A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Bartokian

    Hoped to run the 20k of Brussels, but due to having some problems lately during higher intensity training, we’ll replace it by going for an easy run on sunday…

  2. Daniel Bloor

    Need this…hope to get in a swim on Saturday, maybe a bike ride on Sunday…and then rest on Monday!

  3. Jeff B

    trainer ride today since the weather is bad, club ride on Sunday, family on Monday

  4. Scotty

    Ride lots!!

  5. Kalauz Dániel

    UltraBalaton in Hungary.
    I run 50km saturday.

  6. Ted Yang

    I’ll be at the Alkek Velodrome training

  7. TJ

    Working all weekend. Cramming some bike in there somewhere.

  8. David Stephen

    I’m recovering from a cold so I’d be lucky to get out for a ride up A1A.

  9. Collin

    A double poling workout on rollerskis and a long run!

  10. peter takeda

    no long weekend in canada

    saturday- ride 110 km leaving at 6 am and then off to booty bootcamp for 45 min workout

    sunday – two hour run or ride depending on my shin

  11. Eirik

    Rest. Got a race on Monday.

  12. Alicia

    Long run on Saturday and a bike ride with my nine-year old on Monday followed by a family kickball game. It’s going to be a good weekend!

  13. Doing the Utö Swimrun – some 34k of trail running an 5k swimming (in 10 degrees Celcius water).

  14. Alex

    I will be going camping with friends, hiking until I feet fall off, the cooling down in the lake. I’ll be fueling all of the hiking and swimming with some hot dogs. And hamburgers. And possibly some chips. Definitely some beers.

    Enjoy the weekend all!

  15. Jim Colville

    Wife & kids away this weekend….so lots of hill training in prep for Mallorca!

  16. Paul Hietala

    Doing the last long run before taper!

  17. Bob

    Friday, bike and swim.
    Saturday, bike, run and swim.
    Sunday, bike and run.
    Monday, celebrate the Memorial Day holiday.

  18. AN

    Just some easy runs.

  19. Randy


  20. Joe Brannan

    Race on Saturday, long run Sunday and Race on Monday. Tired legs throughout the coming week.

  21. Matt

    Marathon training doesn’t start for another week and the weather forecast is iffy so my plan is hopefully just to ride bikes with the kids, take them to a park (probably Burke Lake), and if it’s nice enough put them in a canoe on our creek next to the Potomac and paddle while they complain that I’m not paddling hard enough and it’s too hot and boring on the river.

  22. Jeremy Vandelac

    Squeeze in two 5 mile easy runs building up to start Hansons Marathon plan for my Marathon in Sept!

  23. andrejsg

    Easy week and weekend for me here, without too much binge eating! Hoping for for some good recovery before pushing it hard over next couple of weeks again.

  24. Cristobal Martin

    Short ride on sunday and then fly my paraglider

  25. Johan

    For Saturday, a four hour ride followed by a thirty minute run (may skip this run though). Sunday, a half marathon race (though, I am not racing, rather participating :-)).

  26. Rune Iversen

    Hoping to do a Parkrun 5k race on Saturday morning and then take a longer slow run on Sunday. Maybe some strength training Monday.

  27. Jochem Grietens

    I’ve was stuck in meetings in Geneva for 2 days, sitting down. First thing I will do is put on my walking shoes en try to go up to 20.000 steps exploring the beautiful city of geneva tonight. I will take the plane back to belgium tomorow and my brother is picking me up and we are going to do a 16k run. Sunday will be scrambled eggs day :D Have a nice weekend :D

  28. Adam

    Half marathon then spending time on the boat

  29. Carrie Bryant

    I am not in training mode for anything specific so will probably get a a 5-7 mile run in and hopefully a few laps in the pool.

  30. Damon

    Tapering for a HIM next weekend and nursing my ibt but will squeeze in a 1 hour swim, 55 mile easy effort bike and a very small and slow run dependent on how my recovery comes along.

  31. Nick

    Working Friday. House work Saturday. Going to the Indy 500 Sunday. And back at work Monday!

  32. Stephen M.

    Headed off to Colorado for some pre-training before Ride the Rockies in June! There might even be a pig roasting!

  33. Jared

    I’m getting out of town this weekend and planning on doing a 65 mile ride on Sat, along with a swim run brick on Sunday. I’ll be mixing in a little diving for cross training ;)

  34. David Webb

    Finishing changing over the disc rotors and cassette to my new wheels and then doing some CX riding to practise for the Battle in the Bowl in a couple of weekends.

  35. Hans-Peter

    Running on Saturday, cycling on Sunday.

  36. Michael

    130 km ride through the mountains on Czech and Slovakian border

  37. Brian

    Saturday ride with the group sporting my stars and stripes jersey, building a chicken coop, and getting in another ride between BBQ. Enjoy!

  38. Anders

    Hopefully a trail run, a short core workout and a bike ride in between renovating rooms in the house..

  39. Dave

    A long bike ride and a good meal.

  40. Jan Lin

    Long run on Saturday, followed by a short race on Sunday.

  41. Richard Hadjian

    Putting on the hill miles to prepare for La Marmotte in France and Mt. Washington Hillclimb in NH.

  42. William Smith

    Short ride/Intervals on Saturday. Sunday’s workout will be walking around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway prior to the Indy 500. Easy day and BBQ on Monday.

  43. Kjetil Moen

    In Rodos, Greece. So dipping in the pool, alternating with beer drinking.

  44. Matt Brickell

    Trying to get some more bike miles in this weekend. Lots of rain lately, has set me behind. Would like to get in another 30-40 miles weather permitting.

  45. Kevin Lew

    going for a night marathon

  46. Ralph

    Beginning NYC Marathon training with joyous runs in what will most likely be a rainy weekend!

  47. Tim Ferguson

    Drive to Cornwall for a bit of surfing, some coastal trail running and sea swimming, topped off with fish n’ chips and pints of Cornish ale.

  48. Jurre

    Bit of cycling on Sunday and making sure all my sisters furniture gets safe and in one piece to her new home! Doing what a big brother is supposed to do!

  49. Pablo

    Long ride / run brick, last one before the race

  50. Jarrett Wyatt

    60 mile ride w/ 3×20 min intervals, short brick run. 11 mile run with 4×1 mi interval 3 min recovery.

  51. Daniel Sim

    15k trail run at macritchie park , singapore

  52. Clark

    Running at da beach!!

  53. Nick Krueger

    Riding the Iron Horse bike race Saturday, short run on Sunday and a 20 mile run on Mon.

  54. Marco

    Cycle, windsurf and wakeboard!!

  55. Keegan

    11 Mile training run for a half bookended by Crossfit workouts.

  56. Zach Eyde

    Long run and ride this weekend followed by a Memorial Day bbq

  57. Wesley Brown

    Just finished up a 60mi bike ride, planned 10km run tomorrow and maybe an openwater swim on Sunday. All the while the brisket will be smoking and the beer will be cold.

  58. Mike

    Right a calorie deficit and say goodbye to alcohol until Labor day. Changing of the guards, so to speak.

  59. Fernando Torres Pinheiro

    This weekend i will do a zwift workout ride, 2 gym sessions and a 100 klm bike ride.

  60. Charles

    Short run on Friday, Long run on Saturday.

  61. Ben

    Hopefully get out on a nice long ride to the ocean, and a long steep hike in preparation for climbing Mount Shasta in 2 weeks.

  62. Brook Snyder

    An easy run in Saturday to prep for a half marathon training plan skated to begin on Monday (before the BBQ)

  63. Michael

    Vacation in Colorado with skiing at A-Basin on Sunday followed by biking and hikiing!!

  64. Chris

    2 Weeks in Spain training!

  65. Darren

    My training will consist of keeping my leg up with a bag if frozen peas on it whilst taking pain killers and anti inflammatory tablets, due to the dreaded shin splints i have due to running the great Manchester run on Sunday whilst already injured ??

  66. Michael Lund

    I plan on leaving work early today and departing for Phoenix, Arizona. I will arrive at around 2 AM, sleep, and then hike Fossil Creek.

  67. Chris Chesebro

    I’ll be traveling for a wedding, so a light swim and possibly a run or two!

  68. Tim Johnson

    Hopefully a long bike ride Saturday. Followed by camping out on Sunday. The planning some pool time Monday.

  69. Susan

    Brick on Saturday followed by a trip to the zoo or comic con with friends.
    Sunday I’m running some hills.

  70. Andy

    Ride SuperFlag!

  71. Tim Sal

    Long hours of sitting and revising for exams. I will be working on my fuelling techniques for exam day… which is kinda like training.

  72. Matt Ellard

    Not much training this weekend, but will be geeking out and catching the new Warcraft movie

  73. Chab

    Recovering from injury, so some easy runs and lounging around eating hot dogs.

  74. Annie

    Let’s call it a weekend of tapering….

  75. James Smith

    I will be doing easy aerobic riding and running in between beer drinking. I need to build my base. .which base?

  76. Kyle Fredrickson

    I’ve just started my training for my first 70.3 in September and will be doing a long bike ride with my dad, a long run, and lifting legs over the course of the weekend.

  77. Colin Caughran

    Bbq’s and the pool (no laps)

  78. dave nield

    Run director for Wetherby parkrun Sat AM and then back to run training with Podrunner Gateway to 8k Saturday PM. Sunday if weather permits out on the bike with Alex my son for a training ride with new GoPro ready for next weekend’s longer ride in Le Petit Depart.

  79. Gonzalo Sequeira

    This is my recovery week so I’m going to be doing a 75-80% 5K run Saturday and taking Sunday and Monday to grill and relax.

  80. Kyle

    I’m visiting my brother and we are going to swim today and bike either Saturday or Sunday.

  81. David

    You always seem to ask “what your training plans are” when I don’t have any!

    My plans this extended weekend involve catching up on some much needed R and R with the family. I’ll run some easy 5k’s in the AM before everyone is up, but that’s the extent of it!

  82. Jason

    6 mile hike on Saturday, 10k run on Sunday

  83. Jacob Nava

    I will be running 5 miles today, tomorrow, and Sunday to finish off my week.

  84. Lorie

    Run on Friday/Saturday/Monday

  85. John Fellows

    I’ll be running in the Perth Parkrun!

  86. Sarah W

    5k race on Sunday

  87. Jordan

    Lots and lots of rides.

  88. Marko

    3 bike rides, 30-40-50 milers (sat, sun, mon)…and some antibiotics for the sinus infection

  89. Jono

    It’s also Ski to Sea weekend for those of us living in NW Washington or who were drafted by businesses in the Bellingham area. So race day (Sunday) I may be acting as support for a car-free team. And by support I mean biking a case or two of beer out to some friends who just canoed 18 miles.

  90. Darren

    Circuit training and yoga!!! Maybe squeeze in a run too

  91. Paolo Prestipino

    60km of cycling with no elevation Saturday, 10km of shopping with wife Sunday ;)

  92. Jonathan Borscheid

    Spin class then lake time
    Long ride sunday
    Monday – cross training on the park with the kiddos

  93. Stephen G

    Doing an Olympic Tri the following weekend, so this weekend’s plans are high on relaxing and low on training:)

  94. Mike Pisauro

    I have a 9 miler on the calendar for Sat and a 5 to 6 miler on Sunday.

  95. Alexandru Munteanu

    Training time is gone, this weekend is racing time with my team-friends!!

  96. Ihsan

    No training plans at all due to travel. But on Monday I’ll be training my bbq skills smoking a brisket. Does that count?

  97. Sarah

    2 hour easy bike ride on Saturday.

  98. Brian M

    No training just a 50km race Sunday then drink a beer and eat nacho’s

  99. Cedric

    Recovering from 6 weeks off due to illness I look forward to getting in some long road bike miles on Saturday and Sunday. Monday will be SUP on the lake and maybe some MTB.

  100. Fabian Campo

    Running under the Dubai heat, lots of sweating!