A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Martin R NZ

    XTERRA off-road run race @ Woodhill on Sunday, will be really wet n muddy

  2. aEvans

    10 x 1mile repeats on hills, 30sec jogging recovery

  3. Daniel Pfulg

    I plan to do a longer tour in an area where we plan to have an orienteering competition in 2018.

  4. Alan

    Teaching my two younger kids to ride their bikes sat and sun. goping for a long loop DC-Leesburg-White’s Ferry-Poolesville Sunday morn.

  5. Marc Milner

    Running the ERR 10k in Portsmouth Va and then riding 40 miles later in the day.

  6. Matt Kaiser

    I’ll be doing about a 50/5 brick on Saturday, then a trip to the pool to grill and goof around in the water with my kids. Sunday I’ll run and Monday do a 30/3 brick.

    And hopefully catch up on sleep.

  7. Nina

    The weekend training plans include a 2:15 bike/15 min run brick on Saturday, 1:45 run on Sunday and my first OWS of the year on Monday!

  8. Brendan Offer

    Friday eve – Beer
    Saturday – sweat out beer on bike followed by freezing myself in a lake
    sunday – sweat out the beer from saturday evening while running
    monday – thank the heavens that I have an extra day off of work. Then realize my head is pounding from another hangover and proceed to sweat out beer on the bike.

  9. Scott

    The plan is in the neighborhood of 2500 ft of climbing on Sat and Sunday with a run on Memorial Day. (I never ride on drinking holidays……….. too sketchy)

  10. Asis

    On Saturday, Champions league Final!
    On Sunday “camino schmidt y subimos collado ventoso, de ahi a la Fuenfria para subir el cerro Minguete. Bajamos por el mismo sitio y recorremos camino schmidt de vuelta” to sweat out the drinks from the night before.
    That’s a trail run in Madrid Mountains, to celebrate that whoever won the day before, comes from Madrid.

  11. George

    Going for a Mountain Bike Ride Saturday morning, Road Ride on Sunday morning and a hike or bike ride with my Fiance on Monday.

  12. clinton f

    3 long bike rides..

  13. Raul Freitas

    Long ride on Saturday and a long run on Sunday. Cheers

  14. Joe Wilensky

    First trip to Chicago, so running on the shores of Lake Michigan!

  15. Eric Boyd

    Running 8 miles on Saturday and then taking my daughter and wife to Disney world to visit the mouse.

  16. Scott

    Saturday: Swim + Bike + Paint house Interior + Kids & building robots.
    Sunday: Trail Run + finish building kids play house + BBQ + Kids & building robots.
    Monday: Swim + BBQ + Kids & building robots.

  17. anybody

    Being on a weekend trip which involves a lot of walking I skip the training this weekend.

  18. Julien C

    5k Run, and a 50k cycle

  19. Nicolas

    Mile after mile of walking in DT Portland and hiking Cannon Beach. Looking forward to the relaxation :)

  20. Denis Ho

    It’s the half marathon race weekend. so I’ll be doing that.
    but really it’s training for the half ironman.

  21. Dino

    Run around and across Golden Gate Bridge and cross training in gym.

  22. Scott Abbey

    Unfortunately, I work both Saturday and Monday, but Sunday will be my usual long run and maybe an open water swim if the weather holds.,

  23. Brad

    Light bike ride – 10 or 12 miles. BBQ for visiting family: Burgers, hot dogs, some ribs.

    It’s going to be hot, so I’ll also setting up the “alligator pool” for the small ones in the family: an 8 foot high alligator-shaped inflatable water slide with a big splash pool at the bottom.

  24. Tuomas Metsälä

    Hard orienteering on saturday and long bike ride on sunday

  25. Joe

    bike and run at elevation

  26. I’m hitting the pool today for a 1200 yards swim and tomorrow I will do a 30mi (round trip) ride from Boston to the end of the Minuteman Bike path. First time doing that!

  27. Torsten

    If I recover in time from the flu I will try a short trainer ride. The remaining time is eat, rest and sleep.

  28. Pete

    I’ll be going for a 2 hour slow HR based run tonight, a punchy 35km ride tomorrow and cap it off with a 50km cruise on Sunday. That is all.

  29. sherman

    Weekend = 1 long run and 1 long bike.

  30. Frank Bauer

    Saturday: 60k Bike + 10k Transition Run
    Sunday: 15k Run, 2k Swim

  31. Fabrizio

    A 150km ride, from home to Plan di Montecampione

  32. Geoff Whitmer

    Some 12 oz curls, inactive rest, and a 5k!

  33. Miguel

    Saturday 1 hour & 30 minutes run and sunday 60k bike ride. Last weekend of training before flying to Hawaii for the 70.3 Ironman.

  34. Laszlo Auer

    Not so much training this weekend, only commuting to work by bike …

  35. Stuart

    Short run tomorrow morning, long swim tomorrow afternoon and long bike ride sunday morning

  36. Heather W

    Hibernating in a/c this weekend (and maybe until fall) and a couple of swims.

  37. Florian von Behr

    I will go out running with my 7 year old daughter. Probably won’t be more than 3 to 4 km so I might add some after we are done.

  38. jen

    12 miles on the trail with my dad and 40 miles on the bike!

  39. Since I’m still dealing with a stress fracture type injury, I’ll be aqua-jogging in the pool and doing some 12-ounce curls by the barbecue.

  40. Fredrik L

    Long distance run in the country side!

  41. Joe Navratil

    An hour of Z3 running without sets on Saturday; I’ll likely use it to see where my 10k time is, knowing that I can step it up a notch in a race.
    On Sunday, a traditional brick: About 1:15 of cycling, followed by about 25 minutes of running. Intensities should be a bit less than Olympic distance pace.
    Monday is my weekly rest day. Always nice when I have a rest day the same day as a vacation day :-)

  42. John

    A short run in the morning saturdaym and hopefully a long bike ride sunday.

  43. Joe

    Get a few short runs in and some weight lifting to mitigate the BBQ I’ve got planned.

  44. Jose Manuel

    35k bike ride in Limburg, NL

  45. fisao

    I have a two stage cycling race on Sunday preceded by a short but intensive-ish ride on Saturday afternoon!

    just wish the weather could be foreseeably nicer ….

  46. Mate

    Well my weekend already started today. I did a 160 km ride to a friends place (with him). Tomorrow we are riding 210 kms around lake Balaton. On Sunday I’ll ride back home the same route as today (160 kms). Pretty epic weekend of riding around 530 kms :)

  47. Back-to-back LSD. 1 X 25-35km 1 X 120min

  48. Mike

    Half marathon tomorrow as part of my marathon training plan, then new running shoes and a 10k on Monday!

  49. Kurt

    Kids football take the cake this weekend… I’ll try and sneak an hour in on the trainer meantime.

  50. Espen K

    The two year old will be at his ant’s, so hopefully my girlfriend will handle the 4 month old so I can do the first road bike ride of the year.

  51. Maxbre

    Ciao Ray,
    First open water swim of the season this week-end!

  52. Max

    Food, food, and more food (with some drinks for good measure) on Saturday.

    Sunday is probably for recuperation.

    Monday…probably more food.

  53. Björn

    I’m doing Runkeeper Global5k with addon to be able to call it this week’s long run.

  54. Martin

    I am going kayaking in a mangrove forest and some cycling

  55. Raymond Onderstal

    Eat Train work eat work train eat sleep repeat.

  56. Ted Dysart

    Soldier Field 10 Miler
    First open water swim in the “Big Pool” (Lake Michigan) of the year!

  57. ivan

    sunday walking 10km

  58. Lynne Brady

    I’m planning on doing a nice trail run with my dog and some extra cardio workout too. Would love to win so I can buy a new Garmin watch and treat my other half to something too….;)

  59. Chris S

    BBQing, enjoying time with the family, and following doctor’s orders prior to back surgery so no running/biking for the next 6 months =(.

  60. Pat McC

    200km Audax event this Sunday, with about 3,000m of climbing. Will be spending Saturday wondering what I have got myself into.

  61. Vernon Kato

    Going to Vegas. Can’t talk about it…

  62. Martijn Willems

    A weekend full of rain is predicted in The Netherlands except for Saturday morning. So Saturday morning is perfect for a long bike ride and on Sunday an easy pace half marathon rain-run sounds perfect. And besides that I will walk with my dog 2 hours a day.

  63. Pat Dameron

    BBQ, Beer, Biking & Birthday Cake

  64. Mikko turtiainen

    Run and cycling.

  65. Jan

    peanut butter & banana binge strides

  66. Christian H.

    Will do some Tapering for olympic Tri next weekend.

  67. Pat

    200km audax event on Sunday.

  68. Fred

    No training I will only go for a 20k race :-)

  69. Jim Dwyer

    Nice long weekend. Hour and a half run on Saturday and 3 hours in the saddle on Sunday. All of that topped off with a tapas first as I send my boy off to Madrid for the summer.

  70. Julian

    On Saturday, going for a 40-mile training ride for a metric century at the end of June. Sunday will most likely be a much needed rest day. And if the thunderstorms hold off, back on the the bike for the commute to work on Monday.

  71. Martin Lind Ommen

    Recovering from an injury in my lower leg, I will see if I can go for a few good walks.

  72. John Silvey

    First week of brooks training, so I have an easy 3 on sat and easy 4 on sun, then bbq & brews.

  73. Hoss

    Spin the Lakes Bike Tour 105-172km. Tennis and some more riding on Sunday.

  74. Christopher Ashford

    Running Comrades Ultra Marathon!

  75. Alex

    I’m going to try to beat that pesky 50 min on my 10k and I’m going to celebrate with a couple of beers, whether I beat my time or not.

  76. Robin Skibo-Birney

    This weekend I’m going to attempt a brick workout using my local mountain: biking and running up le Salève.

  77. Norman Teinowitz

    Long run, hike, Kayak.

    Test out some new gear.

  78. Brian

    Bike slow on Saturday, run slow on Sunday.

    Recover with steak.

  79. k

    40 mile easy ride on Saturday. Weights and maybe an hour hard on Sunday. Off and BBQ on Monday.

  80. JB Stevenson

    25 mile group ride on Saturday (my first with this particular group), 10 mile run on Sunday

  81. Stefan

    I’m mountainbiking in the Alps! Found a couple of really nice trails that I’m looking forward to! Not really a structured workout, but I’ll still suffer plenty on the uphills :-).

  82. steve

    running short and log distance

  83. TD

    Starting the bbq eating early and squeezing an easy run in between.

  84. Whit Dawson

    Yo Ray! You da man! I will be swimming and running at the Lakehouse this weekend here in South Carolina, and thinking about all of the soldiers who put their lives on the line so that we can enjoy our great nation and be FREE!

  85. Martin

    Just doing a 20k in the woods ;-)

  86. Azure

    Planning to run the Ottawa half marathon (yes, I’m canadian!), but it might be cancelled due to heat/humidity. Fingers crossed the weather’s in our favour!

  87. bernard

    Saturday is for mental toughness: watching the Giro unfold. Sunday is a 130km gravel ride, followed by 150km back home if the weather is good…

  88. Andy

    I’ll run fo 2hrs in evening. And a lot of sleep after hard week )

  89. blaf

    Long saturday hilly workout. Group ride on Sunday.

  90. Charlie Anderson

    recovery ride Friday, road race Sunday, crit Monday.

    Some BBQing also!

  91. Brian G.

    Hiking in Joshua Tree State Park.

  92. Gertjan

    Just a short tour on the city bike.

  93. Eric

    Gonna really let loose and drink at least 2 beers this holiday weekend

  94. Randy Spiessens

    Going for a run in my town

  95. Graeme

    run, bike, beer, not necessarily in that order

  96. Eric

    Camping near Mt. St. Helens! Trail running, rope swings into rivers, s’mores, and getting rained on of course :)

  97. AM

    135 km gran fondo called Tartu Rattaralli with ~2000 participants.

  98. Jason M

    Leaving for vacation with the family so…
    Sat: airport terminal sprints and kiddie pool laps once at our destination
    Sun: a long run and some open water swimming

  99. Daniel Mora

    Going for a proper MTB ride @ Valle Aurina in the Italian northern alps, then a proper romantic dinner with my wife!

  100. Paul Waite

    Sat: VO2 steps: 1.5h endurance then 6 x 4min at FTP, 4min rests
    Sun: Endurance ride (bunch) 3h