for me this weekend!

  61. Marcel

    I’m going to try another hill run in early preparation for the NYC marathon. Just have to convince my achilles tendon that that is actually a great idea!

  62. Ben

    Training for my trip to Europe! A couple long climbs and some extra hot dogs and beer after.

  63. Maria Gaz

    No long weekend for me – a few days of homework and work on Monday!

  64. Darius Kintanar

    4.5 kilometer swim.

  65. Jon Tate

    Watching my daughter run in the PA state track meet and then a run and outdoor pool workout. Finally a birthday dinner on Monday!

  66. Alex Ridgeway

    Hoping to squeeze in a long run on Saturday followed by a bike ride along the historical missions here in San Antonio. Although summer has definitely arrived here in SA making any form of outdoor activities a sweaty mess.

  67. Blair

    Will be tapering my margarita consumption in anticipation of crit season.

  68. Roy C.

    Training’s done! So my plan is to finish my event riding 550 km from Tokyo to Tohoku.

  69. Balazs

    Have to skip saturday, but will try to compensate with a longer sunday cycling in the morning so that I grt back on time for watching the Grand Prix at Monaco.

  70. Staffan

    Long ride with my mountain bike

  71. Mac brown

    Swim! Run! Unlikely to have time to bike

  72. Mark Chandler

    Group ride Saturday; trainer ride Sunday (and work)

  73. Eric Rivera

    Going to fix my gravel bike that I crashed on yesterday and do a lap in Folsom. I also might make a trip to the opening day of North Star for some downhill mountain biking! Then Sunday a nice hike with the wife.

  74. Roland Matifas

    Zwifting Saturday and Monday

  75. Blanca

    Visiting NYC for the first time this weekend, so a couple of runs along Central Park are in order!

  76. Cheryl

    A middling length run depending on the temperature, which is currently 34 degrees Celsius. In balmy Canada.

  77. Katie

    Resting for a half marathon on Sunday, so probably a light spin on Saturday and maybe a swim. Then a fun 88ish mile long ride on Monday!

  78. Eric S

    I’ll be nursing a strained calf. Maybe a bike on Saturday.

  79. Øyvind Sørgjerd

    Saturday: Bric 32 k biking and then 8 running
    Sunday: orientering for 2 hours

  80. Annie

    Charity Walk for Alzheimer’s on Saturday morning then run with my dog for however long he can last.

  81. Walt

    Deployed in Iraq and I’ll be drinking near beer Joy :(. My plans are to run the one mile loop to train for a half marathon when I get back.

  82. Randy

    Long run along the beach Saturday morning, followed by intercoastal paddle boarding. Sunday will be a couple recovery miles, followed by the beach. Monday will be a holiday/easy 5k, and then a BBQ to refuel ?

  83. Hannah

    Substituting training plans (rehab for a bust knee) with moving house and building flat pack furniture!

  84. Alejandro

    185km race at saturday.

    Short recovery ride at sunday.

  85. Craig

    Will be running the Ottawa half marathon in 38celcius weather. Should be fun!

  86. Matt

    Tempo run on Sunday. Hot Dogs on Monday!

  87. Jason Triantis

    Forecast calls for rain….just like every Memorial weekend…ao off to the gym I go.

  88. Fergus

    Short couple of runs along with a horse event tomorrow!

  89. Stefan Lepinoy

    Last block of 4 weeks has started before the first A triatlon (70.3 Luxemburg)
    This means a brik training of 4 hours on Saturday
    Sunday a long run T2 for 2:30 after having seen both my sons compete in the first triatlon for them this season.

  90. profanum429

    Doing the Bolder Boulder! Should be fun.

  91. Mike H

    Three long bike rides and three long runs. And lots of bbq and good beer.

  92. Emma

    Not really training…. but …Get out and get lost bushwalking

  93. Delma L Allen

    I intend to run the Meet Me Downtown Tucson 5K, with the Downtown Avengers, fighting crime since 1871…

  94. Lorne Dmitruk

    This weekends training plan includes the following:
    Recover from head cold, drive wheel car for the road race portion of the Alex Stieda Classic, link to juventus.ab.ca on Saturday and then on Sunday I’ll ride the crit.

  95. Rory Heath

    Training this weekend incorporates celebrating the end of my partner’s medicine finals!
    Tonight – some seriously fun crosstraining – Salsa dancing!
    Saturday – threshold run followed by a glycogen replenishing brunch.
    Sunday – long slow ride to the coast – 100 miles return trip!
    Monday – rest and recovery whilst boosting vit D in the sun :)

  96. Michael Rixon

    Start off tomorrow with a swim in the Baltic sea first open water session of the year, followed by an afternoon of diy.
    Sunday long slow ride with the guys.

  97. David Svoboda

    It is tech time! So I will ride some more techy stuff on my enduro bike.I expect 1500m of climbing followed by 1500m of great descents. And yes, I will BBQ as well!

  98. Pawel

    I take part in the 120 km sportive with 60 km to get there and back, so total of 240 km

  99. Easy Park run depending on what time I get home tonight. Long bike. Long run. Nothing intense

  100. Michael

    Broken foot, so…. not much!