A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Swimfest on Saturday – 750/1500/2250 open water races, then in the pool on Sunday and Monday!

  2. Jeff Chan

    My training plan for the weekend is to run a 5K for Runkeeper’s Global5K.

    I did the last one back in Dec. 2015. It was fun and interesting to see how many people all over the world would perform for a 5K over the same weekend.

  3. Matt

    Run/swim/run on Saturday then ~30 mile ride on Sunday. Nice bbq on Monday

  4. hipster 2x

    One road ride and one mtn ride, trying to get my lungs and legs back!

  5. The real Bob

    Marinated flank steak on the grill, Tex mex style. Hopefully some exercise.

  6. Pete W

    Doing 4.5 miles on the beach

  7. Andreas

    A slow bike tour with the girl and a few running intervalls.

    All the best from Austria

  8. EricM

    A 1/2 hour ride on my Halfbike II and long run in the woods on saturday

  9. marian

    a long run today, and a swim tomorrow. maybe swim again on sunday, run on monday.

  10. Jürgen

    Tomorrow an easy ride to check out the bike part of the triatlon I’m competing in on Sunday

  11. Levente

    If I am finally able to get rid of this nasty flu, it’ll only be a short run in the neighbourhood.

  12. D Rosier

    Half marathon on Saturday and then all the food my face can fit….

  13. Kerry

    Festival day sat, a little mtn bike hill training Sun and a big walk to the pub and back on Sunday!

  14. Casey gourley

    Tempo ride Saturday Followed by 6 mile run on Sunday!

  15. Jason

    Long ride on Saturday followed by a lot of bbq/beers.

  16. Mike

    I plan on a nice leasurly 5 hour bike Saturday, followed by a 30 minute brick. Sunday will be my first race of the year, a sprint, in freezing cold and rain if the forecast holds true!

  17. C Rosier

    Bayshore Half Marathon and then lots of espresso and sleep.

  18. crab

    2.1 k swim, BBQ, 35 k bike, Party, 8 k run. Btw – I like my transitions! ;-)

  19. Henrik Forsell

    My normal round of 8 km around the water. Next weekend is marathon weekend!

  20. Park Run 5k on Sat morning followed by some running on holiday as we go away for the week. Not sure what yet as I don’t know the lie of the and but hopefully some coastal paths and beaches!

  21. Fab

    Some quick interval training on sunday is all what my job allows me this weekend. besides the usual finger crossing workout I always perform after entering Ray’s giveaways

  22. Kevin C.

    Being from Minnesota I look forward to the first open water swim of the year this weekend ?

  23. Giles

    Wiping up baby vomit, cycling 200km and changing nappies…..

  24. MD Davis

    I plan on running a little 10k on Saturday, rest on sunday, vitamin D on Monday.

  25. Richard

    Hi Ray,

    my weekend plans are cyling, swimming and maybe a short run.

    Have a great weekend!


  26. Walid

    First week of training for Ironman Santa Cruz 70.3, so…

    Friday: 1200 yd swim
    Saturday: 2 hr bike ride
    Sunday: Brick 30 min run & 750 yd swim
    Monday: 1.5 hr bike ride (usually off, but had to swap days due to travel following weekend)

  27. Sebastian Haager

    A short run on Saturday, and looking to get in a good long trail run in the Alberta rockies on Sunday.

  28. Charlie

    Bike/kayak “duathlon” on Sunday, Family Funday workout on Monday

  29. FredW

    Beach runs in Barranquilla, Colombia

  30. Daniel McCagg


  31. Michael

    Have a 10k run around Efteling Park, where I spend a few days with the family!

  32. Alberto Lapedriza

    I’m going for an easy 10k run on Saturday, recovery BBQ on Sunday and ride to the beach to have some fish and chips on Bank Holiday Monday! :)

  33. Samu Lappalainen

    Just bought my first road bike. My plan is to ride to work two times(saturday morning and saturday night). About 90 kilometers :)

  34. sandijs

    I’m going out of town to find some hilly running routes in the woods,

  35. Alexandra Stirling

    I will be starting training for my 1/3 ironman distance race in October. Longest distance for me thus far. I’m looking at some strength training Saturday, swimming Sunday (this will be taking place at the beach because it is, after all, a holiday weekend!) and biking Monday.

  36. Mick Anderson

    doing the outlaw!!!

  37. Chris May

    A couple of 8 mile runs to offset all the bad food I’m going to eat.

  38. OBI

    tapering phase for a 70.3 next weekend, therefore only a short swim on Saturday and some biking on Sunday

  39. TW

    Some medium-distance runs and strength training to rehab injuries.

  40. Julien

    This we i Will rest from a bad bike faceplant of last we.

  41. Just opened the weekend with 13.5km medium-effort run through the city park. On Sunday, a 5.5km downtown easy and/or (as rain is forecast) barefoot run. Probably 1500m swimming on Monday evening; then, a last longer prep run on Tuesday for races next Thursday evening (6.5K) and Sunday (10K)!

  42. Niels

    I’ll be doing two swim trainings this weekend.

  43. Martins

    As trail running is becoming popular here in Latvia, I’ll go for a 20k trail run.

  44. Warner Blom

    Sat : 16km group run with some great friends
    Sun : 70-80km bike ride with other more good friends.
    And all that probably in the rain :-)

  45. Dennis Fox

    Sunday- Lake Casitas Ride (tour of California stage)
    Monday-recovery ride 40 miles

  46. Stuart

    Toddler Volleyball in the pool. This is where I throw my 4 year old over the volleyball net in the pool. An absolute blast!

  47. David

    Well on saturday I will be lying in bed taking antibiotics and I think I will hold on to this training programm for a couple of more days, see if it brings any progression :-) but don’t worry, by the time the Gadget gets to me I will be fine^^ Thanks ray and clever training.

  48. Carol Robinson

    No training this weekend. Buffalo Marathon!

  49. Raymond_B

    Easy run Saturday, then a couple of well deserved rest days!

  50. RJ

    Riding out a potential tropical storm on the Coast of Carolina, hoping to sprinkle in some swim/bike/run.

  51. Kelly

    Group ride Saturday morning
    BBQ Sat. afternoon
    Hard 3 hour training session on Sunday
    Beer on Monday. :-)

  52. Dirk

    Saturday intervals for the upcoming halfmarathon, Sunday long run…

  53. Sushil

    Doing breathing training to improve pace

  54. David

    Friday: 10 mile mtb training ride for an upcoming enduro race. All elevation training. Evening baseball game, $1 beers and hot dogs.

    Saturday: Hiking with some friends, wife, and two year old son in a hiking baby carrier on my back.

    Sunday: 12 mile tempo run for a marathon program I’m doing.

    Monday: Rest!

  55. Jason W

    40 mile bike ride on Saturday, smoking ribs on the kamado grill Sunday, gotta work Monday, boo!

  56. Den

    Tempo run on Saturday and long run on Sunday. Getting ready for the half marathon next weekend :)

  57. Jim

    Sat- Open water swim with a bike
    Sun – long run
    Mon – Be lazy…

  58. Kelly Hutton

    Running, biking, eating watermelon, thanking those we’ve lost, maybe watch some of the canoe regatta, building a chicken coop!

  59. Urko

    One and a half hour on sunday! A good running sesion

  60. mthomas

    A 15-20k (Canadian, eh?) slow run on Sunday, and hopefully some intervals on Saturday

  61. Stacey M

    I plan on getting a good work out at the city museum in St Louis, a bike ride, and hopefully a hike.

  62. Mark Simon

    Warm Up 00:10:00, No Target HR… Repeat 6 Times
    Other 00:05:00 h:m:s 80 to 90 % of Max
    Recovery 00:01:00 h:m:s 60 to 70 % of Max
    Cool Down Lap Button Press No Target
    Cookout w/ plenty of beverages

  63. Cephas

    Beach running in MI and BBQing!

  64. LB

    This weekend I hope to do a short track workout and a bike ride.

  65. Tomás

    I’ll be doing 3.5 hours run – on one hill… over.. and over…and over…

  66. Hans

    I’ll hit the trails for some active “marathon regeneration” :D

  67. Reinhard John

    Saturday is always my day for my long run: 18 to 24 km.

  68. Bill Kerber

    I’m going to do my normal daily 5 miles each day with a few cycle rides thrown in. Big BBQ on Monday!!!


  69. somecows

    Visiting family on the west coast. Planning on some trail running, and barbq.

  70. Robert Cuadro

    I will be training for my first 10k. Will start things off with 3 mile run after work and 4 come Monday. I am working all weekend so no real BBQ for me.

  71. wilfred

    After long lasting shinsplints problems trying to get running again.

  72. Jimbo

    This weekend’s plans are a Hash run on Saturday, not much on Sunday – saving up for Monday’s 10k Memorial Day Race

  73. Richard S

    I’ll be volunteering at a marathon Sat, so lots of walking. First open water/wet suit swim of the year Sun (Canada), with a trail run possible on Sun.

  74. Michael Cronin

    Getting the kids up and out early for long rides on the boardwalk before getting a few hours in on the rollers while they are napping!

  75. Chris

    Saturday: 7 miles
    Sunday: 10 miles
    Monday: Recovery ‘Cue

    Sat/Sun in toasty mid-80s weather.

  76. Matt Mabry

    I’m still getting back into the swing of things after breaking my ankle. Gradually increasing my miles by 10% each week. I should hit 10 miles for the week on Sunday :)

  77. loopy

    Run in circles on the track until I get loopy enough to realize it’s not round.

  78. Vidar Fjelltun

    As I am currently recovering from last saturdays Ecotrail Oslo (80 km) i will do one slow and short run on saturday, and just easy strength-training on sunday.

  79. Richard McDowell

    5k Parkrun on Saturday, Vitality 10k on Sunday in central London

  80. Ryan Jeffery

    No training just playing lots of golf

  81. Paul Hobson

    Long run Sat, brick Sunday

  82. peter

    probably resting and maybe a small easy run to recover

  83. Kris

    100% pure zen, after a week eating shit at work. Cycling to free my mind this weekend to load up for another week in paradise.

  84. Willard Murray

    Doing my first century post getting hit by a car and following surgeries to repair broken bones and ligaments tears. If everything goes well, then possible signing up for a triathlon :). And bbq hot dogs and burgers on Monday.

  85. Ken P

    Going to Philly, so my training involves cheesesteaks and lots of walking.

  86. Chris K

    2@45 min Criterium races on Saturday then Tandem ride on Sunday with my friend who has parkinsons. We do this for his therapy.
    Monday long ride in the am and BBQ in the afternoon.

  87. Jean-Marc

    A race for me this Sunday: a 20km/800m urban trail in the vineyards of Lavaux, near Lausanne (Switzerland)

  88. Mountain biking for a couple of hours followed by … why beer of course!

  89. Christopher Hodges

    Been flying solo since Feb, looking forward to my first group ride on Sunday! Something easy, 40 miles or so.

  90. Dustin

    80 Min run in preparation for the Sandhills Marathon. Afterwards, rest, relax, recover, cerveza.

  91. Shawn Seybert

    Three 5 mile runs and some hiking in the mountains.

  92. Jon P.

    Still recovering from injury but will be doing a lot of swimming and PT this weekend with a couple of short runs as I try to get prepared for NYC Marathon training.

  93. Ram

    Long run(10 miles) on Sunday!

  94. Greg

    Cyclocross style long rite on Sat, and a long run on Sunday:-)

  95. Paul Erickson

    Plans this weekend include:
    – 30-40 mile bike ride
    – Short 3 mile brick run
    -Setting up for a major 10k race here in Huntsville, AL, working the packet pickup, then setting up finish line Monday morning (Memorial Day).
    – Running the 10k and shooting for a PR!

    And with it being a lot warmer and really humid, I imagine there will be some pool time involved as well!

  96. Mike B.

    Running a 5k race on Saturday followed by some sort of longer run on Sunday.

  97. Mitchell Dangremond

    I plan on cycling indoors much of the weekend due to bad weather.

  98. Alex Harding

    Long run scheduled for Saturday… if my toe will hold up.

  99. Paul

    Long Bike Saturday (~60), Long Run Sunday (~15), Long Swim Monday (~3k). Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

  100. Jaymeth Maddox

    No training for me this weekend, still in recovery mode after hitting my BQ time in my marathon.