A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Nathaniel Klein

    Running and biking

  2. James Sloan

    Planning on pacing my mom for a section of her first 50 mile run in celebration of her 50th birthday!

  3. Ivan

    I’ll try to ride muy bike again! It’s been 3 weeks since the last time and only a run and a swim in this period… I’m sad!

  4. Niall

    Zone 2 run Saturday and Sunday. Need less fat to carry!

  5. Greg Reasoner

    Bike, crossfit, more bike, maybe another Crossfit, & probably a run in there too.

  6. Tempo Intervals Friday. Endurance Ride Saturday. Endurance Ride Sunday. Strength Training Monday.

  7. No long weekend in The Netherlands, but a 100k+ bike ride and an hours worth of swimming outside will make for a nice weekend!

  8. L. Brown

    30 minutes of cycling followed by strength training…spending time with family…and selecting books for summer reading!

  9. Jose Badilla

    I will join an urban bike ride with my family in the city, to ride some streets that are otherwise not available for safe riding!

  10. stephan

    Wacky Relays to wrap up the kids’ track season. Yard work. The pool opens.

  11. Jaime Barajas

    MTB on saturday and a 90km easy ride on Sunday.

    Monday: go back to work.

  12. Eric H

    Looking like a nice run on Sunday with some biking on Monday. Possibly some weight training in between.

  13. Jonathan Burchmore

    Rest Saturday, short run Sunday, 20 mile run on Monday with a possible bike ride later in the afternoon!

  14. Ricardo HR

    Training for my half marathon in September (swimming, running, cycling) and cheer on my wife on her first 5k

  15. Training for state crit championship

  16. Thomas P Grolemund

    Running the Buffalo NY Half Marathon on Sunday, and a 5K on Saturday!

  17. Chris S

    No training as I tore all the ligaments in my left shoulder over cooking it on a sharp left bend & bouncing off the tarmac last night. But it’s ok as the bike is alright.

  18. Samuli Jarvinen

    Long swim for saturday. And extra long bike+run brick for Sunday. Monday is for chilling.

  19. A 2km swim in Ala moans, a bike ride out to Kailua over the Palo (if my new Specialized Tarmac shows up in time, c’mon Bike Shop!) and a run around Waikiki! Thanks putting this on!

  20. Chris Snider

    Couple of 5 mile runs and a long bike ride – 50 miles?

  21. Gerard Guillamet

    Long mtb ride of 100KM and 2400m elevation on Sunday :)

  22. I have the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge coming up. Only 3.5 miles in NYC’s Central Park, but would like to beat my old record of 6:30/mile. Aiming to do 8x800m sprints tomorrow, followed up a nice cool down, then around 10 miles on Sunday. Monday rest and relax and maybe some light rowing/swimming.

  23. John feblobe

    8 mile run tonight, similar or slightly longer Sunday

  24. John Watson

    Saturday – Club ride from NYC to Rockland Lake and back
    Sunday – Race in Central Park followed by a club ride to Nyack and back
    Monday – Hill repeats for a last ditch effort to finish the Strava May climbing challenge

  25. Steven Laplace

    10 mile run and maybe an open water swim.

  26. JSN

    Hope to spend some time kayaking as long as this could be/would be storm doesn’t develop in the Atlantic.

  27. Tony Zamora

    Metric gravel grinder on Sunday; otherwise whatever SBR workouts to balance out the massage amounts of BBQ that will be consumed!

  28. Greg Hamm

    Just a chill bike ride through the countryside. Should be full of good weather!

  29. Dennis

    Indoor ride …rollers
    Recumbent Catrike 700

  30. Liz Sharon

    I just started my training plan this week for a marathon I am running in September. 10 miles tomorrow is my plan and lots of relaxing time with my family. I’m sure I’ll be eating yummy food too! :)

  31. MattB

    Hill sprints on Saturday and long 20 mile run on Monday

  32. Tony

    Head out to the beach and an open water swim.

  33. Scott Trice

    A couple of long bike rides while at the cottage on Lake Michigan.

  34. Bill H.

    A lot of, ahem, “recovery” planned. Although I am hoping to squeeze in a long ride in there somewhere amidst all the recovery.

  35. Mark

    Swim and run with my son on Saturday
    longer bike ride on Sunday
    Swim and bike on Monday

  36. Mark L

    Trail run Saturday morning, beach and evening bonfire family time for the balance of the weekend.

  37. Gene Menez

    Ride between raindrops

  38. David F

    My 1st 50-Mile ULTRA trail run on Sunday. Ready to rock-and-or-roll.

  39. Darrell

    brick on Saturday
    Open water swim in Atlantic on Sunday

  40. per n thorsen

    2k swim and 150k bike and family time :-)

  41. Gordon

    Recovery rides all weekend!

  42. Brandon Hopkins

    I’m running a leg in the American Hero 25k Relay.

  43. Sous

    I will balance the steak, burgers, and hot dogs (and maybe a beer or two), with a 5 mile run on Saturday and a 50 mile ride on Sunday.

  44. Mikko

    Hiking near lake hell in Finland.

  45. Steve Martin

    Sat Olympic Tri race
    Sun 100 mile of hill repeats cycling
    Mon 17 mile run

  46. Jon hausmann

    Nice long bike ride in Boston suburbs and 6mi run along the Charles

  47. Ben

    Three long(ish) trail runs!

  48. Stefan

    saturday i’ll enjoy free time with my little sunshine, sunday’s plan is to enjoy a 120k-ride at moderate speed (~30kph) by joining an RTF (Ostholstein-Rundfahrt in northern part of germany)

  49. Max B

    Bikes, BBQ, and Bolder Boulder oh my!

  50. Ken

    Scuba diving, short maintenance run, and RELAXATION!

    Thanks, Ray!

  51. Tommy

    35 mile training run in preparation for a 20 hour race coming up in three weeks. Going to be hot and humid!

  52. Anthony Monsivais

    Longish run Saturday of 18 miles, Sunday is rest day, Monday hitting the trails for a short 6 mile run with an hour of cross training riding the indoor bike.

  53. Noam

    Running on Saturday and Sunday morning

  54. minimaLL

    Building again since 4 week after 1 year of inactivity (shame on me) with one speedy interval workout and 80min LSD run.

  55. Kevin

    Swim, bike, and/or run. The more and longer the better.

  56. Tim

    long ride this weekend to prepare for cycle tour in SoCal in June.

  57. CP Redmann

    Saturday-Monday morning: Get a daily ride on the trainer, still stuck in rehab mode

  58. Teemu Makela

    Long run in the country side on Saturday, and helping my friend to move on Sunday.

  59. Harold

    Open water swim session. Hill repeat run.

  60. Ali G

    Miles make champions out on the river on Saturday…. Followed by recovery BBQ on Sunday! Being honest!

  61. Reinier

    did a 12k fast today and will do a 16k run on sunday

  62. Oscar P

    Saturday 19k run and 1.8k swim, Sunday brick workout 3hr bike and 30min run, Monday is rest day!

  63. Carlos C.

    Participating in the Lifetime Tri Captex triathlon! (Hoping the swim doesn’t get rained out.)

  64. Darren

    I am running the Chicago Soldier Field 10 Mile Saturday, ran a half marathon last weekend. Then Duathlon training starts (I can’t swim). These races worked towards my running training, then the bike work really kicks up for the Du’s

  65. Justin

    HIM less than 1 month away so plan on a few hours on Zwift and 1 long run in between bbq’ing and a beers

  66. harm

    easy run on sunday

  67. Dave O.

    Plans for this holiday weekend include a long run and lots of beer!

  68. Carl Roberts

    Just been mountain biking for the day in the Surrey Hill. Resting over the rest of the long weekend.

  69. Enoch Palmer

    A long run, a long bike, and a BBQ!!

  70. Edward Anders

    I will be doing another fast track session to prepare for a 1500m next week!

  71. Jason

    I plan on running up a big (for here) hill.

  72. Michael

    Eat, drink, be merry. Drive car, charge car, drive some more. Ride bike, clean bike, clean car. Build gate, open gate, drive car one last time.

  73. Goswinus

    Onze saturday a trainingride with the club, on sunday mountainbiking.

  74. Pieter vd Westhuijzen

    50k Mountain biking in the african bush

  75. Duncan

    Rode reach the beach last weekend, so BBQ, Beer and watch the Timbers game!

  76. De Bock Jelle

    This weekend I’ll be trying to ride on the rollers a bit one week after surgery on a dislocated shoulder.

  77. J Watson

    I am planning on getting up early Monday to get some ribs smoking, and then trying to sneak out of the house for a 10 mile run. It is not often these days that my wife and I manage to be off on the same day so that she can watch the kids, so that I can get in a long run. I am usually having to get up at 4:15 to get 5 or 6 in before she leaves for work at 6.

  78. Jérôme Debize

    This weekend the training will be only stretching because the Achilles are injured
    Good luck for all training or racing


  79. Louis Matherne

    Ride on Saturday. Ride again on Sunday. And if anything left, ride again on Monday.

  80. René Rolighed

    I’ll be doing an interval session or two on the trainer on Wattopia island. ?

  81. Going for a little CrossFit/Run combo on Sat and a 40Km training ride Sunday.

  82. V Chu

    Long run on Saturday on pavement. Long run on Sunday on trails. And hey, maybe another run on Monday.

  83. Elliot K.

    I plan on doing my first century ride this weekend.

  84. Brian Pike

    I plan on putting in 50-60 miles on the road bike, 12-15 miles on the mountain bike, running a 5k, and eating a bunch of grilled meat.

  85. Tristan

    Out for a trainingswalk of about 50k, so I’ll be ready for the “Dead Walk” in august (100k)

  86. Pete McAdams

    Planning a 160-170 km tempo road ride.

  87. Hori G

    training for a 100mi Alz bike ride. Thanks!

  88. Mike Bishop

    Triathlon training camp. Shooting for 275 total miles on the bike.

  89. Adalberto Santos

    I’ll be doing a 50 mile ride on saturday morning and a short run on sunday

  90. Stu

    Climbing Snowdon a couple of times.

  91. Brian

    Hopefully a 10 mile run with the jogging stroller, should the baby and weather cooperate.

  92. Justin Barrett

    A long ride with some serious climbing up the canyons here in Salt Lake City, with some quality family time.

  93. Moad

    I will be running the Ottawa marathon in record heat!

  94. Sam

    Apply sunscreen, bike, food, beer, repeat!

  95. Eric McMinoway

    I might try to get a run in, but the main plans are to go to the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday. Maybe a new gadget could motivate me a little more.

  96. Jonathan Mackintosh

    Continuing my week of ultra marathon training in the Scottish Cairngorms in preparation for June’s 96 mile West Highland Way Race :o)

  97. Michael Parker

    90 min run on Saturday

  98. Santosh

    Week 7 in the run up to a 10K in July, long run – 13 km @ 6.23 min/km

  99. Erko Kurvits

    Saturday 4:30h bike ride + 10minutes run and sunday swimming in the pool little over hour. Hopefully last time before summer. Next week wetsuit on and to the lake or sea!

  100. Craig Vincek

    Running 5k at Victoria national golf course.