A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Denali

    Hopefully some swimming and biking along with the standard BBQing and enjoying the warm sunny weather!

  2. Bob Beale

    I have already done my training by riding to work today (Friday) for a total of 50km. May not seem like much but it’s a lot these days.

  3. Felipe

    No specific plans… Gym or run…

  4. Christoph

    Quick run on saturday. On sunday 10k training.

  5. Geoff Smith

    40 miles Saturday, 40 miles climbing sunday and we’ll see what Monday brings.

  6. Stefan

    Doing an out-and-back Mountain View to top of Mt Hamilton ride Saturday, shorter rides Sunday and Monday.

  7. Craw

    An open water swim on the lake, followed by a few beverages

  8. Ciara

    Saturday – hilly Parkrun
    Sunday – long slow run
    Weather looks good this weekend :)

  9. Ed

    Placid training weekend. Multiple swim loops, 2 loops of bike course, 1 loop of run course.

  10. Gabe

    Riding my bike and then wine tasting!

  11. Rafael Tadashi

    I had plans for this weekend. Cycling every sunday, but…. Had this injury wednesday playing football (soccer for us). Plans aborted (for now)

  12. Lance Kawabata

    I’ll try and get a couple of rides in in between the rain we’ve been getting.

  13. Thomas Clement

    I will race Ottawa Marathon sunday !!!! 2nd time. So excited. Thanks for your initiative !! Fingers crossed ;)

  14. Kevan

    I am planning on riding 50 miles on Sat and Sunday. Running 10 k on Monday, Kiteboarding in the afternoons

  15. Ryan

    5k and ride around town on my singlespeed mountain bike. It needs upgrades and I need to figure out what is priority.

  16. Carolyn Zenner

    Long run on Sunday with training partner.

  17. Brandon Weaver

    Riding 4 hours on Saturday and a 1 1/2 hour brick workout on Sunday, all in preparation for my July 3 Ironman.

  18. Alistair Rowlands

    I’m not training this weekend because it’s race day on Sunday! Bring on the Edinburgh Marathon!

  19. Jeff K

    I plan on two 3 mile runs around my neighborhood.

  20. Nico

    1500m OWS, 40km bike, 10km run. .. wait that’s not training but actual race.

  21. jamie

    Taking the kids out to the mountains for a couple hikes. Hopefully will get a nice run in on Sunday and Monday once we get back! Thanks for the giveaway and have a great weekend Ray!

  22. Todd Fleming

    Trail runs on Saturday and Monday, and bike ride on Everglades canal on Sunday morning

  23. Mark

    I’ll probably do the usual swim workout after dropping The Kid off at dance lessons, maybe even squeeze a quick run in before having to pick her up again.

  24. Robert Hurdman

    Saturday: Bike 20k, run 5k brick
    Sunday: rest day!
    Monday: 30 min swim, 30 min bike trainer.

  25. SB

    West Cumberland park run (5k) on Sat, followed by a nice long 10miler in and around lakeland on Sun :D

  26. Vivian

    Weekly 5mi run with my friend

  27. Dave

    Out on the bike on Saturday and a long run on the Sunday.

  28. Birthday of my eldest daughter on Saturday followed by a long trail run on Sunday.

  29. Mo

    Weather is perfect again- so definitely some swimming. A solid long bike ride up a mountain- and as much running as my achilles will allow. Looking forward to applying that $600 towards the purchase of the not-yet-released, but leaked; Suunto Spartan Ultra.

  30. Gabe Raff

    Sadly no long weekend for me as i have to work on Monday, but I’m looking forward to a nice 18 mile run tomorrow. Not sure what I’m training for exactly but I’ll figure it out at some point.

  31. Claudio

    I’ll go Hiking on Saturday and 40km Bike Ride on Sunnday.

  32. Ritchie Robertson

    Stay out of the rain and flooding. Maybe a nice run/walk on the Galveston Seawall (unless I sleep in). Try out the new/old bike I just got for the first time.

  33. Angie

    I’ll be doing the Jim McDonnell Lake Swims in Reston, VA. I’m doing both the 1 and 2-mile swims as prep for the Chesapeake Bay Swim in a couple of weeks. Probably some sort of bike ride on Saturday and a short swim on Monday, too.

  34. Andy K

    Currently deployed so my weekend plans are the same as every other day: lift heavy weights and go for a long run.

  35. Paul Kissel

    Functional workout this weekend – re-landscaping my back lawn and removing concrete sidewalk.

  36. Eric Wright

    Sadly it is not a long weekend here – so I’ve got a nice BRICK work-out to take advantage of the nice weather we getting…. and despite the lack of a long weekend BBQ is always an option

  37. Joshua Zaniewski

    Still not 100% ironed out, but planning on a longish run Saturday followed by 18 miles on trails Sunday.

  38. Rodrak

    Saturday: 45 km tomorrow easy bike and BBQ
    Sunday: 15 km run with some faster 400m

  39. Luke Pfaffinger

    I will be doing a 60 mile group ride on the road Saturday morning then on the mountain bike Sunday morning for a 20+ mile ride and finish the weekend with a hour long run on Monday. I might even try to get in a surf session at some point.

  40. Vitek

    It will be a bike weekend. One hour rollers on saturday and hopefully nice weather allows me to do few nice climbs on sunday.

  41. Liz

    Training run with my Galloway run group here in Austin, and yoga. it’s a decompression weekend all around!

  42. Mike

    Pizza with the kids. Biking indoors. Gardening. BBQing. (Drinking). Biking indoors. Running the trails. Board gaming at a friends. (Drinking). Parades. BBQing. (Drinking).

  43. Mr. T.

    My training plans include recovering from a broken toe.

  44. Luis Marcos

    This weekend, 10 km of trail running at La Barranca

  45. Nathan Black

    Planning to do hour runs on Sat and Sun and relax Monday with the family!

  46. Gábor Széplaki

    Run one of my favourite tracks near my hometown Budapest. 30km 1000m D+


    Long run on saturday!

  48. Chris Rodriguez

    I’ve got a easy ride with friends one day and then 90 mins of Threshold intervals the next day on the trainer. Should be many funs

  49. Darren

    planning on some un-structured biking & running all 3 days

  50. Neil

    Going for a run (or 2 or 3) and testing out the new v 1.5 update on my Dash headphones

  51. Joey

    3 Mile casual run with the wife & kiddo (22 month old boy) on Friday.
    Squats (5 Rep PR Attempt), Shoulder Press (1 Rep PR Attempt), & Deadlift on Saturday.
    Relax/BBQ on Sunday.
    Work Monday =(

  52. Nicholas Potter

    Oh man, so exciting. Recovering from an intense 25k trail run last weekend, so I’m hoping to get a nice relaxed 6 miles in tonight and tomorrow on the local foothills, and then 14 miles on Sunday (2000ft of climbing) and 8 on Monday. Working my way up to a 50k in September!

  53. Steven Beeler

    In case my stomach allows(was in India last week) I want to get back on my MTB and do some climbing to enjoy the Swiss Alps.

  54. Joshua Howard

    Run, BBQ, run again

  55. Adam Ystenes

    I will be logging as many miles on the bike as I can, and then reward myself on Monday at a barbeque.

  56. Neil

    Long run Saturday
    Loooong bike Sunday
    Then a hike up Mount Elbert on Monday!

  57. LaurentYe

    Looks like the weather isn’t co-operating this weekend so catching up on Game of Thrones.

  58. adam walker

    Training for my first half marathon in years. Had an easy week so will try to push harder this weekend. And there’s a music festival in my village with buskers on every corner so should get in some really fun runs.

  59. Sergii

    my plans are very ambitious – continue my recovery after injury

  60. Col Serge

    CX blast Saturday, 25m/40k TT on Sunday, and Monday a road run. In between all that family duties. Roll on the bank holiday!!!

  61. minja

    2 days biking. Saturday 60km, sunday 110km

  62. Samantha Glass

    Weekend includes: soccer tournament, family movie nights, BBQ with friends, and weight training! Starting the summer off with a bang!

  63. Jeff

    Working in the yard and hopefully getting a long run in.

  64. Eric Ericson

    (Swim) BT: Warm up: 200 building speed on each 50 (slow-mod-faster-fastest). Rest 30 sec. Then 4 x 400 (10 sec recoveries) building speed on each 100 (slow-mod-faster-fastest). Recover 10 seconds after last one. Then swim a 500 time trial. All out. Your average 100 pace for this is your T-time for future workouts. Then swim easy, 100 cool down. (2400m/y)

    (Run) Aerobic Time Trial. Warm-up about 15 minutes raising heart rate to 10 bpm below lowest heart rate in 5a zone. Then start 5 miles/8km on track at 9-11 bpm below lowest 5a zone number. Cool down in heart rate zone 1.

    (Ride) BT: Warm up 20-30 minutes. Then ride 2 hours steady at 25-30 beats per minute below your 5a zone (LTHR). Observe power at this effort if you have a powermeter. What was your average power for the steady state portion?

    I’m guessing someone will recognize these workouts.

  65. Antonio

    I am in Taipei for the weekend so I will try to find a scenic yet shady place to escape from the heat.

  66. Ryan

    Grilling and drinking beer…lying in the hammock

  67. Hi,
    Just a 2hr run on sunday morning.

  68. Mark Southam

    Going on vacation with my wife. Have a 5k lined up, and planning some stand-up paddling, and maybe a bike ride or two (on rentals…).

  69. Alex Nuonsy

    Family reunion alongisde crushing carbs and protein!

  70. Elie Silver

    attempting to run the ottawa half marathon on Sunday. The forecast is projected to be over 40 C with the humidity!

  71. JR

    Slip and slide competition with my kids in the back yard!

  72. Marc Geraldez

    2 hour ride Saturday, 1 hour ride Sunday and 2 12-packs on Monday :)

  73. Dan Schrag

    Weekend training plans: 3 mile run Friday. 5 mile run Sunday. First marathon is 9/24 (Akron, Ohio) and my formal 16 week training plan starts June 8th.

  74. Crystall

    Doing some treadmill hill training today, 30 minute easy run tomorrow followed by an Air Show, and a 40 minute run Sunday! Monday will be a rest day!

  75. Tal

    Just out of the hospital with my newborn son, reckon it’ll take a couple of years ’till I can take him with me for a run :)

  76. tim

    going MTB trail riding with my 8 year old son

  77. David Fernandes

    Small run early morning (now is hot like hell in Dubai), some climbing in the beginning of the afternoon and hit the pool at the end of the day.

  78. Mark Grossenbacher

    Cycle 30 miles while dodging rain drops and eat bbq…..then repeat.

  79. Brick workout and long run for my first 70.3 in July and training runs with my 9 and 6 year old for their first 5K.

  80. Jean Rojas

    Its weekend brick
    2 hours intervals bike and then 30 minutes zone 2 run

  81. Cliff

    I will be moving boxes and furniture into my new house. Hopefully I’ll get a mountain bike ride in too.

  82. Claudio

    Bike intervals + run transition on Saturday
    Zwift group ride on Sunday

  83. Well, I am out of my country but still trying to train for my first flat marathon, so this weekend I will do some intervals and a long run…

  84. Nina

    Not exactly sure yet. It will certainly depend on the wind as ever here. There’s currently a sports competition in the company with a bonus sport that gives double points. This week it’s swimming, thus I might go to the pool 1-2 more times to score lots of more points. I’ll probably go for a run in a moment for another pile of points even though it is a bit more windy that I’d like. Monday is a day off here in the UK as well :) Next week’s bonus sport is table tennis. Not sure yet what to do with that.

  85. Mark

    Lake Swim followed by 5k
    Long run Sunday morning

  86. Thomas

    Drinking wine on Friday, recover on Saturday and flying to Greece on Sunday. No time for training now. I need more gadgets though.

  87. Johnny Sellvén

    Running to work both Saturday and Sunday. Sucks to work but it will give me 8,5km x 4 :-)

  88. Steve Kompel

    40 Mile bike ride pre BBQ for I can eat what I want during BBQ

  89. Jerry M.

    Road bike ride on Saturday, longer trail run on Sunday and another bike ride on Monday.

  90. Dave Donoghue

    10 mile race Saturday and then a few rides Sunday and Monday, one longer.

  91. Koen B

    Probably a long run of 15K. Depending on the weather and how well Steven Kruijswijk is doing.

  92. Pawel

    In Poland we also have long weekend :)
    On Monday I`m starting 10 weeks program prepared by my coach for IM 70.3 in Gdynia, Poland.
    So it`s not very hard physically but challenging while trying all exercises for next weeks… E. g. its surprisingly hard to make long run with low HR (not looking at pace or distance – just time and HR matters!) :)

  93. Whitney M

    Smoked pulled pork, turkey and brisket are my reward for running this weekend! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  94. Richard Lemley

    RECOVERY WEEK! WOOHOO! Bike 50 or so on Saturday run 8 or so on Sunday and back to the pool on Monday.

  95. Chris

    Saturday: log run + long ride on Sunday.

  96. Zach

    Long bike ride through the hills of western MA.

  97. wk

    10 km interval run, 60 km bike, 2 km swim

  98. Dave

    Saturday is my long run day: plotted out a new 15 mile route that I’m really excited about. Although if my wife goes into labor (she’s one day past her due date) then I’ll have to postpone it…

  99. Justin

    No training for me, resting a torn calf muscle for a few weeks

  100. GH

    Indoor climbing