A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Ron

    I hope to get a chance for a nice long road ride through some hills around my place

  2. Leonardo Munduruca

    Racing the Ottawa marathon

  3. Michael

    Lots of hiking and trail running. No particular structure.

  4. Andy St1ck

    Round island ride in Singapore!

  5. Steven Barnett

    Will be running all three days getting back into training after a little break.

  6. Erik Hash

    Hang out at a lake cabin all weekend. Get out for a leisurely run or two. Maybe golf.

  7. Nan

    Final stages of IM build! Brick on Sat, run + BBQ Sun, REST Mon!

  8. Andreea Orbulov

    I have my wedding on Saturday .. so it’s gonna be that + i will attempt a bit of hungover interval training on Sunday.
    Wish me luck
    Should be fun :D

  9. Stefani

    Unfortunately, the most I can hope for is a long walk since I had surgery on my wrist this week.

  10. Christian Forest

    Gran Fondo training in “Le Parc de la Mauricie”

  11. GeorgeH

    Seven mile run, shrimp seven ways, and plenty of grill action. Have a great weekend!

  12. Turn The Damn Cranks

    Still dealing with knee issues. A 20ish mile bike ride if I’m lucky. Nothing at all if I’m not.

  13. Patrick OConnor

    10-mile run and 50-mile bike

  14. Antonio Cruz

    I’m on vacation :) Instead of training I’ll just watch the last 2 stages of the giro.

  15. My family will be in town from the UK (where Monday is also a holiday) for the weekend so we will be grilling baby, grilling – burgers!

  16. Wesley Hammons

    Run, ride, repeat. 180 miles total.

  17. Thomas

    slow jog on thursday (around 10k)
    friday unfortunately I have to work
    saturday 15 k moderate pace

  18. Paul

    Saturday long run, Sunday medium length run, Monday golf…

  19. chris

    I have to work the next 4 days (each 12+ hours shifts)
    But, will plan a quick jog in the AM before the dog walk. Does dog walking count?

  20. Francis Ménard

    I will run my first marathon this Sunday in Ottawa! So a short 30 minutes run Saturday to get ready.

    I will end Sunday with a beer i think!

  21. TG

    Mt Tam or OLH/Pescadero/Tunitas

  22. Jim Daley

    Biking and running!

  23. Mikael Ahlfors

    Will be cycling for few hours on Sunday. Tomorrow is a hard workday at the countryside.

  24. PG

    I’ll be training with a short hike, some beers, and plenty of resting!

  25. Owen

    Boys weekend with my son, starting with parkrun tomorrow, and junior parkrun on Sunday. A night run on Monday hopefully.

  26. Rien

    Hoping to go out for a bike ride, if my bike’s back from repair!

  27. A weekend long run for me here in Toronto. Probably followed up with a pint :)

  28. Keith Christopher

    A bit of mountain biking, a bit of running, a lot of burgers and beer. Then probably some more mountain biking.

  29. Ivan L

    3k pool swim

  30. Paul Cole

    Longish ride, BBQ, kids cricket matches.

  31. Camiel Hirschberg

    This weekend will be fun, swim training in an hour, running tomorrow and maybe some cycling, and sunday a 38k trail race with 1000m+, yes, it’ll be a fun fun weekend :D

  32. Ned Bowen

    9 mile long run, and a 40 mile bike ride on tap between the beach going.

  33. Aaron Hovel

    I will be doing two solo rides this weekend. First Saturday, 1.5 hour endurance miles. Second Monday, Power Intervals for about 1.5 hours.


  34. Martin

    Will go cycling with my “tri” girlfriend for sure. Storms are coming but will manage. Kids have their last Swim Competition of the year too! So sports are on the agenda.

  35. O J

    Run again, now that my newborns are sleep trained

  36. John Kurtz

    Running on the beach ALL weekend in between bbq’s and beers!

  37. Iain Gray

    Long ride with Honister 92 to climb Great Dun Fell (840m), the highest paved road in England.

  38. Péter

    I’m going to cycle 3 hours at friday, then have a 2 hours swimming session on saturday with some running in the evening. On sunday i head out for a long run.

  39. Jason P.

    A full weekend of “Stretching.”

  40. Simon J

    Running from the grill to the cooler to get more beer

  41. Sommer

    Taking my new Shiv for a ride & praying I do ok in aero, followed by introducing the future inlaws to my fam at a Bbq…both will hopefully be successful. Probably an interval run too.

  42. George

    Teaching a new cyclist how to ride. Hoping to crack a 40 km loop.

    Fingers crossed!

  43. Alfredo

    This weekend the plan is easy bike workout on sat and easy short run on sun. I now officially entered the tapering since next sat I will run Stockholm marathon!!! Ciao!

  44. dbon

    1h swim, 1h run and 3h bike rode. And lots of Family Fun!

  45. Alex C.

    2-3h bike ride on Saturday
    30min run on Sunday
    Have a nice WE

  46. dan

    ABR Masters racing

  47. Gary Artinger

    I will be working repairing my yard from the installation of my new pool. then of course taking a dip in the pool.

  48. Matthew Aguirre

    Im off to Vegas this weekend!
    So i will make up for it with a long ride on Monday when i get back

    Thanks Ray appreciate it

  49. Oleg

    Flying to Mallorca. Will ride there

  50. Nick Campbell

    swam outside this morning in 36F weather; the pool felt like a hot tub, but the walk back to the locker rooms sure didn’t. Tomorrow is a run in Eugene before the Prefontaine Classic.

    and don’t be dissin’ on Spam, because Spam Musubi is a gift from heaven. All the sodium an endurance athlete needs (with none of the nutrients).

  51. Thorsten H.

    Hi there,

    going to test my new cyclocross bike with the di2 :)

  52. Malyssa

    I think I have a ride on the Kickr, but I will have to confirm with my husband, the coach.

  53. Eli Selzer

    A slow, mid-distance run (6 miles or so) in the mountains on Saturday with my wife, and a trip to the pool to try and get myself back into “swim shape” (after taking a year and a half off) on Sunday. On Monday I fire up the grill and throw on whatever meats my friends choose to bring. And beer. Plenty of beer.

  54. Brett Garretson

    Today it is one hour on the TT Bike for some Tempo intervals. Tomorrow I ride the local Century. Sunday recover and then Monday Vo2Max interval day.

  55. Eric

    Run Friday and then a long run on Sunday. Maybe some swimming at some point. And beer.

  56. Mat

    Get a cycling team ride going in the DC area!

  57. Jean-Michel Fox

    Same procedure as every week-end : get up and get fit !

  58. Adam

    Long ride on Saturday and then hanging out doing nothing for the remainder of the day.

  59. Luis Thé

    Short run and swim on Saturday and long run on Sunday.

  60. Peter K

    I would like to get out on my road bike on both mornings. But, the weather forecast is calling for rain, so I may have to settle for a couple of indoor rides on my KICKR.

  61. Ash Turner

    5k swim Sat morning followed by moving 1/2 ton of crusher run for a patio base. Kids festival on Sunday followed by laying said patio on Monday ?

  62. fasted state run saturday morning
    swimming pool in the afternoon

    long bike ride to go to my parents’ house for mother’s day

  63. Lee Douthitt

    Studying for Bar exam. Maybe getting a cookout or run in.

  64. Altitude training in the California Sierras. They just open the passes I love a few weeks ago and now it time to go 7k plus riding

  65. Bike maintenance tonight, short ride plus travel Saturday, 3.8k lake swim race Sunday, sprint Tri Monday, die under a duvet Tuesday

  66. Sherri

    Just weights and a couple of runs for speed. If the weather cooperates may go for a hike.

  67. Sam T

    Easy running cross trained with spreading out 5 cubic yards of mulch. 10K race on Memorial Day proper

  68. Steven

    Pulling my daughter around in the new bike trailer. What else would you by your 1 year old for her birthday? Next year she gets the TT bike with training wheels.

  69. Jon Soini

    Base miles and lamb burgers on the grill!

  70. Javel Silveira

    Probably a 12K run on Saturday.

  71. Joel

    It’s the final weekend before my race, so a practice tri is on the books. And then packing for our move. :(

  72. Billy

    I’m going to find some time for a nice, long run this weekend.

  73. Gabriel

    Weekend training plans is Saturday 60 mile road bike group ride and Sunday 40 mile climbing day.

  74. Marc Tan

    I will be running for 5-10km on Saturday, depending on the weather in preparation for global running day on 1 june 2016. That will be followed by some strength training in the following morning and lots of walking in the afternoon at shopping malls.

  75. Bob Goodman

    Running, cycling, eating, drinking, repeat! Specifically, BBQ party tonight, long run tomorrow, and 120 km ride on Sunday.

  76. Recovering from Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga last weekend so hopefully 30 miles Saturday on the bike and a 6 mile run Sunday. Probably a short ride Monday.

    Thanks for everything you do on this site, Ray!

  77. Chris Mcelwee

    It’s hot in the Midwest. Get up early and Long run Saturday and Mknday. Sunday a day of rest.

  78. Dor Norman

    Volunteering in Israel s women triathlon

  79. Pete C

    Swimming intervals Saturday, gym and run Sunday. Ride Monday

  80. Simon Morton

    Trying to sneak in a run between plans with friends!

  81. Martin

    I plan to ride a couple of local trails this weekend.

  82. Tomer Shahar

    Saturday 2 hours bike with 2×20@Z3
    Sunday 45min run and 2km swim
    In between some red wine and a good steak

  83. Jackson Hinde

    Long bike ride with the wife to get coffee and brunch

  84. Mario Talavera

    Our long run will have group taking turns carrying the American Flag!

  85. Alec Kadlec

    Final long run as a race sim (wake up at 4 am) on Saturday. Maybe a short run or ride on Sunday. and enjoying friends and family on Monday!

    Thanks Ray!

  86. Ortal

    Compete in a sprint triathlon!!! Woho

  87. RonM

    Gonna be lots of running this weekend.

  88. Mayowa

    I will try to conquer 3 hills that got the best of me a while ago. 4000 ft of climbing over 30 miles

  89. Daniel Martín Yerga

    I did a Tri-Brick today (friday): 1.5k swim, 40k ride and 10k run. Tomorrow will be a rest day and sunday swimming race (on a pool)!

  90. Marco Marchi

    Some bike training around Firenze! In preparation for the Marathon of the Dolomites.

  91. Chris

    Friday run, Sunday long run. :)

  92. Fermin Aportela

    I will run 13k run on saturday and a long bike ride on sunday approx 120km.

  93. Brian Free

    Short Run Today,
    Long Run Saturday,
    Bike Ride Sunday,
    Half Marathon Monday AM, then Wake boarding in the PM

  94. Ryan

    Riding in the nearby 7 Hills of Kirkland ride! 100 miles or bust.

  95. Artur Schneider

    Some nice long bike rides.. if the weather plays along

  96. Matteo

    Two days of hard train on the bike :D

  97. Brian

    Fri. Short Brick
    Sat. Long run & strength work
    Sun. Swim & BBQ
    Mon. Long Brick

  98. Caelah

    Short run this morning, spin class this afternoon, 14 mile hike on Saturday, 4 mile hike on Sunday, and eating absurd amounts of bbq all weekend.

  99. Dustin

    Sat – Swim followed by long run, followed by my son’s 4th birthday party, followed by San Jose Earthquakes game, followed by picking my parents up at the airport.
    Sun – Long bike followed by tempo run, followed by nothing but relaxation.
    Mon – Swim in the SF Bay followed by some serious BBQ and family time!

  100. Tony

    I am running a marathon next weekend, so I am in the last week of my taper. 12 mi medium-long run Saturday, off Sunday, 6 mile recovery run Monday.