A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Joe Marcantano

    Sat – Bike test
    Sun – 50 minute run and a 1500 swim
    Mon – bike, run, beer

  2. Vincent

    Run in the forest and party on Saturday evening. Dancing can count!

  3. Walter

    Running a 10K with my nephew, his first ever race, who is graduating from high school and one that I rarely see since we live 500 miles apart.

  4. Chad

    Try to hang on to the road bike race team ride Saturday.

  5. Mads Olsen

    Saturday: camping
    Sunday: 40min easy run + 1h soccer match

  6. Paul Johnson

    It’s Memorial Day weekend so I’ll be at the same place I am every year on that holiday: Running the BolderBoulder! This year marks the 19th time I’ve done it.

  7. Abby

    Unfortunately, I am battling a stress fracture in my left foot, so it is only swimming for me. A $600 gift card to Clever Training would certainly ease the pain!

  8. Some heavy VO2max intervals to start the weekend then finally a break from training, first time not riding 2 straight days in 3 months.

  9. Matt

    Quick Zwift sessions between parenting :)

  10. Jay

    Racing the duathlon at the NOLA Endurance Festival this weekend!

  11. Larry Ahearn

    I got a 1 hr trail ride in today…I will most likely get a short run in over the weekend, but I will be having friends over to my family’s vacation home on candlewood lake (in Connecticut)…so I wouldn’t hold my breath on that run…Instead I will likely be doing a combination of wakesurfing, wakeboarding, waterskiing, boating, drinking beer, hanging out with friends…and get back on track Monday evening/Tuesday Morning.

  12. Olek

    Hiking for me – as much as I love to run or ride my bike I have to do less damaging activities due to recent injuries :(

  13. Jared

    Training for upcoming Cross Country season

  14. Brian

    I’ll be doing open water swims on saturday and monday. running on saturday

  15. Jimmy Stevenson

    I will be visiting Chicago for my birthday/Memorial Day, so my weekend activity will mostly be limited to walking between museums, restaurants and boat rides on Lake Michigan. So, with that lack of training in mind I did my weekend brick before work this morning. I’ll be back Monday night and may do an easy 40 minute run to get back into things for the rest of the week.

  16. Tanner

    I’ll be fat biking in west Michigan, then grilling and stair repeats.

  17. Christof

    Two easy runs

  18. Brandon Williams

    Running as much of Silver Falls State Park as I can.

  19. Nick Dorsett

    Tomorrow I have as long bike with some track work planned after and Sunday I have some bike intervals with an easy, longer run after

  20. George Gundesen

    Continuing cycling re-hab from the hip fracture; 5 months post-op. Cycling works well now, running not at all.

  21. Eshel

    Preferably getting a long ride outside, but probably just a short turbo session :)

  22. Kerry

    No training plans, as I’ll be running in the Ottawa Race Weekend Half Marathon on Sunday, where the forecasted high temperature is 33 Celsius (91 Fahrenheit). It doesn’t look like the conditions warrant taking a stab at a PB. What a waste of a training cycle. Maybe in the fall.

  23. Christer Sehlstedt

    160 km race on sunday!

  24. F Prieto

    Saturday 6km and 6 x 1000 @4:10
    Sunday 16km @ 5:15

  25. Mason

    BBQ on Saturday sleep in on Monday. Maybe activity tracker?

  26. Omar A

    Let’s see, I’ve got a 25mi ride Saturday, then trail running in the hills Sunday, and an open water swim Monday followed by a team BBQ! I’ll also try to squeeze in some kayaking to change things up!

  27. denis

    relax time

  28. Brian D

    Planning a 50 mile plus ride on Saturday and a 5-6 mile run Sunday.

  29. Charles

    Hopefully an easy 14mi.
    Definitely some beer & BBQ.

  30. Peter Vachtler


    On Saturday a 90km cycling, after that 10km running.
    On Sunday 15km run

  31. Andrew Crow

    I plan to do a couple short speed days on the mtb!

  32. ed nielsen

    I’m testing a new saddle(SQlab model) on my mtn bike so going for a 5+ hour long ride this weekend so see how it works for longer rides.

  33. Matt O'Brien

    Biking both Saturday and Sunday day and thenight a long run on Monday.

  34. Steve Gupta

    Easy ride on Saturday and a CrossFit workout on Monday

  35. Brian Ballard

    Have an injury right now, so training plans are to rest/recover!

  36. Johan

    Club race!! A sprint triathlon and in the afternoon a long bike rife.

  37. James N

    Trying to beat my 5K PB coupled with a bit of cycling. Oh, and drinking and BBQ’ing :)

  38. jason mant

    Nice long hilly ride

  39. Chris K

    Gonna do a little cycling this weekend…

  40. Ted D

    Long ride remembering the fallen

  41. Adam

    I’m thinking of a bike Saturday followed by a long run Sunday. Monday will be dedicated to smoking meat and copious amounts of beer.

  42. Nick Young

    I plan on hammering a speed workout at the track Saturday morning then doing some camping with my family Saturday night. Monday will probably be more laid back with a salmon cookout and some scrumptious salads! Be safe everyone :)

  43. Nick Schultz

    Racing the cap Tex tri in Austin Texas!

  44. Fahmi Faraz

    FTP testing may be

  45. Jes

    HIIT + Kettlebell workouts

  46. Mike 9

    The first priority for this weekend is remembering those who have sacrificed to preserve my freedoms here in the beautiful USA! Other than that, I’m planning on seeing how many miles I can put on my bike this weekend, along with a long run on Saturday of course…

    Semper Fi

  47. Steven Yang

    back home in california this weekend. gonna do a long bike ride up some local mountains saturday, then mountain biking on sunday

  48. Tommy Tømmerdal

    First on friday was a 2hours ride on the road bike with FTP intervals, followed by a 2hour recovery ride on trails. Saturay will be a 4 hour zone 1 ride. Sunday probably a track session with 400meters or so.

  49. Andrew Weir

    Hitting half of one of club’s usual 70k group routes, while towing a 1-1/2 and 3 year old in a trailer on my road bike.

  50. Scott

    After racing last weekend, it has been a nice recovery week. This weekend, however, I start back with an easy swim, 1 hour bike, and 45 minute run. Not all on the same day of course.

  51. Ivo Hochstenbach

    Headout to Vaals on Sunday, to partcipate in the Vaalserberg trail run.

  52. ted b.

    Heyo! Another sweet sweet giveaway! Gettin ready for the next tri so Swim Bike and Run it is this weekend!

  53. Kostas

    Probably trudge along for a couple of 5k efforts and do some HIIT beforehand….

  54. Matthew Patterson

    Long bike, long run, little swim….

  55. Ryan Luetkemeyer

    FTP test this weekend, along with a 60 miler on Sat and a couple of tempo runs through Monday, pick me!!

  56. Andreas Luek

    We’ll be doing a long trail run one day of the weekend. Weather permitting, that is.

  57. Cameron Bremner

    Sat: easy 5k recovery run followed by BBQ. Sun: 12k ‘long’ run (coming back from a hamstring injury ;)

  58. Thomas Brock

    We’re camping for the weekend and bringing our bikes and running shoes. Pretty hopeful for a good run and a good long bike ride!

  59. Bob

    The weather is supposed to be a bit suspect, but hoping to get a long ride in on Sunday before a round of golf and BBQ on Monday.

  60. Andrew

    My training plans for this weekend are race, race and race.

  61. Shawn

    A long swim at the gym and then raising 16oz “weights” with the family.

  62. Ann Marie Morley

    Short run on Saturday and long bike ride on Sunday if the weather holds.

  63. BikeNerd

    A 10 mile run, 75 mile bike ride and pool swim drills. I wish I win this giveaway, that $600 will fit the budget perfectly for a Fenix 3 HR!

  64. Jackie

    I’m doing tracking training in the forest with my dog on Saturday and then bootcamp on the beach on Sunday morning (and probably catching up on a bit of work in the evenings).

  65. Roy

    ‘Short’ long run today part of my recovery week.

  66. Charles Geer

    Let’s see…this weekend I’ll be going to a little run on Saturday, cooking out Sunday and taking advantage of the Monday holiday with a rambling bike ride involving an ice cream factory.

  67. Dow Walker

    Saturday off.
    Sunday 2 mile swim.
    Monday Tempo run.

  68. Relexi

    Trying to get on track with marathon-training after some busy weeks riding the bike to work. So running easy 10km on saturday and hopefully 20km on sunday.

  69. Josh

    I’ll be going for a long ride to train for a century!

  70. Carla Barrows

    I’m going to be walking lots once the survival boot comes off.

  71. Melvin Shaffer

    This weekend will be cross training, some stand up paddleboarding and cycling followed up with a lot of bbq!

  72. Phil

    Ottawa 5k on Saturday and Marathon on Sunday !!!

  73. Alexie

    Lots of walking around (going on vacation to an amusement park with my kids) and yard work if I can find the time

  74. Risto Rautiainen

    Long bike with my Tri bike, can’t wait for it!

  75. Diane

    Saturday long mtb ride. Sunday road climbing ride.

  76. Kyle

    Long ride and open water swim. And a bunch of Thai food.

  77. BikeGeek

    Given the weather may be suspect over the weekend, will try and get a couple of long bike rides in over the long weekend. Maybe a long run as well if the weather cooperates.

  78. Mike St Louis

    Getting my base runs up for training starting July.

    3 miles Saturday
    4 miles Sunday
    X training Monday

  79. Matt Chronert

    Saturday – Medium length, easy trail run then park picnic
    Sunday – Road ride then BBQ
    Monday – Maybe race a 10k??

  80. Michael S.

    Running 8 on Saturday and 17 on Sunday and eat on Monday.

  81. Charlie O

    Running on Saturday. Cycling on Sunday or Monday depending on family commitments.

    Thanks for the great site.

  82. @zac_in_ak

    It’s the easy week. So just a short ride Friday and Saturday and some kayaking :)

  83. Paul Glatzhofer

    friday night swim, saturday morning bike, saturday afternoon drink fest, sunday indianapolis 500 (100th running), sunday night spin, monday long bike ride

  84. CJL

    The fischer fissure ride out of Wimberley TX.
    link to austincycling.org

  85. Jason

    Long Ride on Saturday and then open water swim on Sunday.

  86. Frankbriss


  87. John

    I’ll run every morning, but most importantly will be the smoked brisket.

  88. Barnabie Agatep

    Zone 2 long runs. fun fun fun

  89. Thomas

    Going camping and archery then running monday

  90. Dave Donnelly

    Riding the highest paved road in Canada!

  91. David Stott

    Well my training plan is on hold until Monday. Have a day drinking at the cricket tomorrow, stag do on Sunday but hopefully back out Monday. Tried to make up for it with a strong effort on zwift earlier though.
    Would probably be looking for power meter or other tech if I was selected.

  92. David

    Weekend plans (mostly with two small children) Tomorrow will be a long walk looking for treasure and pirates (a Shanty Festival in Gloucester UK) followed by some indoor rowing. Sunday will be running around the park chasing balls/frisbees and Monday will be some beach fun followed by a long run down the local canal. ?

  93. Sebastian

    Easy 8km Friday evening and then enjoying the long weekend.

  94. Thomas Bruun Funch

    Only recovery runs for the weekend. I like those though.

  95. Jeff S

    White water rafting Saturday, ultimate frisbee Sunday, and slip-n-slide kickball Monday

  96. Brian E.

    Riding with my 5 year old who just got her first bike! And yes, her bike weighs more than mine.

  97. Franck B

    A long run with my son riding his bicycle.

  98. In Kansas we’re riding the Cottonwood 200, a 200-mile tour (the next weekend is the 500-mile Bike Across Kansas)!

  99. Luis

    Bike all day

  100. Bure

    Saturday my first 90k bike ride and swimming on sunday.