A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. James Lyau

    50 mile ride on Sat, BBQ on Sunday, recover on Monday :)

  2. 8

    Polar Flow says :
    – saturday : Core 1
    – sunday : long run

    Fenix 3 HR… One day it will be mine… oh yes ! one day it will be mine !

  3. Paul Molnar

    Fairly modest plans for this weekend as my bike is down for repairs. I’ll probably just be taking a 5 mile walk today, a 5k run tomorrow, a short walk Sunday, and not a blasted thing on Monday.

  4. Christopher Vega

    A typical Houston hot and humid brick workout on Saturday followed by a hot and humid run on Sunday and a restful Memorial Day Monday.

  5. Kevin McFaul

    Recovery/Easy week so 10K run on Saturday, visiting friends and family out of town.

  6. Chris

    Back to training after taking the last two weeks off after IMTX. Will do a 1,500 m swim, 30 mile easy bike ride and 5 mile run. Looking forward to it!

  7. Peter Day

    long run (well, for me at least) on Saturday followed by a recovery walk mowing the lawn. Sunday swim.

  8. CSL

    Friday night – Chiropractics followed by AYCE Korean BBQ dinner (Oh yeah!)
    Saturday – BodyPump in the morning, followed by SUP in the afternoon, then going home to receive my VAHR :)
    Sunday – Indoor spin with VAHR in the morning, followed by beagle time, then SUP with VAHR in the afternoon
    Monday – BodyPump with VAHR in the morning (finger crossed), followed by TBD

    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  9. Derek

    Short runs Saturday and Monday with a longer run of 12 on Sunday. BBQ and beer for recovery.

  10. Harry

    50 mile solo ride to start the long weekend

  11. Dane DeValcourt

    My training plan will be working on my base. Base tan that is. Lots of water training, swimming at the water parks. Nutrition will involve lots of carb loading with some extra protein (BBQ).

  12. Todd Fujimoto

    Sat – Bike some hills.
    Sun – 8-10 mile run
    Mon – first OWS of the year.

  13. Pedro Vicente

    This weekend, only glass lifting :(, since I have a wedding and a First communion!

  14. Guy

    140 km solo ride across the Netherlands for me this Sunday. Any of the listed gadgets would make that even more fun ;).

  15. Brandon Cosby

    We just bought new bikes and will enjoy a couple rides this weekend.

  16. Christer

    Weekend will most likely contain a few hours of running and some more on the bike.. Gotta train for a triathlon that’s coming up way too early for me

  17. Troy Gullacher

    This weekend will be a long run and a cold beer.

  18. Brad Roberts

    I was planning on going for run Sat, A long ride on Sun and then hitting the lake for a swim before the BBQ on Monday. However sense it will not stop raining, I may get some strength training in by finishing up my ark and round up some pairs of each animal. Yours truly; Noah;). But seriously, I could be done with the rain now.


  19. Aaron Claessens

    A long ride Saturday, followed by some brisket smoking on Sunday …

  20. cosmide14

    Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant

  21. Tom

    Just some easy running in preparation for a half marathon next week.

  22. Malynda

    Running and biking and swimming, oh my! And visiting Bull Run

  23. Spencer

    Getting some weightlifting workouts in before the wedding in august!

  24. Ken Graham

    Mountain bike ride Saturday, family trail run Sunday, Tour de La Grange 40 mile loop (Memphis Hightailers organized ride) on Memorial Day, urban assault downtown Memphis on the mountain bikes Tuesday with the better half. I’m tired already!

  25. Nicholas Carey

    Hiking in California, running if my knee can take it after last nights 10K

  26. Jeffrey Morgan

    Long ride and long run. treining for IRONMAN MIAMI beggins

  27. Nick F

    Memorial day weekend training plans:
    Saturday – 8-10 mile run. Possibly a short bike with the wife if the weather holds out
    Sunday – Family BBQ, hopefully some pool time.
    Monday – Short run with our beginner’s 10K training program that I am a co-leader in.

    Have a good weekend, everyone!

  28. My plan is to climb Mt Hood!

  29. Mark

    I plan to ride a little here, catch some waves there, and eat a lot everywhere.

  30. Ingo

    First Race for the year

  31. Vic DeKnight

    Friday night, weight lifting. Saturday, splitting firewood. Sunday rest. Monday smoking a pork shoulder and weight lifting.

  32. Johan t

    Rollerski skating and some steep hill repeats to get in shape for a mountain marathon

  33. Christian

    Swim, Bike, Run, Bike, Run

  34. Niklas Werner

    Brick workout 3 hours bike then 45 mintes speedplay running.

  35. Chad

    Early morning ODZ race on Zwift Saturday morning.
    Long MTB ride Sunday.
    Recovery run Monday.

  36. Matthew Elam

    Running a 50 miler on Sunday.

  37. Martin Golding

    Hoping to get a few shorter rides while the sun is shining

  38. Pat R

    Long bike ride and run Saturday then long run in the heat Sunday prepping for Eaglman!

  39. Nicky

    My weekend starts already today on Friday where I’ll have a strength training and give a spinning class afterwards.
    On Saturday I have a 1h run planned
    On Sunday there will be again a strength training and probably some outdoor biking if the lovely Belgian weather cooperates at least a little bit :)

  40. Plachno

    Sat – 5 mile run
    Sun – advanced day hike in high altitude
    Mon – rest

  41. Mike Lacy

    Weekend filled with Sleep and Beer intervals – I may throw in some long rides in between for recovery, but that’s weather dependent…

  42. Dave Giles

    Training this weekend involves attempting not to eat my own body weight in food….

  43. Paul Adams

    Just a 5 mile walk with some BBQ later in the day.

  44. Eric

    Planning a few hikes and make a bike ride with the family.

  45. Marcos Paulo

    I am studying a lot to pass the exams, so I will just make a 30min run tomorrow. Does exercise your brains count?

  46. Drew Downing

    Weather permitting, maybe a few medium to longish rides and I’ll hopefully be able to sort out some of the issues I’ve been having with my WatTeam power meter. (I will go on record as saying that those guys have the most patient and helpful support team ever).

  47. Stupidboy

    A longer run today leaves the long weekend free for BBQ and family ?

  48. Eliel Sardanons

    Saturday: Bike: 50km easy
    Sunday: Run -> 30min easy + 25min progresive starting at 4,40min/km ending at 4,15min/km + 15min easy run

  49. Scott

    Tapering for a June 4 half marathon: 10 mile run on Saturday; 5 on Sunday.

  50. Danny Gillins

    10 mile run hopefully exploring some new trail, yard work, beer and bbq

  51. Mark M

    Biking, maybe kayaking and some IPA drinking!

  52. G Theo G

    Make use of my Garmin 920XT by using it as a walking activity tracker to count the trips to the grill and for mowing the yard

  53. John M

    Trying to get a ride in between thunderstorms…

  54. I’ll be going on a big ride with my wife :)

  55. Steven Tran

    Sat: threshold intervals and then build up travel bike
    Sun: endurance ride in travel bike

  56. Patrick Cooney

    Right now, plan is ~35 miles on the bike on Saturday and Monday, with assorted BBQ with friends thrown in on Sunday and Monday.

  57. Ron Anderson

    I plan to conquer some of these micro hills here in Texas hill country with some sprints. All while prepping my family for our move to South Korea.

  58. Justin K

    Got a 10k run followed by some finishing training for the start of triathlon season.

  59. Peter

    Running Intervals on Saturday and weight lifting on Sunday.

  60. Alan Solot

    Saturday: I’ll be riding the Bicycle Ranch shop ride, which is a hard, fast ride of about 45 miles. Sunday, I’ll ride Mt. Lemmon Hwy to Palisades, about 60 miles round trip and 5000 feet elevation. Memorial Day, I’ll ride The Loop for about 60 miles.

  61. Nelson DaCunha

    No training planned as of right now. My kids have a soccer tournament which will keep us busy, then we are hosting and then attending separate BBQ parties on Monday. Woot.

  62. Mike

    Something long distance, rolling hills or maybe Highwood Pass (7,238 ft). Whatever weather permits.

  63. David Janas

    Saturday will be first road ride since I have been recovering from multiple leg and knee injuries. Sunday is long road ride (for me), of about 90 min. Monday is leg strength and core workouts. No BBQ plans, other than eating it ALL!

  64. Jordi

    running cycling and barbecue

  65. Ron Green

    I’ll be able to finally ride outdoors in shorts. It’s been a cold spring in NY

  66. Jon M

    I will be doing a 200KM group ride on Sunday, the weather is supposed to be awesome, so I am really looking forward to it. Thanks for this contest.

  67. Tim Ambler

    Whistler Bike Park Saturday and ripping it up on the trail bike on Sunday.

  68. Moritz Haager

    Well it was supposed to be my first race but i screwed up so I’m prioritizing taking my wife to a black tie formal.

  69. Alex N.

    I am going to ride on Saturday, Sunday I am swimming and running and Monday is BBQ time

  70. Lee Hoyle

    Satuday – Bike ride from Sulphur, OK to Mill Creek, OK – 28 miles. Some really good hills
    Sunday – Low intensity longer than normal run (just started working on a 80/20 Intensity mix)
    Monday – Nice long swim day at the pool since my wife will be out of town visiting relatives.

  71. BL

    Training Plans:
    1. Family in town all weekend
    2. Graduation Parties
    3. 12 oz Curls

  72. Lionel Lau

    Go for a long ride on my bike with a hill climb on the local hills in Vancouver.

  73. Martín

    Not from US, but I also have BBQ plans… I will catch up training on Monday! (bike+short run)

  74. Ron Gubitz

    Going out for a few easy runs pushing the stroller. Maybe I’ll spend my $600 on the future baby-pushing power meter discussed on the podcast. :)

  75. Nathan Girdner

    Sunday kicks off ocean swimming for me! It’ll be a bit chilly off the NJ coast, but I’m excited to get the open water practice. I’ll go for a longer bike ride on Saturday as well. All so I can enjoy the BBQ & beer on Sunday afternoon…

  76. Margaret

    Moderate run on Saturday (8 mi or so), then long trail run (18 mi) on Sunday to prepare for a 50k. And probably rest on Monday, which is a travel day for me

  77. Asis Pardo

    short 5k race in Madrid

  78. Raphael Genin

    At my parent’s home on another continent, will probably enjoy my teenage boxing bag ;-)

  79. favad

    Short turbo rides saturday, sunday monday if post flu allows

  80. this weekend I have my long run… 15km


  81. Santa Chhat

    Planning on a short moderate/high intensity run on Saturday followed with a long easy run on Monday.

  82. Joe

    Probably a short, quick run tomorrow and some intervals or cycling (weather providing) on Sunday.

  83. Justin G

    Running around the Tokyo palace

  84. darla

    Fartleks. Demolition of a house. Digging a trench. 10k.

  85. Each day. Swim 1 mile. Walk 8 miles

  86. Shane Meade

    Long ride Saturday, short easy ride Sunday, and grilling on Monday.

  87. Dawar

    Running a lot of miles really slowly. Just started a heart rate zone training program.

  88. Mark

    Does spending 7.5 hours in a trampoline jump park with 40+ teenagers for a lock-in count as training? Many calories will be burned, so I think I will count it.

  89. Tim ingram

    Slowly building back up the miles to maybe do 4.25km as preparation for a 5km in a few months (I snapped a few ligaments in my knee during a skiing accident, so all good rehab)

  90. Drew Downing

    Hopefully a couple medium to long-ish rides and I’ll be able to get my lingering WatTeam issues sorted out. (put me on record as saying they have the most patient and helpful support team I’ve had to deal with for just about any product).

  91. Tomorrow (saturday) I’m running my first obstacle race (or mud run if you will) of the year. It’s the Mud Masters in Weeze (Germany). I’ll be running with some friends and we’ll be doing the 12K course. I’m hoping for good weather (forecast looks good), fun obstacles and loads of mud :D.

  92. SJ

    Local fundraiser ride

  93. Tony

    Looking forward to some open water swimming! And since I keep loosing gps tracking on my beat up 910xt, I could really use a win here.

  94. Greg Wagner

    Friday – Yoga and 5 mile run
    Saturday – 2600 yard swim and 90 minute bike
    Sunday 13 mile run
    Monday – reset

  95. Louise B.

    For the hot & muggy Toronto weather an early long run one day , and early long bike the next. A good weekend to jump in the Lake!

  96. Trevor

    I plan to run 50 minutes a day over the long weekend and then eat my fill of Memorial Day food.

  97. Brett

    Hill repeats, salmon BBQ, home remodeling!

  98. Ashwin

    Group run with friends in the Berkeley hills!

  99. Guido

    Early bird sunday morning: Checking the trail of the Asics trailrun in Vaals with the Mountainbike.

  100. Jeff

    BBQ + DeRosa + Spandex = Oh what a feeling.