A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Scott Smith

    I am in the peak of my training
    Saturday – 2800 meter drill swim followed by a 2 hour rolling hill ride.
    Sunday – 1 hour 30 minute run zone 2/3
    Monday – 2500 swim with race pace followed by a BBQ

  2. Phil

    Long bike and first open water of the season at Walden pond

  3. Kevin Snow

    I plan for a 6-8 mile run on saturday then eat BBQ.

  4. Paul

    I plan on eating hotdogs and coleslaw, then feeling extremely guilty and trying to run it off.

  5. tavis

    I plan to use the extra few days this weekend to continue my barefoot running training. Hopefully, the rain will stay away and I can get in some good miles on the trail.

  6. Carol

    I’ll be mentoring beginning racers as part of an official mentoring programs, which means, I’ll race with them in the crits, which means trying to hang on to fit and fast folks half my age…

  7. Le Wor

    ….so a 12mile road bike ride tomorrow followed my a mountain bike trail ride with my 2 sons on Monday. We will try to get my wife to come but she will probably just stay in the car as usual.

  8. Jamie MacGregor

    Ugh, sizable bike/run brick on Saturday, run and swim Sunday.

  9. Kimberly Smith

    I’ll be doing some intervals on my run and potentially a mountain bike ride for fun

  10. steve walker

    Running on Cape Cod for the weekend, maybe renting bikes for a bike ride too if I can talk my son into it.

  11. Sébastien Magnan

    First organized Gran Fondo for me on Sunday (Défi Métropolitain in Montréal)

  12. Arthur Chambers

    Run, BBQ, bike, BBQ, run, repeat.

  13. Simon

    Putting my feet up and watching the final stages of the Giro. Will probably do a 80km recovery ride on sunday morning though

  14. Ewelina

    Still in recover after #IMTX. But ending my memorial weekend with Lifetime’s CapTex Tri. Go triathlon!!!

  15. Derek L

    Rowing 500m intervals Saturday morning, cycling or rowing on Sunday, rowing Monday morning, cycling with a friend Monday afternoon.

  16. Francisco Javier

    Hi Ray,
    This weekend I have to run 10k on Saturday and 60 min easy run on Sunday…training for San Francisco Marathon. Also, prepare my next trip to Chile on June 3th. If you are planning to go there I can give you advice for your tour, it is an amazing country.
    Hope I win the Giveaway!….want to move from suunto to garmin :)

    Thanks and you have a nice weekend!

  17. Haitz

    Run into the bilbao triathlon

  18. Alan Deda

    A ride with the guys to 10,500′ and Brainard Lake.

  19. SimonK

    My weekend started off this Friday evening with a lot of “exercise”. => Took the family to a running-sushi restaurant :p

    So for the weekend I’m gonna do a long distance bicycle workout on Saturday.. Guessing it will end up at around 80-100 km and the some laps in the pool on Sunday.

    If I do get to be the lucky winner, money goes to by a new training watch.

    Best of luck to everyone!

  20. Matt Foreman

    Swim for awhile bike for a bit on Saturday. Long run on Sunday. Nothing exciting.

  21. Josh M.

    Long trail run, long stroller run, BBQ!

  22. Joshua Hayes-Sheen

    Been biking hard on the road for National Bike Month, going to switch it up and ride some trails this weekend!

  23. Matt

    Time to reset and start logging some summer base miles

  24. Uri

    Will go for a quick run

  25. Johann

    Climbing some mountains, then hopefully going for a long run

  26. Manuel Maendel

    Last long run before the Manitoba Marathon and at least 30 miles on the bike!

  27. Anna

    Hopefully something on Saturday, seeing as I didn’t have the mojo to do anything today or yesterday. Long slow run on Sunday – 8 miles. Intervals on Monday.

  28. Jay M

    Long run mixed in with some home remodeling and of course hot dogs and hamburgers.

  29. Shane

    10k trail race!

  30. Dan D

    I plan to do a couple of 3 mile runs.

  31. Chris Larvin

    Pain, suffering and tears or 400m running intervals

  32. Wayne

    Recovering from a knee op, so spin class Saturday and treadmill walk/run Sunday

  33. Long Run Nick

    Will do several Rememberance Runs for my Army buddies who were not as fortunate as myself during our tour in South Vietnam-1967-68. Army Strong! Retired Army Ultra Strong!! Lieutenant Colonel(RET) Nick

  34. Wilbet Kroon

    Just an easy 50-70 km spin, big mountainride coming up this week

  35. John

    Ramping up training for Chicago Marathon. Long run this Saturday.

  36. Jason Uhlrich

    Go on a 15 mile bike ride.

  37. MiKo

    A 20km long run on Saturday and indoor rockclimbing on Sunday!

  38. Huub Raemakers

    90km mtb on Saterday and 10k run on Sunday!

  39. Tobi

    BBQ in saturday, 30km mountainbiking on sunday

  40. I’m going to cook some meat over charcoal. I might throw in a bike ride or swim too.

  41. Mike Rocks

    A 50 mile bike ride between yard work and BBQs.

  42. Konstantinos

    Early rise, early stretching, early triathlon training, while enjoying the nice weather here in Northern Greece!

  43. David P

    Well since it felt like mid-winter here in colorado it seemed appropriate to backcountry ski this morning, then head to the desert for mountian biking and camping for the long weekend.

  44. Mark Malecky

    Long trail run tomorrow and then the iconic Chattanooga Chase on monday

  45. Ronald

    I have planned a 5k training run with the girl. My girl, that is…

  46. Juan

    45 mile ride tomorrow, followed by taking the kids to the pool opening for the summer season :)

  47. Joachim

    Will do my first 200+ km Gran Fondo, can’t wait.

  48. Antonio Alonso

    Just a little bit of swimming and stretching for me since I’m still recovering from a big crash on my MTB

  49. Keith wishart

    100 miler tomorrow around Ayrshire Alps in Scotland, with a stop in the amazing coffee shop in Sorn

  50. Jordyn

    Longish run on Saturday
    Ride on Sunday
    Sleep/hang out with family on Monday

  51. David Balfoort

    Lots of rolling hills on the bike with a day in the kayak to mix it up.

  52. RobHug

    Training this weekend involves a 3 Angels road ride – approx 70km with 1,000 m of climbing well it will of the rain buggers off!! And tomorrow is an off road Duathlon – 4.5km trail run/15km mountain bike/3km trail run.

    Thanks Ray, another great giveaway.

  53. Raymond Fong

    I will be running Sundown Full Marathon this weekend!!

  54. MIke K

    60 mile bike followed by 6 mile run. Testing out the new P1’s!

  55. Jason C

    Hilly bike on Saturday + recovery run on Sunday

  56. John B

    About 30 miles on the bike with some power pole intervals thrown in.

  57. Navin

    10k on Saturday, followed by an 8 miler on Sunday. And about a km worth of swimming between the two days too.

  58. Robert

    I am running my first half marathon this weekend!!!

  59. Frank Hagelberg

    Run 6 mi. Saturday (on new shoes!). Cycle Sunday and Monday. Approx. 25 mi. each trip.

  60. Hoang Quoc Dung

    Saturday long run 10miles ++ with Vietrunner and friends
    Sunday Running Club : recovery run, spaghetti with beef

  61. Jeremy Roebuck

    Running the Edinburgh Marathon aiming for 3:45 which would be a pb.

  62. Jason Hill

    Selling great beer at Taste Cumbria Ulverston, followed by an epic bike climb on Monday up the highest road in England – Great Dunn Fell!

  63. matthew

    Will try to get a run on around my hotel. On holiday but must keep at it

  64. Philipp

    Am traveling, so will squeeze in a decent run, probably no pool or bike access.

  65. Bryan Payne

    Saturday- crit race
    Sunday- rest
    Monday- long ride and BBQ

  66. Michael Foster

    I am doing a lot of yard work, getting the backyard to be livable again after years of neglect. That is a pretty good workout in some regards!

  67. Ekku

    Duothlon on saturday and a long bike ride on sunday

  68. Gregory Bray

    Holiday weekend, ride long Saturday, recover, ride short Sunday, recover, ride long Monday, recover.

  69. Pierre K.

    To make use of the fine weather, it will be cyclocross on Friday, trail running Saturday and road cycling on Sunday.

  70. Tom O.

    Saturday: Round of golf (counts as wilderness hike in my case)
    Sunday: Short bike ride
    Monday: 6 mile run

  71. Brian

    Last weekend before Rev3 Quassy! Getting in an open water swim is a priority.

  72. Alex

    Regular long stuff for the regular weekend, swim-ride, swim-run.
    On extra work-free Monday, I’ll pre-ride/pre-run the Escape from Alcatraz course!

  73. Matthew Harris

    Long training run while I peak for Grandma’s in June…..plus some well earned BBQ and beer

  74. Sandro Giometti

    This weekend will be 90min bike on Saturday, followed by 10K run and 2000m open water on Sunday.
    Monday will be pool swim for 2500m.

  75. Dave Veronese

    10k run Saturday and 1hr kayak on Sunday.

  76. Jerome Feuiltault

    Big training block with 100 miler on Sat, long run Sun and swim/bike/boat Monday…

  77. BunnyTerminator

    Awesome Friday that include run: 5km Easy + (24×15″max) + 10km Easy
    More awesome Saturday brick: 3h biking + 40′ run
    and incredibly awesome Sunday – 4.5h biking

  78. TomislavBl

    Going to train for the adventure race that Will be Held on 11th June…
    So lots of trail running, rowing and riding for me this weekend.

  79. Jose Dalisay

    GMR loop!

  80. marvin

    Will be cutting the weed in the garden which i let grow all weekends cuz i wanted to cycle :), maybe just 1 little ride :)

  81. Tom

    Hoping we get a chance to dry out from all the stormy weather and get a couple of runs in before we get the grill rolling on Monday!

  82. Hubert

    This Sunday doing a 152km Ride with a few friends through Bavaria, Germany.

  83. Pieter

    I’m planning a 90k bikeride on sunday. Hopefully No Rain

  84. Bernard

    Probably go for a few quick runs, been a little busy lately to get them in.

  85. I am going for a long group ride on Saturday, first by the coast, and then will do a 15 K climb. On Sunday I’ll do a 5K tempo run

  86. Robin Gambin

    Training is done now it’s time for the Ottawa Race Weekend Half Marathon. That is if it goes ahead! High temps and possibility of thunderstorms are threatening.

  87. Minh Huynh

    Running a half-marathon on Sunday if it is not cancel due to… heat wave..

  88. Alex

    A steady 10k run on Sunday morning

  89. kelly

    Farmers Market; Laking with friends between rain storms (open water wetsuit swimming in the south); probably a little trail running.

  90. Erik Peter Meijer

    Saterday and sunday depending on the weather, either 40 km on my triathlon bike or 10 km run.

  91. I am planning on a brick workout on Saturday (25M bike, 4M run), a long run on Sunday (13-15 miles) and then I am babysitting on Monday so the better half can race a 5K. I might be able to get in a short 30-60 minute ride in the afternoon before hitting the BBQ and beer.

  92. Jim

    Saturday, planning on running in a 5k race before going to work Saturday afternoon and Sunday, but Monday I’m going for a 40 mile bike ride (weather permitting) and then over to my sister-in law’s for a cookout and cards.

  93. James

    riding my bike and tearing up the dance floor at a wedding!

  94. Matti

    At first I’ll create a lawn moving activity to my watch and start my Saturday morning with the smell of freshly cut grass. Then I’ll ride/walk (might need a multisport watch?) to my deer feeder to check that everything is ok. Then I was told that I will be pulling weeds for the rest of the weekend. In very, very difficult positions. Then if I’m not too tired, I might do some training.

    Life is good.

  95. Derrick Yap

    its going to be a fun run at the beach and a bit of swimming. Hopefully sharks wont see me as a wadding seal!

  96. Ted Bradley

    Taking my son for a bike ride in his Thule Chariot :)

  97. Nighthawk700

    Have a 5K planned for Sunday. Already did my last training run today. First run in the actual heat. Ugh!!! So taking it easy Saturday and Monday.

  98. Richard Owen

    I’m in the Uk and will running / walking / crawling my first ultra on Saturday from London to Brighton on the south coast. 62 miles with thunder storms forecast.
    Sunday onwards I’ll be sobbing into a pillow asking myself what I was thinking

  99. Zach

    Saturday – 10M run, Sunday – 19M run , Monday – See if I can eat more calories than I burned during the weekend

  100. Matt

    Saturday brick, Sunday run, Monday hot dogs WOO!