A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Michael Peterson

    Carpathian Peak on Trainer Road Saturday morning, long slow base run Sunday morning, 2,000 yd swim Sunday afternoon, rest day Monday morning. Tri season starts in one week, can’t wait.

  2. Karl W

    Plan on getting a couple long rides in and a long run in during the extended weekend.

  3. Andrew Stone

    I’m hoping for 10 miles on Saturday and another 10 miles on Sunday with my new Garmin Forerunner 235 from Clever Training. I’m sure I could find something else to buy with $600 from them.

  4. David

    Beginning my mid-season by switching all rides/runs to VDOT pacing.

  5. Alex Bennett

    A weekend of beer and food, not much training but it is a bank holiday.

  6. MikeDozer

    Training for dbfg.pl 65K mountain ultra. So far i have 4 weeks off proper training due to sick chirdlen and own injur. I borrowed road bike and try to substitute some of my runs with it and its fun :) Afther that ultra i will cycle more :) maybe some 120km route :)

  7. Patrick

    1. 12x500m saturday
    2. recovery (belgian beer)
    3. 2:15 long run sunday
    4. recovery (belgian beer)

  8. Paul McGovern

    Run Saturday, Bike Sunday. Golf Monday

  9. Looking forward to a week long trip to Peru and Machu Picchu! So, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will be long swim, long run, and long bike days, respectively. Getting my base training in for the Miami Man half tri!

  10. Asher Sweet

    The Grindstone Time Trial Saturday, then trainer Sunday, Monday due to the rain.

  11. John

    8 mile run on Satruday, some kind of bike ride Sunday or Monday and of course watching Game of Thrones Sunday evening…

  12. Nicolas Côté-Nolin

    Rest on saturday after 4 good days of training. Then a ‘long’ run of 6 miles on sunday!

  13. Tyler Ellis

    Super excited for this upcoming weekend: 6 mi Sat / 18 mi Sun / 6 mi Monday. Getting ready for my Boston qualifying attempt in August!

  14. Jacob

    5k race and then more swim/bike/run!!!

  15. Francine S

    We are going to a friends cookout at a local military base. It is on the riverfront so we always get a nice walk in. Not enough to counteract all the great cookout and potluck dishes but at least something!!!

  16. Andy Pole

    A run with the kids in the running buggy hopefully

  17. Carly

    I plan to get my workout in two ways-my usual morning kettlebells routine, and then a ton of landscaping and gardening!

    Plus we’re going strawberry picking, because strawberries are amazing.

  18. Philip C

    A Saturday morning Parkrun session here in the UK, followed by a Champions League drinking session as I cheer on Atleti! With a hill rep session on Sunday to punish myself for Saturday night….

  19. Brian Faure

    Going to finally start running and jump on the bike after a soccer injury last month.

  20. Visiting family in Florida means a lot of sweating (even if being lazy) and trying not to ruin all the hard work I’ve put in recently. So basically long, slow runs.

  21. Joseph

    Saturday-80 mile bike ride
    Sunday-50 mile bike ride

  22. Doug

    Looking to go for a long ride…ooh the excitement!

  23. Olly Kyte

    Saturday will be a chilled couple of hours with the girlfriend before racing the Shrewsbury Grand Prix crit in the UK on Sunday. Monday is TBC and depends greatly on the British weather!

  24. Thomas Chan

    10K Sub Threshold Run – Sunday

  25. BBQ and running are most definitely on the agenda. Probably more BBQ than running, but who knows? Maybe I’ll surprise myself.

  26. Andrew

    Rest after a busy week on the bike

  27. Ray Venables

    My weekend plans are to conduct meetings about a road race that I’m organizing on July 3, 2016 in Chandler, Quebec. I’ll also be in charge of a registration booth at the local shopping mall. And for FUN, I plan to continue building my mileage base by running 30 km on Saturday and Sunday.

  28. Brandy

    Long brick followed by moving. My coach reminded me to lift with my back, not with my legs. Gotta save them!

  29. Justin

    Long run on Saturday, a hike with the family on Sunday, and (if the weather cooperates) an open water swim on Monday.

  30. Fdo

    Mine is gonna be some early long-run trough the mountain on saturday, and recuperation swimming on the yet cold atlantic cold waters on sunday ;D

  31. Halvor Vøllestad

    170km on the bike on Sunday.
    The summer has finally arrived in Norway!

  32. Dave C

    11 mile run and grilled chicken

  33. Jim O'Donovan

    Nice little parkrun on Saturday then garden work for the remainder (holiday in UK too).

  34. Eric

    An easy 2-3 miles sat, a half marathon race on Sunday, and an easy 4 mile race on Monday.

  35. Kyle L Gilliland

    50mile MTB endurance ride Sat. 10mile recovery Sunday. 20mile climbing intervals then Huge BBQ cookout Monday!

  36. rcork

    zwift ride due to weather
    yardwork if the weather breaks
    long ride once the weather clears

  37. Travis

    If the weather warms up I’ll be taking the kids for a ride around the lake on Saturday. Unfortunately the wife has plans for me to paint the ceiling on Sunday :(

  38. Erin Watson

    I’ll be enjoying a new grill and building a water table for our little dude. Maybe a hike. That’s training, right?

  39. Stan Brock

    Saturday will be a 100ish KM ride from Vancouver, BC Canada to Britannia Beach and beach and back. Sunday is a 10ish KM run at race pace. followed by an easy recovery ride with my wife while towing my 10 month old Daughter in a trailor.

  40. Edward Ng

    I’m driving down today to Winston-Salem with my wife so we can watch the US National Road Championships tomorrow! Then back home to NJ for the night, club ride Sunday morning before heading up to NY for mom’s birthday, and then back home and then an all-clubs Memorial Day ride on Monday!

  41. Dan McG

    Beer mile recovery!

  42. Larry h

    3 hour long ride on Saturday

    Long run Sunday then a long bbq feast!

  43. benshead

    Long trail runs at whatever pace I feel like. Also gin & tonics.

  44. Simon Adams

    My first 10k at Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex, England

  45. Eric R

    Depends on the weather, but planning to get a 40 mile ride with a 5 mile run in either sat or Sunday!

  46. Jamie Belcher

    So this weekend I am pretty active, however starting with a rest day Saturday, 2hr mountain bike rider Sunday then a 2hr run on Monday. Also a bank holiday in the UK.

    Any spare time will be spent stripping the back end of my motorbike as I need it back on the road. Cycling in London is too much hassle.

    Have a good weekend.

  47. Craig smith

    Long ride in mountains

  48. Ian Hall

    I will be walking around Copenhagen like a tourist. It is the offseason for me!

  49. Tom

    Going camping for the weekend, so I’ll be substituting a few hikes for a run and maybe getting a swim in when the outdoor pool opens. (And of course BBQ’ing over a campfire)

  50. Steven D Wiens

    Weather forecast is for rain so I will be inside on the trainer. :(

  51. billeke

    No training this week-end
    Just racing my mtb!

  52. Colin Watts

    Weekend training plans include a LSD (Long Slow distance, though my kids think it’s a funny reference to how nuts I am to do them) run as part of marathon training, along with at least one interval run or a moderate-distance bike ride. Not much of a Memorial Weekend, but it’s gonna be a rainy one here in Montana, anyway :/ …

  53. Jack Toland

    Ride of the 7 Hills of Kirkland followed by a long drive home to Boulder, CO.

  54. federico

    3000 mt open water swim tomorrow and brick bike-run on sunday!

  55. Pat

    Rest! It’s been a tough couple weeks and now I’m going to take it easy for a couple days.

  56. Allen B

    No long weekend for us Canucks, that was last weekend. So probably a longish ride and a run will suffice.

  57. Matt C

    Sat: Long ride
    Sun: Short run
    Mon: VO2 max intervals (bike) and family party!

  58. Declan Cunningham

    Saturday Swim 3000m followed by 18k easy run
    Sunday is bike ride with intervals.

  59. Mathieu L'Arrivée


    I’ll be running the 10k during the Ottawa Marathon weekend. The weather’s gonna be crazy hot!!

  60. Shannon

    Running, golfing, yoga, biking with my coach…a perfect Colorado weekend on tap!

  61. Christopher

    Bike and BBQ

  62. John Russell

    A seven mile run plus a lot of food cooked outdoors.

  63. Derek Chan

    Hill repeats this weekend. Hopefully can HTFU enough otherwise its time to change to a 11-32.

  64. Saulius

    Daylong MTB ride around lake.

  65. Carsten

    Saturday-race prep, swim bike and run
    Sunday- shawnigan lake olympic triathlon!

  66. Dan Doherty

    I plan on riding in the Tour de Meers in SW Oklahoma in preparation for racing next week!

  67. Marcin Miszewski

    Intervals on saturday and cross-country on sunday:)

  68. Annacdot

    Saturday- bike 56 miles
    Sunday – 8-10 mile run
    Monday – R&R

  69. Bill Brickey

    I plan on starting the weekend with some single track recon for an upcoming race!

  70. Steven Fox

    Plant a few hundred flags at the Veterans’ Cemetery, hike the Santa Monica Mountains, bicycle into the mountains from Ventura…

  71. I am heading to NM to get a ton of mountain biking in. Mainly endurance/climbing work.

  72. Atesz

    Ride saturday and sunday. Training My first triatlon race in june :)

  73. Russell

    Long run upto Snowbird and then altitude training on my Snowboard!

  74. joe Graczyk

    Hot and Sticky here so a 3 mile run Saturday Morning and a 7 mile run EARLY Sunday morning (Beat the sun!) Monday 5 miles memorial service then Lake day plenty of swimming/Skiing.

  75. Dustin H

    Group ride tomorrow if the kids allow it!

  76. Brit Buzhardt

    Planning on doing a lot of curls this weekend.

  77. Marc

    Movies with the kids. A ride Saturday and a long run sometime before Monday comes

  78. Phil Mills

    3x 56 mile training rides, two runs, and maybe an ows.

  79. Eric Replogle

    Camping they weekend along the NCal coast. Plan to get a 3mi run in one day and also spend a lot of time on the beach with the family!

  80. Jeroen V

    I will do 20-25 k , split over 2 days, combined with studying ( exam fysiopathology and sport medecine)

  81. I am going to get up early next two days, and cycle in neighbor mountains! Ad least 2000m. vertical each day.

  82. Allen Day

    My training this weekend is going to be little as we’re driving for vacation. After the rasdak Bike tour marathon training begins.

  83. Arnault

    I am in Canada so only 2 days but I also have a Friday eve run.
    Friday after work: run 3km for 900m elevation gain
    Saturday: run speed workout, pyramid style, 30s, 60s, 90s, 120s,90s, 60s,30s time 3
    Sunday: race orientation run and long run, 23km with 2300m of elevation gain

    That’s the plan for the week end !

  84. D

    Just doing a 60 mile training ride tomorrow, then resting up and enjoying the Memorial Day weekend!

  85. Brian O.

    Long run Saturday with a long bike Sunday followed with a new house warming pool party!

  86. Thomas Herbert Kokholm

    The 8 Immortals, meaning running in 8 local forrest summing up some 75k :-)

  87. Martin Fredriksson

    Long run and long bike… 10h of training incoming!

  88. Tracey

    Just slowly ramping up on the long, easy miles in preparation for the start of marathon training in two weeks!

  89. Joseph mastropietro

    3 hour ride Saturday, 8-10 mile run on Sunday then some pool/beer action!


    I plan to get in two long runs Saturday and Sunday and something fast and different on Monday! Should be a lot of miles!!

  91. Nir Bar

    This weekend is a slow and easy 20k run with a hilly segments, and then a workout in my local gym.

  92. Damien

    Friday, 30 min open water swim (In the North Sea, so kinda cold :-) )
    Saturday, quick spin on the bike, or quick run, to loosen the legs
    Sunday, Edinburgh 1/2 marathon

  93. Ritchie Champion

    Planning on 30min run, 45 min bike 20 min run Brick for sat and then an easy ride on sunday

  94. Robert Rankin

    Friday- 5 mile run
    Saturday- hour tempo run and hour swim
    Sunday- hour TrainerRoad workout
    Monday- 60 mile ride

  95. Michael

    I’ll be spending the weekend on the trails. When I’m not BBQing, that is!

  96. Wendy

    A run in the morning and a trip to visit the zoo on Saturday (with the 7 year old animal lover). Sunday I am considering a yoga class, and Monday will be another run (one where I don’t have to wake up at 4:45 like I do on a work day). And, I am sure there will be some bike riding taking place during the weekend.

  97. Kez

    Just moved to a new city. Looking for a new gym with decent rowing machines, plan to visit two or three different places and then start a new training plan.

  98. Jeff C

    Watching my son race the Killington Stage Race by riding the courses in reverse!

    Active spectating at it’s finest!

  99. Scott

    Hitting Trainer Road on Friday and Sat, and then club rides Sun and Mon.

  100. Mike G

    yassos and a sunday Brick