A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Russell

    My training plans for this coming weekend are: Saturday – threshold intervals on TT bike, Sunday – a long muscular tension endurance ride and Monday a fast pace road ride.

  2. Todd christoffer

    sneaking in a couple of runs while watching my son run in the high school State finals of the 1600 and 3200!

  3. Conor Robinson

    FTP Intervals on Saturday and a nice long ride in the Swiss Alps on Sunday!!! :)

  4. Aaron nelson

    Looking at a 10 mile trail run Saturday and a 20 mile tempo ride on the bike for Sunday.

  5. Juan Zorrilla

    Friday: 45 Minute trainer session followed by 15 Min Run
    Saturday: 50 Mile Ride + 3 Mile Run
    Sunday: 1500yd Swim + 8 mile Run
    Monday: 30 mile mountain bike trail ride

  6. John Branigin

    Short run on Saturday morning, a hash trail on Saturday evening, long-ish run on Sunday morning, and Monday I’ll probably be toast.

  7. Matt Dokken

    I plan to run a 5k on saturday, and possibly take the fat bike out for a ride.

  8. Phillip

    Recovery time for me, just got home from a massive 2 weeks riding in the Alps, so it will be some easy spins and a lot of stretching.

  9. Miquel

    On Saturday I’ll do a 12K trail run and on Sunday I have to work :((

  10. Oprea George

    A 20 km mtb race Saturday and 145 km road bike race on Sunday

  11. Thijmen Groenewegen

    I’m doing my final training just before Tour du ALS. 3rd of June I’ll be trying to climb the Mont Ventoux 3 times with my colleagues to help get rid of the terrible disease of ALS.

  12. Roger Dooley

    Bike rids with the family and swimming.

  13. Jesper N

    This weekends “exercise” is a bit unusual, in that it involves 4 wheels. 3 hours le-mans style co-karting

  14. Sven

    Saturday : long bike ride with best friends exploring surroundings of Berlin.
    Sunday : get shoes on for fast 10k run.

  15. Josh S

    I’m gonna get up as early as humanly possible to get a long run in before the family gets up and weekend chaos begins!

  16. George

    Going camping so training will consist of hiking trails!

  17. Kalman Szaraz

    Just a simple 10k run in the forest on Sunday morning.

  18. Scott

    6 miles run on Saturday and 20 mile bike on Sunday followed by a BBQ

    Thank you for putting on these giveaways

  19. Harvey

    Tri club brick today – all three events based at the lakehouse of a club member. Then at least one ride and one run this weekend.

  20. Duffy Olson

    A few training runs this weekend to get ready for some 200-mile relays coming up this summer.

  21. Stephan Verdeyen

    There may be a little bit of jogging…but lots of BBQing and beer drinking!!

  22. Matt

    I’ll get in a couple of rides if the weather is nice.

  23. Gerko

    Running 10K @Royal Ten in The Hague, Netherlands

  24. Drew

    First physio authorized run post knee injury… so a slow 3k for me!

  25. Johann St.

    tomorrow first a schort run and an even shorter swim in the evening. Then, beer!
    Sunday 75k on the bike

  26. Travis

    4 mile run on Saturday and then some time in the lake with family and back out Monday for another 3 or 4 mile run.

  27. David Ward

    Bike as much as I can, soak in an ice bath, eat hot dogs

  28. Geoff

    Hoping for two runs of 4 miles.

  29. Michelle

    10 mile run on Saturday and nothing but beer and bbq on Monday!

  30. Anh Tran

    1m run & 5 beers

  31. Craig

    2.5 hour ride + 1 hour run on Saturday, easy spin and a swim on Sunday

  32. Graham

    First open swim of the season tomorrow (Sat)

    First tri of the season – standard distance (Sun

  33. Henry

    Hoping to play 6 games at Finnish national ultimate tour followed by sauna (and just one tasty beer).

  34. Conor A

    This is the last weekend before I go to Germany for a month with my Army unit, so in addition to spending time with my family I’ll be mountain biking as much as possible.

  35. Ricardo Ramirez

    Other than jogging with the dog, will probably relax and play with the kids this weekend!

  36. Guy

    Tomorrow an intensive swim training and an long run. Sunday biking till I drop followed by a long BBQ with friends to get back to reality.

  37. Ryan S.

    Long run, wedding, BBQ.

  38. Ian Grant

    Training plans for the weekend is resting! Taking part in a trial next week that involves a 1500 m pace run-to-exhaustion with a bunch of sensors – oof!

  39. Paul W

    Getting ready for the Asia Pacific IM champs. 2 weeks to so: 5hour ride with last hour effort plus 30mins off the bike run.
    Tomorrow 2hr run and 3km easy ocean swim

  40. Joe

    Sprint training: brick done today, OWS in my new wetsuit tomorrow, long ride in mountains of NH sunday before boat and beers on Monday!

  41. Axel Klaus

    Riding two RTFs with over 100 km

  42. Emily Senior

    Yada yada yada, my husband made me do this to increase his chances of winning. Little does he know I will spend the weekend baiting him that I refused to enter and then if I win I will spend it all on ME! Bahahahahaha!

  43. Chris

    Saturday: 50 km Zone 3 bike ride
    Sunday: 30 km Zone 4 bike ride

  44. Dennis

    This weekend my main workout consist of clearing the pond in the backyard. And filling up the gap with 10m3 of dirt.

  45. Ivan

    Saturday: Roadcycling trip with a friend. 87 km / 700 meter climbing. link to routeyou.com

    Sunday: Most likely MTB trip due to forecasted rainy weather.

  46. Scott

    Prepping for the Bass Lake Tri next weekend! And hydrating with help from BEER.

  47. Joe

    A trail run and some 1600 repeats.

  48. Keaton S.

    Tennis today, a 10k run then weightlifting tomorrow, a 30k ride Sunday, and a few cheeseburgers with friends on Monday :)

  49. Tiago

    Next week I’ll return to run training.

  50. Max Jaeger

    Long run on Sunday.

  51. Brady

    Lots of excercise chasing kids around. Hoping to sneak in a ride

  52. It’s simple. Tommorow 20km morning run. Evening swimming.
    Sunday 2 hours bike and then 10 run.
    No race this week.

  53. David H

    My weekend plans involve an easy ride tomorrow (90 mins), a short sprint tri on Sunday and a day off with the family on Monday. :-)

  54. Oleksandr

    I’m going to do a light running on Saturday and cycling on Sunday. Or vice versa.

  55. Pall Arnar Erlendsson

    saturday there is a familiy hike and hopefully easy cycling on sunday..

  56. Jonathan

    Long run, Hike, cycling and probably some BBQing.

  57. Cameron Mumby

    Tapering for a half marathon so just some easy running to stay fresh.

  58. Pieter V

    Lots of biking if the weather allows. Training for Ride the Rockies!!

  59. Farhan

    Run party, party run…

  60. Chris E

    Saturday: Finally get back to the shop ride after two months off because of a broken collarbone.

    Sunday: Group ride with friends

    Monday: Some kind of bike ride, up in the air at this point

  61. Keith Tang

    May go for a 15 mile trundle through Hertfordshire, U.K.

  62. Dean Goodwin

    About to go volunteer at the local park run. Then a family ride this arvo. 20/20 cricket tomorrow morning and then a ride in the afternoon.

  63. Matt A

    Doing a practice test for the boards and perhaps a couple Bike-run bricks!

  64. Erik

    Do a 120km ride with around 2400hm in Sardegna …

  65. Mark Middleton

    Unfortunately its my week aboard ship so training has to wait until Monday on leave as we are quite busy. Mostly be alongside huge ships. If i WERE at home though i would be doing a Zwift workout using my Bsx Sm02. Or on the road testing out my Garmon radar i got for my birthday.

  66. Bogdan Vreuls

    Saturday I’ll visit cycling shops for à new set of wheels. The current once are driven appart. Sunday themepark with Loveones and tuesday finally …raceday at the cycle track.

  67. Todd

    Preriding the course for a tri next weekend then 100k of gravely goodness on Sunday.

  68. Hari

    Hopefully two 15k trail runs …

  69. Valdone

    Looks like a rainy weekend so I’ll be riding the indoor trainer

  70. mikecem

    Long Bike ride and barbecue!

  71. Dylan Attia

    Hey! Big weekend prepping for Ironman Boulder in 2 months. After a 1 hr. swim & 1 hr. run today, I have a 90 min run tomorrow, (a big BBQ), then a 5 hour ride on Sunday. Rest (and more BBQ!) on a rainy Monday! Thanks!

  72. KSBiohazard

    Trail run, Trail Ride, Eat, Sleep, Start over

  73. Thomas Hazell

    Running and cycling and sleeping to be honest

  74. Steve Dick

    My training has come to an end, It’s My First marathon in Edinburgh on Sunday. All those months of training will hopefully pay off this weekend!

  75. Pat

    Long ride Saturday morning. Short run Sunday morning and an afternoon OWS. Long run Monday morning.

  76. Lauren B

    Recovering from a hip surgery here…so just doing PT exercises and trying to walk like a normal person. Wish I was going for a long ride instead!

  77. Adi

    5K run tomorrow. Local parkrun is off this weekend, so shall have to make up another route.
    Beach on Sunday.
    100K ride on Monday.

  78. Chris

    memorial day weekend means self-control training at weekend bbqs. And 3 days of riding!

  79. Patrick Chang

    I don’t plan to ride any trains this weekend, but thanks for asking.

  80. Michael Visser

    circuit training

  81. Henry Wang

    Going lay down some Sod and hope to get in a longer run in the heat.

  82. Mike Smith

    3 days in the saddle, 3 days on the grill, 3 days by the pool

  83. FDS

    Reston Lake Swim–2 mile

  84. Louise Kennedy

    It’s a long weekend in the UK too so I’ll be doing a couple of rides on the vintage bike, a run with my Billy dog and then tapering for a mid week race

  85. Nadal

    Easy start. Just came out of injury.

  86. Eelke

    Will start with a 10k run on Saturday, after that I have to work in the garden :)
    On Sunday I will run a minimum of 12k to get a 100k for this month. Hoping to get a bike ride in swell, because on Monday I can only dream about it when I am working….

  87. I´ll do the Triathlon de Belfort (half distance) tomorrow.

  88. Alex Ralton

    Contemplating the rest of my ironman training with an extraordinary large glass of Prosecco in the garden to numb the pain.

  89. Anthony

    Climb 1000meters

  90. Mark Manner

    I am going to do 3 rides this weekend, all in prep for this fall’s planned ride up mauna kea.

  91. Tony Bosnak

    I’m going to chase my daughter and chocolate lab around the house.

  92. YL

    Good weather for hard training. Half marathon on Saturday. 26-mile biking on Sunday.

  93. Monia

    Relax, and 60 km bike run.

  94. Jason

    Bike ride around North San Diego County, my friends wedding, then run/swim while camping at the beach at the highly overbooked san elijo campground.

  95. Jonathan Mayne

    Catch up on season 2 of Zombies, Run! while running and hitting my local trails on the MTB if the rain holds off.

  96. Thomas C

    Short run on Saturday and 10K race on Sunday

  97. Gordon

    Driving home after a weeks kitesurfing and then a 20k cycle ride on Sunday

  98. Carlos Gonzalez

    Just getting back from a cruise, will be riding hard to rid myself of the over indulgence:)

  99. Jill P.

    Squeezing in the Mississippi 10 Mile run on Sunday before going to the wedding of a friend.
    Happy Memorial Day All!

  100. Anouk

    Swim on Saturday and bike ride on Sunday