A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Andrew Curtis

    Two group rides, possibly followed by some solo miles. Trying to crack 200 miles for the first week back from being sick

  2. Luke T.

    It is a rest weekend for me but I’ll be back on the bike next week!

  3. Raghini

    A long weekend with running, walking & biking! Hope the British weather holds up.

  4. Ammon

    I’m doing whatever my physical therapist tells me to do. I’m trying to come back from a lack of mobility from the waist down associated with my leukemia that I’m battling (and beating, by the way).

  5. David Santino

    Long ride Saturday with another ride on Sunday.

  6. julykatrae

    Should I earn the barbeque with a run and ride?

  7. Jonathan Hair

    A shot bike ride or two… Too much to do!

  8. Martin

    Sunday is all about teaching my students to run slowly for a long period of time.

  9. Peter Benjamins

    8-10 km run in between university stuff.
    And cleaning the house… definitely a heavy workout :D

  10. Amedeo

    Tomorrow morning I will ride my bike in my first 100km.

    ….I will just need a new sportwatch to track bike and swim too

  11. David Turner

    2.5 hour bike on Saturday. 1.5 hour run on Sunday.

  12. Frank Corrao

    Fri – short ride, bbq!
    Sat – 50mi ride to Walden Pond, 1.2mi swim in Walden
    Sun – long run
    Mon – slack off

  13. Jonathan

    2 long rides and the lounging at the pool.

  14. Schalk vanderwalt

    Unfortunatly have to work!! But will definately squeeze in a 5k run somewhere!!!

  15. Jerome

    I’m taking a couple of weeks of rest after my track season, but I’m going to be watching the Prefontaine Classic in Eugene!

  16. Alex Masidlover

    Trainer lactate tolerance reps + run threshold brick for Saturday then recovery run to work, recovery run home and a swim in a local lake on Sunday

  17. JR

    Ran a half marathon last week and am taking it easy this week. I hope to hit the beach and enjoy some burgers!

  18. Donal Bailey

    I’ll be running a mountain marathon in the beautiful Wicklow mountains and bringing my new TomTom Runner 2 on its inaugural session!

  19. A short tempo ride tomorrow and a longer easy ride on Sunday, either side of removing tiles from the kitchen (does that count as cross training?!)

  20. Adam Felix

    5-6 mile walk Saturday morning followed by a 15-20 mile bike ride around town Saturday afternoon. Cook out and fish Sunday at the lake and rest up Monday.

  21. Aaron

    Calisthenics on friday and then recovery on saturday with a 50 minute run on sunday

  22. Jonathan Reyes

    I’ll be traveling, over the weekend, so just a couple of runs for me. Hoping to get a long bike ride in on Monday, though.

  23. Teresea

    Hi Ray! My training plan for the weekend is going to be a 45 mile ride from Arlington to Manassas with Ride to Recovery. R2R is a multi-day event for veterans riding adaptive bikes, and my group will be riding along to support them.

  24. Ranjani Natarajan

    Long weekend here in the UK. Planning to catch up on some work and reading, and do some hill intervals and a 10k. (Getting back into training after a half marathon.)

  25. Charles Davis

    Long weekend. Beautiful weather. Good times. Bucket of golf balls at a driving range then a par three to start the weekend. Sunday brings a 50 mile trek around the greater Denver Metro area and Monday will top off with a partial Golden Gate Canyon run. Indeed a good weekend! Thanks!

  26. Charlie Emerson

    Trail running and hiking in Boulder then running the Bolder Boulder 10K on Memorial Day!

  27. Adrian Walton

    Recovery weekend after last weekend’s 100km Sun Mountain trail run. So probably just a few hours on the mtn bike and an hour run.

  28. Plodder Pete

    Long ride, beer, eat, sleep and repeat

  29. Mark hammond

    It’s a long weekend in the UK too…. And sunny…..friends are coming over for a week of biking cliff top paths and recovery stops of cakes and coffee!:)

  30. frederik

    20k race in Brussels, Belgium

  31. Nick14

    Bike/Run Sat & Sun
    Long Run Mon

  32. gilles

    no training plan yet, probably just some cycling and kayaking, but I’ll sure spend some time calculating my odds of winning here every now and then ;)

  33. This weekend i will try to do 10 km under an hour. After 6 months injured and one month return thats a big step!

  34. Pierre

    Looking forward to a 10km run around my local mountain tomorrow and some mountain biking on Sunday.

  35. Simon

    Getting lots of road bike miles in…75 on Saturday along Lake Ontario and another 40 on Sunday.

  36. Marjorie Harvey

    Wedding on saturday

  37. Tim Clavette

    Maybe some running in between kids birthday parties, block party and family cookouts.

  38. JB

    Trainer workout before catching a flight.

  39. Lars Ejaas

    I will run to the track on saturday and do 6×1200 m. AT intervals pace 3:15min/km. with a 1 min. jog rest – and then running home again (well once I stop feeling dizzy from the intensity – that is).
    Sunday will be a endurance run of 25 km. at an easy pace on a combo of pavement and trails.
    That’s it – plus hanging out with my girlfriend and kids ;-)

  40. Xav Yeah

    I will be back from a 5 days danish trip so:
    Saturday some 10k run
    Sunday some bike-run-bike stuff to a great lake nearby. Maybe 1h45-2h long if I feel fresh enough :-)

  41. Mark L

    Long weekend here in the too, so early morning swim followed by a run Saturday, long ride Sunday and hopefully finish off with an open water swim Sunday!

  42. Daniel Leopold

    50 mile ride with 6 Strava segments planned out. Then enjoying my 6 year old’s birthday party.

  43. Dave

    Going for a long mountain bike ride, nothing helps climbing on the road bike like a 4+ hour mountain bike ride.

  44. David

    My workout plans involve into a new home. Training Peaks has quite a bit of red in it the last month or so…oops.

  45. Dan Lipsher

    Longish (100 km) bike ride Saturday. Relatively shorter (87 km) bike ride Sunday. Monday? Yeah, prolly a bike ride.

    Thanks, Ray and CT, for all y’all do to keep us on our game. Have a great weekend while you can enjoy some “you” time before Little Rainmaker comes along!

  46. Wouter Viskil

    Racing half distance triathlon Nieuwkoop in The Netherlands!

  47. Alex Rose

    My training schedule involves mowing the lawn, digging up weeds, flipping burgers on the BBQ and hopefully fitting in a long run!

  48. Chris

    Wandering around Venice with the family & father-in-law.

  49. Tyler

    Getting in several rides with my family on a newly opened rail trail near my neighborhood.

  50. Paul B.

    Saturday – Moderate run 40min
    Sunday – Endurance run 55 min
    Rain or shine :)

  51. Greg F

    I’m hoping to run my very first 10km race Saturday (and recover Sunday), assuming the weather cooperates (in that it is supposed to be hot (>30C) and humid. Less than ideal conditions. I’ll have to use my Vibrams because the pavement will be too hot to run barefoot. :-(

  52. Gert

    Doing a 1/2 marathon

  53. Jacco

    Refereeing on Sunday, helping a friend move on Saturday!

  54. Jayon

    Saturday gym then help my pookums train for the marathon.

    Then BBQ the rest of time.

  55. Przemek

    Nothing special this time, some short running and a lot of walking with my dogs.

  56. tamas321

    I will visit the next town riding a bike 31 km (in Hungary) – while the family will goes with car.

  57. Alfiniess

    No training this week-end but Brussel’s 20 km sunday

  58. Josh Lambrix

    long ride…

  59. Tim Martin

    Prepping myself for the Tour de Burren Sportive in Co.Clare, Ireland in June so will get 100k in over and around the Wicklow Mountains. Both locations have absolutely beautiful scenery and if the weather is good (and it rarely is) then it’s magical!

  60. Yonadav

    4 x 9 minutes @ 95% FTP x 9 minutes @ 50% FTP + 70 minutes run @ RPE6 + 40 minutes steady swim

  61. Eric N.

    Long run on Sunday and tennis, lots of tennis.

  62. Michal

    No breakfast, fat-burning 15K

  63. Canon Young

    A short ride with some friends (with ulterior motives), followed by a run, and then celebrating my son’s birthday.

  64. Bradley holmes

    Saturday 100km bike ride with 2hrs at sweet spot and Sunday 10km run

  65. Paul hewitt

    Friday night spent prepping fuel and bike spec, then 7 hours in the saddle from early Saturday to include 1 lap of the IMUK route and should total over 180km … Will double my longest ride so far – all on the TT bike.

    Sunday will have at least a one hour recovery ride and Monday will include an open water swim – if my wife lets me (and I can walk) maybe a run Monday morning too – it’s a public holiday in the uk too ??

  66. pollerunner

    I will be running 8k Friday and I hope to do 8k again Sunday. I will see how my legs holds up. I have been somewhat injured. But it is nice summer here in Denmark so I love to go running.

  67. Iain Cbr

    Currently on the trainer for a 90 min set, swim and 20 km run tomorrow

  68. Simon B.

    Riding a century for Memorial Day, and maybe a recovery run

  69. Leah Gregory

    I will go to the gym on Saturday and run 5km on Sunday.

  70. Joel Reeves

    no plan to train at all

  71. Young

    Out of door by 4am and back to 7am to prep breakfast for kid and wife and enjoy my other passion: espresso.

  72. Damien J

    This weekend im going to do a slow, short run on saturday, and a long run around 2 big ponds (23k) on sunday. Hope the weather will be nice so I can wear shorts :)

  73. Johan Beetge

    Easy swim to shake out the legs after yesterdays long run and then 100km tt on Sunday as my final long ride before Cairns 70.3 in two weeks!

  74. Luke

    Running, driving, riding, driving, walking, driving, eating, driving, sleeping! Happy days!

  75. Kristen B.

    Swimming and biking mostly, as well as enjoying the great weather

  76. Jon

    Long run on Saturday

  77. Jacob

    2000yd swim Saturday followed by 75mile bike on Sunday – last long ride before Honu! 12 mile run on Monday. Resting otherwise!

  78. Jurassic

    5k parkrun tomorrow, long mtb Sunday

  79. Long run Sat, recovery and/or shorters run Sun, Mon, back to workout run Tues (taking the day off). Will spend some of Sat doing things I’ve been meaning to do and waiting for my hubs to get home from his race. We may grill (though it’s supposed to rain) but mostly will just relax and hang out, much needed.

  80. Adam

    Attaching a grill to my bike and making some burgers while on a 50K ride. Beers will be in my cages.

  81. Kris

    Heading to Blacksburg VA to do Mountains of Misery 100 mile ride.

  82. Kg

    A race-pace 100k ride on Saturday that splits the group mercilously on the short but steep return climbs and, as if that wasn’t enough, a bushel of 3′ zone 5 intervals on Sunday. Hopefully it will stay dry.

  83. Road-and-trail half marathon Saturday which will be more of a recreational run for me after a marathon earlier this month. Road ride Sunday up to the summit of our little mountain pass and back.

  84. Chris King

    4km hill training on Saturday followed by an easy 10 km run on Sunday.

  85. matt

    i plan on running a bunch then eating a 4×4 at in n out.

  86. Jonas

    I will complete another 140k week and try to learn as much for finals next week.

  87. DBK

    A mountain run in the Swiss Alps. Go Säntis!

  88. Marcel

    Going to do a short tun on Saturday and a 15K run on Sunday in the Dutch hills on the Veluwe.

  89. Batmansdad

    7am long run with mate

  90. Marc

    I’ll be flying into Mexico and running through the mountains.

  91. Rafal

    Bike riding on Saturday and some walk on Sunday but it all depends on weather, forecast says it will be raining heavily.

  92. Matt W

    I’m spending the weekend going to a far-off friend’s wedding. So most of my exercise will be pressing the gas pedal in a controlled manner

  93. Wouter Gardeyn

    Plans for this weekend are doing a cycling trip, as currently running is not a good idea, due to knee injury. I hope to recover soon.

  94. Adam

    I’m going to hike up a mountain, then go for a bike ride

  95. Heberto

    I have a 6km run on saturday and sunday is a rest day.

  96. Jim

    A run with my son through monkey infested wilderness.

  97. Michael McLaughlin

    I’m just at the tail end of an injury. I have a 10k race on Sunday but doubtful if I’ll even do it yet. Mare!

  98. bogdan


  99. Don Kiely

    I’m recovering from a weeklong series of running events, culminating in a marathon last Saturday. So I’m in rest/recovery mode, and will volunteer at a local race this weekend.

  100. Peter Nielsen

    A longer ride with the club saturday.
    Maybe garden work sunday.